Destiny of Souls (34 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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I will offer one more medallion design as figure 9H. This last design

combines a geometric pattern with a gemstone. This emblem was 240 *a Destiny of Souls reported by a woman, whose spiritual name is Unz, who lives in constant pain from fibro myalgia a disease which inhibits muscle function.

Case 43 Dr. *N: Explain to me what you see on the robe of your chairman?

Kars wears a gold medallion for my observation. For as long as I can remember it has had intertwined circlets all around the face of the disk.

Dr. N: Tell me, Unz, what does this design mean to you?

S: The circlets are a reminder to me that each life we live fits together with all our other lives in a continuum toward fulfilling our primary purpose.

Dr. N: Do you see anything else on the disk worn by Kars?

S: (Joyfully) Yes, yes I have graduated to the emerald stone, which is in the center.

Dr. N: And what does this stone mean to you? S: (with great satisfaction) It is the stone of the healer.

Dr. N: Does this have anything to do with your having fibro myalgia in your current life?

S: Absolutely. I specifically asked for a body in this life which would be subjected to incurable pain.

Dr. N: (with surprise in my voice) Can you expand upon why you did this?

S: I chose this path long ago. I found that whenever I was suffering myself with a malady that generated pain, it helped my healing art. When one is in constant pain, even of low-grade intensity, it presents an opportunity especially for a healer.

Dr. N: To do what?

S: To experiment with the vibrational levels of pain with the body. You can learn the fine art of adjustments in energy to relieve sections of pain. By working with my own energy in this way I learned to assist others more skillfully.


The Council of Elders 241 Dr. *N: What else can you tell me about this experience?

*S: Being in constant pain keeps one grounded, anchored to the human experience. For pain relief one must be completely focused. It helps to have confidence that there is a higher purpose in learning to work through pain. I pay a lot of attention to other human beings who suffer from physical infirmities in life. I am able to help those who are receptive to the use of mind control for relief.

Dr. N: It seems to me you feel quite proud of having earned the emerald stone as presented by *Kars.

S: The stone represents the lineage of the wearer as a healer. It is an embodiment of my personal character and that of Kars, who has been assigned to monitor the progress of my trials through the ages. It represents my attainment.

Dr. N: Is it fair for me to assume that you are being shown this stone by a master healer who has the expectation that you will carry on this work to become a teacher specialist yourself?

S: Yes, and *Kars’ confidence in me is empowering.

Case 43 is what I would call an accelerated soul. Unz has only been incarnating on Earth for some five thousand years, a very short time considering her advancement. This is because she never skates in any of her lives. She accepts no healthy bodies, which really astonished me. In her life today, Unz is a Science of Mind minister who incorporates an eclectic mix of spiritual disciplines. Through her ministry, she assists many people with health problems through the use of guided imagery and meditation.

Another aspect of case 43 that I found interesting was that Unz only began to see the green stone on this medallion in the last four or five lives. Before that there was an amber stone in the center of the disk. Unz told me this was the color of nurturing and protection for the weak and sick, which came before the green stone. She called this gemstone “my growing-up stone,” and added, “The green emerald displays my

current placement.” This indicates to me Unz is a level IV soul. Further questioning 242 *.s Destiny of Souls reveaed something else. Unz said in her early lives on Earth the circlets (loops) had no stone at all in the middle of the emblem.

I remember a level *V who told me, There are five jewels on my overseer’s emblem, a diamond, ruby, amber, emerald and sapphire, which symbolize my achievements over different levels of development.” Thus, it is not the gemstone itself as a mineral of value that has significance on a spiritual medallion but rather the color of attainment the jewel represents. Gemstone metaphors reported by people in trance offer useful parallels with earthly traditions. The ancients of the Middle East, India and China thought that certain colors represented in gems and semiprecious stones possessed a kind of living personality of their own. For example, the Sumerians believed the wearer of a blue lapis stone had their personal spirit god with them “who must be listened to.” Most of my clients see their spirit guides as dark blue light. The ancients also felt that amethyst-purple conferred transcendental knowledge and wisdom. This gem color represents level VI souls and above.

Of those hypnosis subjects who do see medallions worn by their council members, some see only gemstones. They may not be shown on a disk. I have had cases where the stones or glowing balls of colored energy appear on necklaces, rings, or are simply held in an Elder’s hand and exhibited to the souls who come before them. Essentialy, the displaying of certain colors of light energy represents different aspects of our physical and spiritual life. Certain colors emanating from an Elder as a halo, rob, or medallion can also indicate an Elder’s specialty area, which might directly relate to what the soul in front of them hopes eventually to achieve.

The hypnosis facilitator must be cautious about their own preconceptions about color meanings. Color interpretations on images presented to the hypnosis client visualizing council meetings won’t have quite the same meaning for everyone. Nevertheless, I think it is fair to say that to people in a trance state, signs and symbols presented to them through soul memory relate to the effects of forces over which they wish to exert some control in their current lives. My subjects associate all the medallions I have talked about on their councils with perception and wisdom. Their meanings are intensely

personal things, and are *disThe Council of Elders 243 played with the intention to instruct and motivate souls from Earth to an awareness of Self. The impact of viewing these signs and symbols under hypnosis is so compelling with some clients that after their sessions they have ordered duplicates on personal jewelry to remind them of their karmic path.

The Presence “When you take people into the spirit world, do they see God?” This is a question I am frequently asked about at lectures and there is no short answer. I can say my subjects do feel the Source of their origins al about them in the spirit world. The more advanced explain that all souls will eventually coalesce back into conjunction with the Source of purple light. However, is there someplace in the spirit world where a being superior to the Elders is evident to the still-incarnating soul? The answer is yes, at council meetings.

During the time we are meeting with the Council of Elders there is the overwhelming feeling of an even higher force which is simply called “the Presence.” Many subjects state, “This is as close to God as we get.” My more advanced clients, who are nearing the end of their regular incarnations, indicate that they don’t think the Presence is God, exactly. To them it is a deified entity, or entities, with capabilities immensely superior to those on the council. Everyone agrees that the Presence is there to assist the work of the council.

Typically, people who come to me do not like to use the word God in describing a higher Presence, which they feel more than see in the spirit world. They prefer to use such words as Source, or Oversoul, because the word God has been too personalized on Earth. As many souls approach the more advanced stages of development, the Presence may become pluralized in their minds as a part of the many divine forces in the spirit world with infinite knowledge. They feel this higher force does influence council meetings but might not be the ultimate Creator. My subjects see the greatest evidence of the Presence at council meetings. Even so, the Presence is equated with a larger omnipotent and omnipresent energy force in the spirit world.


244 *’ Destiny of Souls After reviewing hundreds of case notes describing the Presence, I decided to offer a few of them in a series of quotes. In their sessions, each subject speaks of the Presence in just a few sentences. I hope the list of quotes I have selected will capture the flavor of what the average soul feels about this aspect of their council meetings:

I do no tactually see the Presence, but feel it as the ultimate energy. It is there for the council, but mostly for me. The Elders don’t serve as intermediaries between myself and this Source of power. I feel a direct connection with the divine purple light.

When I am in the council chamber the Presence oversees the Elders with its pulsating violet light. Sometimes it turns to a bright silver to calm and purify my mind.

The Presence is above and in back of the council. Only with difficulty can I look up at this power. I feel its sanctity so strongly that I don’t think I should try to look at it directly during the council meeting. If I did, I could not stay focused on the Elders.

The council seems to acknowledge the Presence without being too deferential to it in such a way as to slow down the proceedings. I think it intended that my council and I pay attention to each other. Still, I have the impression that the magnitude of all this combined intelligent energy is designed just for me at this moment. My guide, the Elders and the Presence are keepers of the wisdom behind my experiences.

The Presence represents a purity of energy which assists the council on my behalf. I believe that the council needs the help of the Presence because it has been so long since they themselves incarnated in biological form. The pure wisdom of this energy allows both the council and myself to see more clearly where we all should be going.

The brilliance and drawing power of the Presence is a calling .. an eagerness
. *. directed at everyone in the chamber for all of us to join it someday. It is like a parent waiting for us to grow up and unite with it in adult understanding.


The Council of Elders *’ 4 When you stand in the council chamber and feel the Presence it is like a penetrating resonance in your mind. Even my master guide encounters the sense of bliss that I do. I know this is why she really enjoys coming to council meetings with me. It is a fountainhead of love and understanding. When my time with the council is over and I leave the Presence *… there is such a yearning to go back and be close to it once more.

People have asked me if I have ever had anyone who could shed some light on what it is like to be a council member and be closer to the Presence. I have had very few subjects with such experience who are in transition from level V. However, one individual stands out in my mind.

*Chin era was one of the most advanced clients I have ever had. No one has taken me closer to the Presence than this soul. Chinera trained in another dimension before coming to Earth several thousand years ago. Today, this client is an acupuncturist who practices a variety of healing arts. The medallion worn by *Chin era council chairman is shown in figure 9G. Further details about the inter dimensional travel capabilities of souls will be examined with the Explorer Soul specialists in chapter 8.

Case 44 Dr. *N: When your work as a personal guide is completed, do you expect to be assigned to the Council of Elders?

*S: No, this won’t happen yet. I must become a master teacher working with younger teachers… helping them get in touch with their students on many levels.

Dr. N: How do you know this?

S: Because I am still in training here (incarnating), learning more about Earth’s biological life forms.

Dr. N: Chinera, it is my belief we are together today to help each other understand certain things. Let’s begin this part of our discussion by my asking you about your relationship with the Elders on your council. Begin by telling me how many you see.


~ Destiny of Souls
S: I have twelve members on my council right now. After my last life, the four in the center of the table were the ones who questioned me about becoming more centered on Earth. I still have some blocks which need adjustment. The four on the right-hand side are from my original dimension. They are here to assist in the better utiization of the energy I brought with me into Earth’s universe.

Dr. *N: What about the last four members of your council?

S: The four on the left-hand side of the table act as stabilizers of universal light and sound between all the dimensions around the Earth universe. They act as a pivotal point to ground me in a physical world.

Dr. N; Can you give me some idea of what blockages are hindering your progress on Earth?

S; Primarily, the council wants me to enarge my influence with more people. I have been resistant to extending myself. I complain to them that it would dilute my power. They disagree with my arguments about spreading myself too thin.

Dr. N: I know the feeling. Do you accept this evaluation?

S: (long pause) I know they are right but I still feel sometimes I am an alien on Earth.

Dr. N: Tell me, *Chin era have you ever appeared with members of your council to discuss certain students you work with?

S: Yes, I have briefly.

Dr. N: Then perhaps you can help me understand the progression of soul advancement. Where would you classify yourself?

S: I’m working on being a master teacher.

Dr. N: Would the next elevation above this level of a guide be a position on the council?

S; Not necessarily. There are many other choices for specializations. One might not be suited to be on a council.


The Council of Elders
i Dr. *N: Let’s say you were suited and were given a seat on the council and were effective there. Where could you go next as a soul?

*S: (hesitates in responding) To the place of the Oneness.

Dr. N: Is this represented by the Presence at coucil meetings?

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