Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure (16 page)

BOOK: Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure
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“Come here, Maya.”

“As you wish.” She did, stalking him like a graceful feline and slipping between his knees. “See something you like?”

His body burned, even as he thought of Kass, and a flash of guilt pricked him. But he’d never been human, dragged down by their mores. He was a vampire, with an immortal’s needs, and Kass had encouraged him to take what he needed. What he wanted.

A strange awareness washed over him, and he glanced up to a row of windows that overlooked the pool area. A flicker of movement caught his eye, and he smiled to himself. Kass was up there, watching. His libido ramped into overdrive. He was quickly
coming to learn that his encounters were so much more satisfying when she was a part of them.

Returning his attention to Maya, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. Licking into her mouth, he explored thoroughly. She arched into him, breasts grazing his chest. Her hand reached between them and smoothed his belly, then searched lower.

Gently he took her wrist, stopping her progress. “Let’s stretch out where it’s more comfortable.”

Luc helped her from the pool, fetched his large beach towel, and spread it out on the thick grass. Then he lowered himself to the towel and sprawled out—naked, wet, and ready. “Join me?”

“Oh yes.”

She knelt beside him, and her clever fingers found his sac, kneading and manipulating his balls with delicious pressure. She moved to crouch between his legs and grasped his aching shaft in her other hand, squeezing. He moaned low in his throat, fangs throbbing, his entire body strung tight as a bowstring.

Fisting him, she pumped his length from head to base, slow and excruciating, building the heat of friction with silken fingers. Bending, she flicked out her pink tongue and flicked the broad head. She licked a drop of pre-cum, swirled, causing minishocks to zip down his shaft.

When she took him in her mouth, he thought he could die from sheer pleasure. He groaned, lifting his hips and granting her better access. There wasn’t a male alive who didn’t enjoy fellatio, and he was no exception. Fascinated, he watched his cock disappear between her plump lips. Unbidden, an image of Legion devouring him last night invaded his mind, and he shoved away the comparison because that wouldn’t be fair to Maya—who
was doing an admirable job, even without the mind-blowingly dangerous edge to sex with the demon.

He enjoyed the warm, slick sheath sucking him, shiny black hair curtaining his lap. “Gods, yesss.”

Was Kass getting hot from what she saw, the servant on her knees, licking and suckling him? If their previous encounters were any indication, she should be wet and needy by now. The idea torched him from head to toe, and he moaned, grabbing a fistful of the towel he was lying on.

He nearly shot down Maya’s slim throat. Not yet. Panting, he carefully urged his lover to release his sensitized, throbbing cock. “Easy, tigress, or this will be over way too soon.”

She smiled. “You have an immortal’s stamina and recovery time, lucky man.”

“You’re not immortal?”

“No, sadly, I’m human.”

She didn’t seem too pleased about that, and he wondered how she’d come to live here. But that was a story for another day.

“Your mistress is watching us,” he told Maya.

“I thought I sensed her. Let’s make her so hot, she pounces on Taryn as soon as we’re done.”

“Sounds naughty.” He liked that.

“Stand and turn so she gets the full effect of your impressive profile.”

He complied, feet apart, erection arching to meet her. Maya knelt at his feet, reached, and drew him into her mouth once more. She slid him deep, taking the entire length down her throat as her small hands grabbed his ass cheeks and held him there.

“Shit! Ah, fuck!”

He wasn’t going to last. She was so damned sexy, swallowing
him as she sucked hard, her tongue laving the underside of his cock. She was bathing him in heated wonder, taking him to the root. Tangling his hands in her hair, he urged her forward and began to pump his hips. Fucked her sweet mouth, loving the scrape of her human teeth along his skin.

Cum boiled in his balls, and he had to fight to keep from jetting his seed down her throat. His fangs itched, and his hunger grew sharper. He needed to bite, and soon.

Hurriedly, he slipped from her mouth and pointed to the towel. “On your hands and knees.”

She complied quickly, the scent of her arousal hitting him as she spread her thighs and lifted her ass in offering to him. The sunshine danced across her bronzed body, making the pink slit of her pussy glisten, the slit ready for his cock.

The beast in him roared in satisfaction, demanding that he fuck her hard and fast. Last night his submission had felt sublime. Today, he was simply little better than an alpha vampire who wanted a furious fuck, and he needed it now.

He knelt behind her, laying one hand on the firm globe of her rear as he used the fingers of his other hand to rub her moist folds. She moaned, arching her spine as he teased her tiny clit, spreading her cream. Next, he parted her sex and plunged two fingers into her channel, fucking it and driving her near to insanity.

“I’m so going to enjoy doing you, sweet one.” A whimper met his statement, and he chuckled. “Do you want me inside you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, backing into his touch and opening herself wider.

“Tell me.”

“Please, my lord! Fuck me!”

Her broken plea nearly sent him over the edge, and he decided not to point out that she had used the formality instead of his name. Every one of his muscles trembled with need. Withdrawing his fingers, he grasped her hips and brought the broad head of his cock to her pussy, nudging her entrance.

And then he pushed inside, savoring her cry of joy and relishing the sensation of her slick heat wrapped around his dick. She opened to him like a flower, submitting to him as he’d done for Kass since his arrival. Digging his fingers into her flanks, he watched his rod part her flesh and disappear into her fiery channel. Seated to the hilt at last, he let the decadence of their joining—and of Kass’s observing—wash over him and sweep him away.

“Saints, you’re so snug, so good around my cock. I’ll bet you taste even better.”

“Oh yes! Please, fuck me! Drink from me!”

Straining, he withdrew to the tip, hovering at her entrance. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he couldn’t hold back. His lust was too great, the fire too out of control. He let go and let it burn through his veins.

Growling in triumph, he slammed home, burying himself to the base as she cried out her pleasure. He filled her, grinding his balls against her juicy pussy. Then he withdrew and lunged again. And again. Hard and deep. Faster, faster.

Bite her! Fuck her!

Losing the last vestiges of control, he pounded into her relentlessly. Rejoiced in the dark, feral nature of his kind. There was nothing but the blazing fury between his legs, his fangs throbbing in tempo to his thrusts. Bending over his lover, he twined his fingers in her long black hair and pulled her head back, exposing her throat.

He sank his fangs deep. She screamed, and her sweet nectar flowed over his tongue. Every cell in his body was electrified. Her blood was rich and fine, and he was no match for the explosion that detonated his body.

Release tore through him, and he shot into Maya, on and on, his eyes rolling back in his head from the sheer pleasure. His orgasm triggered hers, and her walls convulsed around him, squeezing like a fist to milk every last drop of cum until finally their shudders subsided. He was sorry it was over.

Pulling out, he turned her and gathered her into his lap, gently kissing her lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome.” She gave what sounded to be a contented sigh. “I hope my mistress realizes how lucky she is that you’re hers.”

“Oh, I don’t know that she’s so fortunate.” He shrugged, uncomfortable with Maya’s praise. “What does an immortal who plays with both gods and demons need with an ordinary vampire?”

He hadn’t meant to say that, and it struck a little too close to the truth. For some reason she had claimed him for her own after saving his life, and he still couldn’t figure out why. He was happy she had, but honestly, she could do better.

“Oh, I don’t think ordinary is the correct description.” With a secretive smile, the servant pushed from his lap and stood. “I’d better see about the rest of my duties—unless you still require my attentions?”

The way she asked let him know she wouldn’t be averse to spending more time in his company, but he shook his head. “I’m good now. But thank you, Maya. You’re incredible.”

“You’re welcome.”

After she left, Luc raised his gaze to the window and was
disappointed to find that Kass was no longer there. Her presence had turned a pleasant feed and fuck into an explosive one, and her vanishing made him feel sort of lost. Maybe she’d decided to come join him, but somehow he didn’t think so. Suddenly anxious, he stood, wrapped the towel around his hips, and went in search of his mistress.

Stepping through the double doors leading in from the covered veranda, he strode down the corridor toward the main staircase. Just before he reached it, however, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him into an alcove. This person possessed uncommon strength, and he was not surprised to turn and find himself face-to-face with Millicent. Annoyed, he spoke without thinking.

“Get your hands off me,” he said coolly, twisting his arm from her grasp.

A shadow, dark and ugly, moved in her gaze. Her reply was equally frigid. “You forget your place. You aren’t
Lord Fontaine
in this house, slave. You’re simply a pleasant way to pass an hour or two, a handsome body. Nothing more.”

Anger started on a slow burn, and frustration. Because he couldn’t refute her words, and that really pissed him off. “If I am, I belong to Kassandra, not to you. What do you want?”

Her brows arched. “What kind of game are you playing? Or are you just stupid?”

He injected his voice with as much disdain as he could muster. “Wrong on both counts. I answer to Kassandra, and no one else. So whatever you want from me, take it up with my mistress.” He finished with a crocodile smile that clearly conveyed his dislike of Millicent.

Her eyes narrowed, the expression making her face hawklike. “Perhaps I’ll do that.”

“Uh-huh. Well, this has been fun, but my mistress is waiting for me.”

A vague-enough lie, but it sufficed. Millicent backed off and allowed him to go, but he felt her stare at his back raking him like claws. He’d earned her ill will, though she’d been less than hospitable from the start. What that had been about, and what she had up her sleeve, he shuddered to imagine.

Upstairs, he looked around for Kass. He searched the sitting area on the second floor where he’d spotted her watching, but she wasn’t there. Luc continued on to Kass’s room, went to stand before her door, and knocked. A moment of silence ensued before he heard her call out.

“Come in.”

Twisting the knob, he went inside and found her sitting on the edge of her bed, brushing her long hair with brisk strokes. She was dressed in jeans and a powder blue T-shirt, and if they were in his world, she could’ve passed for any other human. He studied her, noting that she glanced up but didn’t meet his eyes directly as she usually did. A whisper of unease licked over his skin, and he moved closer.

“Kass? Is something wrong?” His question echoed hers to him from earlier, and he hated all of this dancing around they were doing.

She stopped brushing. After hesitating, she lowered it to her lap and looked at him, her expression troubled. “To be honest, I’m not sure.”

“Why? What do you mean?” He watched her carefully.

“You fucked Maya,” she said bluntly. “While you fed from her.”

His heart stuttered as though he’d been shot in the chest.
“Yes, but…did I do something wrong? You didn’t seem to mind it when I fed from Lyric.”

“I know. But I was with you then. Today seemed different.”

“I…You never said I was only allowed to feed with you present.” Remorse clogged his throat. “I thought you didn’t mind, and then when I noticed you watching, quite frankly it turned me on so much, I nearly came before I started. If I’ve upset you, I’m sorry.”

Stepping close, he reached out and cupped her cheek. He grazed her lips with his thumb. As she leaned into his touch, lashes fluttering, a wild tremor of hope shuddered through him. She seemed so jealous of his tryst with Maya. Could that mean she truly cared about him?

But Kass abruptly pulled back, snuffing that illusion.

“You haven’t,” she asserted crisply. “I’m just dealing with some issues, that’s all. Don’t take it personally.”

Luc stared at her, floundering in confusion at her mixed signals. “Okay. So, what do you expect of me?”

“Carry on as you have been and don’t fret so much.”

Her smile seemed a bit brittle and didn’t ease his mind completely. A sharp rap at the door interrupted and forestalled any further questions he might’ve posed.

“Come in,” she called.

The door cracked open, and the young male faery, Jinx, stuck his head inside. “Sorry to intrude, but I need a word with our mistress.”

Kass waved him inside. “Come in and tell me what the problem is.”

The Fae came in and eased the door closed behind him. “I have a message for you, but perhaps it’s best delivered in private?” He cast Luc an uncertain glance.

She frowned. “Never mind Luc. Just tell me the message.”

The faery swallowed hard. “You have a summons from Valhalla, mistress. Odin requests your presence as soon as possible.”

Unless he was imagining things, Kass’s cheeks paled. “Thank you, Jinx. Send word that I’ll be there soon.”

“Yes, mistress.”

The faery made a quick exit. As soon as he was gone, Luc approached Kass and rubbed his palms up and down her arms. “Are you all right? You don’t look real happy to go see this guy.”

She gave a short laugh. “
This guy
is a god, and nobody in his right mind is ever happy to be personally summoned to an audience with one of them. They all have their own agendas, which rarely hold glad tidings for anyone else.”

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