Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure (17 page)

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His mistress was upset. He didn’t like it one bit, nor did he appreciate whatever Odin had done to make her unhappy. “I want to go with you.”

Her eyes widened a fraction, and she stilled. Then she shook her head. “You can’t.”

“I don’t like the idea of your facing him alone, when you’re upset.”

She kissed his cheek, smoothing back a lock of his hair. “That’s very sweet, handsome, but I’ve been dealing with Odin for two thousand years. I think I can handle this one meeting.”

“Let me rephrase it—I’m not letting you go alone,” he said, gripping her shoulders. “Something stinks here, and I don’t trust him or anyone where you’re concerned.”

“Luc, I don’t—”

“No excuses. You can have me wait outside the meeting room or whatever, but I’m going. Unless you want me to be gone when you return.” He watched her carefully, gauging her reaction
to the threat. She didn’t know it was an idle one, and it hit the mark.

“You can’t leave,” she said, her voice wobbling. “You’d get lost, or worse. My realm is vast and dangerous, teeming with creatures you’ve only read about.”

In that instant he
she cared about him, despite how she tried to hide it. Maybe, hopefully, she more than merely

“Then we should go, so you don’t get put on the god’s naughty list.” At her pained expression, he smiled. “Oh. Too late, huh? Well, we’ll brave him together.”

“Luc…” She bit her lip, looking suddenly younger and more vulnerable. “No one has ever offered to take on a god for me.”

That shocked him, and he couldn’t keep from gaping at her. “Nobody?”

“Not even Taryn, as fond as I am of him,” she said, with a touch of sadness. “And not my sisters, either. I’ve always been on my own when it comes to the tough, personal stuff.”

Kass looked into his eyes, uncertain. Afraid. And he realized that for all her hard shell, her penchant for domination, she was a woman. Soft and hurting inside, she was in need of a champion. A protector. She’d never had that, and it was time for a change.

“I want to be there for you,” he said, kissing her lightly on the lips. He tucked a lock of dark blond hair behind her ear. “Let me? Please?”

Her lashes fluttered, and he leaned in to capture her mouth, twining their tongues together. Her scent and her taste were a feast for his senses, and they wrapped him in an exotic blanket. She rubbed her body against his, and his beach towel finally loosened
and gave up, falling from his hips to pool on the floor. His cock came to life, plumping to brush against her abdomen, insistent.

“I’m not a slave, Kassandra,” he whispered into her mouth, burying his fingers in her hair. “I’m a man, and you’re mine, every bit as much as I’m yours.”

“Gods, Luc…” She returned his kiss with fervor, clinging to his shoulders.

“Let me show you.”

The want in her eyes, and the new light there, was her answer. Pulling her T-shirt from the waistband of her jeans, he eased it over her head and tossed it to the floor. Then he reached around her and unclasped the lacy peach-colored bra, letting it slip off to join her shirt. When she reached to unbutton her jeans, he pushed her hands away and did it himself, then slid them down along with her panties.

She kicked the denim aside and stood gloriously naked, waiting his direction. He loved the change between them, this sweet side of her. Not that he wasn’t electrified by her naughty side, of course, but this was more. It felt big, and right.

He took her hand and led her to the bed. Drew her down beside him and laid her gently on her back. Sprawling over her body, he bent and sucked a nipple into his mouth, and it peaked fast into a taut nub. She made a greedy sound in her throat and cupped the back of his head, holding him close.

He loved on one breast, then the other, sucking and kneading them. Moving south, he continued to worship her body. Trailed kisses and caresses over her rib cage and belly, inside her hip bones. Then he spread her legs and paid the same attention to her inner thighs, so very near her sex. Simply adoring her and covertly watching her bask in the touches.

Next he bent and laved her slit, tongued between the folds, getting her nice and wet for him. He paid special attention to the sensitive clit as well, teasing it until she writhed underneath him.

Unlike the other times, there were no words. Luc focused on saying with his body what seemed inadequate when expressed aloud. He didn’t want to break the spell being woven between them, the connection that had started to form and that was getting stronger with each day, with every moment.

Moving up, he covered her with his body and eased the tip of his cock to nudge inside her. Then, keeping their gazes locked, he grasped both of her wrists and crossed them, then placed them over her head, pinning them with one hand. Exerting gentle dominance as he slid into her, to the hilt.

Their breaths mingled as he began to thrust, slowly at first. He allowed the pleasure to build, to ease naturally into a wonderful, spine-tingling crescendo. Gradually he increased the force of his thrusts, pumping faster, deeper. Kass made a sound, a whimper of both need and rising arousal, signaling her impending orgasm as she rose to meet him.

This is it,
he realized.
This is what I’ve waited for my entire life.

Their connection as he pumped inside her was nothing less than sublime. A miracle. He sensed she felt it too, even if she wasn’t quite certain what it meant.

But I know. She’s mine!

Sweat rolled down his temple. He was pounding into her now, still holding tight to her wrists. Gazing into her eyes, he hoped she could read every emotion he couldn’t yet vocalize. Then the familiar buzz started in his groin, and his balls tightened.

The time is right. Do it!

Luc nuzzled her neck—and she raised her chin in silent
permission. Heart singing with joy, he struck, sinking his fangs deep.

Her blood flowed over his tongue, and his orgasm exploded, followed quickly by hers. She gave a hoarse shout, wrapped her long legs around his waist, and held on, riding the huge waves they’d created together. Luc felt the bond snap into place, the thread tying him to his mate, and he gasped, raising his head.

Gods, so good.

But eventually, their release had to end, though not the postorgasmic bliss. This seemed to be a day for revelations, and he had one more coming.

More than three hundred years on earth, and this was the first moment he truly understood that sex and intimacy were two entirely different things.

Just now, he and Kass hadn’t fucked.

They’d made love.

He had a mate he was falling hard for, and he wasn’t sure how to tell her—or how she’d feel about it. But for today, he’d enjoy the knowledge.

Tomorrow, there would be plenty of time to face their future.


fter a fun shower with lots of sudsing and groping, Kass finally had to face the music.

She couldn’t put off seeing Odin any longer. Nor could she persuade Luc to remain behind. She’d tried once more to convince him but couldn’t continue to protest without making him suspicious.

After drying off, she padded into the bedroom, aware of him following. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught him checking out her naked ass, and she grinned despite her nervousness. The man was the perfect lover—handsome, insatiable, and kind. He was a good man who matched her like no other. Losing him would kill her.

As she slid into a pair of clean panties and reached for a bra, her hands trembled. She didn’t want Luc anywhere near Odin. Her vampire was the reason for this meeting, and he could very easily learn the truth of why she’d rescued him and brought him here. He’d be angry, she knew. Maybe even angry enough to leave and not look back, and who’d protect him then?

Was there any way to protect him from Odin? From the Fates themselves?

“You’re shivering,” he whispered near her ear, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

“It’s a little chilly in here. Someone should turn up the heat.”

“I’ve got what you need to get warm.”

“Is sex all you think about?” she teased, turning in his arms.

“Hey, take out the fangs and I’m just a
.” His eyes danced with humor. “Is there something else important I need to know about?”

“You.” Playfully, she smacked him in the chest and moved past him to the walk-in closet. Inside, she put on her bra. “Since you insist on going with me, you’d better go get dressed. Odin runs a strict palace, and he wouldn’t like having any of his soldiers or staff distracted by prime, naked flesh.”

“I’m prime?” He made a show of admiring himself in the mirror. “Yeah, when you’ve got it…”

Snorting, she rolled her eyes and began rifling through her clothes. Males were all the same, no matter their species. Trying to squash her worry about the upcoming meeting, she selected a pair of plain black trousers, her boots, and a loose-fitting white blouse. When she emerged, Luc was gone, presumably to get dressed.

She finished before he returned and allowed herself a few minutes to quietly panic. Luc had been slated to die, and she’d fucked that up. For the first time, she let in the absolute knowledge—not just the possibility—that she would be punished for this. When or how, perhaps Odin would reveal. But her own death didn’t bother her, compared to the rest.

Luc could still end up paying with his life, too.

She couldn’t let that happen. At the same time, she didn’t know how to stop any of it. Round and round her brain chased the fears, and she hadn’t realized Luc had come back into the room until he was standing in front of her. She studied him, taking in his clothing, similar to hers: black pants and boots, but a blue shirt instead of white.

“You look handsome,” she observed.

“I was thinking it might be too casual for a meeting with a god, but I guess I did okay.” He gestured to her outfit.

“Odin cares only about his soldiers. He doesn’t favor pomp and putting on airs like many of the other gods.”

“Good to know. You ready, then?”

“As I’ll ever be.” She gave him a smile she hoped wasn’t as nervous as she felt, and stood, taking his hand. “Does teleporting make you sick? You were in bad shape when I brought you here, too injured to react to the travel. And you were passed out when Legion and I brought you upstairs after our session.”

“I’ve done it a few times, and it doesn’t bother me too much as long as I close my eyes.”

“Good. No time like the present.” She waited until he squeezed his eyes shut, and then let her power loose.

Wind swirled and they became weightless. Concentrating on their destination, she kept a tight grip on his hand, and firm ground was under their feet again in mere seconds. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.”

Deciding he appeared no worse for the wear, she let go of him and nodded to indicate their surroundings. They were standing in a cavernous foyer not unlike her own. But whereas the estate she shared with her sisters was ornate, Odin’s palace
reflected his minimalist personality. It was grand, yes, but functional. The god would rather poke his eyes out with a flaming stick than fuss over art, vases, flowers, and furniture.

Kass rather preferred it to her own place and thought how it would be nice to one day live somewhere she could make a home—somewhere away from her sisters, her job, the gods, and their politics. A pipe dream, really.


She turned to see Odin’s cute young assistant hurrying toward them, looking like someone had drowned his kitten. “Benji, it’s good to see you again.”

“You, too, Kass. I just wish—” He halted, eyes widening as he noticed Luc standing next to her. “Oh, hi. Um, wow.”

“Pretty, isn’t he?” She turned to Luc. “Benji has a thing for blonds and vampires. You just made his week.”

“Really?” Luc smiled. “That’s me, spreading cheer wherever I go.”

Benji blushed at the vampire’s teasing, seeming momentarily at a loss. Then he sucked in a deep breath and, completely serious, addressed Kass. “Are you
, bringing him here? Odin’s going to shit banshees! Especially after his meeting with the Fates.”

That announcement made her blood run cold.

“He had an audience?”

Benji nodded, mouth pressed into a grim line. “He just got home and immediately sent for you. He’s in his office, and I have to say, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him this upset.”

They both understood the significance of this news. The Fates rarely admitted visitors—and Odin typically avoided the trio—which meant that something big was in the works. And it obviously involved Kass.

“Wait a sec,” Luc interjected. He glanced between them in confusion. “Odin’s going to be pissed I’m here, why? He doesn’t even know me.”

Benji’s brows shot up, and he sent her a look that said,
He doesn’t know?
Shaking her head slightly, she was relieved when he got the message.

“Never mind me,” Benji said lightly, smiling at Luc. “Odin’s a grump who doesn’t take to outsiders very quickly. He might have you wait outside while he meets with Kass. This way?”

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