Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)
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“But you're gonna take care of that, aren't you?” Xander asks, his voice low and husky.

“Hell yeah I am, whenever you're ready,” Ryder says then smacks Xander's ass, which is still face up.

“Fuck it, hop on,” Xander mutters.

Ryder lets out a bark of laughter and cleans his jizz off his stomach before he gets up and straddles Xander's backside. Ryder bends over and kisses Xander's shoulder.

“I gotta warn you that it might be uncomfortable at first, but that feeling goes away. I promise,” he says and smoothes a hand over Xander's hair.

“Okay.” Xander smiles over his shoulder, then turns slightly to kiss Ryder on the mouth.

Ryder is hard already just from the anticipation. He hasn't had sex in almost six months, so this is much needed. He rolls on one of the condoms left from the strip, then uses the lube on himself, and puts some on Xander’s puckered hole. He spreads Xander's cheeks apart then watches as he slips in a finger. Xander tenses but then eases up after Ryder begins to move his finger in and out. When Xander’s body relaxes and appears to be comfortable accepting his finger, Ryder lubes up a second finger and inserts it along with the first. As Xander’s body acclimates to the intrusion, Ryder begins stretching with his two fingers, widening out the hole. Ryder is having trouble controlling himself at the sight of Xander’s tight virgin ass, and the fact that he keeps wiggling it around. 

Ryder can't wait any longer. He positions his rock solid cock, spreads Xander’s glorious ass apart, and then pushes his way in. Xander thought Ryder's ass was tight? It’s nothing compared to a virgin asshole. Ryder rocks back and forth, going deeper inch by inch each time. The noises coming from Xander are of pain and discomfort, not pleasure.

“Hold on, Xan, it'll get better,” Ryder promises.

Ryder finally gets all the way in and it’s smooth sailing from there. On the first full thrust, Xander cries out…this time in pleasure. Ryder grips Xander’s hips and lets his head fall back as he pumps into him.

“Oh, fuck yes.” Ryder pants.

“Ryder, let me up on my knees,” Xander begs.

After changing positions slightly, Xander is up on his hands and knees, while Ryder screws him from behind. Ryder reaches around with both hands, one cupping Xander's balls, while the other jerks him off. Xander shakes his head.

“I don't think I have anything left,” Xander moans.

“Even if you don't ejaculate, you'll still orgasm,” Ryder tells him and keeps going.

This time they both come together, and for Ryder, it’s mind blowing. They both collapse onto the bed. Ryder rolls off Xander, both of them completely spent. Ryder is on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Never has sex with a guy been so amazing. He definitely can't see himself having sex with a woman again. Or even another man for that matter. Is it because of what he and Xander did was so out of this world that he couldn't imagine sleeping with anyone else? Or is it something deeper, more meaningful?  He needs to let his sexual high wear off before he makes any life altering decisions.

“Let's take a shower then a nap,” Ryder says and rolls out of bed.

“I can't move,” Xander says, his voice muffled by the pillow his face is smashed into.

Ryder chuckles and walks around to the other side of the bed. He gives Xander's ass a sharp slap, and Xander yelps and rubs his cheek as he rolls over. Ryder holds out a hand for him and he takes it as he pulls him up out of bed and against him.

Ryder kisses Xander softly on the lips, but Xander pulls his head back slightly.  “Ry?” he starts, hesitantly.

“Yeah, babe?” Ryder answers, eyebrows raised in question.

“What does this mean?” Xander asks quietly.

“What do you want?” Ryder asks, stroking the side of his face.

“I've wanted to be with you for so long. I can't let you go now that I have you,” Xander says softly, his blue eyes meeting Ryder's brown ones.

“So you want a relationship?” Ryder murmurs.

Xander scrunches his face in worry. “Too much for you?” Xander replies.

Ryder shakes his head. “Sounds perfect,” he whispers then kisses Xander.

They wrap their arms around each other and press their bodies together, needing to be as close as possible. Ryder never expected this to turn into a relationship when he made the decision to make a move on Xander in the kitchen, but he’s happy with how it’s turning out.


Chapter 16

Vance and Melina walk in the front door at around 3:00 pm. Tripp and Anna are in the living room. Tripp has his knee brace back on and is using a new pair of crutches. Luckily, he didn't do any more damage to his knee. Dayne is in the kitchen blending up a smoothie to drink.

“Hey, man. How’s the jaw?” Vance asks Dayne and claps him on the shoulder.

Dayne shrugs. “Okay. They say I should be good to go in a couple of months.”

“Man, that sucks. I feel for ya.” Vance sighs. “Have you seen Ryder or Xander since you've been home?”

Dayne shakes his head. “Nope, but their cars are here. I'm sure they're around somewhere,” Dayne says as he pours his smoothie into a glass and sticks a straw in it. “I swear to god, if I get my hands on Damien, I'm gonna break his fucking jaw so badly that it'll have to be wired shut for a year,” Dayne snaps angrily and snatches his glass off the counter.

Vance makes a noise of agreement then heads for the stairs. He just wants to make sure that both Xander and Ryder are alive. Xander's room is first. Vance walks in to a surprisingly empty room. If Xander isn't downstairs somewhere, this is usually where he is. Okay, onto Ryder's room.

Vance doesn't bother knocking, he isn't going to see Ryder doing anything he hasn’t already seen. As Vance walks in, Ryder is coming out of his bathroom, rubbing a towel over his hair.

“Hey, Ryder. Have you seen Xan...der...” Vance says just as Xander emerges from Ryder's bathroom, a towel around his waist.

Ryder slowly pulls the towel down his face until his eyes are showing. Xander is frozen just outside of the bathroom doorway, looking utterly pale. Vance blinks at them a few times.

“Whoa,” Vance blurts and shakes his head, trying to clear it. “What am I seeing here?”

“Don't be stupid, Vance. You know what you're seeing,” Ryder snaps and wraps the towel around his waist.

Vance flinches. “Wow...fuck...were you going to tell me?”

“It just happened, Vance, like two hours ago. I swear,” Xander says quickly.

“You know I would’ve told you if it had happened before today. We don't have secrets between us,” Ryder says a little more gently this time.

Vance nods. “Yeah, I'm are you two together then?”

Ryder and Xander exchange a glance. “Yeah,” they say in unison.

Vance rocks back on his heels. Holy shit. His brother and one of his best friends are lovers. God this is weird. He only found out a few months ago that his brother was gay. He knew about Ryder being bi, but never really saw him with a dude. He's only ever brought chicks back to the house.

“Vance…” Xander says, his pleading tone bringing Vance's eyes to his. “Are you okay with this?”

Vance swallows hard and nods slowly. “I’m cool. I just need to digest it all. I'll let you guys get dressed,” Vance says blandly and rushes out of the room.

Vance's head is spinning as he races down the steps. He keeps telling himself that it’s fine, that he’s cool with Ryder and Xander being a couple. It’s knowing that they just slept together that’s throwing Vance for a loop.

“Vance!” he hears Xander call after him.

Vance has just stepped into the living room when Xander grabs his elbow and spins him around. Melina, Anna, Tripp, and Dayne, who are all sitting around the living room, look up to see what’s going on. Xander’s expression is of anger and betrayal.

“You said that you didn't care that I’m gay!” Xander snaps.

“I don't.” Vance frowns.

“Well, obviously you do if you need to ‘digest’ what you just saw.” Xander accuses angrily.

Ryder walks into the living room, hands shoved into his jean pockets. Vance looks at him. “What happens when you wanna be with a woman again? You just gonna ditch my brother?” Vance rants.

“Whoa, what?” Dayne exclaims and shoots up from the chair he is sitting on.

Ryder ignores him and looks at Vance. “That’s not gonna happen,” he says quietly but firmly.

“How do you know?” Vance scoffs.

“Because...women just don't do it for me anymore,” Ryder replies honestly.

“What? Did you figure this out before or after sleeping with my brother?” Vance snaps.

“Vance,” Xander warns.

“No, you shut up, Xander. I wasn't talking to you.” Vance points at him then turns his attention back to Ryder, waiting for him to answer.

“Before, asshole. And it’s really none of your goddamn business. I don't go around asking you what's gonna happen when you want to be with another woman. You just gonna ditch Melina?” Ryder barks.

Vance’s jaw clenches along with his fists. “Watch it, Ryder,” he growls through clenched teeth.

“Fuck you, Vance. I don't even know what you’re so pissed off about. Xander's a big boy; he can make decisions for himself,” Ryder says and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Oh really?” Vance snorts and turns to Xander. “If you're such a big boy, when are you gonna tell mom and dad that you're gay, huh? When are you gonna be a man and tell our parents that you have a boyfriend?” The devastated look on Xander's face is enough to snap Vance out of his anger. “Shit...Xan, I'm sorry…” he says softly, but Xander cuts him off.

“Don't...don't say that you're sorry when you're not. I just can't believe that I let myself think that you’re really okay with this, with me being gay.” Xander lets out a bitter laugh. “Don't I feel like an asshole.” Xander turns and heads for the living room doorway, where Ryder is still standing.

Ryder grabs his arm and says his name gently, but Xander wrenches himself away and runs up the stairs. Ryder turns an angry gaze back to Vance. “I hope you're fucking happy,” he snaps.

They all wince when Xander's bedroom door slams shut.

“Can I get an explanation here?” Dayne exclaims. “What the fuck just happened?”

“I'll tell you what happened,” Ryder snaps and glares at Vance. “Van, here, walked into my room just as Xander and I were coming out of the shower. And for being someone who is okay with his brother being gay, he sure is having a hard time actually dealing with it when he sees it with his own eyes. Or maybe he just doesn’t think that I’m good enough for him.”

Vance sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s getting a headache. “I am okay with you two being gay...”

“Really? So what is it then? Am I not good enough for your brother?” Ryder asks.

“No! Of course you are! I just...Fuck! I was stunned, okay? I just never expected to see you or Xander with a man, much less with each other!” Vance rakes a hand through his hair. “I never really thought about Xander actually having sex...with a guy...let alone you...couldn't you have talked to me about it first?”

“Talked to you about it first? Seriously, Vance? What would you have liked me to say? ‘Uh, hey, Van. I've been thinking about fucking your brother. What do you think?’ Come on, man. Don't be ridiculous.”

“I didn't know that you even looked at my brother in that way, Ryder.”

“I’ve always thought that he was attractive, but it wasn't until I found out that he’s gay that I started to let myself feel anything more. I never thought a relationship would come out of it, but it's something we both want. You’re just going to have to accept it,” Ryder says softly. “Anyone else have something they want to say?  Do it now…” he demands.

Tripp, Anna, Dayne, and Melina don’t dare say a peep.  They all just shake their heads no.

“Perfect,” Ryder states with finality.  As far as he’s concerned, the subject is closed. He then turns and heads up the stairs.

“So, Ryder and Xander are a couple?” Dayne interjects once Ryder is out of earshot.

Vance takes a deep breath then lets it out slowly. “Looks like it,” he huffs.

“Wow, never saw that one coming,” Dayne says, shocked and confused.

A week has passed since the whole Ryder/Xander blowup, and Xander is doing everything in his power to avoid Vance. He won't stay in a room if Vance walks in, and he won't eat dinner at the table with everyone. Vance really fucked up and he’s paying the price. He was able to patch things up with Ryder the next day, but Xander still wants nothing to do with him.

Vance is walking down the steps when he hears Ryder and Xander talking in the living room. He’s going to talk to Xander, even if he has to tackle him and hold him down to do it. Vance stops in the doorway to the living room when he sees them. They are standing in the middle of the room with Xander's back to Vance. Xander blocks Ryder’s view of him, but Vance can see that Ryder is gripping the sides of Xander's head.

“Xan, you gotta talk to him,” Ryder says softly.

“I can't, not after what he said,” Xander says quietly.

“He was in shock, Xander. He didn't mean to hurt you,” Ryder soothes, smoothing his hand down the back of Xander's head and neck.

Vance has never seen Ryder so tender with someone before. Not even the women he has brought home. But then again, he probably never really cared about them. Vance knows that Ryder cares about Xander, how can he not? He's known him his whole life. When you know someone that long, you tend to develop feelings for them – platonic or otherwise.

“What is he shocked about? Does he expect me to be a virgin forever and never bring a boyfriend around him?” Xander exclaims.

Ryder's hands move to rest on Xander's shoulders. “No, he doesn't expect that. I just don't think that he expected one of his best friends to become his brother's boyfriend. I think he was more shocked about that than anything else. Plus, I’ve kept this side of me away from the guys; they've never seen me with a guy before. I’m sure the whole thing just caught him off guard.”

Xander drops his head back and sighs heavily. “Xander, listen to me. Your brother loves you and wants nothing more than for you to be happy. You have no idea how much it's killing him that you won't talk to him.”

Xander brings his head back up to look at Ryder. “Did he tell you that?” Xander asks quietly.

“No, but I can see it on his face whenever he looks at you.”

Vance decides that now’s as good a time as any to announce that he’s there, so he clears his throat. Xander spins around and Ryder moves to the side so he can see Vance. Xander looks around as if he’s trying to find a way out of the room, but Ryder puts a hand on his shoulder, encouraging him to stay.

Vance moves closer so that he’s standing in front of Xander. “Xan, I'm really sorry for what I said,” Vance apologizes softly.

“Sorry doesn't change anything,” Xander mutters.

“What do you want from me, Xander? I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. Sometimes I say things that I don't mean.  I can't stand this rift between us. I am absolutely certain that I have no qualms about you being gay. And I really am okay with you being in a relationship with Ryder. To tell you the truth, the more I think about it, the happier I am that you're with Ryder, because I know that he'll treat you right,” Vance explains.

Xander immediately starts to tear up. Vance reaches out and pulls him into a hug. Xander hugs him back. “I love you, Xander. No matter what, you’re still my brother, and I’ve got your back…always.”

“You really hurt me, Vance,” Xander chokes out.

“I know. I'm so sorry, Xander. Can you forgive me?” Vance asks.

“On one condition,” Xander says and lets Vance go.

Vance nods. “Anything,” he agrees.

“Come with Ryder and me to mom and dad's today so I can tell them.” Xander states firmly.

“Definitely,” Vance says and hugs Xander again.

A few hours later, Vance, Melina, Xander, and Ryder are sitting in Vance and Xander's parents’ living room. Vance is sitting with Melina on the love seat, arm around her shoulders. Melina really chewed his ass out about how he reacted the week before. She was super pissed at him and even refused to sleep with him for a few nights. Xander and Ryder are sitting in the two recliners that are across from the love seat. Xander's dad, Val, is sitting on the couch that is between the love seat and the recliners. After their mom, Maggie, gets them all something to drink, she sits down next to Val.

“Ryder, honey, it's good to see you. It’s been a while,” Maggie says.

Ryder gives her a tight smile. “I know, Maggie. It’s just been crazy lately.”

Maggie makes a disapproving noise. “Speaking of crazy…Van, have you heard anything more about Tripp's brother?”

BOOK: Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)
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