Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50) (324 page)

BOOK: Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)
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Fortune Befirends the Bold: Book X

Fra Lippo Lippi

Freedom and Love


Gathering Song of Donald the Black

Gaunt’s ‘This England’ Speech (Richard II)

Genius in Beauty

Georgic I

Georgic IV

Get Up and Bar the Door


Give All to Love

Give Me More Love

Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun


Gloomy Winter’s Now Awa’

Go, Lovely Rose!

Goblin Market


Great Spirits Now on Earth Are Sojourning

Hame, Hame, Hame

Hamlet’s ‘To Be or Not to Be’ Speech

Handsome Nell



Happy Insensibility

Harp of the North, Farewell!

He’s Ower the Hills That I Lo’e Weel

Heart’s Compass

Heart’s Hope

Heaven — is what I cannot reach!

Heaven has different Signs — to me

Hector’s Farewell of His Wife Andromache and Son: Book VI


Henry V’s ‘Once More unto the Breach’ Speech

Her Gifts

Her Reply (Written by Sir Walter Raleigh)


Here’s a Health to King Charles



Highland Mary

Hind Horn

His Pilgrimage

His Supposed Mistress


Holy Thursday

Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead

Home-thoughts, from Abroad

Home-thoughts, from the Sea

Hope is the thing with feathers

Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland

How Love Looked for Hell

How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix [16 — ]

Hugh of Lincoln

Human Folly

Hunting Song


Hymn Before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouni

Hymn of Pan

Hymn to Adversity

Hymn to Aphrodite

Hymn to Diana

Hymn to the Night

Hymn to the Spirit of Nature

I Fear Thy Kisses

I Know The Music

I Lo’ed Ne’er a Laddie but Ane

I Loved a Lass

If Doughty Deeds

In a London Square

In the Highlands

In the Round Tower at Jhansi

In the Valley of Cauteretz

In Time of ‘The Breaking of Nations’

In Time of Pestilence

Integer Vitae





Jaques’ ‘All the World’s a Stage’ Speech (As You Like It)

Jenny Kiss’d Me

Jerusalem: Chapter I.

Jessie, the Flower o’ Dunblane

Joan of Arc. The First Book.

Jock of Hazeldean

John Anderson My Jo

Johnie Armstrong

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