Demons Don't Always Tell The Truth (Kate Storm Series Book 3) (10 page)

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15. Break In.


I unlocked the door to
Love Required
. I didn't have any clients to meet. No phone calls to make. Nothing urgent that required my attention. I rarely came in on a Sunday. Unless something came up.

Or I was trying to avoid my own apartment.

Facing issues head on totally sucked.

Not that I was truly meeting my issues face to face. I hadn't slept. Had barely eaten anything. And my mind couldn't stop racing in circles.

I was in limbo.

Caught between the pole and the ground. Upside down and backwards.

Nothing made sense.

And everything hurt.

"Ya need to eat, Doll." Al trotted forward through the front door ahead of me. I closed the door and dispersed my protection spell.

"I'm fine, Al." I'd told him that at least ten times already.

We headed into my HC office. Al immediately jumped onto my chair and then to the desk top. He sat down on his furry little haunches.

"Look, Doll. I'm sorry about Ass. I've never liked him, but I never wanted him to hurt you either."

"I'm not talking about this, Al." I scooped him up, smooched his head and set him on the floor. "I'm going to go through my files to find a match for Snake."

Basically I was going in the direct opposite direction in my attempt to confront things head on. I wasn't even
to face things. I'd stopped trying around 5 am.

If I didn't think, I could function. I could breathe without pain.

I'd cleaned my apartment. Twice.

Removed all traces of the party. Dropped my red shirt off at the local thrift store. Along with the new one that wouldn't fit.

Al and I had taken a five mile walk.

My legs throbbed. But I couldn't sit. Every time I stopped moving, I started thinking. So, now we were at
Love Required

I refused to be the pathetic witch. The one people whispered about behind her back. I'd had enough of that crap in school.

I was a matchmaking witch who failed in her own love life. So what? I was cursed to fail in love. I was
. My entire family had been cursed.

Frankly, I should have seen this coming.

But I hadn't. Despite all the warning signs.

And looking back? There had been a lot of warning signs.

What was it they said about hindsight?

Oh, that's right. It sucked.

Maybe that's not the exact wording, but that's what they meant. It totally and utterly sucked.

I sat in my chair, pulled open a drawer and grabbed Snake's file. I was about to set it on my desk when I realized the papers I'd left out were stacked neatly and precisely in the middle of my desk.


As much as I would like to be a thoroughly organized witch, I'm not. I tend to leave things out when I should put them away. The coffee mug on the counter, my broom in the hall and my client's files scattered on my desk.

I don't worry about security. I have my protection spells.

I looked into the open desk drawer. Everything looked okay, but . . . I opened every desk drawer. I didn't see anything
amiss. Nothing appeared
out of place.

Still. I couldn't shake the feeling that things were not
like I'd left them. The pencils and pens slightly rearranged. Notepads shifted.

Nothing drastic. In fact, I wasn't sure I would have even noticed if it weren't for the military like precision of the papers on top.

"Al, do you smell anything odd in here?"

He sniffed the desk legs, walked over to the two chairs and small table in front of my desk and sniffed those. "No." He cocked his tiny head at me. "Why? Something wrong?"

"I'm not sure." I got up and checked out the rest of my shop.

I couldn't find anything moved in my humans only office. I rarely worked in there. I used it to meet with my human clients and nothing else. All of my files were in my HC office.

The waiting room appeared undisturbed. Table and chairs in their place, even the small storage closet looked fine.

The top of Désirée Norma-Sue's desk mimicked mine. The papers rigidly organized, every pencil sharpened to a pinpoint and the telephone and stapler lined up like soldiers on parade.

I glanced down at Al. He'd followed me on my office tour. "You don't sense or smell anything out of place?"

"No. What's wrong?" He couldn't see the top of Désirée's desk. He barely cleared my ankles.

I pulled out my cell phone and pressed five on speed dial. "Hey Désirée, how are you?" I paused for a moment. "No. I don't want to talk about it."

Big Al snorted. I ignored him.

"Nothing much. I've got a quick question for you. Did you happen to come in and do a little cleaning around the office?"

I'd closed up Friday night. I didn't think Désirée Norma-Sue had come in yesterday, but she could have had apartment issues too and come in unbeknownst to me.

"I didn't think so." I paused again. "No, cleaning the office is not part of your job description. I was just looking for something and thought I'd left it on my desk."

Yes. I lied. Désirée Norma-Sue had been acting jumpy enough lately. I was not about to add to her worries.

"Okay. Sounds good. See you tomorrow." I started to disconnect, sighed. "No. I really do not want to talk about it. See you mañana."

I hung up before she could ask again.

Well, shit.

Frog warts and spider eggs.

Hell and damn.

This was not good.


I picked him up. Al licked my lips.

"Someone's been in here, Al."

His little body stiffened in my arms. The fur along his neck ruffled as he growled, "Someone got passed your protection spells, broke in and didn't leave a trace or a scent?"

"Yep. And they didn't take anything either as far as I can tell."

"Fuck." Al snarled

I had to agree with him.

The last time I'd come across a being who managed to evade my spells and leave no scent or trace, he'd been a vampire assassin out to frame and kill me.

I was seriously screwed.



The phone started ringing as I was halfway up the stairs to my apartment.

I couldn't make a run for it. It was all I had in me to put one foot in front of the other.

In addition to our five mile walk, Al and I had walked to
Love Required
. I'd considered riding my spare broom home, but the break in at my shop gave me a major case of the jitters I thought I should walk off.

Now I could barely move my legs.

"Just a few more steps, Doll. You can do it."

I don't know where he got his energy. He'd taken at least ten steps to each one of mine.

In a decidedly odd and rather masochistic manner, I was almost enjoying the pain.

Not that I wasn't counting the seconds until I stepped into my apartment, trekked the hall and poured myself a glass of wine while I cast a healing spell.

I was counting the nanoseconds.

However, the pain also kept me totally distracted. My screaming thighs consumed my entire thought process, leaving no leftover space for anything else.

Maybe I should forego my healing spell?

I gained another step.

Nope. Definitely casting that spell the moment I dragged myself into my kitchen. Sweet Spirits, did I ache.

I trudged up another step. The phone quit ringing.

"Almost there, Doll. Five more steps."

The heck with it. I didn't know what I was trying to prove.

I leaned against the wall and cast my healing spell.

"Oh my sweet, sweet bliss." I bent - smoothly and comfortably - over, picked up Al and nuzzled his neck. "Thanks, Al. I wasn't sure I would make it."

He licked my cheek. "I gotta tell ya, Doll, I wasn't sure either."

It's rather demoralizing when your Chihuahua is in better shape than you are.

My cell phone began to ring. Something was not right.

"Hey Aunt Tabs, what's wrong?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing."

There was no way she could know about the break in. And I certainly didn't plan to worry her.

"What do you mean?"

"I've got that itchy feeling again. Where are you?"

Silly as it was, I double checked the stairway. Tested my protection spells.

"I'm home." I hugged Al close and hustled up the last few steps. Once inside, I re-set my protection spells. "I'm safe."

"I don't like this, dear. I think you should come stay with me."

There was no way I'd risk bringing danger to my Aunt's door.

"I'm good. I've cast my spells. I'm not planning on going anywhere. I'm safe. Please don't worry about me."

"Is Ash coming over? I'd feel better if he was there."

Just the sound of his name made my chest ache. Destroyed whatever pretense of normalcy I'd fooled myself into believing.

"No." I cleared my throat. "No, he isn't coming over."

I racked my brain for something else to say, to reassure her with, but I was caught in a whirlpool of pain.

"Maybe I should come over there then."

"No!" I took a deep breath, reeled myself back in. "No. It's okay, Aunt Tabs. I'm fine. I'll call you if anything comes up, but I'm fine." I was a big fat liar. That's what I was. "I'm going to watch a movie, have a quiet night in. Really, there's no need to worry at all."

"Promise you'll call if anything happens?"

"Cross my heart."

"Be careful, Kate. I love you."

The lump in my chest moved to my throat. "I love you too, Aunt Tabs."

Spirits, I hated lying to her. I refused to risk anything happening to her either. If I was truly in some sort of danger, I'd stay away from my Aunt until it passed.

Speaking of danger - I gathered my magic and cast it out, searching every inch of my apartment. Then I walked through every room.

I'd lied in more ways than one to my aunt. I could cast as many protective spells as I could think of, but they wouldn't do me a bit of good against an unknown enemy who could break those spells and leave no trace.

Once I was positive I had nothing to fear in my own apartment, I pulled out a leftover meatball and warmed it up for Al.

He rubbed against my ankle. "Ya gotta eat something, Doll."

"I will. Don't worry."

Great. I might as well stop talking if all I planned to do was lie to everyone I cared about.

The hit-man channeled away sometime during his dinner.

I gathered Al, a large glass of wine and found a comfortable spot on my new couch and turned on the TV.

Ash had sat in the exact same spot just a few nights ago.

I shifted over.

Morgan texted me. I ignored it. And the next few from Drake, Désirée and Phil. I turned off my phone when Aunt Tabs started in.

I couldn't pretend anymore. Not even to myself.

And I still couldn't cry.

I sat there, staring at the screen, not seeing or hearing anything. Trying desperately not to think or feel.

When that didn't work, I concentrated on my breathing. In and out. In and out. In. And. Out.

I could do this.

I would find a way to be happy without Ash in my life.


16. More Secrets.


An hour later I turned my phone back on.

I couldn't take the breathing anymore. Not that I had any intention of stopping, I simply needed something else to concentrate on.

Plus, I knew if I didn't respond to the text messages, I'd wind up with company on my doorstep.

My phone started ringing the moment I turned it on. I checked the caller ID and frowned.

"Hey, Snake, what's going on?"

I loved eager clients, but I still needed to find him a proper match. His paperwork was now part of an extremely neat and rather scary pile on my desk. Which sent shivers up and down my spine every time I thought of it. I hadn't made any decisions in regards to his next date, I'd fled.

"Hey, Kate. You happen to know where Désirée is?"

"If she's not at home, I assume she's with Phil."

Crap. Was Désirée Norma-Sue still in contact with Snake? I liked Snake as a person and a client. I didn't like him involved in any way with Désirée's life.

That could only equal trouble.

"She's with Phil? Maybe that's why she isn't answering her phone."

"Is it urgent?" Silly question. Snake wouldn't be calling me if it wasn't urgent. "She was just texting me about an hour ago. I can text her and have her call you."

Urgent business with Snake ramped up my concern with Désirée.

"S'allright. I can text her. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I got worried when I couldn't get a hold of her." Snake had been worried? "Just wanted to make sure I got the guy before he got her."

"What?" I nearly strangled on the question.

"She's a sweet girl. She don't need anyone hassling her."

She wasn't a sweet girl. Désirée Norma-Sue was a secretive fairy, that's what she was. In some very serious trouble.

"Don't worry though. I'll take care of the problem for her."

"Um, good?"

I knew it would be good if my secretary was safe from harm, but I didn't think my client should be taking care of/disposing of/murdering the problem. That struck me as very bad for business.

"How soon are you planning on handling this problem?" Hopefully, I had some time and could talk to Désirée first. It seemed to me that magic would work better than murder.

"Before the end of the week." Snake cleared his throat. "So, you got any more dates lined up for me?"

I liked Snake. I really did. I just wasn't always sure how to take him. For most people, a discussion about potentially killing someone was uncomfortable. Or at least it certainly should be. But for Snake, it was discussions about dating and love that set him slightly on edge.

He was such a contradiction.

He wanted to find someone, but it scared him at the same time. I think, given his preferences and lifestyle, he was mostly worried he wouldn't ever find someone.

Given my own background and recent events, I could relate.

"Not yet. But don't worry, I KNOW I can find the perfect match for you."

I really did. She was somewhere in the pile I had waiting for me. I just needed a little more time, a little luck and a touch of magic.

"Keep me posted." He hung up before I thought to question him about the mysterious bad guy stalking my secretary.

I debated calling Désirée Norma-Sue, but she'd probably ask me questions I didn't want to hear. Didn't have an answer for. And why would she be willing to answer my questions when I had no plans to answer hers?


My downward spiral was headed downhill rather fast.

The doorbell rang and I almost dumped Al in my rush to answer it. I didn't care who was on the other side and what questions they had for me. Anything to stay out of my own head for a while.

I should have known better.

Large hands planted on his hips, body squared and braced for battle, Ash stood on the other side of my door.

I tried to slam it in his face, but he slapped one big palm against it and pushed back.

Let me tell you, size does matter.

Size and really big muscles.

Despite throwing my entire body and considerable weight at the door, I was no match for his hand. I slid backwards as if wearing skates on a glass ice rink while the door advanced. I jumped out of the way at the last minute to avoid being crushed between the door and the wall.

"I don't want you here. Please leave." I pulled Al closer as he barked ferociously. What I really wanted to do was turn Ash into a lizard, but I couldn't juggle both my magic and the Chihuahua, so I was left with icy politeness.

I don't recommend icy politeness when facing the demon who has broken your heart. It doesn't help. There was no burying the pain inside.

It did allow me to hold onto a smidgen of my pride though. Since I could easily envision myself flying at him with tear drenched face and daggers in hand like a scorned banshee at an orgy.

Instead I was the scorned witch. Trying to hang onto a tiny Chihuahua in full attack mode.

"We need to talk."

No, we didn't. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say. He could use my own desires against me. Had anything I felt with him been real?

"Go away." Al tried to lunge for Ash. I just managed to grab him before he fell. Doing an about face, I snapped over my shoulder, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out."

As a devastating retort before making my grand departure, my exit line lacked impact. I was afraid to delve too deep. Everything important was caught up in the seething mass of pain swirling inside me.

Anything could come bubbling out.

I set Al on my bed, fluffed a blanket around him and shut the door behind me. I completely ignored the massive demon following my every move.

I was NOT going to lose it in front of him.

"I'm not leaving until we've talked."

I shrugged. I did not care. Ash - pardon me, Asmodeus - and his fucking secrets were out of my life.

He could talk until he was blue. He'd lied and used his powers against me. What more was there to say?


I knew that tone. It was his "I'm not budging" voice. I'd already lost the battle with the door, I wasn't about to humiliate myself further.

The possibility of turning him into a small reptile beckoned, but I was afraid if I did I wouldn't turn him back. And fifty years from now I might regret it. Possibly.

I marched into the living room, picked up my wine glass and headed to my kitchen. I was pretty sure I'd left my back up wand on the counter. If Ash wanted to talk, I wanted my magic close at hand.

I emptied the bottle into my glass, picked up my wand and went back to sit in one of the side chairs. No way would I sit next to him on the couch.

I took a large sip of my wine, set the glass down on the table next to me and waved my hand at him.

Ash sat in the middle of the couch. He looked at my wand and then at me.

I lifted my wand, twirled it until a few glitters of magic appeared and then set it back down. I've lived with a hit-man for a while now. I know a few things about intimidation.

My wand may not have been a large gun, but it could make as big an impact. Or turn him into a small lizard.

Ash leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees. "I want to tell you everything. No more secrets. I need you to hear me out so we can put this behind us."

Did he still think there was an us? He'd lied to me and used my feelings against me. Anything we'd had between us had been built on deception. A false house of cards. We had nothing left.

"You need to know it all."

Wait. There was more?

"I hate the demon realm. I have ever since my mother was killed. I never wanted to rule it - I don't want anything to do with it - but I can't leave. My sin keeps me bound to it."

Ash leaned towards me. Emotions raced over his face too quickly for me to read.

"I've been looking for a way to break my bond so I can leave. Start a new life." Ash clenched his fists, squared his shoulders. "I found someone who could do it, break the bond. In exchange, all I had to do was track someone down."

Ash looked me in the eye. "That someone was you."

His words hit me like a sucker punch to the stomach. I couldn't breathe. This was worse than thinking he'd just used my feelings against me. "You planned to meet me? To use me all along?"

The words were out before I knew it. I didn't want Ash to hear the quiver in my voice. The devastation.

I hadn't felt like this since I was a young witch, looking in at a world I would never be a part of, shunned and mocked for my very being.


I was lost. Had everything between us been a total lie?


Ash was on his knees before me. His big hands cupped my face, wiping at tears I couldn't control.

"I made this bargain before I met you, Kate. Before I knew anything about you. You can't know how much I wish it was different, but I can't regret it. I would have never found you if I hadn't made the bargain in the first place."

I tried to sort through the mess of my emotions, found I couldn't and settled for another question.

"Who hired you to track me down?"

It seemed silly in this day and age. I had a protection spell against evil on all my computer accounts, but that was standard procedure for all witches. Anyone could look me up.


Sheer shock held me in place. All of my witchy instincts were telling me to run and hide.

"She knows where I am?"

Spirits, no wonder Aunt Tabs kept checking on me.
Oh no
. Aunt Tabs. Morgan.

I shoved hard against Ash, desperate to reach my phone and hear their voices. I didn't feel as if something had happened to them, but clearly I couldn't trust my instincts at all.

"It's all right." Asmodeus pulled me tightly against his chest, ignoring my attempts to break free. "She doesn't know where you are, Kate." He shook me. Hard.

I slapped his chest with both hands, then pushed back, gaining as much freedom as I could. I jerked my head back so I could snarl directly at his face, "So help me, if anything happens to my Aunt or Morgan." I couldn't even think of Al's tiny body. "How could you?"

He caught my hand before I made contact with his face. "Listen to me, Kate." He shook me again. "Morgause doesn't know where you are. She doesn't know where Aunt Tabs or Morgan or anyone you care about is. I never told her."

He what? He'd made a bargain. He'd just admitted it. Morgause couldn't find me herself. My protection spells would have worked against her. She'd hired Ash to find me, track me down. And he had.

"How can she not know?" I screamed at him. "We've," I choked. I couldn't go there. I just couldn't. I might have thought we had been involved, but Ash had been doing a job. "You've known where I was for weeks now."

"Yes, but I didn't tell Morgause." Flames flickered to life over his shoulders. Just as quickly they went out. "The bargain seemed too simple. Too easy in exchange for something I wanted so desperately. Demons don't trust anyone. We can't. It goes against everything we know. My plan was to find you and discover what was so important about you, what Morgause wanted."

Asmodeus let go of my hand and cupped the back of my neck, holding me still. "The moment I found you, something held me back. I couldn't let her know where you were. I didn't understand it. It went against everything I knew, everything I'd been taught." He tightened his grip, becoming more possessive, more determined.

"Then I met you."

I twisted my head, but I couldn't get away. "Then what? You decided to seduce me to find out your answers?" How could I have been so wrong about him? "I always knew you were hiding something from me, but this?" I hit his chest, "I never suspected anything like this."

"Stop it, Kate." Orange and red flames sprouted back to life over his shoulders. His fingers slid into my hair, pulling my head back. He leaned down until his warm breath moved across my skin with every word. "What's between us is special. You know it as well as I do." Did I? "That's why I couldn't follow through on the bargain. I couldn't hurt you."

Wait a minute.

"You're saying you're not planning on going through with the deal you made with Morgause?"


I didn't understand at all.

"You haven't told her where my Aunt Tabs is? Where Morgan or I am?"

"No. I've been telling her I'm still searching."

That part actually made sense to me. Everything I knew about my scary aunt said she didn't waste any time. She came up with a plan and executed it. If she knew my exact whereabouts, I would be dead by now.

"How does she know I even exist? I thought she only knew about Morgan."

Ash frowned. "I don't know. She's very secretive."

I snorted. Morgause was the secretive one?

Ash growled low in his throat. "I'm telling you the truth, Kate. I don't want any more lies between us."

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