Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (16 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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can you spare a moment?” Trevor asked.

didn’t want to spare another minute with him. She turned to confront him.
Trevor looked like a lost puppy.

want to apologise for my behaviour recently. I’m sorry for being forward. I
assumed you were interested in me. But after you left in a panic, I became
concerned. I couldn’t run after you in the storm and I thought it best to wait
until morning. Then when you didn’t show I had to check up on you.” Trevor said

sympathetic gesture Trevor placed his hand on Grace.
The touch unhinged her. She brought her hand
back to put some utensils away.

you, Chef Hare. I apologise if I lead you to believe otherwise. Thank you for
all of your help. It’s appreciated.” Grace replied.

you do move to London and you need any help or anything at all, please call on
me. I’ll always be available for you.” Trevor said.

shrugged her shoulders. Grace wanted to leave the kitchen, but Trevor wasn’t
willing to let go without having a final word.

got one final thing to say, just a word of advice. Not everything is all it
seems, Grace. Guy Rowling is a footballer and they’re notorious for their ways.
He may have charmed you and promised you fame, but the only thing you’ll end up
with is a broken heart.” Trevor added stern.

looked directly into Trevor’s eyes. Her aquamarine eyes didn’t flinch.

think I can take care of myself, Chef Hare. But thank you for your advice.”
Grace said coolly.

flashed a smile as he moved to the side to let Grace leave the kitchen. His
lips curved at the thought that he planted a seed of doubt in Grace’s
I only want Grace as much
as Gemma wants Guy and we’ll get what we want.

and famished, Grace returned to her cottage. She went into the bedroom and
stripped off her clothes whilst running a hot bath.

Tonight it’ll be me, the telly and a nice
, Grace thought as she sat on the bed to peel off her black
trousers. As Grace did this she noticed that the clock on her nightstand was
moved. She recalled not moving it. An uneasy feeling settled over her and Grace
tried to push it away.

Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
brushed the feeling away and hurried into the bath.



edding day arrived. A thick immense fog
covered the grounds of the hall. It was much like the fog in Guy’s head as he
lifted himself up and swung his feet over the edge of his bed.
His head was pounding and it hurt like hell.

rubbed his eyes trying to focus. He recalled the pub crawl, Cat yelling at him
and bits of the rehearsal, but thereafter everything became a blur. He knew he
had a few drinks, but not that many to warrant a hangover this terrible.
Yesterday evening Guy restrained himself because today he wanted to enjoy his
time with Grace. It was to be their last day together before Grace went back to
Ivy and before he went to London.

Guy thought. He looked at the
clock, it was nearing ten.
She’ll be here
any minute
. He needed to shower and change into his morning suit. Guy
turned his head and looked at the door to the loo. It was ajar. Steam flowed
from the bathroom.
Someone’s in my
Guy felt his stomach drop to the pads of his feet. He had a feeling
it wasn’t Grace.

Yesterday, late afternoon, Gemma went to
Tamzin’s suite to tell her what she witnessed between Guy and Grace. Clive
generously supplied that information. Tamzin learned from Clive that Grace is attending
her wedding as Guy’s date. Whilst Gemma and Clive waxed on about Grace, Tamzin
sat in her chair with a painful expression on her face.
This isn’t going to plan.

must be stunning.” Clive said. “Guy told me to choose only the best for her.”

stunning!” Tamzin and Gemma
exclaimed in unison.

Tamzin got up from
the chaise lounge she was resting on.
Clive tinkered with the wedding rehearsal dress; whilst Gemma sat in a
wingback chair texting another person. Tamzin went into her bedroom suite and
emerged a few minutes later.

“Clive did you
know Guy’s been seeing Gemma for some time now?” Tamzin asked sweetly.

“No. No...I didn’t
know.” Clive said looking to Gemma first and then to Tamzin. Tamzin knew Clive
loved a bit of gossip and his chin could wag to the Yorkshire Dales.

“Before I tell you
all, let me speak to Gemma. Please fetch me Christian Louboutins’ for tonight.
” Tamzin said. Clive nodded leaving the room. A few minutes later with shoes in
hand Clive returned to Tamzin’s suite. Gemma opened the door smiling. She was

“Aren’t you
staying?” Clive asked.

“No. Tamzin will
tell you all. Laters.” Gemma said.

When Clive
entered, he saw Tamzin standing there with a wicked smile on her face.

“Come, sit. Let me
tell you
about Guy.” Tamzin

The following morning,
Clive stood in front of the cottage door. His staff on hand with racks of
clothing, shoe trunks and makeup kits. Just as Clive was to knock again the
door swung open and he came face to face with Grace. He was stunned.
She isn’t anything like Tamzin described!
She really is a beauty.

Grace dressed in a
heavy terry cloth robe. Her wet hair was wrapped in a towel.
She’s fresh faced and scrubbed
. To
Clive, Grace is a classic beauty. Something rarely seen in their social circle.
Most of the girls he knew had implants, teeth veneers and hair extensions.

darrrling!” Clive growled as he was led inside the cottage. “Where you up
waiting for me, doll? Since the wee hours of the morning primping the hens for
this grandiose wedding and now I’m ready for you.”

“Thank you so
much.” Grace replied enthusiastically.

Grace liked Clive’s
demeanour. It’s flamboyantly over the top. His skin heavy in fake-bake, his
platinum blonde hair gelled into spikes, and wore a massive diamond earring on
his left ear lobe. Clive twirled on his feet showing off his light grey
pinstripe Calvin Klein suit. Underneath the jacket Clive wore a pink striped
shirt from House of Fraser and a large white rose tucked in his lapel. Clive
ordered his assistants to set up where ever they can.

“Darling, I’m
going to transform you into a showstopper! Come along now. We don’t have
time.”Clive sang. Grace watched his assistants pulling tongs, designer gowns
and make-up kits. Clive grabbed Grace by her shoulders dragging her to a nearby
seat and sat her down.

“Guy Rowling won’t
recognise you once I am through with you.” Clive cackled.

Grace gulped.
I hope Guy likes this transformation!

Gemma sauntered around Guy’s suite full
naked. Fresh from the shower, she was going to make sure Guy got a good look at
what he’s missing.

OUT!” Guy shouted for the umpteenth time.

night you said otherwise. You dragged me here and what we did in the elevator,
you begged me to come here. Why the change of heart, Guy? You like me.” Gemma
“You kissed me, you told me
you loved me and you even pleaded for us to make love.”

felt the vein in his temple throb, his jaw clenched and his fists were down to
his sides. He didn’t want to move. He was fearful of hurting her. Guy never
considered laying a finger on a woman, yet Gemma’s accusations were tempting

saw the look on his face. Guy was turning green. This time Gemma wasn’t going
to back down. She stood ground. Gemma was grateful of the cocktail of crushed
drugs Tamzin gave her when Clive went to fetch the shoes.
‘They’ll knock out a horse,’
Tamzin said
‘and you’ll have him to yourself.’

rehearsal dinner, Gemma watched Guy as he ordered a drink from the waiter. When
he excused himself to the loo, she quickly slipped the drugs into his drink and
stirred. It took only twenty minutes before Guy complained that he was feeling
a bit ill and needed a lay down. Gemma insisted on taking him back to his
suite, but Guy hadn’t heard a word. He was far gone.

slept together, in this bed. You insisted not wearing a condom and came inside
me. It was wonderful. We had sex several times in the night.” Gemma continued.

felt his stomach lurch.
There’s no way
I’d have sex with her! Not even when I’m drunk. I can barely get it up!
wasn’t going to tell her those things.

I’m pregnant because of you, I expect you to do right by us. Take care of your
responsibilities. I know we can make our relationship work, Guy. I know we’re
perfect for one another.”

she sat on the bed Gemma leisurely pulled on her black lacy knickers.
Unexpectedly Guy rushed to her and grabbed her arm hard. He lifted her up with
little strength but plenty of anger.


” Guy roared.

Guy dragged her by her arm. He pinned Gemma to
a wall as Guy opened the door with his free hand. Gemma struggled in his arm
and fought back by trying to scratch her way free.

no way in hell I’m having this slapper here when Grace arrives! She’s not going
to destroy the best thing that’s happened to me!

Gemma cried out in pain. His grip was tight.

don’t know what happened last night, but I know this, I never touched you
Gemma. I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. Every team in England worth
their salt knows you’re a
. Now
get out!” Guy growled.

threw Gemma out into the hallway. Gemma was half- naked. She tried to get on
her feet as Guy threw her clothes out to her.

away from me! Stay away from Grace!” Guy threaten before slamming the door.

scrambled to collect her clothing. A few guests on their way to the wedding
emerged from their rooms. They saw Gemma holding her clothes. Embarrassment enraged

not heard the last of me, Guy Rowling!” Gemma shrilled. Gemma stomped away,
clutching her clothing. Secretly, Gemma hoped to be pregnant with Trevor’s
child to pass it off as Guy.
He’ll learn
his lesson and that nasty tart too!

leaned against the wall. His heart beat rapidly to the point Guy thought he’s
having a heart attack.
I need to calm
down before Grace arrives. Maybe I can meet her at the cottage instead of
having her come here.

It’s a better idea.
He knew there was
time. Guy rushed to the shower to hurry to Grace.

do you know mister hot fabulous, Guy?” Clive asked rolling a piece of hair
through curling iron. An assistant with a blush brush stroked rogue on the
apples of Graces’ cheeks, whilst another looked at the Chanel suit Clive chosen
for the ceremony.

was looking for a wedding cake.” Grace chirped.

response sounded like a school girl in love with a first crush. Clive took this
as an opportunity to inquire further.

I bet you’re surprised to see him. Aren’t you glad the cake was for Tamzin’s
wedding and not his? Although I hear in the near future there’ll be wedding
bells.” Clive crooned.

do you mean?” Grace asked.

moving up in the Premier league. He’s joining the ranks of Rooney, Cole and
Beckham. He’s going to settle down after this wedding. Have you been seeing
him? Have you shagged him yet? If you have, you better save it for a rainy day
fund. You can sell your story to Rumour Mill.” Clive replied spraying Elnett
and fluffing Graces’ hair.

raised her eyebrow in thought.

would I do that?”

you’re not
girlfriend. You’re
just another bump on his road to stardom. He’s using you as a way of getting
back with his ex-bird, Gemma. You’re the catalyst in getting them back
you know
, to make her jealous.
And I can see why she’s jealous. You’re totes hawt! I’m surprised that Guy
won’t be sticking with you.” Clive revealed.

felt her seat fell away. Her heart sank.
Guy really lie to me? And if so why would he go through all this to make some
other woman jealous?
Her cheeks turned fiery red from anger. Grace sat
straight up as Clive continued to fluff her hair.

he tell you you’re special? All men say that darling.” Clive informed.

don’t want to discuss this anymore. Please hurry.” Grace replied bitterly.
Clive looked at her through the mirror. He knew he struck a nerve and knew he
planted the seed of doubt Tamzin wanted him to plant.

felt torn.
I don’t want to go to this
wedding. I don’t want to face him. But I’ve got to find out the truth!

Without another word spoken, Clive continued prepping
Grace as she fumed and mulled over Clive’s callous words.

Clive was leaving the cottage when Guy walked
up the path. He winked and said hello to Guy before placing his belongings in
the boot of his Mercedes.

door to the cottage was open and Guy stepped inside. Grace had her back to the
door as she smoothed her Coco Chanel skirt down and fixed her fascinator. When Grace
turned around, Guy sucked in his breath.
God, she’s the bee’s knees! She looks smashing! If she looks this way now, I
can only imagine tonight.

was startled by Guy’s presence and his looks. He stood before her in a bespoke
Cad and the Dandy morning suit. His sooty hair freshly cut in the same style
David Beckham had at the Royal wedding and his face looked as though it was
smooth like a baby’s bottom.
All the
doubt planted seemed to fade away into the background.

at her Guy felt out of sorts. He toyed with the idea of telling the truth, but
kept his lips pursed as he was engrossed by Grace. The Coco Chanel grey suit
fitted her curves perfect and Manolo Blahnik shoes were a lovely addition to
the outfit. Guy wanted to walk over to her, pull off the fascinator and rip
open the suit jacket in hungry needy passion.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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