Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1

BOOK: Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1
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Desert Orchid

The Desert Princes – Book 1

By CC MacKenzie


Think ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ meets ‘Taken’.


A young Arabian Queen must marry a wild, wicked and wilful Prince to save her people from civil unrest and protect the wealth of her Kingdom.


Charisse never expected to find love with a darkly brooding man who looks and lives like a rock star.


Growing up as a member of royalty isn't everything it's proclaimed to be. Khalid El Haribe learned that heartbreaking lesson five years ago and isn't interested in ruling a small desert kingdom or marriage but he cannot forget the debt he owes his family. Perhaps doing his duty will atone for past mistakes? Meeting the beautiful and feisty Charisse comes as a pleasant surprise...the attraction between them burns as hot as the desert.


But tragic events in Charisse's past threaten to destroy her Kingdom and her life, too. Can their fragile love survive?




Desert Orchid - Copyright

By CC MacKenzie

Copyright © C C MacKenzie 2014

Published by More Press

ISBN 9781909331075

The right of C C MacKenzie to be

identified as the author of this

work has been asserted by her

under the Copyright Amendment

(Morals Rights) Act 2000

This work is copyright.

Apart from any use as permitted under

the Copyright Act 1968, no part

may be reproduced, copied, scanned,

stored in a retrieval system,

recorded or transmitted,

in any form or by any means,

without the prior permission

of the publisher.


This book is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, places and

incidents are either a product of

the author’s imagination or are

used fictitiously. Any

resemblance to actual people

living or dead, events or locales is

entirely coincidental.


Cover Design
Gabrielle Prendergast


About the Author


C C MacKenzie is a wife, and mother of three, based in South Cheshire, U.K.
Since childhood, she dreamt of writing stories that readers would love, but put those dreams on hold to focus on her family and her careers in finance, fitness, interior design and construction
'Reckless Nights in Rome' is her first novel in The Ludlow Hall series, followed by book two 'A Stormy Spring' in July 2012, and book three 'Run Rosie Run' published in December 2012. 'The Trouble With Coco Monroe' the fourth in the series was released at the end of May 2013 and 'A Film Star, A Baby, And A Proposal' in December 2013.
'Big Trouble in China' released in September 2012 is her first paranormal novella of The Vampyre Legal Chronicles series. Book two, 'Dirty Little Secrets' was released in January 2013.
C C MacKenzie is currently finishing three more contemporary romances due for release in 2014.
Email CC as she loves to hear from her Readers at: [email protected] or contact her through her website , Facebook or Twitter @CCMacKenzie1




Other Books by CC MacKenzie



Ludlow Hall Series




Reckless Nights in Rome - Book 1: Bronte and Nico

A Stormy Spring - Book 2: - Becca and Lucas

Run Rosie Run - Book 3: Rosie and Alexander

The Trouble with Coco Monroe - Book 4: Coco and Raphael

A Film Star, A Baby. and a Proposal: A Ludlow Hall Christmas



The Vampyre Chronicles Series


Big Trouble in China - Book 1: Marcus

Dirty Little Secrets - Book 2: James







of Contents


Desert Orchid


Desert Orchid - Copyright

About the Author

Other Books by CC MacKenzie

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight


The Prologue and Chapter One: The Fall of Jacob Del Garda

Chapter One



Blood is thicker than water
- John Ray.


Water is thicker than blood
- Queen Charisse El Haribe.


Prince Sarif El Haribe, arriving at Connaught Square in the wintry twilight, was informed at the door that His Royal Highness was immersed in his art and could not be disturbed. He received this news from his brother's close protection officer without comment, but as the butler helped him take off his heavy cashmere overcoat, he eyed the mountain of a man who stood before him and inquired in an unemotional voice, "I feel quite certain that message does not apply to me, don't you?" The bitter cold of a London winter made his deep voice no more than a growl.

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