Denys, Jennifer - Wife for Three [Duoterra] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Denys, Jennifer - Wife for Three [Duoterra] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Reaching out instead to brace himself against the window frame, Adam watched Curt move behind Brianna, clasping her around the waist, stilling her movements on top of Eric.

“Curt, for God’s sake. Don’t stop her now,” cried Eric.

“Patience, little bro. Are you all right, Bree?” Adam saw her bite her lip and nod. But her expression showed her eagerness for this, despite her uncertainty. Curt then pushed her forward so that she was laying on hands and knees over Eric, who was trying desperately to push his butt upward.

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He watched as Curt soothed Brianna by running a stroking hand over her back, reaching around to fondle her clit.

“Jesus, Curt, watch where you are putting your hand.” Curt chuckled. “Don’t worry, little bro. I have no intention of touching you.”

Eric then reached up and plucked Brianna’s nipples, raising one full breast so he could suck it.

“Oh, that feels good.”

Eric lifted his head. “What Curt is doing or what I am?” She laughed. “Both of you.”

That made Adam wish he was part of it. He wanted to hear her declare what he did was good.

He knew the moment Curt breached her tight nether hole with his cock by the gasp coming from Brianna, and Adam tensed, but her following panting relieved him. When she started to moan as the two brothers began to move back and forth very slightly, Adam became aware of the hardness of his own dick. He wanted her so badly.

“You two have done this before, haven’t you?” he heard Brianna affirm. Looking at how easily they had accomplished this, Adam thought so, too.

Curt chuckled. “Actually, no, but Eric is a quick learner!”

“Hell, Curt. You didn’t tell me how tight she was going to be.

Jeez, Bree, please tell me we are not hurting you.” She laughed. “No, my love. I just feel full. I swear I can feel every inch of both of you. Ahhh, Curt, don’t do that.” Her strangled moan filled the air as Adam saw Curt wrap an arm around her body underneath her breasts and lift her upright so her back was plastered against his front. Her head lolled onto Curt’s shoulder.

Both men stopped. “Curt!” Eric cried. “It was going so well.”

“It’s all right,” Brianna panted rapidly. “It was just the way you both shifted inside me. Oh, dear God. I am dying. If one of you doesn’t make me come soon, I am going to kill you both and run off with Adam.”


Jennifer Denys

That startled the man standing on the porch watching.
Run off with
me! Why would she even joke about it when I scare her so much?

Curt snorted. “You’ll have to find him first. But your wish is our command.” And as he promised, Adam saw him move faster inside Brianna. After Curt’s upward stroke, Brianna dropped down onto Eric, who then began his upward stroke.

Adam listened as her whimpers got more intense. When Curt took hold of her breast and plucked her nipple between his fingers, he could see her body start to shake, her face showing what he would have called agony in any other circumstance. Then she arched her back, reaching to grab hold of Curt’s hair, and screamed her ecstasy loudly.

Leaning both hands on the wall, Adam was aware of a wetness in his trousers. He had come, too, just from watching.

Having had enough, he pulled himself upright and started to walk away to the barn where he had some spare pants. Behind him he could hear the dying embers of both his brothers’ climaxes, too, and he hated them for it.

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Chapter Thirteen

“He’s what?”

Brianna heard Eric ask this question as Curt came storming back into the house having gone outside to find Adam. It was the day after the two younger brothers had made love to her—together. She smiled at her reminiscence. If anyone had told her a few months ago that she would be having sex with two men, at the same time, that would involve sex in her backside and even more, and that she would love it, she would have fainted on the spot. She shifted to part her legs, realizing the memory had just caused her to cream and so she took in a calming breath.

They’d had such an amazing and wonderful evening that had started in the lounge but ended in her bed via the bathroom. She seemed to have had a permanent smile on her face since. This was only marred by the fact that Adam, her other husband, didn’t seem to want her. She sighed. That had brought her thoughts back to what Curt had just said, and her happy countenance diminished.

Curt’s face showed his disgust at his elder brother. “He decided to go off into the hills hunting.”

“What, now?” exclaimed Eric.

“Yup. He just lit out.”

“Couldn’t you stop him?”

“Stop Adam? Have you ever tried?” She almost laughed at Curt’s incredulity and Eric’s resigned expression to his question.

“Did he know what we did last night?”


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Brianna looked up startled. She thought he had gone to the barn, and felt somewhat embarrassed with the thought that he might have known what they had done, or worse, seen them.

“Yes.” She flushed at Curt’s emphatic response.

“What, you told him?” queried Eric.

“Nope. He was outside last night. I saw him looking through the window.”

Oh, God.
It was worse than she thought.

“Why didn’t he join in?” Eric’s query echoed hers. “Did we scare him off? Surely not. This is our brave big brother we’re talking about, the one who braves fires and rampaging wilderbeast.” Neither brother looked at Brianna. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved that Adam had left or rejected that he clearly didn’t want her.

Actually, if she was honest with herself, it was both. She felt so much happier when he wasn’t around. She was more comfortable with the other two, but on the other hand, the fact that Adam didn’t want her hit her hard.

And yet, she had hoped over the last few weeks that he would want to get to know her more as she had him, although that was mostly from what his brothers had said about him, truth be told.

Adam might be surly, but she suspected underneath he was a deeply caring, sensitive man. She just wished he would give her another chance.

She cleared her throat, pushing aside her feelings of sadness and emptiness and that tiny bit of relief.

“Okay, so he’s gone. In the meantime, shall I make a plum-apple pie?”

The two men stared at her. She gave them a cheerful smile. It was hard to keep up the pretense, but she was wife to three—not just one.

“Yeah, sure. God, I haven’t had one of them for years.” Eric grinned at his brother’s plaintive cry and explained to Brianna, “Mum died when I was about five, and Dad was a hopeless
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cook. The only time we got any decent food was if Adam cooked it or we were visiting town.”

“So how come you’ve got lots of plum-apples in the barn if you don’t make them into pies?” she asked, bemused.

“Ah, well. They’re Adam’s little vice. He loves them raw.” Eric looked resigned as he said that, as if he hated talking about Adam at all.

. Her plan to make the brothers forget about the eldest by enticing them with food clearly hadn’t worked, so she used the age-old female instinct and moved to sit on Eric’s lap, since he was the one sitting down. He jumped but wrapped an arm around her as she said in a husky voice, “So what’s
vice?” Brianna was startled when Curt burst out laughing. She looked around frowning at him.
Did I say something wrong?

He came over to her and stroked her hair. “I’m the one with the vices, my lovely.”

Pleased that they seemed to be forgetting Adam, she purred,

“Well, I’m coming to you next.” Turning back to Eric she squealed as he lifted her up and latched onto a nipple through her clothes. If Curt was the master of her ass, then Eric was the best with her tits. It was strange how much she enjoyed being with both brothers. She kind of thought she might prefer one man or the other to start with, but both of them brought different things to their relationship, Eric with his laughter and kind nature, Curt with his sexy cockiness and his deep need to be loved. But neither of them could look at her like Adam did when he thought she wasn’t watching, a look that sent electricity straight to her clit.

She didn’t get around to starting the plum-apple pie until much later.

* * * *


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In fact, they never got to eat any. Brianna was just serving it when the sound of several horses splintered the air.


Curt rose, Eric immediately behind him as they flung open the door to see who was arriving. Brianna had been told that there were no near neighbors. In fact, the town of Frontier was where the nearest person lived. She had realized during her time with the Hollis brothers—which was three weeks already, she noted—that it was incredibly unusual for anyone to come by.

There had been a travelling trader selling various knickknacks.

Curt had reckoned he was selling them for twice the price he had probably paid for them originally, but Brianna was delighted when Eric had bought her a pretty hairpiece that he noticed had caught her eye. And there was a trapper coming down from the hills who had been even surlier than Adam. In fact, she was pretty sure he hadn’t said a word directly to her and she was glad when he had departed the next day.

Brianna was just behind them and only got as far as the doorstep when she froze.

Eight men on horseback were crowding into the yard, and she recognized several of them. One was her uncle, another was Quinn, and a third was the law enforcer, Garrett, who had signed off on the marriage contract. Her heart thudded with anxiety, but then her head tried to tell her everything would be all right as she had that marriage contract that she and Adam had signed in front of that very law enforcer. Her uncle couldn’t take her back. And he certainly couldn’t give her to Quinn as she was a married woman now. But that still didn’t stop her feeling faint with fear.

“How can I help you, gentlemen?” Curt asked. She could hear the wariness in his voice.

Marcus pointed to her from his horse, his face full of eagerness.

“There she is. That’s my niece—the ungrateful brat who ran away.”
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Cringing at his words, she saw Curt reach up to entangle his hand in the reins of her uncle’s horse as if to take control of the situation.

Curt’s voice, when he spoke, was hard and very authoritative, as if he had been taking lessons from his elder brother. “That is my—


“Oh, no, she isn’t. The little slut.”

She gasped at the slur from her uncle. All her life he had put her down with insults, but he had never been that rude before. This prompted her to finally find her tongue. “We’re married. It’s all proper. Ask him.” She gestured to the law enforcer, begging him with her eyes to confirm her words.

Garrett appeared more composed than her uncle, and Brianna started to calm down. His deep voice answered her, but it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “I’m afraid, miss, that the contract you took out isn’t valid.”

“I don’t understand,” queried Eric.

Neither do I. What is going on? How could my contract not be
valid? Surely I don’t have to leave.
Her stomach was a mass of butterflies, and she felt sick.

“You have to come back to town with us.” The words of the enforcer struck at her worst fears, and her legs felt very wobbly.

“Oh, no, she’s not. She’s coming with me,” declared Marcus very firmly as he jumped down from his horse, and deftly skirting Curt, he charged up the steps to the house and grabbed hold of her arm.

“No!” Brianna cried fearfully, struggling to shrug him off. It was one thing to accompany the enforcer, but she didn’t want to go anywhere with her uncle ever again. She looked over at her guys. Curt was still holding the horse, looking stunned by the turn of events. Eric had taken a step in her direction but stopped, clearly unsure what to do.

“Look, miss. Your uncle has a signed contract for your marriage to this man here, Quinn Ford.”


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Brianna had to clasp the doorway to stop herself fainting at that point. Curt and Eric both looked in her direction, shock on their faces.

Her voice was weak when she answered, her eyes imploring them to believe her, “It’s not true. I’ve never taken out a contract with him.”

“Lying again. Don’t worry, everyone. We’ll take her off your hands, and you can all get back to normal,” said Marcus almost gleefully as he gripped her arms to drag her off the porch.

She fell to the ground, her knees hitting the wooden floorboards heavily, moaning in despair.

Garrett’s voice stopped him. “Sorry, Mr. Thorpe, but we’ll have to go back to town to sort this out. It doesn’t seem that simple. Miss, are you denying the contract that your uncle showed me?” Struggling to her feet, Brianna ignored her uncle’s tight clasp on her as her heart pounded, recognizing someone who might be able to help her. She cried out, “Yes. The only contract I have ever signed is the one with Adam and his brothers.” She turned to her men. “Please believe me. I have never signed any contract other than ours.” Eric was the one to step forward, looking back at his brother with an unusually hard look on his face. “I, for one, believe her.” Holding back the instant relief she felt, she looked at Curt, waiting for him to say something. He seemed to be struggling to make up his mind, and she swallowed with fear. When he came forward too, she nearly cried out loud in relief. He blocked her from the remaining men on horseback and sighed. “So do I.”

“Look, guys, I’ll still have to take her in,” stated the law enforcer regretfully.

“Can’t you take
away, Garrett, and sort it out?” asked Eric, who had moved onto the porch to take hold of one of her uncle’s arms as if to pull him off her, violently if necessary. His voice was angry.

“We know we are in the right.”

Garrett just chuckled and shook his head. “No go, lad. The judge will need to see her to deal with this issue.”
Wife for Three

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