Demons Don't Always Tell The Truth (Kate Storm Series Book 3) (7 page)

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9. Party Preparations


I woke refreshed and eager for the day. Which was odd. Given the current state of affairs in my life - having a client who used black magic, something bad about to happen to me and all my problems with my UDBF, secretary and boyfriend - one would think I'd be having nightmares and unable to sleep.

I'm not sure what it said about me that I could sleep soundly under these circumstances. Clearly I'd had way too much stress in my life lately for this to be commonplace.

Then again, I wasn't complaining and I had a party to get ready for.

I tossed the covers back and sat up.

A low growl emanated from my crotch.

I looked down to find Al glaring up at me. He lay curled in the vee of my spread legs. The top of my vee acted as his pillow. Which placed his head as intimately as he could get with my body.

I tried to tell myself that he was a very small dog despite his ghostly presence.

"It's still early, Doll. Why don't we sleep in some more this mornin'?" He snuggled his head deeper into my vee.

I snatched him up.

He might be a Chihuahua, but he was also a very determined hit man with a one track mind and a totally unrealistic agenda.

"I've got a lot to do today, Al." I tucked him into my chest then shifted him into my neck when he started to nuzzle my breasts. Crazy Chihuahua.

"It's Saturday." He licked my neck. "I thought you didn't have any appointments today."

"I don't." He stared up at me. I kissed his head. "We're having the dinner party tonight, remember?"

I wanted to bounce on the bed. My very own dinner party with my very own boyfriend.

"Right. Ass is coming over." Al's upper lip lifted.

"You know, I'd really appreciate it, if you would stop calling him Ass. His name is Ash." I held him out in front of my face so he knew I meant business.

He blinked his bulging, watery, brown eyes.

I maintained my glare.

His little body shivered.

I pulled him in close. "Are you cold?" I grabbed my comforter and tugged it up around us both.

He shivered again.

Damn it. I hadn't meant to upset him. I simply wanted him to stop calling my boyfriend an ass.

I fluffed a pillow behind me and leaned back, keeping the covers tucked tight. "A few extra minutes in bed won't hurt anything." I snuggled him in closer. "Maybe I should get out your sweaters?"

Al wasn't a big fan of wearing clothes, but we'd found several black knit sweaters - one with a white skull and crossbones and one with a gray revolver on the back - that he found acceptable.

Usually, I didn't bring out his sweaters until mid-October. I rubbed his head under the covers. He pressed his nose between my breasts.

I knew there was a very high likelihood he was manipulating me. I also knew he was a very small Chihuahua with a limited amount of fur.

Either way, it didn't matter. I could afford a few minutes of cuddle time. I didn't have it in me to upset him.



I finished dusting the living room and took a step back. Every surface gleamed, the floors shone, pillows and cushions fluffed and the faint scent of lemon hung in the air.


I'd been working hard all day. My apartment might be small - ridiculously cramped even - but it had still taken me hours to clean it. I didn't think there was a single inch I hadn't touched.

I'd probably gone overboard. My apartment hadn't been this spotless since the first few months after my mother's death. And it wasn't like everyone hadn't been to my apartment before.

Still, this was different.

I'd hosted girls' night at my place before, but never an actual dinner party with couples and my very own boyfriend.

I wanted everything to be perfect.

I cast a quick dust-free spell guaranteed to maintain my über clean space. It would last until midnight. The dust bunnies were free to invade again after that.

I like to work through personal issues as I clean. As a general rule. I figure, if I am going to clean my house - or my business - then I should do a full cleaning. Mental as well as physical. I like to multi-task that way.

Which is kind of funny as it doesn't often work.

Case in point: I still had no idea how to help Morgan. I was letting go more and more of my anger. It's hard to stay angry and hurt at someone when you would do the
exact same thing
in their position. But it didn't help in terms of me helping Morgan work through her issues.

I had, sort of, come up with a plan in regards to Ash. I planned to give him another blow job. I know. I know. It had failed spectacularly the first time. I got that. I'd undermined his self-control. Something demons value above all else.

I got that. I truly did.

However, I planned to seduce him this time. I wasn't going to prove a point. I wasn't planning to show him that I was right and he was totally in the wrong. I wasn't planning on any of that.

I simply wanted to show him that I wanted him.

Rather desperately.

And I hoped, if I did it right, he might want to show me how much he wanted me.

I knew he had been trying to prove a point by controlling all of our make out sessions lately. I was hoping - one might even go as far as to say praying - that he was finally over it all.

I didn't want to turn our relationship into a show of one-upmanship. Not at all. I had no problem being the one on the bottom when it came to our personal life. I preferred it.

But the time had come to do something to shake things up.

My hormones could not take another night of empty promises.

And if the blow job attempt failed. I planned to break out the cuff-links.

I'd ordered them online. They were gunmetal grey with a velvet lining.

I mean, really, what demon could resist the site of a witch in handcuffs? I was betting Ash couldn't.

I'd pretty much ignored all the other issues in my life. There were too many and I had a party to get ready for.

I eyed the room one more time, sighed with satisfaction and headed to the kitchen to put away my cleaning supplies.

As an added bonus, I felt confident I had worked off a few extra calories with all my cleaning.

Go me.

I decided to check on Al. He'd wanted to do his part. I think he was trying to show me how helpful he could be in a relationship.

I'd assigned him the task of arranging the place cards.

Not that I am a formal witch by any means.

It was the only thing I could think of to disperse the weight of my male guests without being rude in regards to weight or bringing up potential structural issues. Which really wouldn't be a problem if the guys weren't so heavy.

I have weight issues myself. I totally understand.

I just wasn't one hundred percent sure my porch did.

So, I'd come up with super cute place-cards and appetizer trays strategically placed to tempt a demon to stand in one spot, a vampire in another and a gargoyle in yet another.

I set the dusting spray and cloth on the counter and stepped onto my porch.

"Hey. How's the . . . Al, is that glue?"

Damn it. I could see at least two tubes next to his front paw and it looked like he had a couple more hidden behind his tiny backside.

"Hey, Doll." Al shifted, shuffled a napkin over the tubes and blinked at me. "All done with the cleaning already?"

"Yes. I am." I marched over, picked him up and set him on the ground then grabbed the wooden tray. "You're just lucky I ordered more of these meatballs."

Al's little nails scratched the floor in a rhythmic pattern as he followed me inside.

"Glue can't hurt a demon, Doll."

Damn it. He didn't sound apologetic, more irritated.

"We do not insult, hurt or try to injure our guests in any way, Al." I slammed the tray onto my kitchen table. "Nor do we try to glue parts of their anatomy to the appetizers."

I whirled around with my hands on my hips to glare down at him.

Al shrugged, lifted one paw and licked it. "You forgot to include some entertainment tonight. I was just trying to help."

I opened my mouth to let him have it when I caught sight of the clock.

Sweet Spirits, I had just over an hour before everyone arrived. My hair would take a good forty minutes alone.

I shook my finger at him as I hot-footed it out of the kitchen. "You better behave yourself tonight, Al."

I was shutting the bathroom door when I head him mutter, "I knew I shoulda used the rat poison. It woulda have been so much faster."


10. A Witch, A shirt and A Disaster.


The doorbell rang as I was attempting to button my blouse. Apparently my cleaning frenzy wasn't as calorie reducing as I thought. Or I had put on more weight than I wanted to admit.


I must have grabbed the wrong size.

The doorbell rang again. I still had a good twenty minutes before anyone was supposed to arrive. Maybe a neighbor wanted to borrow something.

I gave up on the uncooperative buttons and tried to simply yank the top over my head. The silky material got stuck underneath my breasts. I tried to pull it back down, but it was bunched too tightly and a couple of the buttons had somehow tangled up which prohibited the shirt from moving.

I hadn't been able to close the buttons near my breasts so the stupid blouse was scrunched up just under my bra with my purple bra and upper chest fully exposed.

The shirt was too small.

I didn't want to acknowledge it, but it was kind of hard to miss now that it was attempting to smother me.

My brand spanking new top was too small.

The doorbell rang again.

I grabbed a zip up sweatshirt hanging from the back of my bedroom door and shrugged into it as I headed towards the front door.

I refused to let this upset me. Obviously, this was the store's fault. They had mis-marked the top.

I couldn't remember any untangling spells for the life of me.

Damn it. I really wanted everything to be perfect for tonight.

I'd hidden the glue and the rat poison - I did not remember buying rat poison - and put Al on the deck with my iPod and instructions for selecting a playlist. I was fairly certain he wouldn't be able to scroll through the music, but I figured it would keep him out of trouble and give him something to do.

At least my hair was done. My curls had gone into full combat mode. Rather than attempting to win that battle, I'd simply pulled my curls into a top ponytail.

They were contained and my new dangly beaded earrings wouldn't get caught. A win-win as far as I was concerned.

Plus it had cut down on my primping time. Which meant I was ready ahead of time except for my new blouse which someone had clearly mis-marked.

I'd get rid of my neighbor, find my untangling spell and put on my red top with the low neckline and comfortable waist. Red always looked good on me.

And I wanted to look good tonight. I was throwing a party and had big plans to seduce my demon boyfriend later. I definitely wanted to look my best.

I didn't like it, but a small part of me had begun to wonder if Ash didn't find me appealing anymore. I knew demons valued control. Trust me, that was not something I would ever forget.

I'd been telling myself he was showing both of us how very much in control he could be. That's what the logical part of my brain figured. The insecure witch inside of me had started to wonder if it was all about control or more about a lack of desire.

He certainly didn't seem to have any problems cutting things off whenever they got too heated.

I flung open my door in the middle of another buzz.

Ash stood on the other side.

Hello, baby

Ah shit. I was stuck in my shirt.

He wore black boots, black leather pants and a black leather vest which hung open to reveal each and every muscle on his rock hard chest and powerful arms.

Ash never had to worry about wardrobe issues. In fact, the less he wore the better.

I, on the complete opposite hand, looked my best covered from head to toe. Preferably with multiple layers.

I tugged the sweatshirt sides I hadn't managed to zip up closer together. Ash had seen me in much, much less. He'd shown me with words and actions how desirable he found my body.

I knew this. Mostly. At least the logical part of my head knew this.

It still didn't help the fact that my brand new party blouse was stuck underneath my bra in a tight band that felt tighter and tighter the longer I stared at Ash's perfect chest.

"You're early."

It came out as a slight snarl and a definite accusation.

Ash raised one dark eyebrow.


"I meant, come on in." I tried on a smile, gave up when I felt my bottom lip quiver and turned back down my hall. "I'll be just a minute."

I slammed my bedroom door shut behind me and slumped against it. This was not a big deal. At all. I could handle one slightly too small blouse. I was a big witch and this was one minor issue.

Not big. Adult. I was an adult witch. I could handle this.

Why was I even letting myself get upset over such a small thing?

I wasn't. I took a deep cleansing breath. This was not going to upset me at all.

The doorknob turned and my door began to swing open.

I dug my heels into the floor.

"I'll be right out. Just need a minute here."

The door continued its forward motion. As if I wasn't even there, shoving back with all my strength.

I leapt out of the way at the last minute so I wouldn't get caught between the door and the wall. I held the sweatshirt closed with both fists and turned towards Ash.

"Like I said, just need a minute here."

Ash closed the distance between us with one long stride. He caught my shoulders with his hands. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" I laughed, heard the shrill sound that came out instead and stopped. "Nothing. Just need to finish dressing." I tried to shrug his hands off, the blouse twisted tighter around my ribs.

"I have drinks set up in the kitchen. Why don't you go help yourself and I'll be right out?"

Yes, indeedy. Nothing wrong here.

I needed five minutes and all would be well. Because, gosh, nothing says "I'm sexy" like a too small blouse constricting the breath right out of a witch.

I mean, really, how could any of my seduction plans for later in the evening go wrong when I started off with such an appealing sight?

Five minutes. Or possibly one good spell with my wand. Which was on top of my bed, behind Ash. I'd have to let go of my sweatshirt to pick up my wand.

Not going to happen.

"Kate?" Ash's hand slid from my shoulders to either side of my neck. His thumbs eased into the top of my sweatshirt.

I gasped and moved one fist up until it was beneath his hands, twisting the material tighter, almost strangling myself.

Subtle. Very subtle.

"What do you have on underneath this?" Ash tugged on the collar, pulling the edges away despite my death grip. He tilted his head and frowned at me.

I couldn't blame him. I was acting irrationally. Usually I tried to get Ash to take my clothes off. Then again, usually I was not unattractively stuck in my clothes either.

"Nothing." Amber began to melt in his eyes. "I mean something, not nothing." I frantically searched my brain for a rational response. "A surprise." Good. Great. That would work. "It's a surprise. For you." I needed something more. "For later." Perfect.

"I like surprises. Why don't you show me now?"

Not perfect.

Ash began sliding his hands down the center seams of the sweatshirt I was desperately trying to hold together. His thick biceps were not just for show. I didn't stand a chance against his strength.

"No. Wait." I pulled back and wiggled.

His hands pushed mine down some more.

I panicked and yanked as hard as I could.

Ash wasn't expecting it. He let go and I stumbled back, arms flailing as I tried to prevent myself from falling backwards.

I landed on my bed.

Bounced once.

My heels just touched the floor. My ass rested on the edge of my mattress. My fists gripped the comforter to prevent myself from sliding all the way to the ground.

Oh shit.

My fists gripped the comforter.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see. Didn't want to know how bad it looked. How bad I looked. The blouse had twisted. I could feel the material slant across my breasts, pressing into them. Hard. Because the damn thing was too small.

Or I was too big.

Either way, I didn't want to look.

So much for my perfect evening.

"This is my surprise?"

Sweet Spirits, I'd landed on my wand. One end dug into my left cheek. I couldn't even whip up a convenient hole to hide in.

"No." I bit my lip, hoping the pain would stop the tears. "My shirt . . ." My voice wobbled. I didn't bother to continue. Ash could clearly see what was wrong with my shirt.

I moved my arms, planning to at least hide my face. I didn't need tears to complete my pathetic state.

I couldn't move my arms all the way up. The blouse was now utterly tangled and way too tight.

My lips quivered.

Ash stretched out next to me. His weight created a depression in the mattress and I started to roll into him. I tried to brace myself, but my hands and arms were caught in my blouse. The silky material had no give at all.

I ended up squeezed against him. Hips to hips. Chest to chest. Between us we had a lot of naked skin showing. His heat  pressed into me. His hardness against my softness.

My tangled, caught, exposed softness.

I barely caught the sob before it escaped.

"Kate?" One large hand gripped the back of my neck, pulling my head back while his thumb pushed under my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.

I squeezed my eyes tight.

"Talk to me." His words whispered warmly over my lips.

What was there to say? I was caught in a too small shirt. Trying to fit into a size I clearly wasn't.

Half bred witch. I didn't fit any where.

Figuratively and now literally.

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