Defiant Brides (39 page)

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Authors: Nancy Rubin Stuart

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Knox, William (Henry’s father), 19

Knox and Lincoln Railroad, 208

Knox Memorial Association, 208

Knyphausen, Wilhelm von, 9

Lafayette, Marquis de, 14, 39, 146, 180; Arnold’s treachery and, 95, 97, 99; at the Chesapeake, 123, 125; on William Knox’s illness, 150

Lamb, John, 89

Lauderdale, Lord (James Maitland), 174–175

Laurence, John, 113–114

Laurens, Henry, 57

Ledyard, William, 126

Lee, Henry “Lighthorse,” 12

Lee, Francis Lightfoot (Peggy’s uncle), 12

Lee, Charles, 21

Lee, Henry, 60

Lee, Richard Henry (Peggy’s uncle), 12

Letters, Sentences and Maxims
(decorum book), 61

Levy, Hannah, 48

Life of George Washington
(Marshall), 205

Lincoln, Benjamin, 125, 129, 130, 143, 159

Lindner, Vincent, 211

Livingston, Robert R., 43, 77, 80

Livingston Manor, 124

Logan, Sarah “Sally,” 7, 8, 39–40

London Chronicle
, 14, 133

London Times
, 191

Lord Middlebrook
(ship), 139, 154

Lord Sheffield
(ship), 154

Lord Spencer
(ship), 190

Loring, Elizabeth, 8

Louis-Joseph Xavier François, dauphin of France, 141

Loyalist Claims Commission, 138

Loyalists: contempt for Arnold, 137, 138; Flucker family as, 20; friends of Arnolds in London, 133; Judge Shippen as, 11, 12; in New Brunswick, 154; “Tory rides,” 26

Mabie, Casparus, 112

Mabie’s Tavern, 112, 115, 116

Madison, Dolley, 185

Maitland, James (Lord Lauderdale), 174–175

Marshall, John, 205

Marshall, Christopher, 7

Martin, Joseph Plumb, 33, 128

Martin, Joseph, 74

Masters-Penn House, 43, 63, 71, 72, 75, 167

Matlack, Timothy, 71

Matlack, William, 47, 48, 71

McKean, Sally, 167

McKonkey’s Ferry, 29

McKoy, (Mrs.), 8

Mease, James, 43

Memoirs of Aaron Burr
(Davis), 108

Middleton, Nathaniel, 191

Military Journal of the American Revolution
(Thacher), 198

military school: established by Knox, 55–56

“millinery letter,” 68, 109

Mischianza, 4; disapproval of, 14, 44; festivities described, 9–10; Peggy’s appearance at, 10–11

Mitchell, John, 48, 71, 72

“Monk, Gustavus.”
Arnold, Benedict

Monmouth, Battle of, 83

Monroe, James, 83

Montgomery, Richard, 23

Monticello, 179

Montpelier, 183, 199; building of, 171, 179–180; constant entertaining at, 184–185; deterioration of, 200, 207–208; family life at, 186; replica of, as museum, 208

Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser
(London newspaper), 137

Morning Post
(London newspaper), 191

Morris, Gouverneur, 43, 140, 142, 143

Morris, Mary White, 45, 79

Morris, Robert, 43, 45, 69, 70, 79, 112

Morris family, 167

Mount Pleasant, 53, 138–139

Mount Vernon, 127–128, 172, 179

Murray, John, 20

mutiny in Continental army, 118–119, 122–123

Newburgh Address, 143

New Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine
, 153

New London, Connecticut, 126–127

New London Bookstore, 17, 25, 150

New Royal Military College, 203

New York City: attacks on, 26, 28, 87; British departure for, 41; British evacuation of, 145–146; Peggy’s social life in, 123–124; Washington’s march through, 145–146

Norris Tavern, 71, 72

North, Lord Frederick, 137

“Ode Addressed to General Arnold” (“Lady Craven”), 136

Odell, Jonathan, 63

Of the Social Contract
(Rousseau), 186

“Old Ironsides,” 173

Osgood, Samuel, 142, 147

Otis, Harrison Gray, 181, 194

Paca, Nancy, 6

Paine, Thomas, 11

Parliament, British, 136–137, 138

patriots: disgust for Quakers, 4–5; drabness of women, 44; exodus from Philadelphia, 7; fear of, in Philadelphia, 39–40; Neddy Shippen’s capture by, 12–13; Peggy ill-treated by, 107, 157; scorn for “disaffected,” 43–44; suspicious of Shippen, 11; view of flirtations with British officers, 6

patronage, 171

Paulding, John, 105

Peale, Charles Willson, 37

Peirce, Joseph, 171

Pennsylvania, militia subdues food riot, 70; Peggy exiled from, 111–112; Whiskey Rebellion in, 173.
See also
Philadelphia; Supreme Executive Council (of Pennsylvania)

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,
108, 211

Pennsylvania Packet,
15, 48, 51, 52, 57, 109, 110

Penobscot tribe, 180–181

Pepperrell, Andrew, 20

Petty-FitzMaurice, William (Earl of Shelburne), 137

Philadelphia: Arnold as governor of, 40–43; curfew in, 42; life of Shippen family in, 11–12, 40; need for order in, 39; regains former splendor, 165–166; shops closed in, 42, 43; social life under British, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12; summer heat and disease, 165, 168, 172; surrenders to Howe’s troops, 3–4, 7, 12, 33

Phipps, Pownall, 209, 210

Pickering, Thomas, 6–7, 80

Pitt, William “the Younger,” 137, 175, 190

Pluckemin Artillery Cantonment, 55–56, 150, 205

Poellnitz, Lady Anne, 152

Pollard, Mary Johnson (Lucy’s friend), 26, 28, 30

Portland, Duke of, 187

portraits: of Benedict Arnold, 38; of Henry Knox, 18; of Maj. John André, 102; of Peggy Arnold, 134; Peggy receives father’s portrait, 177–178

(American frigate), 173

Prevost, James Marcus, 83

Prevost, Theodosia, 83, 108

prisoners of war: slaughtered by British, 126, 140–141

protests: Arnold burned in effigy, 109–110, 121, 158; mutiny in Continental army, 118–119, 122–123; Philadelphia food riot, 69–70; Shays’s Rebellion, 152–153, 159; Whiskey Rebellion, 173

Public Advertiser
(London newspaper), 133

Quakers (Society of Friends), 3, 4–5

Rawson, Francis Lord, 4

(American privateer), 133

Redman, Becky (Peggy’s friend), 5, 13

Reed, Eliza Taylor, 196

Reed, Joseph: accusation against Peggy, 109; accusations against Arnold, 48, 61; complaints against “disaffected,” 44; compromise with mutineers, 119; demands delay of court-martial, 61–62; distrust of Arnold, 42, 43; food riot and, 70; as greedy and ambitious, 42–43; Matlack’s complaints to, 47; outrage at dropped charges, 52–53; proposed hanging of Loyalists, 44; Shippen family suspicious of, 51; threats to Supreme Executive Council, 48–49

Reed, Josiah, 196

The Republican Court. . .
(Griswold), 159–160, 161

Revere, Paul, 17, 185, 198

Robinson, Beverly: defense of André, 112–113; fears for André, 94; home as place for Arnold’s treason, 88–89; meeting with Arnold, 81, 82; seditious letter to Arnold, 89, 90–91; signal to Arnold, 89

(British ship), 130–131, 133

Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, 87, 117, 125, 128

La Rochefoucauld, Francois de la, 181–182

(British ship), 4

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 186

Royal Gazette
(New York newspaper), 119, 120, 154

Sabine, Lorenzo, 205–206

Sage, John, 201, 203

Saint John Gazette
(Canadian newspaper), 154, 156

St. Mary’s Church at Battersea, 191, 210–211

Saltonstall, Gurdon, 126

Saratoga, Battle of, 210

Saratoga National Historic Park, 210

Scammel, Alexander, 107

Schaack, Peter Van, 137

Schuyler, Philip, 49, 50, 52, 53, 76, 88

Second Continental Dragoons, 7

Secret History of the American Revolution, The
(Van Doren), 212

Sewall family, 155

Shays, Daniel, 152

Shays’s Rebellion, 152–153, 159

Shelburne, Earl of (William Petty-FitzMaurice), 137

Shewell, Robert, 42

Shippen, Edward (Peggy’s father), 4; Arnold disinterested in wealth of, 46; attempts to prevent Peggy’s exile, 111, 112; on Betsy’s marriage to Neddy Burd, 47; as chief justice of Penna. Supreme Court, 201–202; fear of Continental army, 40; friendship with Washington, 12–13; introduced to Arnold, 45; lack of communication with Peggy, 189; meeting with Quaker women, 3; Peggy admits sacrifices to, 140; Peggy as favorite of, 10, 11; on Peggy’s wedding, 50, 54; political views of, 11, 12; portrait of, 177–178; removes family from Philadelphia, 11–12; repurchase of Mount Pleasant, 138–139; return to Philadelphia, 12; told of Peggy’s illness and death, 204; view of Peggy’s popularity, 5–6

Shippen, Edward (Peggy’s grandfather), 50

Shippen, Edward V. “Neddy” (Peggy’s brother), 12–13

Shippen, Elizabeth (Peggy’s sister).
Burd, Elizabeth (

Shippen, Margaret, “Peggy.”
Arnold, Margaret, “Peggy” (

Shippen, Margaret Francis (Peggy’s mother), 5–6, 157

Shippen, Mary (Peggy’s sister), 4, 5, 11

Shippen, Sally (Peggy’s sister), 4, 5, 11

Shippen, William (Peggy’s uncle), 12

Shippen family: on accusations against Peggy, 109; charges against Arnold and, 51, 53; disgust with Benedict, 111; fears for Peggy’s situation, 139; preoccupied with marriage of Betsy, 46–47

Shoemaker, Rebecca Warner Rawle, 121, 123–124, 131

“Sketch of Mrs. Henry Knox” (Ellet), 206

smallpox: contracted by Knox infant, 140; outbreak of, 28; “variolation” against, 28, 31–32

Smith, Abigail Adams “Nabby,” 160–161

Smith, Elizabeth Gordon, 82

Smith, Joshua Hett: abandons André behind American lines, 93, 104, 116; capture and imprisonment of, 101, 112; “loose character” of, 94; ordered to escort André, 92–93; quarrels with Arnold and Varick, 90, 93–94; questionable loyalties of, 82; on Robinson’s property, 88; tenant farmers of, 88, 89, 91

Smith, Oliver, 171

Smith, William, 82

Society of Friends (Quakers), 3, 4–5

Society of the Cincinnati, 144, 179

“Soldier’s Joy,” 141

Southwark Theatre (Philadelphia), 5

Sparks, Jared, 126–127

Spencer, George (Lord Spencer), 188

“stag dance,” 141

Stanley, William, 211

Stansbury, Joseph, 62–63, 64

Stedman, Charles, 14

Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus Von, 39, 142

Stirling, Dorothy Willing (Peggy’s cousin), 135

Stirling, Lord (William Alexander), 142

Stirling, Walter, 135, 136

Stony Point: captured by Clinton, 58, 67; recaptured by Wayne, 68, 78

“Strictures Upon the Philadelphia Meschianza
[sic]. . .,
” 14

Strong, Caleb, 196

Sullivan, William, 205

Sun Assurance Company, 156, 158

Supreme Executive Council (of Pennsylvania): Arnold’s application for pass from, 48; exiles Peggy from Pennsylvania, 111–112; formal charges against Arnold, 51, 60; orders search for Arnold’s papers, 109; Pennsylvania governed by, 42–43; Reed’s presidency of, 48; smear campaign against Arnold, 50–51, 61, 107; Washington’s relations with, 64–65

Surrey, Lord, 136–137

Sutherland, Andrew, 92, 94

Swan, James (Caroline Knox’s husband), 199, 206

Symonds, Commodore Thomas, 123

Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de (Prince Talleyrand), 176

Tallmadge, Benjamin, 105–106, 115

Tarleton, Banastre, 135

Tarrantines, 180–181

Ternay, Charles-Henri-Louis d’Arsac, 87

Thacher, James, 21, 57; on André’s execution, 116; on battle of Yorktown, 129; on blizzards of 1779–1780, 72; on Continental army mutineers, 118; on discovery of Arnold’s treachery, 103; eulogy for Knox, 198; on Peekskill encampment, 124; on poor conditions in Philadelphia, 127

Thatcher, Ebenezer, 196

Thatcher, Henry Knox (Knox grandson), 196, 208

Thatcher, Julia (Knox granddaughter), 196, 197

Thomaston, Maine, 185, 208

Tilghman, Elizabeth (Peggy’s cousin), 46–47, 50, 53, 54

Tilghman, Tench (Shippen cousin), 78–79

Tories, 137

“Tory rides,” 26

“To the Inhabitants of America” (Arnold), 119

“To the Officers and Soldiers. . .” (Arnold), 120

Travels in North-America
(Chastellux), 117

Travels through the United States of North America
(Rochefoucauld), 181–182

United States
(American frigate), 173

Unmasked Nabob of Hancock Country, The,

Upham, Joshua, 158

Urquart, Hannah Flucker (Lucy’s sister), 19, 20, 21, 145, 152

U.S. Military Academy at West Point, 205

Valley Forge, 15, 32, 35; Continental army at, 7, 14, 33; fortification of, 39; life of officers and families at, 37, 39

Vandeveer, Jacobus, 55, 59

Van Doren, Mark, 212

Van Wart, Isaac, 105

Varick, Richard, 88; attempts to calm Peggy, 96–97; illness of, 94, 96; quarrels with Smith, 90, 94; suspicious of Arnold, 89, 90, 93

“variolation” against smallpox, 28, 31–32

Vassal, William, 191

Vergennes, Charles Gravier de, 87

(British ship), 9

Vimeur, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de (Gen. Rochambeau), 87

(British ship), 81, 82, 89, 90, 112, 113; Arnold’s escape to, 97, 98; damaged and repaired, 92, 94

Waldo, Samuel, 145

Waldo, Hannah.
Flucker, Hannah (

Waldo Patent: attempts to settle, 169; Henry’s land grab of, 171, 186; Henry’s tour of, 145, 149; Lucy’s interest in, 152, 166; squatters on, 186, 195

Walker, Lewis Burd, 108, 211

Walsingham, Thomas, 136

Ward, Samuel, Jr., 37, 39

Warren, Henry, 171

Warren, James, 22

Warren, Mercy Otis, 144, 171

Warren, Winslow, 171

Washington, George, 37, 39, 83, 127, 172; André’s confession to, 106; appoints Arnold to special command, 78–79; asks Arnold for guard, 87–88; belief in Peggy’s innocence, 109; biography of, 205; crossing the Delaware, 29; dance at celebration of dauphin’s birthday, 141; death of, 195; despair at Arnold’s treachery, 97; dispatches artillery to West Point, 81; farewell to troops, 146–147; fondness for dancing, 57; friendship with Henry and Lucy, 22, 24, 26; friendship with Shippen family, 12–13; inaugural ball for, 161; informed of André’s capture, 95; march through New York City, 145–146; orders André’s execution, 114; orders army to leave Boston, 25; orders army to Peekskill, 124; orders Arnold to West Point, 79; Peggy’s opinion of, 12; plan for attack on New York, 87; pleads for aid to army, 118; relationship with Arnold, 34, 40–41, 51–52, 71, 76, 120; reprimand of Arnold, 73, 75–76; speech against strike by army, 144; on state of army, 29; support of Society of the Cincinnati, 144; sympathies on death of Knox child, 167; tour of Roxbury fortifications, 21; trip to Peekskill, 89–90; at Valley Forge, 7, 14, 32; watches battle of Yorktown, 129

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