Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series (31 page)

BOOK: Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series
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“No!” Raven screamed. Marcus grabbed the Grimoire, and the two of them fled as the temple started coming down around them.

“Everyone out!” Jason yelled, yanking Marina to her feet.

Cate turned and threw herself into the vortex. The world around her vanished until there was nothing but light and emptiness. “Gran?”


She turned around and saw Seline standing there. “Why did you do it? Why did you throw yourself into the source?” She felt a sharp pang of guilt and tears pricked her eyes.

“Because I had to protect my power and my coven. If Raven becomes Grand Mistress her own powers will grow and you might not be able to stop her.”

Cate held out her hand. “Come back with me. Maybe there’s still time to save you.”

Seline shook her head. “No. I was weak and I would rather die by the source than by Raven’s hand.”

“But you’re leaving.”

“Yes, and I’m trusting you and your mother to take care of the coven. You lead with your heart, not your head.”

“You always said that was my weakness.”

“I was wrong. I see that now. I’m sorry I was so hard on you, but I had to be certain you were strong enough for this day.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth.”

“You protected the Grimoire. You did listen to me after all.” Seline smiled and embraced her. She couldn’t remember her Gran ever doing that before. “Be strong. Be the witch I know you can be.”

Jason suddenly appeared at her side. “Cate? Raven’s escaping. We need to go.”

“Yes, you do,” said Seline. “It’s time for me to leave too. Take care of her, Talbot.”

Jason nodded and put an arm around Cate. “I will, my lady.”

Seline’s spirit faded away just as a brightly glowing star of white light appeared, along with a ball of glowing blue light. They hovered for a moment, before surging forward and hitting Cate and Jason in the chest.

“What the hell was that?” Jason asked, feeling his wrist burn. He looked down to see a freshly branded crescent moon – the symbol of the Mavis Order.

“I think Gran just gave us her blessing and her power.” She grabbed his hand and said the words to close the vortex.

Outside, the rest of the coven were running for their lives as a horde of Demons, Elementals and Mija surrounded them.

Using her new heightened senses, Cate zeroed in on Raven, who was now battling with Ceri. “Raven must think Mum is the new Grand Mistress. I have to stop her.”

“I’ll take care of the Covenant.”

“But what about–”

“My secret is already out, so to hell with it. I’ll show them what I really am.” He put a hand around the back of her head, leant down and kissed her, passionately. “I…”

Cate smiled. “I know, I feel the same. Raven’s mine. Go take care of the Covenant.” She called her power to her. Eyes blazing silver, she let it take hold. She burned like a beacon of silver fire in the night.

A tornado of wind, fire, and lightning appeared as Jason turned into the elements and unleashed a storm on the Covenant. Cate smiled up at him, blasting away any Covenant members who got in her way. The Denai fought back, despite their weakened state.

Ceri hurled another column of silver fire and Raven retaliated with her own red fire. Philip threw a kinetic blast, knocking Ceri to the ground.

“You really don’t know when to die, do you, Deva?” asked Cate.

The Deva smiled and raised his hand. Cate held out her own, a ball of glowing silver forming. She reached out to Jason and fuelled it with his magic. The fire grew larger and larger until she threw it straight at the Deva.

Philip cried out as his body erupted in silver flames. “That’s for trying to kill my husband!” Another fireball formed and she tossed it at him. “That is for my mother and this is for me!” The third one hit him in the chest, his body exploded, and energy reverberated out from him.

Ignoring the screams and cries of the Covenant, she moved through the mass of bodies flaming around her. Cate stalked towards Raven, hair and robe billowing in the breeze.

“You know, I used to think you were a great and powerful dark witch to have slaughtered so many Magickind over the centuries,” said Cate. “All the races feared you. Yet I see you’ve never had real power, you’ve just taken it. Maybe you were strong once, but all I see is an old hag, waiting to die.”

Raven turned and grabbed Ceri by the throat. “Now I’ll take her power.”

“Let her go. I’m the one you really want. I’m the one with the power you crave. So come and get it.”

Raven let go of Ceri and raised her hand. Black smoky death magic shot from her hands in tendrils that snaked their way towards Cate.

She raised her hand, her Mark glowing brightly as she deflected the magic. Raven was still strong; Cate could feel the ancient power, but she pushed through it as she walked towards her. “No Nulls around to protect you now,” Cate smiled. She saw the first flicker of fear in Raven’s eyes. “Your reign is over. Your Covenant is dying around you. There’s nowhere else to run.”

“I have the Grimoire. I have the power of the Grand Mistress. Nothing can stop me now!”

“Wrong!” Cate’s fingers wrapped around the other witch’s throat.

“You may kill me,” said Raven, “but it won’t change anything. There are plenty of other evils in this world ready to take my place and destroy you.”

“And I’ll be waiting for them.” Her eyes bled black as she unleashed the full force of her power. Energy pounded through the air, thunder without sound as her power burned through the other Denai. There was a look of disbelief in Raven’s eyes, a gasp before her body melted to ash. A smoke like substance rose up and burned away in a flash of silver orbs.

Cate felt drained and fell to her knees. She felt Jason’s strong arms wrap around her. “We did it,” she said through deep breaths and picked up the Grimoire from where it lay in the ashes when Raven had dropped it.

“Yes, we did. Raven’s gone. Damn it felt good to be my true self.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and felt a rush of energy flow through her. He lifted her into his arms as Jade came running over. “Are you two alright?”

“We’ll be fine.” Jason hugged Cate close.

Cate wanted to cry, but was too exhausted.

Steve and Ian were also there, helping Ceri up. “What happened?” Steve asked. “Where’s Gran?”

“She’s gone,” Ceri said and put her arms around both her sons.

Jason said, “So is Raven. It’s over.”



People turned out in their thousands to bid farewell to the longest reigning Grand Mistress. Seline had ruled with an iron will, but she had done a lot of good in her lifetime. Now it fell to Cate to take on that burden. Ceri led the memorial service; despite there being no body, they gave Seline a beautiful white coffin. Kal and Niara also came to pay their last respects.

Cate felt numb inside as she watched the service play out. People had feared and respected Seline, but there was sadness at her passing, especially from her coven.

“My mother would say this is not an end but a beginning,” said Ceri. “There is the hope of a new future, for all of us to move into a new age.”

She took Cate’s hand as they watched the coffin burn away on the pyre, according to Denai custom.

Afterwards, Cate followed her mother into what had been Seline’s private chamber. “What happens now?” she asked.

“The temple and part of the castle were destroyed. I think it’s time for a change. I plan on moving to Elaris and having a new base there,” replied Ceri. “This was my mother’s city, but Elaris was – is – my home.”

“What about the council? And the coven?”

“The council will get used to it. The Grand Mistress is still in charge. The coven can come if they choose to. I know your brothers and Charlie are looking forward to going there,” said Ceri. “There’s a stronger power source there that can sustain us.”

“I’ve talked about it with the rest of the team and we’ve all agreed that we’ll go there and set up a new base. We’ve worked there in the past but it will take some getting used to,” Cate said. “Mum, you’re not the Grand Mistress. I am.” She finally said the words in silent acceptance. “Gran gave the power to me.”

“She may have sacrificed herself, but it is the will of the goddess who it passes to. But no one else need know that. As far as everyone is concerned, I am the new Grand Mistress.”


“You’re not ready, sweetheart, and I don’t want that burden placed on you. For whatever reason the power has passed to you, but I’ll gladly step in and be the Grand Mistress,” Ceri said. “There is a way to pass the power on, if I have need of it.”

“What do I do now then?”

“Your life is just beginning. You can do whatever you choose to do. There’s nothing keeping you here anymore.” Ceri smiled. “So go, leave for a while. Spend some time with your husband and be happy. Goddess knows when you’ll get the chance to do it again.”

Cate smiled and hugged her. “I still don’t understand why this happened, but thank you.”

Continues in Denai Bound coming late 2015



Thank you to my editors Carlie and Maria for cleaning up my manuscript and whipping it into shape.


Thank you, Melody for my beautiful cover.


Thanks to my mum, I know what I got my talent from you and you are my inspiration.


Nan and grandad, thank you for nagging me to get something published. Without you this novel would never have come to be.



Grandma, thanks for all your encouragement and support. I don’t know what I would do without you.



Tiffany Shand was born in Essex and started writing short stories when she was a child.

She started writing novels in her early teens and discovered her love for fantasy and paranormal romance during this time.

She writes both non-fiction and fiction, but mostly fantasy and paranormal romance.

After doing a creative writing course in her early 20s she is now a freelance writer and professional proofreader and is studying journalism

Tiffany lives in Essex with her grandparents, two spoiled cats and one very nutty hamster.

@tiffanyshand on Twitter



Magic, Mystery & Mayhem by Writebulb Writers Group in aid of Farleigh Hospice “The rich cast of characters will gradually draw you into their extraordinary lives.” Immerse yourself in a collection of stories that blur the lines between fantasy and reality. What hides beneath the ocean, or lurks inside the forest? Is there such a thing as guardian angels, and what mystery awaits you at the lighthouse? Explore legends of alchemy and witchcraft; step into vivid new worlds, whilst also discovering what dangers can exist within our own. Prepare to be kidnapped on the street, trapped at the circus, and pursued by halflings. You won't regret it . . . or will you?

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