Defiance (10 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

BOOK: Defiance
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“You told her about us?” David
asked incredulously.

“I told her everything, David.
Obviously, the
plan is off, so we must think of something new.”

“Kath probably reviewed that
station brawl,” David said. “It’s prudent to believe that our identities have
been discovered.
If we show up at the market more than likely
his men will see us.”

grunted his agreement.

“So Kath took
because she’s valuable,”
said. “Why not lure him into a trap?”


“Parade us through the market.
When he comes to confront you, attack.”

,” he
muttered. “That sounds possible.”

“Possible? You just don’t want to
admit my plan is a better scenario than yours was,” she teased. “Score for me.”

tickled her, and she squealed, laughing when he didn’t let up. David wasn’t
sure what had happened in the few hours he’d been knocked out, but he liked the
seemed less uptight, and Jordan
Two miracles.

And then the light play began to
shift. Tickles turned to caresses and laughter to moans. David’s cock hardened,
filling up the confined space in his trousers uncomfortably. The unyielding
material had not been designed with lust in mind. He turned to curl up to
’s back
and his side screamed in protest, but it didn’t deter him from his goal. All
his instincts were screaming at him to take her, possess her,
her in the most primitive way possible.

He ground himself into her
backside, loving how she cradled him, and imagined taking her from this
position. Like wild beasts rutting toward ultimate fulfillment, burying himself
as deep as possible so his seed would take root and grown within her womb. He’d
never had such a primal need before, and it shook him to his core.

“I want you, Jordan,” he murmured
into her ear. “Will you give yourself to me like you gave yourself to

She turned her head, and he saw
desire pooling in the depths of her brown eyes. “I want you, too. But I still
won’t say yes.”

That confused him, but he didn’t
dwell on it for too long because she leaned up and kissed him, and he opened
his mouth to deepen it, sliding his tongue against hers with a moan. When the
kiss broke, she stared at him with fever-bright eyes, and a devilish smile
played on her lips.

“I want to try something,” she

Her words sounded naughty, and his
dick jerked in response. “What?”

“Take me from behind,” she said. “Boys
used to talk about it, and I want to know how it feels.”

He almost exploded right then and
there. He came back from the brink with considerable force, but he couldn’t
wait to sink into her wet heat.


placed his hand behind her neck and pulled her into his body. Her hands rested
on his chest, and she could feel his heat burning through his shirt, his
muscles rippling with every breath he took. David moved in behind her,
effectively sandwiching her between the two rock hard bodies. Feeling them
against her, one in front and one in back, rendered her thoughtless, and before
she could gather her wits and process what was happening,
mouth swooped down and covered hers.

As his forked tongue probed the
secret places of her mouth an electrical current charged through her body. His
lips were voracious, taking everything she had to give and demanding even more,
and it made her juices run between her legs as need pumped hot and heavy
through her blood.

He broke the kiss so David could
divest her of her clothes. It didn’t take long, and she couldn’t help but
notice that
had gone to bed naked, a fact
revealed when he swept the sheet aside and she saw his cock standing upright,
fluid leaking from the tip. David’s hand on her head alerted her to what he wanted
her to do, and happily, she bent forward to engulf
cock with her mouth. The position thrust her ass out, and David positioned her
legs a little wider.

Her heart thundered as she took
into her mouth. She’d never done this before and wondered
what he would like, what turned him on. His essence tasted a little salty but
also a little
and she sucked to get more
moisture out of it.
groaned and thrust upward. Unprepared,
she gagged a little as he hit the back of her throat and her mouth closed

“Ah!” he gasped. “Be careful of
your teeth.”

She widened her jaw and pulled her
teeth away.
began to move his hips, pumping
into her mouth, and
wasn’t sure if she liked what he was doing or not. It wasn’t all that

But then she got distracted as she
felt David behind her. His tongue touched her pussy from behind, licking up her
seam, flickering against her clit. She shuddered and wiggled, wanting more. His
hands came to rest upon her ass cheeks, holding onto her, as he made a meal of
her juices, causing her to moan around the hard dick in her mouth. The
vibration must have felt good because
and picked up the pace, fucking her mouth with quick jabs.

There was no way she was going to
last, not with having her pussy licked so completely. She felt the orgasm
rising up, breaking over her like a tidal wave hitting the shore. Pleasure
burst, flushing through her body, and she convulsed around David’s tongue. Before
she drifted down from her high, he withdrew, and she heard the rustle of
clothes and knew he’d just taken off his pants. Then he was pressing into her,
stretching her as he worked his big cock into her wet hole.

“Damn, you feel good,” David said a
bit breathlessly.

He began to pump, thrusting in and
out of her with abandon. His fingers dug into her skin, holding on tight as he
moved in her with strong, deep strokes. It was
who exploded first. He pushed deep into her mouth, holding her head still, and
she felt him tense just before his hot cum shot into her throat. After the
second load, she thought she might choke, but swallowed as much of the sticky
as she could. Some of it dribbled out the side of her

When he was done, he let go of her
head and fell back to watch David pound into her.
release must have sent David over the top because he was grunting now as he
sweat ran down his body to drip onto her.
and ran his hand down her hip, over her pelvis, to slip inside her curls and
find her clit. He didn’t seem to mind that he also felt David. It only took two
light rubs to make the world explode again. She cried out and convulsed around
the rod pushing into her, and a second later his cock swelled as he exploded in
a deep, hoarse cry.

It was several long minutes before David
collapsed onto her back. He slid from her body, and all three dissolved into a
boneless heap.

She lay there for a long time,
trying to come to terms with her actions. She had to keep reminding herself
that sex was just sex. She’d heard that often enough in the camp as her friends
tried to talk girls into dark alleys. But as much as she tried to warn her
heart not to get involved, she was afraid it was already too late.

Chapter Eleven


always considered himself brave, a true
fighter. But as he sat in front of the
his fingers hesitating over the call button, he doubted his own strength to say
the words he needed to say.

He took a deep breath. He couldn’t
ignore this, couldn’t put this call off. Forcing himself to put it through, he
waited with bated breath for his father to answer. Instead, his mother’s face

she said. She didn’t smile at him in greeting, and his stomach sank.

“Mother,” he whispered. “I … need
you. I need to talk to Father.”

Her shoulders relaxed, and a soft
smile came across her face.
“Of course,
We’re both here for you.
No matter what.”

In the next second, his father
appeared next to his mother, and the weight of the past settled on
shoulders. He bowed his head in shame at all the
things he’d said to them in the past.
The accusations, the
hate, and the lies.
His words were a poison lingering in his soul.

,” his
father said with concern. “How can I help you?”

He opened his mouth to tell him,
but the words stuck in his throat.

His father held up a hand. “Let me
call you back on a secure channel.
All right?”

nodded, and the
went dark. He didn’t have
long to wait for his father to hail back, but the few seconds allowed him to
gather his wits. When his father’s call came through he opened the
immediately, noticing his mother was gone.

His father looked older.
Grey turning his black hair to iron, lines bracketing his mouth.
He’d aged a lot in the year since

“Now,” his father said. “How can I
help you,

took a deep, steadying breath. “First of all, I need to apologize for all the
things I have said over the years. How I accused you of being a traitor to your
race because of your beliefs. How I scoffed at your concerns over my
enlistment. I am so sorry, Father.”

“There is no reason to be,” his
father murmured. “I raised you to know your own mind, and you had to follow
your own path. I understand. I was once a headstrong youth myself, you know.”

took a deep breath. “My path has brought me back to you, and I need your help.”


“I need a way to save an

His father’s mouth fell open. “What?”

“Also, I have found my mate.”

At this point, his mother pushed
his father out of his chair and took over the call.
None of your brothers have found a female mate yet. Could I
possibly have a grandchild soon?”

The thought of a pregnancy suddenly
hit him between the eyes because he hadn’t given birth control any thought. His
mother clapped her hands happily. He shook his head and held up his hand.

“Please, Mother, this is not the
time. I need to save—”

“I know,” she said. “I was
listening. You want to help save an

“A female child.”

She waved his father over, and they
crowded onto the small screen. “We know the perfect man.”


The planet where the
Market was located wasn’t at all what
expected. The conditions were so bad nothing could exist on the surface. Storms
blew constantly, fierce winds blowing hundreds of miles an hour. It reminded
her of a hurricane, only never ending. David landed the ship down into the
ground where a large hanger had opened. He powered the ship down immediately as
a vehicle came up to manually maneuver the ship down a runway where several
other ships were parked in the huge underground docking station.

“Do you think one of those ships
belongs to Kath?”

“One can only hope,”

“I need to talk to
,” she said. “I’ll be back.”

The little girl was in the galley,
digging through the food packs even though she was already munching on
something she’d found. She smiled up at
and held out an opened
silver packet, but
shook her head. She still hadn’t gotten used to

, we
need to talk about this plan to get you back to your people.”

back on her haunches and blinked up at her.
“All right.”

“How much do you know about the

“My father calls
bad names, ones I’m not supposed to say. But you’ve
told me that one is helping us.”

“He is. But you know there’s
fighting going on between your people and theirs.”


“Well, we can’t really fly to your
home because your people might attack us. Does that make sense?”

nodded as she munched, but
wondered just how much the little girl actually comprehended.

friend, and David, the human, are going to
turn us over to someone to smuggle us out.”

“Are you going with me?”
asked, looking scared again.

“I am, but you have to play along. Can
you do that?”

“Yes. Can I go back to eating?”


She watched
devour pack after pack of freeze dried food, feeling a little queasy at the unappealing
quantity. Maybe because when she’d been a little girl there’d never been enough
to eat. Food had been scarce even before the camps, and had only gotten worse
once she and her mother had gone inside.

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