Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (17 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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look gorgeous.” Guy finally said as he held his top hat in his hands.

look handsome.” Grace said softly.

considered telling Grace to forget about the wedding. He wanted to ravish her
and spend the rest of the day in bed with her. His cock twitched at the thought
of her body against his, the taste and scent of her.

too felt the same. She wanted Guy to take her into the bedroom and push her
skirt up to finger her gently whilst kissing her. Suddenly the clock in the
lounge chimed. It was late and they needed to leave.

you ready?” Guy asked.

Grace said quickly fetching her clutch.

took her by the arm, leading her out of the cottage.

It’ll wait another day.
Unbeknownst to
each other, Guy and Grace thought in unison.


The small stone-clad church was filled to
the brim with guests. Footballers, glamour models, fashionistas, celebrities
alike were filling any available pew. Media camped out near the entrance of the
church and helicopters hovered above. Tamzin was running over an hour late,
leaving the guests to chatter with one another.

they waited Guy introduce Grace to British Hollywood starlet, Amanda Priestly. Grace
was gobsmacked that Guy knew Amanda personally. Amanda’s bubbly personality
made Grace feel at ease. Suddenly someone announced the bride’s arrival and Guy
left the women to sit in their pew. Grace barely said a word to Amanda, who
asked many questions regarding Grace’s feeling towards Guy. Grace was grateful for
the orchestra began to play the wedding march meaning they could no longer

hour later the ceremony was complete. Guy managed to find Grace through the
throng of guests. He pulled her behind a stone pillar and kissed her hard
against her lips. Throughout the ceremony all Guy thought about was kissing her
and making love to her. He was amazed that God hadn’t strike him dead for
thinking such thoughts in the house of the Lord.

was that for?” Grace asked breathily.

I want you all to myself.” Guy whispered against her ear. “I want to take you
here right now, but we both know it’s wrong.”

cheeks burn with sexual heat. She felt her knickers moisten.

called out one of the lads. “We got to take pictures.”

turned around and waved. He turned his attention to Grace

you’re mine.” Guy growled.

weakly nodded as he planted a final kiss on her lips. He touched her cheek and
left her.

Grace looked at herself in the full length
mirror one last time.
Phwoar! I don’t
look like the little village baker, I look different. I look beautiful. I can
give Gemma a run for her money.
Grace watched as Gemma walked down the aisle.
Not to boost her ego, Grace thought Gemma wasn’t pretty.
Clive’s right. Why would Guy give up on a girl like me?

first outfit was stunning, but this one was sure to take Guys’ breath away.
Grace spun in a silver Alexander McQueen gown that fit all her voluptuous
curves. She evoked the late ghost of Hollywood starlets of the silver screen
and felt as though she could take on Amanda herself. Clive gave her tips on how
to fix her hair for this look and Grace was grateful he had given her a pearl
comb to create a side swept look. As Grace spun around in front of the mirror
for a last look, Grace held her breath in anxious thought.
It’s time to go and meet my prince.

Grace entered Worthington Hall’s ballroom. She
saw the reception was in full party mode. She didn’t have time to worry on
whether or not she’s late. Instead Grace was in awe with the ballroom
transformation. The room was converted into a Greek pantheon.

The ballroom was
peppered with marble statues of Zeus, Athena and various Greek Gods, Goddesses
and creatures. Tall, massive Greek columns covered in grape and ivy leaves were
scattered along the edges of the ballroom. The ceiling, with a unique painted
mural rumoured to be painted by a person who helped with the revitalisation of
the Sistine chapel, covered in billowing white cloth fabric to reflect camera
images of a sunny outdoor day.
rotund dining room tables all held the finest white linens and silverware. The centrepieces
with floral, fig and fruit bouquets were large, ornate and gaudy.

to the dance floor was a long bar. It housed three large ice sculptures in the
shape of the bride and groom and their initials. At the other end of the
ballroom the stage was set with a piano, chairs and a dj area for performances
by Sir Elton John, The Royal London Orchestra, and Deadmau5.

thought the ballroom looked over the top for what should have been a romantic
There’s no time to dwell on such
Grace searched the ballroom for Guy. It’s an endless sea of celebrities,
footballers, and friends. Grace didn’t see Guy standing a few feet away from
her. To calm nerves, Grace helped herself to a glass of champagne which a
waiter politely offered to her.

stomach fluttered as though he’s on a roller coaster. Originally Guy didn’t
recognise Grace all dressed up. It wasn’t till he saw the beauty in the silver
dress had the same aquamarine eyes as Grace, he realised it was Grace. The gown
complemented Grace’s skin and fit her body perfectly. Her hair in its side
sweep emulated that of Grace Kelly. Grace looked demure and elegant.
She shines and stands out from all the other
guests. She’s like an angel. My angel!
Guy’s footballer mates noticed Grace
and let out a few cat-calls and whistles.

Pack it in. Don’t disrespect my lady.” Guy snapped.

lads straightened up and looked away to nurse their drinks. Guy walked away
from them. Each step he took he felt his black Ralph Lauren bowtie choking him,
but it was an instinctive reaction to Grace.

walked around and came up behind Grace. He moved his arm around her waist and
pulled her into his rising hard cock.

look fucking spectacular.” Guy murmured in her ear.

breathe hot against Grace’s neck and earlobe. Grace felt him clutch her tight
against him. Guy drew his lips down onto the small heart-shape birthmark and
kissed her there. Grace felt her knees buckling.

Grace managed to reply. “I feel out of place here.”

nothing to worry about. I’ll be by your side.” Guy grinned. Guy pulled away to
ease Grace in his arms to plant a kiss on her lips. “Come let me introduce you
to a few people.”

nodded obediently. She clutched Guy’s hand as she followed him around the
ballroom to meet and greet some of his friends.

watched Guy and Grace with raging envy.
acting as though they’re the ones who got married. I’m not letting that slag
get away with my blissful happiness.
Tamzin took notice and dragged Gemma
into the loo.

looking that way. Tongues are wagging and I’m sure they won’t be playing happy
couple in a few hours. Stick to our plan and Guy will be yours.” Tamzin coldly

are we going to do this?” Gemma asked.

approach Guy right before midnight as the cake is rolled out.” Tamzin sneered
as she checked her lipstick.

nodded. She tasted vengeance on her tongue.

and Grace danced, laughed with other couples, and stuffed themselves with the
delicious meals Chef Hare prepared for the occasion. They drank tons of wine
and snuck a few kisses here or there.

Trevor stood in a
corner of the ballroom watching them. Guy twirled Grace around and pulled her
in his arms for a kiss. Trevor shuddered with disgust before retreating to his

was over the moon. He had the girl of his dreams on his arm. Guy loved the way Grace
eased into conversations and laughed at his silly jokes. She doted on him and
he doted on her. People noticed how smitten Guy is with Grace. They wished them
well and one person, joking, asked if Guy’s the next one down the aisle.

you never know.” Guy said as he winked to Grace.

it reached eleven. The wedding cake rolled out by staff. People walked over to
look at the amazing cake that Grace worked very hard on. They cooed over it and
were impressed by the lavish and intricate art work.

and Tamzin took plenty of photos with the cake. People asked about the baker
and Tamzin bellowed her reply.

Knowles of Delicious Bakery created this gorgeous work of art.” Tamzin walked
over to Grace who was sitting down.

come up and take a few pictures with us. It’s good for business.” Tamzin said
smiling and pulling Grace by her hand.

looked to Guy.

worry. All is ok. Go and shine.” Guy assured.

Tamzin held Grace’s hand as they walked to the
wedding cake.
Rumour Mill
photographers snapped pictures of the ladies standing next to the wedding cake.

“Smile Ms.
Knowles!” shouted the photographers.

wrapped her arms around Grace’s waist whilst flashing her glamour model smile.

you may think Guy’s in love with you,
He doesn’t have a thing for common girls like you. He’s into Gemma.
They’ve been trying to make amends since they broke up a year ago. But with
parties, football and the wedding they haven’t had the time.” Tamzin whispered
harshly in Grace’s ear.

felt a lump rise in her throat. She felt as though she was in the tight grip of
a boa constrictor. The flash of the cameras made Grace dizzy. She tried
searching for Guy who was still at the table.

only using you because you’re an easy target. You’re just another
to make Gemma jealous and it worked.”
Tamzin continued. Grace felt Tamzin’s words cut through like a wedding cake

moving Ms. Knowles. We need lovely pictures.” One
Rumour Mill
photographer said loudly.

last through the harsh glare of lights Grace saw Guy. He got up from the table
to follow Gemma out of the ballroom.

is your chance to make a name for yourself, Grace. Leave Guy alone and I
promise you all the success you can ever ask for. If you continue seeing him,
I’ll make sure you’ll regret it.” Tamzin hissed.

the photos were finish Grace peeled herself away. Tamzin lips curled wickedly
as she watched Grace rushing away to chase Guy.

my words Grace! Leave Guy alone or you’ll regret it!” Tamzin cried out after

shrugged it off.
I can’t insult a bride
on her wedding day,
Grace reasoned,
if I want my business to succeed
. She knew Tamzin tentacles reached far and
wide, but on further thought Grace decided to throw Tamzin an icy glare to show
she isn’t a woman to be reckoned with.

of the ballroom Grace stepped into the corridor. She saw Guy and Gemma several
feet away. They were walking hurriedly. Keeping distance, Grace followed them
down the long hallway. Elton John’s singing fading away into the background.

They turned a
corner disappearing. Grace searched until she heard voices coming from an
alcove. She reached a corner and hid behind a column.

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