Demons of Bourbon Street (44 page)

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Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #paranormal romance, #demons, #Fantasy, #empath, #Romance, #Witches, #Contemporary, #dreamwalking, #Angels, #Paranormal, #psychic, #Fiction, #bourbon street, #General

BOOK: Demons of Bourbon Street
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Let go.” I twisted, trying to get out of his grasp.

He did as I asked, visibly shaken. “What just happened?”

You didn’t take my side.” Hot tears pricked my eyes. “Now the council has to choose between Meri and me. One of us will…die.”

No! I…” He took a step back and glared at Philip, anger dominating his surface emotions. Slowly, he walked over to his father and tapped him on the shoulder.

Philip turned, his face pinched with guilt. “Dan, I—”

Dan tensed, his body poised for another fight.

Philip took a step back, holding his hands up in surrender.

I glanced around for the guards, but they were nowhere to be seen. They must have left right after the council members.

Dan advanced once more. “You son of a bitch. You lied and told me the council could save both of them. How could you ask me to throw Jade under the bus? She’s been part of my family since I was fifteen years old!”

Stop it.” Meri interjected herself between them. “Fighting isn’t going to solve anything.”

No, but I’ll feel better.” Dan clenched his fists again, but stayed put.

Dan,” Philip said. “This isn’t about one person—”

The hell it isn’t!” Dan shouted. “This is about you trying to make up for your mistakes. Damn you! All this time you’ve been telling me you stayed away to protect me, that you didn’t save your mate because you needed to keep an eye on me.” He side-stepped Meri and took a small step forward. “But you didn’t. You weren’t around when I needed you. Not the day I was almost beat to death when I was fifteen. Not when I was possessed by a demon, and certainly not today when you convinced me to stand for Meri. I’d never have done that if I’d known the consequences. No, Dad, this is all about you and what you want. Not about the greater good. You and your conscience can go fuck yourself.”

Dan spun and marched back over to me. Still fuming, he jammed his hands in his pockets and visibly tried to contain himself. “I’m so sorry. I would never…well, if I’d known, I would have made different choices.”

And what choice would that be?” I asked quietly.

Give me a break, Jade. You know me.” The frustration he’d tried to bury rushed out, swirling around us. “You know I would have—”

Sacrificed your soul for mine?” Relief eased the resentment and betrayal I’d been clinging to. His actions over the years had already proved to me the kind of man he was. My Dan, the one I’d grown up with, was back.

He raised his gaze to mine and nodded.

I cupped his cheek gently. “I know.”

With that one touch, he pulled me to him and hugged me, desperation and sorrow filtering through his defenses.

It’s all right,” I whispered. “Whatever happens…” I choked back a sob. “Just take care of Kat for me.”

He pulled away, his eyes intense and full of determination. “The three of us will take care of each other.”

I struggled to breathe and forced out, “There’s a very real chance they’ll choose Meri.”

Promise me, no matter what happens, you won’t give up. I’ll be here fighting with you. Every step of the way.”

He’d demonstrated this form of determination once before, a long time ago, back in Idaho on the fourth of July. He’d possessed an inner strength I’d never witnessed in anyone before or after. I stared into his pale green eyes and knew he wouldn’t give up on me. If the council willed my soul to Meri, Dan would do whatever it took to save me, including risk himself. I couldn’t ask that of him again. I had to convince him I could save myself this time. “Okay. No matter what, I won’t give up.”

Promise me.”

I promise,” I said with a firm voice.

We stood together, Dan hugging me and me holding on, trying to muster up some much-needed courage.

The chatter reached deafening levels as the chaos ensued. Through it all, I heard Lailah berating Philip. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed everyone to disappear. A pit of despair settled in my stomach. Would I get my happy ending with Kane, or…disappear as if I’d never existed? A picture of Kane and me standing together on our wedding day flashed through my mind. A small spark of determination fluttered to life inside me. I concentrated on the vague beacon of hope and waited.

A few seconds later, a hush settled over the crowd. I was almost afraid to open my eyes. As much as I feared I’d magically quieted the crowd, I knew better. Magic pulsed in my chest, contained as I’d promised.

The bells clanged, signaling the council was back.

Dan released me. I stared at the council members, my body shaking with fear and anticipation.

The angel of light stepped forward. “Will everyone please return to their seats?”

There was a fair amount of shuffling as the audience settled themselves. Dan stood on one side of me and Lailah and Jonathon on the other. Meri remained at her table, Philip only a half-step away from her.

The angel stared down at us, and she repressed a sigh as she blinked twice. “Very well. A verdict has been reached.”

I stuffed my hands in the hidden pockets of my skirt to keep from fidgeting. My right hand closed over something hard and cool. A bead. The one I’d given my mother. I pulled it out and rubbed my fingers over the smooth surface like a worry stone. The action calmed me and even though my heart still raced, I no longer felt like jumping out of my skin.

The angel of light produced a parchment scroll.

She cleared her throat and started to read. “Case number eight seventy-four D. Angel versus white witch. A decision has been reached. After careful analysis of our internal testing and the testimony heard here today, it is of the opinion of this council that the soul in question shall reside within the one who has shown the most dedication to protecting the souls and loved ones she’s come in contact with. This was not an easy decision. Both parties have an admirable history of self-sacrifice. However, one speech in particular by the ex-angel Meri resonated with the council.”

Oh my Goddess. Did that mean they listened to her? Were they really going to restore my soul? I glanced over to Meri and held her gaze. I sent out a wave of gratitude and hoped she sensed my mental thank-you.

Meri’s heartfelt words and reasoned argument made it clear what path we should follow. Although Meri—in her current state—did not ask for the burden of sharing someone’s soul, she has handled herself with grace and compassion. She has gone so far as to once again sacrifice herself for a fellow being. This is why the council has decided to award the soul in question to Meri.”

?” Lailah, Dan, and Meri all said at the same time.

The blood seemed to drain right out of my body, my limbs growing heavy and numb. Shock was the only explanation. I clutched the bead in my hand and my fingers tingled with sensation. Trying for feeling in the other hand, I turned my engagement ring around and around. Warmth spread through my forearms.

I focused on my breathing, anything to keep from passing out. Then all at once, my life energy started to drain. I cried out and fell to one knee, staring up at Lailah. They were forcing my soul out of me already.

My friend’s face contorted with pain. She raised her arms and threw a silver film of magic over me. I didn’t even have the strength to flinch. But as soon as it hit me, my body responded to her magic. No, not magic. Energy. She’d given me the one thing I needed to fight for my soul.

The guards closed in on Lailah as she collapsed in a heap in front of them. Oh God. She was tied to me. Her energy had been drained and she’d given me the last of hers. One of the men picked up her limp body and started carting her off.

I screamed in my mind.
Wake up. You can’t do this now. You can’t die.

No response.
She wouldn’t actually die, would she? They had to save her. They were angels for Christ’s sake.

Dan stood over me, shouting, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I couldn’t hear anything actually and, despite Lailah’s help, my soul continued to rush into Meri. Every last bit.

Focusing on Lailah’s energy, I absorbed her powerful gift, but it was immediately sucked right out of me. I grew cold, uncaring, ready to let go.

I clutched the emerald ring and the bead mom had given me, trying desperately to hold on to the last pieces of my loved ones. Both were achingly heavy in my hands.

Life was so cruel. I’d just gotten Mom back and now all I had left was a stupid bead. I focused on the solid weight. An old sense of home washed over me. Comfort. In my last moments, Mom had found a way to soothe me.

I sobbed and turned my thoughts to Kane. The man who’d loved me unconditionally these last few months. The man I’d given my heart to. The man I’d never see again. My heart squeezed, and I pressed his ring to my chest. I would’ve probably given up right then, but someone yanked me up off the floor.

My eyes flew open, and Dan stared at me. Emotions ranging from fear to fury flashed over his features. He clutched my shoulders, and his face scrunched as he yelled in frustration. I tried to shake my head, to let him know I didn’t understand what he was saying. Nothing happened. I was too weak.

Dan shifted, pulled me closer, his eyes pleading.
Don’t give up,
he mouthed

I’d promised. No matter what, I’d fight.

Something triggered inside me. I didn’t have any energy to battle the soul transfer. Instead, I focused on the objects clutched in my hands. They represented what was most important to me in this life. Love. Family. Home. With my heart full, I searched deep within myself for the remnants of my soul.

I’d touched it a few times before. I could find it again. And I did. Almost instantly. Right below my heart, where my magic usually hovered.

I grabbed and held on for dear life as it tugged and stretched and fought to leave my body. The remaining pieces were worn thin, but as I mentally clutched tighter, my soul settled firmly beneath my breast.

I squeezed my fists, as if the action could help me physically hold on to what I had left. The tug of war stalled, my battered soul immobilized in place.

Angel magic crushed my ribs. The air whooshed out of my lungs from the beating. The angel of light stepped forward, held her hand out in a clawing motion, and invisible tenterhooks embedded themselves into my chest and yanked.

I let out a cry and stumbled forward. Miraculously, the portion of my soul I’d managed to grasp onto didn’t budge. No way was I letting go. They’d have to pry my soul from my cold, dead grip if they wanted it.

As I steeled my resolve, a massive wave of power hit me, so strong it all but paralyzed me. Instinctively I knew this was the end. I’d tried. Done what Dan had asked, but I was only one white witch up against a full council of angels.

My chest seized and my core seemed to rip in two. Fire erupted in my bones as I convulsed on the floor. They’d done it. I’d lost. My soul belonged to Meri.

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