Demigod Down

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Authors: Kim Schubert

Tags: #demigod, #romance sex, #heroine in peril, #succubus paranormal romance, #heroine fantasy, #heroine female sleuth, #vampires and shape shifter, #shifter alpha male, #shifter alpha, #heroine strong woman

BOOK: Demigod Down
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Demigod Down

Kim Schubert



Copyright © Kim Schubert 2015

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Other books by Kim Schubert:

Dead Shifter Walking, The Succubus
Executioner Book 1


As in the first book and so in the second,
none of this would be possible without with committed support of my
husband, who, if possible, I love and adore even more.

For Jace, the new love of my life.

Start of

with Kim

Chapter 1

Parents do
everything within their power to protect their charges, but the
truth is that even guardians fail. When they do, it is a failure
that haunts for lifetimes - never relenting, easing up, or allowing
peace. It is our burden and one that I carry always.

That was my dismal thought, mixed in with
memories of my own adopted sister, as I pulled up to the remote log
cabin nestled in the secluded flatlands outside Vinita, Oklahoma.
It was a bad idea bringing the survivors of the sex ring I had
eliminated here. Only three had made it out, the rest had either
been too far gone for me to save or had begged for death. I could
never deny a soul the ability to leave the world on their own
terms, rather than battle the pain and shame a situation this
horrible had inflicted upon them. I ended seven lives upon their
insistence and I suppose that makes me a terrible person. I know it
had something to do with the fact I too had given serious
consideration to ending my own life more than a few nights after I

So bringing three terrified newly turned
shifters who had been brutalized to the local alpha’s house
unannounced was really going to be interesting, I thought, shutting
the SUV off. Turning to the three huddled forms in the darkness, I
tried my best to make my voice soft and gentle, even though they
had witnessed me annihilate everything in that compound. I
announced, “I am going to go knock on the door and ask for a place
to stay tonight. These are good people. They will help.” I
finished, trying to show confidence in that statement, but they
collectively started to whine, untrusting of strangers. I don’t
believe they even realized they were doing it. They had been pushed
so far they were close to becoming purely beast, which in the
shifter world meant certain death.

Leaving my door open, I slowly approached the
house, knocking on the door. “It’s Olivia, head executioner for the
Council,” I announced on the pine porch.

But everyone calls me Olie. I wasn’t a big
fan of the female version Liv. The executioner job title - well,
that’s self-explanatory. My occupation consists of killing rouge
Supernaturals, vampires, shifters, and the more exotic sups such as

I, ladies and gentleman am a succubus. Feel
free to make your own assumptions, everyone does.

A short, spikey-haired kid glared at me,
answering the door. “What?” he demanded.

“Where is the alpha?” I growled in

He snorted, stirring his bull nose ring while
running his eyes over me and inhaling deeply. “We don’t want
trouble,” he said, going to close the door.

I stopped him, catching the highly polished
wood door with a hand and meeting his snarl with my own. I know I
looked like a disaster with dried blood staining my leather
clothing and gluing stands of my already blood red hair together in
sticky clumps. The bite I took on my neck was healing but still

Ignoring the bottom of the pack in front of
me, I called out into the house, “Alpha,” I demanded, “I am an
Executioner and I seek sanctuary for myself and three other

I heard the shifting of chairs followed by
doors closing as the stomping of feet descending down the stairs,
revealing several well-muscled, droll worthy men. Leading the pack
was the Alpha of the US Logan. Shit.

Spikey hair smiled. I must have said that out
loud. Oops.

“You are in for it now,” he said, folding his
arms over his chest.

I growled, leaning towards him. “Be very
careful, your next words may be your last.”

Stumbling back, he let the door bang open as
I raised my eyes back to the caramel depths of Logan’s own. “Are
you the speaking Alpha?” I asked. I really needed to get those
girls out of my car.

“That depends,” Logan said and stopped, his
eyes raking over my appearance and quickly pulling in a deep
breath. I could image the smells he was pulling off me - fear,
death, sex, and sweat, just to name a few.

“I have had a very long and awful night.” I
said, my sea green eyes not leaving his own. “I need a safe place
for the three females in the back of my SUV who are terrified and
border line beast. Will you help me take care of your own?” I
demanded, quickly losing my patience.

One of the men came forward from behind
Logan. He wasn’t an alpha. A beta maybe. “The alpha of this house
is gone, but I’m his beta Dean and I grant you and yours sanctuary
for as long as needed.”

I nodded exhausted, “Where are your females?”
I questioned looking around at the testosterone-filled room.

Dean came down the last steps, “Away, why?”
he asked his salt and pepper hair cut short.

I shook my head, “I can’t have you all around
them in the state they’re in.”

A young cocky male moved forward ahead of
Logan still stopped on the stairs, “Just to clarify, you want us to
allow four unknown females into an absent alpha’s house while you
ask where our females are?”

I nodded, rubbing my temples when the
piercing sound of a terrified scream raked through the air. “Olie!”
I heard my name screamed over and over again as I ran back to the
SUV. One of the girls had submitted to her beast, no longer able to
fight the memories of her abused body.

The other two spilled out of the SUV as the
light from the open door cut a swatch in their dirty rags of
clothing, I cleared the porch using energy reserves I didn’t have,
tackling the female in mid shift, the skin of her face stretching
as fur glistened down her arms in the moonlight The males followed
close behind me and the females, whose names I couldn’t get from
them, started screaming, “Don’t touch us! Don’t let him touch us,
Olie! Please.” They begged me, in hoarse, choked sobs.

Clenching my eyes closed, I broke the
shifter’s neck, separating it from her abused body as she sunk her
fangs into my forearm. The cracking sound fell on deaf ears as the
girls looked for a way out, holding tightly to each other and
begging for it to stop.

I looked into Dean’s eyes as he backed away,
his hands held up in horror as disbelief spread over his face. The
other alphas that had followed me outside the house also backed
away slowly. Their faces clearly revealed their shocked and angry
emotional state.

I absorbed the sickening fear the girls were
pushing out. Nothing good could come of this, I thought.

We were saved from further emotional
heaviness by Logan whistling on the porch. The alphas left, sparing
a few troubled glances at the dirty, malnourished and brutalized
females begging on the ground.

I closed my eyes, knowing I was vulnerable
and hating myself for such weakness. I couldn’t help it. I was too
tired. My body was beaten and I was fairly certain there was a
bullet or two still lodged in my shoulder. My soul though had a
host of memories I was having a hard time pushing away.

I waited until their cries had dimmed, until
they had realized that no one here was going to hurt them. I
wouldn’t reach them until they calmed down. That was a lesson
learned from painful experience. The dark-haired older one looked
to me.

“No one is going to hurt you,” I reaffirmed.
She nodded, nudging the blonde to look at me.

I gave them a strained smile, reaching my
hand out.

I was in the upstairs bathroom when I heard
the meeting that I had interrupted, come to a close. I had left the
girls in one of the finished basement rooms after getting them
washed up and in clean clothes.

The girls would not eat. I wasn’t surprised.
I had left the door open to the bathroom to hear them if they cried
out but I was far enough away I wouldn’t disturb them with their
newfound hearing, as I tried to dig out the bullets. Pulling off my
jacket, I gave it a sad look as I dropped it into the plastic
garbage bag I had found in the kitchen. I wasn’t sure if even Jerry
could resurrect it. Cutting through my blood-stained black tank
top, I hissed as I pulled fabric out of my wounds sucking in a deep
breath to focus on staying awake instead of passing out as my body
wanted to.

I never heard Logan arrive until he gently
moved me to the toilet, sitting me down while his hands quickly
examined the holes in my back. I hissed when he pressed against
them, dropping my chin to my chest.

“What the fuck did you get into tonight?” He
asked softly using the tools I had set on the countertop to probe
my shoulder.

“You don’t want to know.” I managed to get
out around, my clenched teeth .My breathing relaxing as he pulled a
chunk of metal from my shoulder.

Logan pushed back into me as I tried not to
tense up. “What should I tell the counselor coming out

I felt the sob leave my body, covering my
face with my hand I felt Logan pull out another chunk of metal as
he closed the door isolating us.

“Olie, I can feel you,” he said

I choked back another sob nodding clamping
down hard as I braided my emotions back into myself shoving up
extra barriers against the emotional train wreck I currently was.
Being a succubus and manipulating emotions was my greatest strength
and occasionally a pain in the ass.

Clearing my throat, I tried again, “I’m not
sure exactly what it was, sex ring, or what, but they were
brutalized to the point where the beast took over and used for
fight to the death.”

Logan dropped another piece of metal in the
trash can and was silent for a long moment before he asked quietly,
“Are there any others left?”

I shook my head “None,” I answered, turning
to look at his caramel eyes darkening as he cracked his neck,
holding onto the forceps tightly.

“Any more?” I asked softly. He shook his
head. His light brown hair had grown since I had seen him last
time, I noted.

Gathering my items, I headed away from the
overbearing shifter and back to the basement to shower and finally
pass out.

I was awakened by the divine smell of
breakfast, dressed in yoga pants and a tank top over my
undergarments. I wrangled my hair into a pony tail after foolishly
sleeping on it wet. Trudging up the stairs, I noticed the girls’
room was vacant. Perhaps the counselor had already arrived.

Following my nose to the kitchen, I found
Dean cooking breakfast. “Morning,” he greeted me.

I grunted a reply, throwing myself in the
nearest chair.

Logan came in from outside. “You’ll have to
forgive her. She’s not a morning person.”

Dean cast a look at me nodding, “I can see

Logan moved aside my tank top straps stating,
“These are still pretty raw Olivia.”

“I’m aware.” I mumbled.

“The first aid kit is in the hall bath,” Dean
said, setting a plate in front of me.

“Thanks,” I grumbled, annoyed as I dug into
the warm biscuit.

“She’ll probably need another plate,” Logan
said, setting down the first aid kit next to me on the table. He
was dressed in pajama pants with paw prints and a white t-shirt. I
raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged, “Can’t I have relaxed clothing
as well?”

I laughed, choking on my food before I asked,
“No Lorraine?”

He had the decency to look annoyed at his
fiancé’s name. “No, not today.”

Hissing, I ate another bite as he dabbed
disinfectant on my wounds. “Baby,” he chided.

Dean watched our interaction spooning more
eggs and biscuits. “You two seem pretty chummy,” he commented.

“Appearances are deceiving.” replied

I couldn’t agree more.

“The girls?” I asked as Logan sat next to me
taking the sausage off my plate.

“The counselor took them this morning. I have
the number and address if you want to check in on them,” He said,
his eyes surprisingly gentle.

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