Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1 (38 page)

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Taking a shaky breath, he fought to gain control over his thoughts, his raging libido.

The tension that corded his neck, his spine, his thighs and all the bits in between, made his hand clench into a tight fist. He took deep, cleansing breaths. What was it Rebecca said, "No negative thoughts, Del Garda. Stamp ‘em dead. One day you’ll receive the answers you need. Until then live your life the best way you can and try to find it in your heart to forgive her."

Rebecca was right.

As for forgiveness?

He was a Catalan, descended from warriors.

No forgiveness.

Not in this lifetime.


A brisk knock snapped Jacob right back to reality.

His PA popped her blonde head around the door.

She opened her mouth to speak then narrowed grey eyes at the look on his face.

"You okay?"

It cost him, but he managed a smile. "
, Julie. What can I do for you?"

Her brow rose in a way that told him the smile hadn’t fooled her.

"I’ve Tobin Gillespie on line one. He says it’s urgent."

He’d been so busy living in the past the flashing light on his direct line had gone unnoticed. And because he’d held a meeting and a conference call earlier, he hadn’t switched on his cell phone. He checked the missed calls, the voicemail and the texts for him to call Tobin ASAP.

"Put him through."

Jacob picked up the receiver, winced when Tobin’s roar came on the line.

"Dontcha ever pick up your fucking messages, Del Garda?"

, Tobin, I...’

But his friend interrupted his apology, "No problemo, my son. Listen, I’ve news."

Jacob usually had a lot of time for his brother’s business partner and best friend. But today he wasn’t in the best frame of mind for games.

"Today is not a good day to yank my..."

"Just shut the hell up and listen," Tobin yelled.

With his temper bubbling on a nice steady simmer, Jacob drummed his fingers on his desk.

"I am listening," he said in a silky voice.

"Jesus H. Right, you’ve got the big Monroe engagement party on Friday night?"


Now Tobin gave a truly diabolical laugh. "Well, I’ve just negotiated the contract for the photographer for the event."


Clinging to patience with his fingernails, Jacob said, "I still do not..."

"It’s Gabriella."

Jacob shot upright in his chair and rubbed the spot where his heart was battering against his ribs.

"When did she..."

"All in good time, my son. All in good time. And you’ll never guess who’s coming with her and who’s booked one of the fancy, swanky cottages at Ludlow Hall for a two week break?"

Jacob’s throat went as dry as dust.

Her boyfriend?

Her fiancé?

God help him, her husband?

He shook his head and realised Tobin couldn’t see him.


"Sophie. I’m on my way to the airport now. I’ll be with you tomorrow morning. Get ready, pal. Karma is gonna be a bitch."



End of Chapter One - The Fall Of Jacob Del Garda


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