Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (31 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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Grace looked at
his face. Darren rubbed his chin. He was thinking deeply and Grace saw he was

Guy know?” Grace asked.

he does. I called him, right after I followed you to the Nag’s Head. Sorry, I
startled you. I didn’t know how to get in touch. I’ve been following you since and
today I followed you to your GP and Boots.” Darren admitted. “I don’t want any
harm to come to you or my brother. None of this is your fault. It’s my doing.
I’m sorry for the way I treated Guy and allowed Tamzin to do all the cruel
things she does.”

do you mean?” she inquired.

never slept with Guy. The baby Gemma carried belonged to someone else. One
night I overheard a conversation between Tamzin and Gemma. Gemma was upset that
their plan on getting Guy to marry her backfired.” Darren confessed. “Now,
Tamzin wants to sink her teeth in Guy.”

Oh my god! It’s true. Gemma never slept with
Grace felt her heart leap from joy. She couldn’t wait to see Guy and
apologise for doubting him.

drove the Mini into the garage. She turned off the ignition. They got out of
the Mini and walked to the garden door. Instantly Darren noticed it was open.
Mrs. Tiddlywinks appeared at the door and barked loudly.

you think someone’s inside?” Grace whispered.

don’t know. There’s no broken glass and the lock looks fine.” Darren whispered
back. “Let me look around.”

entered Grace’s flat. Everything seemed in order. Nothing stolen or damaged.
Darren check Grace’s bedroom and loo in case a burglar hidden them self.
Nothing. Darren returned.

looks fine.” He huffed.

must’ve left the door unlocked when I left to my GP and the wind blew it open.”
Grace said. She placed Mrs. Tiddlywinks down on the kitchen floor.

This day is turning out to be full of
pear-shaped surprises! First Trevor, then the news that I’m pregnant, now
Tamzin and Darren, what next?
It was arduously overwhelming for Grace.

noticed Grace looking pale.
She needs to
lay down.

you sick?” Darren asked as Grace dropped her duffle onto the kitchen counter.

There’s no way I’m confessing my pregnancy
to Darren,
Grace thought

she replied.

lay down. I’ll make us a cuppa. Tell me where the tea and cups are.” Darren
offered. Grace pointed to the cupboard.

you.” she said.

door bell rang loudly, sending Mrs. Tiddlywinks into a mad barking spree. Grace
looked at her watch. It’s coming up to three.
It’s the Royal Mail delivering my online shopping from Oasis.

get it.” Grace called out.

Darren placed two
tea bags into cups. Darren turned the electric kettle on. Darren looked up. A
sixth sense screamed at him to tell Grace not to answer the door. In a rush to
stop Grace from answering the door, Darren knocked over her handbag spilling
its contents next to the pup’s water bowl.

Darren ran into
the lounge. He saw Grace standing there with her mouth open. Trevor was in
front of her with a gun in his hand. Tamzin took off her fedora and sunglasses,
shaking beside Trevor.

Fear and reality sank Tamzin. She hand
Trevor her father’s Glock thinking he was only going to use it to scare Grace.
Instead Trevor turned the gun on Tamzin.

too late Tamzin. I’m tired of bitches like you.” Trevor growled in Tamzin’s ear
pushing the gun into her rib.
Now here we
are, in Grace’s flat. This isn’t real. He’s going to kill us all!

insane! You can’t do this to us!” Tamzin shouted.

your gob before I kill you!” Trevor yelled.

Grace terrified, stood frozen in fear. Darren
stood behind her wondering what Trevor’s next move.

“You won’t believe this, Jones!” exclaimed
DI Frey, approaching DI Jones desk. DI Jones furrowed his brow. He was knee
deep in paperwork and didn’t want to be bothered. DI Frey threw the manila file
on the desk.

seems Trevor Hare’s case is bigger than Spain. Women have come forward, telling
us they’ve been abused by Mr. Hare, sexually and physically. We got dozens of
calls from Newcastle, London and Cardiff. Some of the women are former
employees of his, some are prostitutes and others are just normal women. They
said he bought their silence.” DI Frey elaborated.

Jones flipped through the papers.

here is the kicker. Grace Knowles, a business owner in Covent Garden, contacted
us because someone broke into her flat in Tooting Bec. The finger prints
collected from her garden door didn’t result in a perpetrator match. Spanish
police sent their report regarding Mr. Hare. His fingerprints match. This chef
is insane. Why would he break into her flat?”

the connection?” DI Jones asked.

Knowles was the pastry chef at the Dowling wedding. Ms. Knowles worked along Mr.
Hare. From what I’ve gathered, Mr. Hare has seen Ms. Knowles since the
Dowling’s marriage and her arrival in London. But they aren’t dating. She’s
dating Guy Rowling, football star.” DI Frey pulled up a chair and sat down.

Jones read a few paragraphs of the investigation.

is too strange. Mr. Dowling contacted me to say he felt Ms. Knowles and Mr.
Rowling are in danger. But he thought it was his wife, Mrs. Dowling, not Mr.
Hare that’s to do them harm. I wonder if Mrs. Dowling has a connection with Mr.
Hare aside from the wedding.” DI Jones said.

it’s Christmas in July. You know, Alana Croxley, the stripper claiming she has
a baby with Darren Dowling. She came in to report that she’s being threatened
by William Smythe. Ms. Croxley admitted she’s involved in the blackmail of Mr.
Dowling. She’s reported that Mrs. Dowling and Mr. Smythe are all behind it.
It’s been planned since before the Dowling nuptials.” DI Frey replied.

want to speak to Mrs. Dowling as soon as possible.” DI Jones said. “Make sure
you have police on standby and a tail on Smythe. Has Mr. Hare left the country

Mr. Hare hasn’t left. He has till five to turn himself in. It’s three thirty.
His solicitor’s insist Mr. Hare is coming on his own accord. I’ve already taken
the liberty of submitting forms to Magistrates Court for an arrest warrant for
Mrs. Dowling and Mr. Smythe.” DI Frey said.

I hope we catch them before someone gets killed.” DI Jones replied.

twenty two


uy left Frederick and his luggage at
Heathrow airport. He jumped in the first black cab made available. Guy decided
not to take chance. He gave the cabbie Grace’s address. As the cabbie pulled
away from the kerb, Guy called his security. They told him they never received
his email. Guy angrily end the call. Guy dialled Grace’s mobile number. There
was an answer, but it wasn’t hello. Guy heard shouting, screaming and crying.


Please don’t do this to me! You killed them!

Grace cried. A panic like no other settled in Guy’s chest.


Grace! Grace!
” Guy shouted down the

were inaudible voices in the background. Guy tried to make out the voices, but
couldn’t hear due to the radio.

sir, can you turn down the radio? There’s an emergency.” Guy cried.

for you Rowling.” The cabbie replied.


Where are you taking me? Why are you doing
” Grace screamed, sobbing hysterical.

was clear to Guy, Grace didn’t have her mobile in hand. Guy felt tears welling
in his eyes. Guy’s heart hammered away at his chest. He swore the cabbie heard
it. In Guy’s entire life, he never felt more frightened as he did now. Suddenly
there was a commotion.
Guy heard the sound
of keys jangling.


Trevor, please don’t do this. You’ve done
enough harm.


I’m doing this for me.
You’ve done
enough with your cock
teasing. You’re
mine and you will do as told. We must go, now!” Trevor snapped. Grace continued
her crying. “
Shut up!

A sharp ear
piercing scream, followed by silence barrelled down the mobile.

I’m going to kill you Trevor! You’re dead!

Guy roared. The cabbie looked back at Guy concerned. Guy’s fist tightly
clenched his iPhone. He listened to fumbling in the background, then Guy heard
breathing and the sound of licking. A small bark answered Guy’s question. Ms.
Tiddlywinks ended the call with her tongue.

“Driver, get me to
Tooting Bec as fast as possible!” Guy exclaimed.

The cabbie nodded.
Guy dialled 999 hoping police can get to Grace before he did.

Corrie got off at Tooting Bec tube stop. Corrie
opened her brolly to shield her from the pouring rain. On her walk Corrie
noticed helicopters flying above and traffic backed up the High street. Corrie
didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t her concern.

Corrie reached
Grace’s street, a lump rose in her throat. The street was cordoned off by
police. Slews of police cars, crime investigation unit vans, and ambulances
blocked the road. Corrie knew something’s wrong. She sprinted towards the
house. A police officer stopped her from running through the front gate.

“Ma’am, are you
the owner of this home?” questioned the bobby.

“No, I’m not. My
niece, Grace Knowles, is the owner. I’m her next of kin. Is she ok? Where is
she?” Corrie asked watching in disbelief as a man she didn’t recognise was
brought out on a gurney to an ambulance.

“I’m not in a
position to discuss information with you. You must wait here for DI Jones.
He’ll brief you when he’s available. ” the bobby replied.

“Please, please
tell me that Grace is ok!” Corrie begged. Distraught, Corrie brought her hand
to her chest.

“Mrs. Fielding?” a
voice from behind Corrie said.

Corrie turned
around to see Guy standing before her.

“Guy, what’s happening
here? Where’s Grace? Did you do something to her?” Corrie fired off.

“No, I’d never
harm Grace. Officer please let DI Jones that Guy Rowling is here to see him.”
Guy said. The bobby nodded and hurried off to find DI Jones.

“What do you know?
Is Grace ok?” Corrie rambled.
right, ever since he arrived at the Savoury Plum Guy is blight!

“Calm down. I’ve
only arrived myself. I know that Trevor’s kidnapped Grace.” Guy admitted

“Trevor? Trevor
Hare? What does he have to do with this? He wouldn’t harm a hair on Grace. He’s
a good man to her!” cried Corrie.

Guy shook his
head. He didn’t know how to answer Corrie. It was all he knew. In the cab Guy
contacted 999. Upon hearing the story the dispatcher placed the call to DI
Jones. DI Jones told Guy to meet him at the flat. When he arrived in Tooting
Bec, Guy noticed traffic was blocked. He paid the cabbie and ran the rest of
the way to Grace’s flat, still unaware of what happened.

Corrie and Guy
watched from outside of the Victorian bay windows, investigators snapping pictures
and moving in the flat. After twenty minutes DI Jones emerged.

“Mr. Rowling, my
apologies for the wait. It’s crucial for us to gather all evidence as soon as
possible. I was speaking with another detective regarding the arrest of Mr.
William Smythe.” DI Jones said. “Who is this?”

“I’m Corrie
Fielding, Grace’s aunt. I’m her next of kin. Is Grace ok? Did Trevor take her?”
Corrie asked.

“Come with me.” DI
Jones deflected. They followed him to a white police transit van and climbed

“Mr. Rowling what’s
your connection to Ms. Knowles and Mr. Hare?” DI Jones questioned.

“I met Grace in
Ivy-upon-Wye a year and six months ago. I procured Grace’s services as a pastry
chef to bake a replacement wedding cake for my half-brother, Darren’s wedding.
Trevor was hired as the chef. Grace worked alongside Trevor. Recently Grace and
I reunited. She’s my girlfriend. I love her. I learnt Trevor has an unnatural
affinity to Grace.” Guy admitted.

“You’re aware that
Mr. Hare’s a dangerous man. In Spain, Mr. Hare is charged with statutory rape
and assault. This evening he’s to return to Spain to answer to these charges.
Instead, Mr. Hare and Mrs. Dowling came to see Ms. Knowles. Mr. Hare shot Mrs.
Dowling and Mr. Dowling. He then kidnapped Ms. Knowles.” DI Jones revealed.

Bloody Nora!
” Corrie cried.

Corrie held her
hands tightly together. Corrie’s legs shook from nerves. She fell into Guy’s
arms. He held Corrie tight against his chest.

“How did Darren
get into Grace’s flat? I’m confused. Is he ok?” Guy asked his tone of voice

“CCTV collected
from local businesses came up with time. It seems Mr. Dowling met Ms. Knowles
at Boots. We’re waiting to see other footage from CCTV in hopes it gives us
clues to where Mr. Hare’s taken Ms. Knowles.” DI Jones replied.

“Is he dead?” Guy

“Mr. Dowling’s in
critical care at St. George’s Hospital. But before you leave we need to connect
the dots on this case. Please disclose any information you may find beneficial
into solving this crime. It’s important in finding Ms. Knowles alive.” DI Jones
said firmly.

Guy pressed his
palms together.
Grace is alive and when I
get my hands on that bloody nutter, I’m killing him!

DI Jones scribbled
notes as Guy told him everything from the wedding up to now. DI Jones listened
intently. Corrie softly sobbed into her handkerchief she pulled out from her
Please lord, let Grace be
alright! Please! What will I tell Cat?

“Do you have a
place to stay tonight, Ms. Fielding?” asked DI Jones once he completed taking
Guy’s statement.

“No. No. I don’t.”
Corrie replied with a hiccup.

“There is the
matter of a small dog and tenant above Ms. Knowles flat.” DI Jones said.

Guy looked to
Corrie, then to DI Jones.

“Corrie and the
dog will be at my flat tonight. It’s secure.” Guy said.

“What about Alistair?
I’ll contact him, but I don’t know if he has a place to stay.” Corrie asked.

“He too can stay
if he wishes.” Guy replied patting Corrie’s hand. His touch eased her.

“Good. Thank you
both for your cooperation. I assure you that we’ll find Ms. Knowles and bring
her home safely.” DI Jones stated as a matter of fact.

Corrie and Guy
exited the van. DI Jones went off to collect the dog. Once Ms. Tiddlywinks was
in Corrie’s arms, Guy walked Corrie to the other end of the block where Billy
was waiting. He wanted to avoid the media at the beginning of Grace’s street.
Guy was grateful for police cars blocking access to the street. Guy helped
Corrie into the backseat. Her body shook as if someone was shaking her like a
salt from a shaker.

“Guy, find Grace.
Bring her home alive.” Corrie managed to say. Guy nodded.

“I promise you
I’ll bring her back to you.” The window rolled up and SUV slipped away.

A bobby on his way
to the hospital to deal with increasing media scrutiny offered Guy a lift. As
they drove in the police car with sirens blaring, Guy’s focus was to speak to Darren.
Guy wanted any valuable information Darren may have before police interrogated

St. George’s Hospital was mayhem. The media
circus was larger than the one at Grace’s street. Another group of officers
escorted Guy into the hospital. Guy ignored the screaming questions from media
personnel. He raised his hand to shield his eyes from light flashing.

The police and Guy
rushed through the A&E department. Curious patients along with their loved
ones looked on as Guy made his way to Darren’s private room. A few cheekily tried
asking for a photograph or autograph, but police deflected them. They reached
the door to the private room. They met a tall lanky Indian doctor.

“Mr. Rowling, I’m
Dr. Khan. I’m the doctor in care of Mr. Dowling. I’m aware you’re his
half-brother, is that correct?” Dr. Khan asked.

“Yes, I’m Darren’s
half-brother.” Guy replied.

“Good. Darren’s
given me his permission to disclose all information regarding him and his wife,
Tamzin to you solely.” Dr. Khan said. “Darren’s in stable condition. We’ll be
prepping him for surgery shortly. Darren suffered one gunshot wound to his
abdomen in what I assume was a struggle. The bullet missed vital organs, but he’s
lost much blood. Overall Darren’s healthy. I believe he’ll make a speedy
recovery.” Dr. Khan said.

“Thank you Dr.
Khan.” Guy said relieved.

“But I do have
terrible news that Darren’s unaware of. I was waiting for your arrival to
discuss it with you. Unfortunately, shortly after arrival Tamzin Dowling passed
away. The severities of Tamzin’s wounds were great. She suffered a shot to her
face and abdomen. The shot to her face likely killed her. It’s tragic.” Dr Khan
informed. “Darren hasn’t been informed yet of his wife’s passing, we thought it
best that a member of the family was here to be by his side. Will you be able
to confirm Tamzin’s body?”

“Yes.” Guy said
shaking his head. “Can I see Darren?”

“Yes you may.” Dr.
Khan said. They walked into the room. Two officers stood by Darren’s bedside as
a nurse hovered over Darren checking his tubes. His eyes were closed. Darren
looked peaceful lying on the hospital bed. Intravenous tubes jutted from his
arms including one for blood.

“May I have
privacy please?” Guy asked.

Dr. Khan nodded.
Everyone left the room leaving Guy and Darren alone. Guy went to his side. Guy
softly touched Darren’s hand.

“Darren, are you
awake?” Guy asked.

Groggily Darren
opened his eyes, cocking a thin smile to Guy. Darren was happy to see Guy standing
at his side.

“I’m glad you’re
here. I knew you’d come.” Darren said.

“I left shortly
after you rang.” Guy replied. He squeezed Darren’s hand tight. “Can you tell me
what happened?”

“After placing the
call to you, I stood outside of Grace’s flat in a Peugeot I hired. I watched
Grace go in her flat. I spent the night in the car until the following morning
when she left to her GP and then Boots. I approached her in Boots and told
Grace she isn’t safe. I insisted on us going back to her flat to wait it out
for security. Grace was fine with it, but not feeling well. She said she had
the flu.

Once we were in
her flat, I offered to make a cup of tea. As I prepared tea, the doorbell rang.
Grace went to answer it. When Grace opened the door she was surprised by Trevor
and Tamzin. Trevor was holding a gun at us. He ordered the women into the
lounge. I came up behind Grace.

Trevor started
screaming how we all ruined his life; we’re the bane of his existence. His life
was better before the wedding. Trevor waved the gun about, before directing his
rage to Tamzin. He told Tamzin that it was all her fault. Women like her need
to be beaten into submission. She’s too demanding and thinks the world revolves
around her. She needs to learn her place.” Darren whispered. His eyes winced.
Darren felt the pains of his wound. He needed extra morphine.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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