Read Den of Sorrows Online

Authors: Quinn Loftis

Den of Sorrows (14 page)

BOOK: Den of Sorrows
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He ignored her attempts to loosen his fingers but couldn’t ignore the well placed elbow she jammed into his side. He grunted and heard her chuckle in satisfaction. His mate had a mean streak, and the ridiculous thing was, he liked it. Decebel was pretty sure Jennifer had messed up his head in some fundamental way.

“Maybe you were already screwed up before we met. Ever think about that?”
He heard her voice in his mind and loved how it made him feel close to her. He needed that after the fight they’d had, even if they had made up.

“Thoroughly made up, I might add,” she interrupted his thought and he felt his heart pick up at the reminder of just how thorough their making up had been.

“Nosy much, mate?” he growled at her. He didn’t need her distracting him at this moment. Then again, Jennifer simply breathing was a distraction to him, and to most other males for that matter.

“If you would let go of me, I could give you some space so that I won’t be a distraction,” she told him sweetly—too sweetly.

“As long as you are breathing, baby, you will be a distraction. And not an unwelcome one…most of the time,” he told her gently as he gave her side a gentle squeeze.

She groaned. “How am I supposed to be a jerk to you when you’re being all syrupy sweet?”

He chuckled as he turned his attention to Vasile who’d begun to speak.

“Peri has found the location of the entrance to this coven’s underground lair. This is going to be a simple in and out operation. We go in, we kill everything that moves, and we come out. We act without remorse and without hesitation.”

“What if there are some children still alive?” Jacque asked.

“Sally and I will be in charge of any survivors,” Alina told her. Decebel noticed that Jacque didn’t seem appeased by the answer.

“Are we all going?” Costin spoke up next.

Vasile shook his head. We will have two teams. One team will stay on the surface as backup, ready to help if needed. They will also serve as a lookout. The other team will engage the enemy.” He then motioned for Peri to take the floor.

“Okay, pay attention. What I am about to say might just save your furry little lives. Some of you have fought vampires before, some of you haven’t. Only a few of you have fought them recently, so here are some things you need to know,” she began. “Most of the vampires can’t match your strength or ferocity. They don’t like a heads up fight. They like to play mind games. Ignore them. Whatever you do, do not engage them in conversation. Do not think of them as people. They are not people. I cannot be too clear on this. They care for nothing other than their next feeding.

What the vamps lack in strength, they make up for in sheer toughness. They’re bloody hard to kill. Once you are engaged with a bloodsucker, make damn sure the thing is dead before you go on to the next one. Heads and hearts, people. That’s what you will be focusing on. Take off the head or rip out the heart. Nothing else will stop them.”

“This is going to be bloody,” Jen said sounding much too eager for Decebel’s liking.

“Jen, don’t you dare go bathing in the blood of your fallen enemy like we saw in that movie,” Sally warned. “You aren’t some Viking warrior princess with a vendetta against the king for killing your brother.”

Decebel looked down at his mate to see her considering Sally’s words. “Can we go with a female Spartan warrior, the first of her kind, who is searching for the people who destroyed her family?” Jen asked.

“No. Blood. Baths,” Sally reiterated. “But good call on the whole first Spartan female warrior thing. I like it.”

Jennifer smiled and winked.

“Are you two done?” Peri asked for what felt like the millionth time in her life, knowing that it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Both girls nodded.

“As I was saying,” the high fae continued, irritation lacing her tone. “Once we’re done, get out quickly because we’re going to be torching the place. For obvious reasons, we need the bodies to disappear. Burning them should be the most efficient way to take care of that. Hopefully, the humans will chalk the fire up to a methane gas explosion. Any questions?”

Everyone was silent. Vasile stepped forward once again.

“Good, then these are the teams: Myself, Alina, Costin.” He glanced at Decebel. “Is that alright with you?”

Decebel knew he was asking out of respect since Costin was Decebel’s Beta. “I’ll follow your lead on this,” responded the Serbian Alpha

Vasile nodded and then continued. “Sally, Cypher, and Nissa. The second team obviously will be Decebel, Jennifer, Fane, Jacque, Drake and Alston. To stay fresh, each of the teams will take turns attacking. Peri will assist with whatever team is on the offensive at each location.” He paused. “The fae will flash us to the alley where the opening is.” He motioned once again for everyone to place a hand on one of the three fae.

Decebel pulled Jen over to Peri. His stomach tightened as she flashed them. He clenched his teeth together and didn’t unclench them until they were standing on solid ground again.

Jennifer slipped away from him before he could put his arm around her again. She walked over to where Jacque and Sally stood. He decided to let her be. How much trouble could she get into just standing and talking to her two friends? He decided not to answer that question.





en let out a sigh when she realized that Decebel wasn’t going to come snatch her away. He’d been smothering her since they’d left their room that morning. Not for one second had he not been holding on to her in some way until they’d flashed into the alley, and she’d totally taken advantage of his momentary lapse in

“So, how are you guys feeling about this?” Sally asked as she rubbed her hands together. It was cold. They’d worn only thin jackets so as to keep their movements unhampered.

“I’m thinking I want you two to be careful,” Jacque told her. She looked at Jen and glared. “Don’t be doing anything stupid just for a cheap thrill.”

Jen tilted her head to the side. “Come on, Red, you know better than that. I’ve got Dec for any cheap thrills that might need doing.”

Both girls groaned. Jen laughed.

“Besides,” she continued, “Decebel doesn’t let me get two feet from his side. Nothing will happen to me. And he’s been training me. I’ve got all sorts of mad fighting skills now.”

“Uh, huh.” Sally eyed her skeptically. “I know what kind of
you two do. How many of those training sessions were cut short by uncontrollable groping?” Sally challenged.

Jen tapped her lip. “At least…all of them,” she said with a wicked grin.

“Why didn’t I see that coming?” Sally asked looking at Jacque.

Jacque patted her. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Every once in a while she actually acts like a real life human being who doesn’t think with her girl parts. Sometimes that tricks us into thinking she’s normal. It happens to the best of us.”

“These prego hormones have made you a bitch,” Jen said folding her arms in front of her as she looked at Jacque. Then she winked at Jacque. “I like it.”

“Only you would,” Jacque muttered under her breath.

“My team” —Vasile spoke loudly so that the group could hear him. Jen, Sally, and Jacque turned to look at the Alpha— “will be going in first. Peri has something for each of us.”

Peri started handing out silver short swords.

Jen grinned. “Hell. Yeah,” she said practically jumping on her toes. “I’m fixing to go all Peter Pan on these vamps’ butts.”

“Peter,” Jacque started.

“Pan?” Sally finished for her.

Jen paused in her happy feet bouncing. “What?”

“Peter Pan isn’t exactly an intimidating hero,” Jacque told her.

Jen thought about it for a minute and then she snapped her fingers. “Got it. I’m fixing to go all Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on these vamps’ butts. Better?”

Jacque pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just remember you can’t fly, okay?”

“Noted,” Jen said giving her a thumbs up.

As soon as Peri held out a sword to Jen, a large hand snatched it before she could take it.

“That’s it!” Jen growled at the same time she stomped her foot.

“Oh hell,” Jacque muttered. “She totally foot stomped.

“Not a good sign,” Sally agreed.

“You” —Jen turned and pointed at her mate—“are going to stop being an overbearing, overprotective, but incredibly hot, asshat.” She paused. “Okay, so incredibly hot doesn’t really do you justice with that sword in your hand.” Jen’s eyes widened. “Did I just say what I think I said?”

The group around her was filled with chuckles, sighs, and groans.

“If you mean did you just talk about your mate’s sword and how he holds it,” Peri offered, “then, yes. Yes you did.”

“Okay, well, well.” Jen placed her hands on her hips and looked from Dec to Peri to the others. “Well, now I’ve lost my place.”

“You were telling him to quit being an asshat,” Cypher offered.

She snapped her fingers. “Perfect. Thank you, warlock.” She turned back to Decebel. “I am going to help. I am going to fight. And you are going to be okay with it.”

Decebel glowered at her. Finally he let out a resigned sigh and flipped the sword in the air so the blade was in his hand and the handle was held out to her. “Just be careful, please.”

“You’ve been training me, B. You know what I’m capable of. Have a little faith.” Jen paused and looked down at the sword. “Um, just to be clear, the pointy end goes into the vamp, right?”

Her two best friends snorted out laughter but quickly covered it when Decebel shot them menacing looks.  Vasile cleared his throat. “Decebel, you keep your team up here. Alston will shield you from any humans that wander by. If we need assistance, Peri will flash out here and let you all know. Any questions?”

The group shook their heads.

“Let’s go,” Vasile rumbled as he made his way to the manhole cover.

Peri motioned her hands over the cover and it slowly slid open. Vasile was the first to jump down into the dark hole. Alina followed, then Cypher, Nissa, and Costin.

Just as Sally was about to step into the opening, no doubt trusting her mate to catch her, Jen called her name. “No heroics,” Jen said evenly.

Sally’s lips tightened and she nodded. “You either.”





ally blinked several times, attempting to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She was acutely aware of the others staring at her, waiting until she was ready. They, of course, with their supernatural selves, didn’t have any problem seeing in the near dark.

“You good, brown eyes?” Costin asked her as he took her hand.

Sally nodded. “Just wasn’t expecting it to be so dark.”

“Nissa and I will give a hand with that,” Peri said as she whispered under her breath and held out her hand. Nissa did the same thing and both fae women released glowing orbs into the air. They lit up the area around them and at least fifteen feet in all directions.

“I will take the lead,” Vasile spoke up. “Cypher you take the rear.”

They moved into a single file line. Costin gently tugged Sally behind him. He turned his head to look at her as they continued forward. “Stay close to me.”

BOOK: Den of Sorrows
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