Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (28 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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felt her legs go weak as she screamed out his name. He tightened his grip on
her hair as Guy fell forward pushing his cock into her ensuring that every last
drop coated her walls. Guy and Grace panted heavily. They were trying to
recover from the mind blowing sex.

fog dissipated. A Yorkshire terrier barked towards the yacht. An old woman,
walking the small dog, appeared in the lifting mist. Quickly Guy grabbed Grace
and threw the shirt over her naked flesh. In one swoop Guy lifted his trousers.
The terrier continued to bark at the yacht, but the old woman seemed not to
care. Unbeknownst to the couple, the woman was as blind as a bat.

“Hush, Mr.
Tiddlywinks. It’s only pigeons.” the old woman crooned as she walked pass.

Guy held Grace in
his arms. In anticipation of the woman’s reaction, Grace held her breath.
The woman and the barking dog continued on
their way with no further notice.

“I don’t believe
she saw us.” Guy said. They both laughed.

Reminiscing about the incident made Guy
laugh. Grace rolled her body over to bury herself into his chest. She could
feel his raging hard on pressing against her thigh. Guy wanted to make love to
her, but there was little to no time.

you really have to go to Tokyo?” Grace murmured.

do. I wish you would come with me.” Guy said into the crown of her hair.

last few weeks of the summer season are the busiest for Delicious. Her catering
chef came down with a flu-like illness which left Grace to pick up the slack.
She didn’t mind at all, after all it was her business. She had two celebrity
weddings and three celebrity baby-showers to cater. Baby-showers are increasingly
common in British celebrity circuit. Grace did want to travel with Guy. She was
desperate to spend a holiday with him.

can’t wait for our holiday together.” Grace said resting her arms on Guy’s
chest. Grace looked up at Guy with her sleepy aquamarine eyes.

Christmas and New Years, Guy arranged for them to holiday in the Maldives. He
had a tough Premier season ahead and knew that they would spend little time
together. His agent made it clear that Guy was extremely bank now that he was
the U.K.’s golden boy.
But, I’m
determined to make it work between Grace and I. I want to keep her.
silently thought.

kissed his chest. Guy lifted Grace up his body and kissed Grace hard on the

got to get ready. You relax before you go to work.” Guy said getting out of the
bed naked.

Grace pouted whilst watching Guy pull his
black Calvin Klein underwear over his arse.

don’t want you to leave.” she playfully whined.

looked back.

does me, love. Neither does me.” Guy replied, bending over the bed to kiss
Grace again.

fell back on the plush pillows as Guy went off to the loo to shower.
If only people understood how much I love
him. It’s hard when people who supposedly love you don’t think it’s going to
work. It has to work between Guy and me.

thoughts were her worst fears. Ever since their first date, she’d been on the
cover of
Rumour Mill
. Paparazzi snapped
a picture of her getting into the Bentley. They followed them to Tooting Bec.
Rumour Mill
published front page
pictures of Grace escorted by Guy and security into her flat. It was this front
cover that a maelstrom ensued from Cat and Corrie.

home Cat and Corrie choked on their tea and scone whilst they read the article
and looked at accompanying photos. Cat angrily punched Grace’s mobile number in
the phone. Grace barely had a chance to say hello before Cat screamed at her.

Ann Knowles, how dare you get back together with
man! Do you think your parents would’ve been proud seeing you
walk through the front door of their home dressed like a street-walker!?” Cat

Cat, please! You’re making a mountain out of mole-hills.” Grace said sternly.
She was in her office looking an order over when the call came.

disappointed in you.” Corrie wept loudly behind Cat. “You’re like your mum,
always chasing unattainable men.”

do you mean?” Grace questioned. Cat and Corrie had Grace’s undivided attention.

father took your mother away from us. If she hadn’t run off to London to attend
culinary school Jane would be alive today. Leave Guy before it’s too late for
you Grace.” Cat warned.

parents died in a car accident, what haven’t you told me?” Grace asked.

they died in a horrific car accident, but it could’ve been prevented if Jane
didn’t marry your father.” Cat and Corrie said in unison.

know it was a drunk driver, are you saying my father had something to do with
the accident?” Grace questioned.

It’s just your mother could’ve chosen better. She chose your father.” Cat said

didn’t like this conversation. Grace had enough. She didn’t like the fact that
they dragged her mum into it. They were using her death as a warning for love.

must be going. I’ve got work to do.” Grace sighed.

do you plan on visiting us? We must discuss this further.” Cat said.

don’t know. Perhaps, sometime soon.” Grace vaguely replied.

said their goodbyes. Grace placed her Blackberry down on her desk. Over the
weeks that followed she spoke to Cat and Corrie briefly. Grace sensed residual
anger from their initial conversation and the media’s intense scrutiny didn’t

too, noticed a change in Grace. Rarely Grace was home, but when she is, she was
busy talking to Guy.

it easy. Take it slow, love. You have all the time in the world with Guy.”
Alistair advised. “Besides we need to focus on my wedding.” Grace knew Alistair
had a point. She did need to focus on helping Alistair and Philippe prepare for
their fall wedding.

kissed Grace on the lips, startling her from her dream. She batted her
eyelashes. Guy was fully dressed and ready for his flight.

must be going.” Guy murmured.

got up from the bed. She stretched and dressed in Guy’s London Lions football
t-shirt. Guy came from behind her, twirled Grace on her feet and kissed her

going to miss you. I want you to know that if you need anything, anything at
all call on my assistant, Gary. Security is at your beck and call. Don’t feel
you have to go home alone on the tube. And if you want to get away from it all,
come to my flat.” Guy said as he folded a key to his flat in Grace’s palm.

was aware that Grace’s flat been broken into. Even though nothing been stolen
and police assured her it was yob’s, Guy was concerned. He pleaded with Grace
to have security with her twenty-four seven, but Grace declined. She didn’t
want to be like members of the Royal family.

you’ll be gone for a week.” Grace said.

know, but it feels like a lifetime apart. I hate spending time away from you.”

nodded. She knew the feeling. It was like knots in her stomach. Grace watched
him as he grabbed his luggage. She followed him out into the kitchen. The
intercom buzzed. Guy and Grace looked at each other knowingly. It was his
driver ready to take Guy to Heathrow airport. They said their goodbyes and
final I love you with promises to talk.

Grace closed the door behind Guy. As she turned to walk back to the bedroom
Grace noticed the pictures on his wall. One was crooked. It was a picture of
Guy at Darren and Tamzin’s wedding. Tamzin was standing a few feet away from
where the picture was taken. Tamzin had the look of a sourpuss. Grace realised
she had taken the picture. Grace straightened the picture without further
thought. She had to hurry for work.

For Tamzin the past eight weeks were hell.
William managed to save Tamzin and Darren’s Kensington town home and retrieved
most of the repossessed items from their Hampshire estate.

felt relief briefly. It still didn’t bring Darren out of hiding. Tamzin wanted
Darren’s head on a platter and Grace permanently out of the picture. Tamzin
would show up at all of Darren’s local hot spots to see if he would show. She
also followed Guy around, making sure that he saw her at any event that Guy was
hosting. But, Tamzin cringed as Guy ignored her and walk pass with Grace on his

times a day Tamzin left messages at Guy’s office. She wanted to know where her
husband is and if Guy had any idea. No call was returned leaving Tamzin fuming.
Finally one evening her iPhone rang. It was an unknown number. It was Darren.

husband falls off the face of the Earth and he doesn’t bother to check up on
me!” Tamzin snapped when she heard his voice.

fine Tamzin. I see you in the papers all the time. I didn’t call to check up on
you. I want to know what your father wants from me.” Darren said.


His money, Darren!
” Tamzin shrieked. “It
was arranged for you to win the Premier. Instead you lost him money!”

knew I wasn’t a willing participant. I told you many times Tamzin. I’m in it
for the game, not to make someone else rich and definitely not to be
blackmailed into winning.” Darren snarled.

what you like, Daddy’s done plenty for us. All you need to do was to win and
bring in the money.” Tamzin crowed.

what I like? Tamzin, I want to know how those videos of Alana and I got in the
hands of Rumour Mill employees. Only your dad and Alana could’ve done such a
thing, but I believe you play a bigger role in all of this. Every day you were
on the front page until Guy’s relationship with Grace took tabloids. Are you
missing your throne?” Darren accused.

got nothing more to say to you. If anything, you need to put in a good word for
me with Guy. After all he’s the one that I want, I always wanted! He has more
money in his little toe than you have in a lifetime. He and I will be walking
down the aisle as soon as I can secure a divorce from you. Tell me where you
are?” Tamzin asked.

Guy wants nothing to do with you. Guy is in love with Grace. He wants her, not
some two bit money grubbing slag like you. Second, I have no intention on
telling you where I am. I know you and Daddy are dying to get rid of me!”
Darren spat.

stood silent. She let out a heavy sigh as she looked at her fingernails.

won’t be a problem in a few weeks and neither will you as soon as my dad finds
you!” Tamzin hissed. Tamzin’s tone dripping in venom.

turned around to see two Scotland Yard detectives giving him the thumbs up.
They were recording the call.

how do you plan on getting rid of us?” Darren asked.

for me to know and for you to find out.” Tamzin growled before ending the call.

put the mobile down and turned to the detectives.

you get it all, DI Jones?” Darren asked.

but we don’t know if it’ll be enough.” DI Jones said.

hoped to bring Tamzin and William behind bars before someone ended up dead.



ome things are just hard to come by.”
Trevor said as he rolled off of Tamzin’s body. It was their third tryst in eight
weeks. Both of them fairly bored of each other.

I want Grace so badly, I can taste it. Why
must I settle for tripe when I can have beef?
For now Trevor had to satisfy
his desires by using Tamzin as his personal plaything. Every time he fucked
Tamzin he thought of Grace. It made Trevor come, but it didn’t make him orgasm
as he would’ve like.
Tamzin isn’t the
real thing!

dreamt of Grace tied to his bed, begging for mercy as he thrusted one of his special
vibrators into her. He wanted to leave welts along her bottom for betraying him
for sleeping with Guy. He thought about how he’d clean her up, paint her nails,
dress her in tight leather corsets and a dog collar to make her his own once he
was through abusing her. He’d be her master and she his servant.
I’d never have to settle for others who
disappoint me.

The closest Trevor
came to having Grace on his own, was when he broke into her flat. She slept
soundly on the couch. The telly was on too loud. He was about to touch her face
when she stirred. In her sleep, Grace mumbled Guy’s name. Fearing Grace’s
screams might bring her uncle to her flat, Trevor bolted.
I want to pummel that bastard, Guy Rowling. He deserves to be in a
Trevor groaned.

too groaned. She was desperate to have Guy all to herself. Finally there was a
break. Gary gossiped to another personal assistant about Guy. The personal
assistant would tell the girlfriend who is friends with Tamzin Guy’s schedule.
It gave Tamzin an advantage. She was at every public, social events Guy attended.
Every time she thought she’d have her chance to talk to him, Tamzin realised he
was there with Grace.

learnt that Guy was off to Japan to film an advert. This week gave her the
opportunity to get rid of Grace for good and bring Darren out into the open.

worry, Trevor. It’ll work out for us. I’ll get Guy and you get Grace and
Darren’s out of the picture. I promise you.” said Tamzin. She got out of bed
naked and threw a Mandarin Oriental Hotel terry-cloth robe on her body. Tamzin
lifted her long blonde hair, placing it in a ponytail. She sauntered over to
the desk to retrieve a pack of Silk Cut that was in her handbag.

lit her cigarette and took a puff. She walked over to the window to take a look
at the afternoon skyline.

do you plan on doing with Grace?” Tamzin asked inhaling cigarette fumes.
“Raping her?” Tamzin joked.

a crude joke. It’s not funny.” Trevor snorted.

sat up with his back against the bed’s upholstered headboard. Tamzin sat down
next to Trevor handing him her Silk Cut.

me what you like, Trevor. Tell me, what gets your jollies off. What would you
do to Grace?” Tamzin asked.

knew what Tamzin meant by her questioning. She wanted to know what made him
It definitely isn’t you love. A
woman who gets her tits out for Page 3 and Rumour Mill isn’t my type.
Trevor wanted to say, but chose to bite his tongue instead. After a bit of
thought, Trevor decided to tell a little to Tamzin.

I’ll force Grace naked to stand with her arms above her head. I’ll tie Grace’s
wrist to my bed post with heavy rope. I’ll have her bend over with her arse in
the air and I’ll whip her with my riding crop. I’ll keep her like that until
Grace apologises for wasting my time and dating Guy. Then when I’m through with
her, I’ll fuck her until she passes out. I’ll bring out my toys and play with
her.” Trevor said. Tamzin smirked.

riding crop! I thought you are worse than that! Gemma told me that you’re bad.”
Tamzin said laughing. Trevor exhaled a cloud of smoke towards Tamzin.

am. I bet Gemma only told you a smidgen of what was done to her.” coolly Trevor

fucked Gemma with my tools. I’ve got dildos with studs on them, which made her
bleed and hurt.
I’ll do the same to you,
if you keep on with your stupid questioning.”

was lost for words. Gemma didn’t tell her all that happened and this was news
to Tamzin. She knew Trevor was sadistic, but Tamzin was curious as to how much
a sadist.

plan on doing the same to Grace. I plan on making her plead, cry, and beg until
she becomes a willing victim. Once I get what I deserve, I plan on tossing her
to the side until she crawls back to me to lick my boots and wants me to marry
her.” Trevor continued as he leaned into Tamzin. He was aroused.

do you want me to do to you?” Trevor breathed in Tamzin’s ear. Trevor dropped cigarette
ash on Tamzin’s exposed thigh. Tamzin didn’t flinch as the ash painfully seared
her skin.

think you’ve done enough.” Tamzin said. “I may procure your services later.”

we on for next Saturday? I made my arrangements. I hope you keep to your end of
the bargain.” Trevor said.

rubbed her chin in thought.
Maybe I need
Trevor now.

we are. As a matter of fact, I need your services now. It’s the only way to get
Darren out from wherever he is hiding.” Tamzin said.

With pleasure, Tamzin. With

British Airways Flight 153 landed safely in
Tokyo. Wearily, Guy disembarked from the plane. Guy was fatigued from jet lag
and his long journey. The time difference made it Sunday afternoon for Guy
whilst Grace was most likely asleep. As soon as the plane landed and taxied to
the gate, Guy sent Grace a text message to say he arrived safely and missed her
I hope she’s using my security
services and not taking chances on her own. I wish she wasn’t so bloody
Guy knew Grace to be stubborn and headstrong.

and his agent, Frederick went to customs. When they finished with customs
officials, they emerged into the airport to throngs of screaming Japanese
school girls and boys, beseeching autographs and pictures. Fully awake, Guy
didn’t realise how big his celebrity status is in Asia. It took him by
surprise. Airport security and Japanese police escorted Guy and Frederick out
to awaiting white Lexus IS. Guy and Frederick climbed into the car whilst
police pushed fans back as the driver put luggage into the boot. Frederick
checked his voicemail messages as Guy waved at fans.

Frederick Asante, this is DI Martin Jones. I’m calling in regards to a case
with your former player, Darren Dowling. We believe...” DI Jones said, but
Frederick didn’t bother listening to the message. He quickly deleted it.
Frederick wasn’t interested in Darren’s problems as Darren left him for another
team. Guy was his only concern.

ok?” Guy asked. The driver pulled away from the kerb. Japanese police cars led
an escort for them out of the airport.

fine and on schedule. I want you to focus on completing the advert and
practicing for the first Premier game.” Frederick replied tucking his iPhone
away, unaware of the events about to unfold.

Alistair and Philippe were out in the
garden enjoying the last day of warm glorious summer weather. They poured over
fabrics for their wedding and consulted on having fabulous fall wedding. A
Yorkie puppy was lying on the grass ripping a wedding magazine to shreds. Grace
came out into the garden with a bottle of wine in hand. Grace was back home
from another long day at Delicious. Alistair and Philippe didn’t notice Grace’s
arrival until she placed the bottle down on the table.

do you think?”Alistair asked. He lifted two pieces of linen to show Grace, a
piece in the colour of rich burgundy and the other in classic cream.

Grace answered as she uncorked the bottle.

we’ve been debating on the wedding cake. Alistair insists on a traditional
fruit cake, but I’d love a devil’s food cake.” Philippe said as he scoured some
wedding cake books.

in the month, Grace gave Alistair and Philippe the books to look through. They
still couldn’t make up their mind.

a wedding. I’ve always felt a traditional sophisticated look is better than one
that’s over the top. Just because we’re the pink pound doesn’t mean we have to
go over the top.” Alistair chided.

but that’s not what guests are expecting of you both. You and Philippe set
trends. Your artwork and Philippe’s interior design speaks volumes. You both
chose the Tate Modern for your ceremony and reception. Your wedding can be
traditional and glamorous.” Grace said. The Yorkie pup nipped at Grace’s bare
feet. It took her by surprise.

is this? Did you two get a puppy?” Grace asked. She bent forward to pick up the
golden tea coloured pup.

a dog? No way. We can barely plan a wedding. Much less take care of a dog.”
Philippe retorted with laughter.

at the tag.” Alistair said. Alistair was engrossed in another wedding book.

the puppy’s neck was a large pink bowtie with a massive white gift tag. Grace
pulled it off the pup. She left the pup on her lap to lick her paws. The tag


Mrs. Tiddlywinks

Security Yorkie to Protect and Serve.

She’ll keep you company until my return.

Love, Guy

smiled. She loved Mrs. Tiddlywinks. Alistair rubbed Mrs. Tiddlywinks ears.

pet store delivered her early this morning. A dirty little scallywag that Mrs.
Tiddlywinks, but I assume she’s not much of a guard dog.” Alistair said

Tiddlywinks barked at Alistair as if she was annoyed by his comment. Grace
picked her up and cuddled her.

doing her job, just fine.” Grace replied amused.

Grace and Philippe continued their conversation regarding the wedding. After
Alistair and Philippe settled on the cake; Alistair, Grace and Philippe enter
Grace’s flat for dinner. Mrs. Tiddlywinks happily trailing behind them.

Monday morning turned out to be one of the
worse mornings at Delicious. Not only was Grace’s catering chef ill, but her
pastry chef as well. Grace knew she could call on Cat and Corrie to help out
since Olivia was fully capable of managing the Savoury Plum, but she was
hesitant. Grace mulled over the idea of calling whilst she reviewed orders.
There’s no choice. I need their help.
tea time Grace decided to ring the Savoury Plum.

Savoury Plum!” Cat answered on the first ring.

Aunt Cat. How are you?” Grace chirped.

and you?” Cat asked. Cat’s voice sound distant and aloof. Grace could tell Cat
was still holding a grudge.

well.” Grace said silently praying that Cat would not bring up the topic of

been reading the Rumour Mill...” Cat began. Grace braced herself for what she
believed to be a bollocking regarding an article Cat read about Guy and Grace.
“Darren Dowling went and beat that poor glamour model to a pulp!”

I don’t read the papers anymore.” Grace replied. Grace was grateful it wasn’t
about her and hoped her answer will end this part of the conversation.

can’t believe you baked Darren and Tamzin’s wedding cake and now their marriage
is ending! The Old Bill is searching for Darren. Darren’s in seclusion ever
since the scandal about the stripper’s baby. It’s been all over the news, not
just the tabloids. This is what happens when foolish young girls fall for the
wrong guy.” Cat said icily.

sharp sting of Cat’s comment stung Grace.
need to ignore it. I need their help.
Grace assured herself.

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