Denys, Jennifer - Wife for Three [Duoterra] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Denys, Jennifer - Wife for Three [Duoterra] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Leaning forward to brace himself against the hay with one arm, his other gripping her hip, Eric plunged back in and felt her pussy rippling around him. The sensation was immense, and he nearly came on the spot. “Christ, Bree, you feel wonderful.” He just got a moan back as if words were too difficult for her, and could see her hands clenched in the hay as she tried to push back into him, indicating she needed him to move again. Smiling to himself, he did as she wanted and started a thrusting motion, slowly at first. After a moment, getting his rhythm going, Eric’s hand unclenched from Brianna’s hip and moved underneath her body, caressing nowhere in particular, just stroking her from breast to pussy.

When his fingers touched her clit, she squealed and cried,

“Please!” She tried to push down into his fingers.

His voice was rasping as he asked, “What do you want, sweetheart?”

All she could get out was, “Harder!”

Okay, I can do that.
He started caressing her clit harder in time with his plunges. Her desperate whimpering along with her shaking told him he had gotten it right and that she was close. In fact, he was
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pretty close, too, but was determined, even if he died on the spot, to bring her off before he ejaculated. He owed it to her.

He could feel her clit was engorged and getting sensitive, so he eased off slightly, but Brianna brought an arm swiftly down to clutch him tightly against her. “No!”

Chuckling, he responded, “Okay, sweetheart.” He let her hold him tightly against her as she pushed back against him, both of their movements getting frantic.

With his balls tightening inexorably, he called out to her, “Come on, Bree, come for me. Please, darlin’.”

As he said this, he felt her body suddenly stop as her climax tore through her, and her pussy tightened so much it pulled his seed straight out of him. This was followed by their bodies shaking like they had a fever and the need to thrust over and over until every drop of sperm was torn from him.

Afterward, he couldn’t remember if he had heard her cry out her orgasm or not, his blood had been pounding in his ears so much. He only knew how exhausted he felt and imagined Brianna did, too.

Her hand dropped from his and flopped to the floor. Her body heavy, her forehead was resting against the hay as she gulped in gasps of air.

Eric, his own lungs bursting, wrapped an arm around her waist and, easing back very slightly, got his other arm under her knees and moved them both onto their sides lying on the hay, still encased inside her.

Brianna breathed out that ragged sigh of being replete, and Eric covered her body with his arm, tenderly enfolding a breast in one large hand.

That had been the most amazing thing he had ever done in his life.

No previous experience with Emily or anyone else had come close.

And yet it hadn’t just been good sex because Brianna was someone who wasn’t experienced in the slightest. No, it was the sense of knowing he had found his soul mate, even if he hadn’t realized it

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before. Curt had tried to tell him something similar, but in his cocky attitude, it had come out as how sexy Brianna was.

Smiling, Eric dipped his head to press a kiss in her hair. He knew Curt felt the same way and was just as much in love with their wife as he was. The fact that the two of them shared the same woman didn’t faze him in the slightest, not like it did Curt when Adam had originally brought her back to the farm despite it being Curt’s idea to advertise for a wife.

His smile faded. What to do about Adam? He knew his big brother had some feelings for Brianna, but how could they get him to express them, and how could they get him into bed with her again?

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Chapter Twelve

“Ahhh. No, stop it. Please, Curt.”

Adam’s foot hovered on the top step as he heard Brianna’s voice pleading with his brother to stop whatever he was doing.

“That’s not fair, Eric! That’s two against one.” He heard her giggling.

Tightening his hand on the railing, Adam bent his head as he listened to Brianna playing with his brothers. He wished he was one of them, but he had never been one for laughter and games. Besides which, she would probably run a mile if he joined them. He listened as Eric laughed loudly and Adam smiled. Eric was something of a shy person around women normally. It was nice to hear him happy.

He was still smiling when he stepped inside. Unfortunately, the laughter stopped immediately as three pairs of eyes swiveled toward him, one speculative, one still laughing, and one fearful. He strode away from them into the kitchen, flinging the bridle he was holding with a clatter onto the countertop, and, rolling up his sleeves, he washed his hands.

The noise from the other room filtered through his ablutions. It wasn’t the joyful fun of earlier, and that ate at him, that he had spoiled their fun—but also that they didn’t want him to join in.


He turned his head so abruptly, he wrenched his neck. It was Curt.

He was leaning negligently against the doorframe.

Ignoring him, Adam turned back to the sink. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t do it to yourself.”

“I’ve no idea what you are talking about.”

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“Good thing, then, that I know you so well.” Adam just gave his brother a
. Undeterred, Curt continued, “You are jealous that Eric and I are getting on so well with Brianna.” A stern glare from Adam still didn’t put him off. “And you think we don’t want you with us.”

“Rubbish. I am just annoyed that the two of you have been taken in by a pair of soft thighs.”

Adam nearly stepped back at the vicious look from his brother. He had never seen him look that way before. “You can be such a bastard at times, but we’ve decided it is your turn to be with Bree, so Eric and I are going to do some night hunting.”

Curt turned to go, and Adam called urgently after him, “No!” His brother turned back. “What?”

“No. I can’t…I’m not…I don’t want her. It’s that simple.” The look of dismay coupled with amazement was too much, and Adam turned and stormed out of the building, stopping on the porch outside to rest his forehead against the upright beam.
Hell. Why did I
say that?
Actually, he knew perfectly well why. He was scared to try having sex with Brianna again. Particularly as he knew she had been with both his brothers since his disastrous night with her nearly three weeks ago. He also knew she had enjoyed her lovemaking with Curt and Eric, and they had done it on more than one occasion. He just couldn’t try it again. The problem was her presence around the place since she had arrived there meant he was so much more aware of her.

Her scent, which was like mountain flowers, her lilting laughter when Eric told her a funny story, her squeal when Curt grabbed her from behind, her soft, luscious curves as she stood in the kitchen, her back to him.

A shriek of female laughter came from inside the house, and Adam’s heart twisted.

He moved silently so he could see in through the window. Eric had wrestled Brianna to the rug on the floor in front of the fireplace and was tickling her. Her giggles got louder. He smiled at the happy
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picture. As he shifted, he saw Curt look in his direction and stepped back. He saw Curt continuing to look at the window, knowing Adam was there even if he couldn’t see him properly in the darkness.

His brother’s next action surprised Adam as Curt knelt down and took hold of Brianna’s legs, spreading them on either side of his body, pulling her flat on her back.

Her giggling was cut short and became a scream of uncertainty.

Adam watched as Eric stopped his playful antics and the game became a different one as Eric took hold of Brianna’s hands and held them down over her head. Adam cursed as that movement blocked his view of Brianna. All he could see was Eric’s back, but he then saw Curt nod at Eric to move to one side, and Adam’s lips narrowed. He guessed it was Curt’s way of saying, “This could be you.” Eric moved, sitting next to Brianna, holding her wrists in one of his big hands while, with his other hand, he reached over to fondle her breasts.

“Oh, God, Eric, that feels good,” she moaned. “But what about Adam?”

“Don’t worry about him. He’s busy,” Curt declared.

Wincing, Adam turned to walk over to the barn, but found he was frozen to the spot. He couldn’t move. Closing his eyes in agony, he leaned against the house. But he couldn’t block his ears from the sounds coming from within—Brianna whimpering and Eric panting.

He knew it was Eric because Curt was whispering, “You look so beautiful at the moment, my sweet, but you are going to look so much better after we have finished with you.”

“Both of you?” Brianna’s response was tremulous and somewhat fearful. Adam stood upright, ready to rush in and stop it if she wasn’t happy.

“Yes,” his middle brother stated. “Are you okay with this? You can stop it anytime. We won’t force you, but I promise you it will be amazing.”

“O–okay. I think.”


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“No, sweetheart. You have to be sure before we go any further.” It was Eric this time who talked.

“Maybe this will make your mind up.” Adam shook his head. He guessed Curt was showing her the outcome to his years of illicit lovemaking as Brianna suddenly groaned. The sound was so sweet and so full of arousal Adam had to turn back to the window to watch.

Curt had pushed her skirt to her waist and was kissing, or licking, or nibbling, Adam couldn’t tell exactly what, his way up her legs. As Curt neared her pussy, Adam heard Brianna’s groans turn to whimpers.

She cried, “Oh, God. Curt.”

“Is that good?”


Adam swallowed enviously. Part of him wished it was him.

“Hell, Bree. You are dripping.”

“What does that mean?”

“Silly. Don’t get worried. It’s good.”

Brianna queried his statement, “It is?”

“Yup, because it means you are aroused, and your natural juices are flowing.”

Oh, that’s what happens, does it?

She then yelped.

That wasn’t right, was it?

“Sorry,” apologized Eric. “I hadn’t realized your nipples would be that sensitive.”

“Twit. Of course they are if you bite them,” admonished Curt.

“You are just as inexperienced as Adam sometimes.” Eric huffed. “At least I make up for it in enthusiasm.” Adam heard Curt laughing. “You surely do, little bro. Take your clothes off now you’ve stopped.”

Swallowing nervously, Adam wasn’t sure he wanted to watch this.

The idea of seeing his brothers undress seemed somehow rather incestuous. On the other hand, they frequently visited a nearby lake
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and washed in the small waterfall, so each knew what the other looked like naked. He ignored Eric, therefore, and continued to watch Curt instead as he helped Brianna out of her clothes. Actually, he was watching Brianna. He hadn’t seen her naked, as she had gotten into his bed wearing her nightgown. He could see her breasts were as full as he had imagined from feeling them that night, but the sight of her luscious butt was almost his undoing as she turned, standing with her back to the window as Curt pulled the remainder of her clothes off.

He nearly didn’t hear Curt talking to her, so intent was he on the beautiful vision in front of him. “Bree, you look so sexy. I’m—

we’re—so glad you answered my advert.”

“All of you?” she queried softly. Adam knew she was unsure about him and tensed wondering what Curt’s response would be.

“Yes, even Adam. He just needs time to get to know you.”
Do I? Will I ever get enough courage to take Brianna to bed
He looked at the lovely line of her back, his gaze lingering on her butt, and watched as Curt pulled her down onto the rug again.

While his middle brother took his turn to shuck his clothes, Eric lay over Brianna kissing her. Adam watched enviously as Eric then moved down her body caressing her. When he touched her waist, she arched up. Adam guessed she did like being touched there, after all.

Curt had finished. “Come on, little bro, get off and lay on the rug.”

Adam watched intrigued as Eric lay down with his erect cock pointing directly upward.
Hell, I hope Eric isn’t going to hurt her.
But then he shook his head, remembering that both the brothers had made love to her since

Brianna was then encouraged by Curt to straddle Eric, who was lying down, impaling herself on the upright cock. She now faced Adam as he silently observed them from the darkness outside. He held his breath as she slowly moved down. The look on her face was a mixture of tenseness and determination but, at the same time,

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enjoyment and something he hadn’t seen before that he couldn’t put a name to—maybe arousal?

Astounded by the view before him, he watched Curt, now naked, kneel behind her. Curt had something in his hand, but Adam couldn’t see what exactly, a jar of something. Frowning, he saw Curt dip his fingers into whatever the jar held. Adam’s eyebrows went into his hairline as Curt started rubbing those fingers into Brianna’s backside.

Holy shit

A memory came to him of that woman from the brothel asking if he was going to take her front or back. At the time, he had no idea what she had been talking about. Since then he was aware of rumors of people having sex in their butts, but it was usually in relation to men. There being so many unattached men on the planet, it wasn’t surprising that many had made relationships. But he’d never heard of it being done to a woman.

He tensed. He knew what Brianna had suffered when he had taken her maidenhood and stepped forward, about to rush in and stop Curt from touching this new virgin area. Then his head took over from his heart. Curt was the one directing this, and Adam knew his middle brother was the experienced one out of them all. If he stopped them now or burst in, there was a strong chance that Brianna
get hurt, and he couldn’t let that happen again. He had deliberately stayed away from her to avoid that.

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