Destiny of Souls (32 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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Dr. N: How do you feel now about the Wise One bringing up this incident during your hearing?

S: It’s so crazy! An entire lifetime of giving money to charity and they are interested in this! I gave this woman no money we only talked… As my client and evaluated this meeting I reminded him why I thought the smiling female council member on the far right wore a robe of yellow. This might be to acknowledge his spontaneous act of support to a stranger at the bus stop. Less developed souls standing in front of their councis often have entanglements of memory as they purge themselves. While they are selfabsorbed, they may miss what is important, Emmanual felt sorry for the woman at the bus stop. Although he was in a hurry to get to his office, he sat down next to her. His brief, compassionate gesture did not last long. Yet in those oments, I

learned that Emmanual reached her pain, looked into her 224 *.a Destiny of Souls eyes, and told her she was going to make it through her troubles because he was confident she could be strong. She stopped crying and when her bus came she stood up and told him she would be all right. Then he hurried off and forgot this brief act of kindness for the rest of his life.

The bus stop incident in this case appears to be a small thing when stacked up against a lifetime of other acts. It was nota simple act to the council. As we move through life, there are many gestures between people that are uplifting. They may be so momentary that we are not conscious of them at the time. In the spirit world nothing is insignificant. No act goes unrecorded.

There are no hard and fast rules about the meaning behind every color the Elders might choose to show the souls who come before them. For instance, the red robe worn by the council member in the last case related to the need of Em manual to sustain the passion for life within a broken host body in a former life. In the next section I wil explain the meaning behind other symbols worn by council members. A red robe, or red stone on a medallion or ring displayed by an Elder, can have several meanings depending on the setting. Red is the color of passion and intensity and Emmanual saw a crimson robe after one of his lives with physical disabilities. However, in another case an Elder could display a ruby medallion to denote the need for a soul to have a greater passion for truth than was shown in a former life. The subtle variations of color translation at council meetings are unique to every soul’s own perceptions. As one of my subects said:

The wearing apparel of my council shows their mastery over a certain discipline. The colors they display in different forms also re ate to the topic under discussion. These represent gifts of awareness to me as I face my council. No Elder is greater than the other because each is an aspect of ultimate perfection.

Signs and Symbols From the dawn of human history our race has sought hidden spiritual meanings through interpretations of what we see around

us. I remern’ The Counci of Elders 225 her how I felt climbing into the cave sanctuares of Paleolithic humans along the *Dordogne Valley in France. Inside these caves, one is taken back to the Stone Age by the symbolic art along the walls. They are among the earliest representations we have of human spiritual consciousness. For thousands of years primal cultures around the world used rock pictures and diagrammed pictographs to represent ideas relating to magic, fertility, sustenance, courage and death.

Indeed, down through the long centuries since that time, we have sought personal revelation through signs from the supernatural. The earliest signs were taken from the animal kingdom, from stones and the elements. We use symbols of all sorts as embodiments of power and instruments of insight and self-development. Ancient cultural attachments to mystic symbolism were often associated with a desire for transfiguration of our higher Self over the primitive side of human nature. The rites and symbols of secret mystical societies, such as the Gnostics and *Kabbalists, may well represent soul memory on Earth and human memory in the spirit world.

Perhaps I should not have been surprised to have found emblems with meaningful signs in the spirit world. As with all physical objects visualized by subjects in hypnosis, the emblems they see worn by some Elders are grounded in past life experience. Conversely, why shouldn’t we carry messages from the council to Earth within our soul mind as well? Anthropologists who have studied clay tablets, seal stones, scarabs and amulets from our past believe that their influence to both wearer and observer went beyond physical life into the realm of disembodied souls. This custom continues today with engraved pendants, rings and charms. Many people who wear these symbolic talismans believe they protect but are also reminders of personal power and opportunity. The following cases may shed some light on the origins of our feelings about prophetic signs.

About half my subjects see medallions hanging around the necks of one or more Elders on their council. The other half see no objects at all. rankly, I have found no correlation between these two groups of *lents

*in any way, including their level of development. When a medal n is seen by people, some 85 percent of them visualize a circular 226 Destiny of Souls design. The others may see squares, rectangles, triangles, and starlike designs, some of which are seen in three dimensions. All these medallion shapes, in association with the designs on them, are significant and represent a continuity of spirit, both moraly and spirituay, to the evolving soul.

The medallions typically hang from a chain or sometimes ust a cord. Usually the metallic disk is gold but they can also be silver or bronze. Most clients are focused on only one medallion on the council, which is almost always worn by the chief questioner. This Elder is generally positioned directly in front of the soul.

Case 40 Dr. *N: How many members of your council are sitting in front of you?

*S: Five.

Dr. N: How are they dressed?

S: They all have white robes.

Dr. N: I want you to look carefully do you see any of these wise beings wearing anything on their robes? If you don’t see anything, fine, don’t worry about it, I’m just curious.

S: (pause) Well, the one in the center has something around his neck.

Dr. N: Pease describe what you see.

S: I don’t know. Its on a chain.

Dr. N: What is on a chain?

S; Something round, a metal disk.

Dr. N: (I always ask this question) Is it close to the size of a grapefruit, orange, or walnut?

S: (the usual response) An orange.

Dr. N; What color is this ornament?

S: Gold.


The Council of Elders *’ 2.

Dr. *N: What do you think this god medallion means?

*S: (the normal response) Oh, probably some sort of badge of office or maybe his particular area of expertise.

Dr. N: Really. Do you think it is necessary for council members to wear emblems to signify to each other what their position is, or any particular talent they may have?

S: (confused) Well… I don’t know … I mean, how could I know?

Dr. N: Let’s not give up on this so easily. We might learn something together.

S: (No answer) Dr. N: Describe what you see on the gold medallion.

S: (the usual response) I can’t see it very well.

Dr. N: I want you to move closer so you can see the emblem more clearly.

S: (reluctant) I’m not sure I should.

Dr. N: Let’s look at this logically. If you were not supposed to see the emblem, your chairperson would no tallow you to see it. Think about this. Does it make sense that these highly developed beings would openly display adornments on their robes which you are not supposed to see? And why would they need to display them for each other?

S: I suppose you’re right (still reluctant) I guess it would be okay for me to move a little closer.

Dr. N: Just so you know, taking to me about this is nota violation of confidentiality. Look at the expression on the face of the Elder wearing the emblem. He knows what you are thinking. Tell me what you see?

S: A kindly expression *… helpful to me.

Dr. N: Then I am sure he would not want you to miss anything pertaining to this meeting. Move forward and tell me what you see on the metal disk.


228 *. Destiny of Souls S: (now more confident) I can’t make out the writing around the side it looks like filigreed lace, but on the raised part of the disk in the center I see a big cat with its mouth open.

Dr. *N: Give me more details about the cat. Is it a house cat?

S: (more forcefully) No, it’s a profile of a mountain lion with a fierce face and large teeth.

Dr. N: Anything else?

S: (with recognition) Oh, there is a hand holding a dagger under the lion’s neck. (long pause) Ah … yes.,.

Dr. N: You know now what this is all about, don’t you? S: (quietly) Yes, I think I do. It is from my Indian life.

Dr. N: We haven’t talked about that life. Tell me when and where this life took place and how the big cat fits in.

This client, whose spirit name is Wan, proceeded to explain that in 1740 she was a young Indian woman in North America. She was out in the forest one day digging roots with her two children. The men of her village were off hunting. Suddenly, she saw a big cat jump out of a tree and move toward the chidren. Wan dropped her basket and ran directly at the cat. She said, “There was only time to pull out my stone knife then he was on top of me. Just before the lion kiled me I was able to thrust up deep into his neck. Later the men found me and the lion dead but the children were safe.” When I asked Wan why she was being shown this emblem of the cat, she said, “To signify I displayed courage here and I must use it more in other lives.”

I always verify the design of medallion carvings with a posthypnotic suggestion at the end of my sessions. I have my clients draw me a picture of what they saw. Wan’s visual picture of this event is shown in figure 9A.

The depiction of Wan’s hand kiling a mountain lion on the medallion was intended to send a strong message of capability and courage. My client came to me because she was fearful of dying at age thirty nine because

her brother had died two years before in his thirty-ninth The Council of Elders *. 22 year while driving recklessly. She just had her thirty-ninth birthday and we found there was a tenuous quality about her existence.

In the course of our session my subject learned that in the life following her Indian life, she and her two children had been abandoned by her trapper husband in a Wyoming cabin during a harsh winter in the nineteenth century. This husband, who was her brother today, was restless and wanted his freedom from family responsibilities. Thus, this case involved a karmic transference of roles by an unsettled soul in Wan’s spirit group who went from an errant past life husband in the nineteenth century to a rather wild brother in the twentieth.

As the trapper’s abandoned wife, Wan told me she did not fight hard enough to save herself and the children by putting on snowshoes, a backpack, and trying to get out to civilization while she still had food. She was afraid, and rationalized that her husband woud return before she and the children starved. The council showed Wan the cat medallion not only as a counterpoint to the lack of resolve in the Wyoming life but also for her ear fulness today. I’m glad Wan saw the contemporary message of this symbol of courage in our session because the soul of her brother had volunteered for the probable short life to test my client again and deal with his own karma of abandoning people.

I know it seems odd that these ethereal beings on the council would be seen by souls as having a body of light energy in human shape wearing robes with ornaments. When I initially detected the medallions I did wonder if they were chains of office. I learned that these pendants and their designs had nothing to do with an Elder’s status on the council but everything to do with offering a message of inspiration to the souls who come before them. As with so many aspects of the spirit world, these symbols did not reveal themselves easily to me.

In the early stages of my inquiries into medallions my questions would elicit enigmatic responses to the effect that an emblem’s meaning was unfathomable, or that the Elder was sitting too far away to make it out. or too long I accepted these explanations. Then I changed tactics. As can be seen from the last case, I now tell subjects that it does not make sense that Elders would wear an insignia for personal recognition ith each other. Since these wise beings already know

everything about 230 Destiny of Souls Figure 9 *(A-D): Medallion Designs Worn by Council Members

A *B


These designs are not drawn to scale. Souls see them in different sizes and colors but they are almost always round and hang from an Elder’s neck. All emblems are illustrated with the usual double-circle edge etched with indecipherable linguistic markings.


The Council of Elders *. 231 Figure 9 *(E-H) continued




232 Destiny of Souls each other, these medallions have to be for the benefit of the soul they are interviewing. They might be changed over time after a karmic lesson is learned; however, some scenes appear not to change at all.

Once a person in hypnosis realizes the emblems are not symbols of a secret society belonging only to their particular council, they open up. This allows the client to make the mental distinction between an observer caught up in an event over which they have no control to that of an active participant. Responses improve by giving the client permission to recognize what essentially already belongs to them as a soul. The therapy I am able to utilize in their current life from this aspect of inter life council meetings is worth the effort. The passages from the next case are unusual because the subject knows the names of three council members, all of whom have medallions. The chairman’s emblem design is figure 9B.

Case 41 Dr. *N: As you look more closely at the emblem worn by your chairperson, please describe it to me.

*S: Drit wears the head of an eagle. It is turned sideways on the gold disk in bold relief. Its beak is wide open. I can see the bird’s tongue.

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