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Authors: Eva Simone

Desired and Dominated (25 page)

BOOK: Desired and Dominated
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I lift her from the table and walk over to the bed with her cradled in my arms, before slowly placing her on top of the covers; her tanned skin a stunning contrast to the deep purple sheets beneath her. I place a pillow underneath her head, positioning her at the right angle to see exactly what I’m doing.

I gently untie her blindfold and shove it in my pocket. It takes a moment for her to adjust to the dim lighting of the room, still too bright after the hour she’s spent in complete darkness, but when her eyes find mine and I am rendered speechless. I have never felt this way before, in this club…or ever, when I’m with a woman. It excites me. It terrifies me.

I rip open the button fly on my jeans, revealing the base of my cock, thick and ready for her. I delight in the spark I see in her eyes at this mere glimpse. I don’t take my eyes off of her as I slowly push the waistband down over my hips, letting them drop the ground, leaving me completely naked and more than ready for her.

I kick my jeans to the side, taking my cock in hand. “Is this what you want, Nyx?”

“Yes, Master.” The rapid rise and fall of her chest, and the breathy tone of her voice turns me on even more.

“Do you know why I removed your blindfold?”

“No, Master.”

I crawl onto the bed, spreading her legs wide as I move between them, the realization of what is about to happen turning my adrenaline into an electrical current, fueling my desire to a level I have never experienced in my life. I take a deep breath before I speak, concerned that my authority is clouded by my need for her.

“I removed it because I want you to watch as I claim you. I want you to watch as I slide every hard inch of my cock inside you, making you mine. You will see our bodies join as one and remember how it makes you feel to see me pounding in and out of you. How I make your body sing with every sweet thrust of my cock inside your tight little pussy.”

I kneel between her legs, taking my cock, and guiding it to her slick entrance. The feel of her soft, warm skin against the tip of my dick - excruciatingly exquisite. “Do you want this, Nyx?”

“More than anything, Master.”

I cover her body with my own, resting my elbows on either side her. I can feel her heart beating wildly against my chest, her breasts pressed tightly against me as the length of our bodies connect. I slowly thrust the first few inches inside her, before pulling back and thrusting back in, but this time I make her take all of me until I’m seated to the hilt.

“Holy…Fuck! Jesus Christ, Sofia. You feel so fucking good.” I give her a moment to acclimate, to let her body adjust to being so completely filled by me, before I begin to move. I lift my hand to cup her face, holding her gaze, showing her how significant this moment is. A moment that has been fated since the day we met, nine years ago.

“Who do you belong to?”

Her eyes are alight with love, devotion and submission as she responds. “You, Master Callaghan. I belong to you.”

“That’s right. Don’t ever forget that
your Master. Your body is mine. Your pleasure is mine. Mine to give and mine to take away if you defy me. Do you understand?”

I hammer into her….

“YES! Oh my GOD…YES!”

I thrust harder, lifting her legs onto my shoulders, allowing me to slide even deeper inside of her.

“Yes, who?”

I spank her ass so hard it makes my palm sting.

“Yes, Master.”

I throw my head back in sheer animalistic lust and roar her name, before grabbing her hips and pounding into her.

“Sofia…Oh fuck…Yes!”

With every circle of my hips; every thrust of my cock, she cries out, moaning my name as I take what is now mine.

She is mine. She will
be mine.

I can feel her walls tightening around me, and I know that she won’t be able to hold out much longer.

“Not yet. Your orgasm belongs to me.”

I pick up the pace, slamming into her in a punishing rhythm, my balls slapping against her tight little ass, and when I feel the familiar pulse of my imminent release, I slip my hand down between our writhing bodies and circle her clit with my thumb.

“I want you to come with me. Let me feel how much you want it.” I hammer into her, chasing my release, knowing that it’s going to be so fucking intense. “Now, Sofia. Come for me.” She detonates like a bomb, an explosion of pure sensation; her body tightening around me, milking my cock, catapulting me into my own release.

“FUCK! Holy shit!! Yes…Fuck! Sofia!”

I ride it out, bucking wildly into her as she screams my name; her orgasm washing over her, again and again, and again.

“Oh God…Master!!!”

I take her in a fierce kiss, swallowing her screams and keeping them for myself. She looks so fucking beautiful when she comes. To watch her climax while I’m inside of her is fucking transcendent.

We collapse in a heap, panting, caressing, kissing, and completely sated, lying in silence; me stroking her hair while she runs her fingers over the light dusting of hair on my chest.

“I love you, Master Callaghan.”

“I love you too, Nyx.” She moves to pull the sheets over us.

“No. We’re not staying here. I want you in my bed tonight.”

Looking up at me, her eyes sparkle in the dim light of the playroom. “I’ve never been to your apartment.”

I run my hand through her hair before grasping it tight and pulling her lips down to mine in a tender kiss. “Well it’s time you get used to it. You’ll be spending a lot of time there in the future. Now as reluctant as I am to say this…let’s get you dressed.”

She gives me a shy smile, which completely throws me off kilter. We’ve just shared something so amazing, she has given herself to me completely, and yet she can still be shy over something so seemingly inconsequential. “Yes, Master.”

When we’re dressed and ready to leave, I pull her into my arms, taking in the sight of the room around us. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For tonight. For giving yourself to me. For letting me have the honor of being your Master.”

I seal our departure with a kiss, take her hand in mine, and lead her out into what feels like another world. The sights and sounds of Andromeda feel so different to me now. What we shared tonight went far beyond the reaches of this club, or my playroom. I contemplate that as we make our way to my apartment, my heart suddenly feeling heavy in my chest as I realize that Sofia Mantovani has a power over me that no one in my life ever has. She has the power to break me.

This…us…just became something more. A living breathing entity that I don’t have complete control over. And I never will….


Six Weeks Later

I’ve known this day was coming, but in my mind, I enjoyed the blissful ignorance of thinking that we would have longer together before this happened.

The past six weeks have been the most amazing of my life. Unfortunately, Sofia had a set back with her injury, but the silver lining was that it’s given her more time here with me, together with two weeks that she already had scheduled off, and we’ve definitely made the most of it. Three days after our first night in the playroom, Sofia got a call from Lily. Simon and Jess decided to elope without telling anyone, and when Jess sent a message to Lily by accident, which was meant for Si, it became a race against time for Brandon and I to track them down and get our girls there in time for the ceremony. It was a crazy few days, exciting, comical, and hot as hell. We had so much fun together, and by the time we came home, she had a new sister-in-law. I’m so glad that I was able to be a part of it with her.

Watching Simon pledge himself to Jess, and seeing how happy they were, made me realize just how much I want it. Not necessarily marriage, I’m not even sure how Sofia feels about that, but definitely the forever part. The highest honor a Dominant can bestow on his submissive, is to collar her. It’s a definitive claim, a message to everyone else that she belongs to her Dominant, and more importantly, that he belongs to her. Sofia’s neck is far too elegant for a collar, and for me, it’s not about showing everyone that she’s mine. When the time comes, it will be about showing her how much she means to me, and my commitment to her; to us. I’ll find another way to do that, without a collar - something for me to think about in the time that we’re apart.

Our relationship is stronger than ever, our bond as Master and sub, based on love, trust and respect. The foundation of what we have, was built on a long history of friendship, and taking it slowly when we found each other again has been the best thing for us. At the time, I thought I might literally explode from the pent up frustration that came from denying her. But, now I know that it was worthwhile. By the time we added sex to the mix, we were already past the point of no return. And the sex…holy fuck!

That first time in the playroom was unlike any other. Anyone will tell you that your first time with a new sexual partner is full of excitement, anticipation, lust and desire, and it’s something I’ve always thrived on when I was training women to be submissives. Sofia was something else entirely. Making love to her for the first time in there was…life-altering. Sex with her
something; everything. I now understand the phrase that ‘two become one’. Corny I know, but it’s the truth. She is a part of me, and I carry her with me wherever I go. I thought that concept was a fairytale, an unrealistic expectation created by Disney to disappoint every girl in the world, when they grow up and realize it doesn’t exist. But, I was wrong. It does exist, in the form of a tiny dancer, a fierce lover; my friend and submissive. I really am a lucky son of a bitch…although, it doesn’t feel like it today.

Sofia has been given the all clear to start training, which is fantastic, but it also means that she will be flying out to rejoin the tour and start working with the physio to build her strength to get back to dancing full time. I am so pleased for her, because I’ve seen the toll that this break has taken on her, and I know how much she loves ballet. It’s her obsession, her addiction. But at the same time, I’m sad that the cocoon we’ve been living in for these past few months, this perfect life of a Master and his sub, is coming to an end. It won’t be the same from now on, and it will be months before we get to spend this length of time together again. It’s been a gift and a curse. Knowing what I’m missing, will make being on the road a lot harder.

I’ll miss walking into the playroom at Andromeda, and seeing her kneeling, ready and waiting for me. She is the perfect submissive in that room, she never falters, not even for a moment. She gives me her absolute trust and devotion, and I in turn reward her…over and over again, until she’s limp in my arms, unable to walk out on her own two legs. I love the feel of her nestled in my arms, as I stride through the corridors, content that I’ve satisfied her in every way, before taking her home to the warmth and intimacy of my apartment. I’ll miss lying down beside her and pulling her into my arms, listening to her breathing as it evens out and slows in peaceful slumber. I’ve become so accustomed to her; I don’t know how I’ll sleep without her beside me.

I’m supposed to start touring with the band next week, which I guess is a good thing. It’s what I’ve been working towards for the past year of my life, and their new album is fantastic. They deserve this, and they deserve my full attention at such a crucial time in their career. I’ve been consumed with my desire for Sofia over the past few months. Ever since she walked back into my life…she’s become as necessary to me as the air I breathe. Our connection has become so much deeper, so much more profound. I’ve always loved her, but it’s only now that I’ve really been able to spend time with her alone, and explore every facet of who she is – that I realize just how in love with her I really am.

She is everything to me, and the thought of us being on different continents for weeks or even months on end gives me a physical pain in my chest. How am I supposed to be a good Master when I’m not in the same country? When I can’t adequately assess her wants and needs. She is so excited to get back to what she loves, what her body craves, but I can also see her internal struggle. She has the same concerns as I do. She’s worried that the distance will tear us apart.

I’ve been wracking my brains over the past few days, thinking of ways to make this easier for her. I already know that it’s going to almost kill me being away from her for so long. Not being able to touch her, to feel her come apart beneath me…will be hell on earth. She’s like a drug. The moment I got that first real taste of her in the playroom, my first real hit, I knew she would be a lifelong addiction for me.

BOOK: Desired and Dominated
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