Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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Melina did say one thing that resonated with him, though.  He needs to get out of his head if he has any chance of getting her back.


Chapter 5

“Melina, you didn't,” Melina's best friend Harper Hastings frowns at her from across the table of the upscale restaurant.

It has been two days since Melina walked out on Vance, and she needs to talk to someone. Harper is number one on her list, so they make plans to have dinner together; something they haven't done in a while.

“What else was I supposed to do, Harps? The man hesitated while I was naked on his bed.” Melina sighs, pushing her salad around with her fork.

“Is Ryan Reynolds single? He's really hot,” Harper chirps.

Melina's eyes fly up to meet Harper's. She’s about to let her have it when Harper smiles. “Chill, I'm joking.”

Harper is an heir and fashion designer, and dates many high profile actors and musicians. Which is really no surprise because the girl is drop dead gorgeous. She is a blonde bombshell with a feisty attitude. Men are constantly fighting over her, and they all think that they can tame her, but that’s never going to happen.

Melina laughs. “Oh, you are so lucky.”

Harper's crystal blue eyes glint mischievously. “Want me to talk to him?” A evil smirk curling her pouty pink lips.

“No, I don’t want you to talk to him. Then he'll really run as fast as he can.” Melina giggles.

Harper laughs. “Who is he, the fucking gingerbread man? Come on; let me rough him up a bit.”

Melina bites her bottom lip. “No, let’s drop it and enjoy our dinner.”

“Pussy,” Harper coughs into her hand.

Melina rolls her eyes at her. “I hope you don't expect me to go after him.”

“Oh hell no! He needs to do some serious groveling at your pretty little feet. Then you can start on him like a hammer, and pound that stupid shit out of his head,” Harper says through clenched teeth as she pounds on the table with her tiny fist.

Melina laughs. Harper might be small at 5’2”, and barely weighs 100 pounds, but man does she pack a punch. Harper likes to kickbox every day. Melina likes to call her The Little Maniac because she is crazy, and she can kick some major ass. That’s another reason why Melina doesn't want her talking to Vance. If he says something that she doesn't like, he could end up with a black eye. Melina should set her up with Dayne. They are perfect for each other. Harper likes a bad boy who doesn't take shit from anyone. Maybe if she gets back together with Vance, they could double date.

“What if he doesn't try to get back with me? What if he's just given up? It’s been two days and he hasn't called,” Melina says, a bit worried.

“He'll call, he's just trying to find his balls,” Harper says around a mouthful of salad.

Good lord, what is Melina gonna do with this girl? She has no filter, says whatever the hell she wants. Melina loves that about her, but is afraid that it’s going to get her into trouble one of these days.

By some crazy miracle, Melina's phone starts ringing where it’s sitting on the table for them both to see. Vance's number flashes brightly and her heart leaps to her throat. Harper squeals and claps as she bounces in her seat.

Melina lets it ring a couple of times before picking it up.

“Hello?” She answers softly.

“Hey,” Vance replies, just as softly.

Melina's heart aches. Damn, she has missed his voice.

“Can I come by so we can talk?” he asks.

“Well, I'm at dinner right now, but I can come by when I'm done.”

“Dinner?” Vance asks ruefully.

Melina smiles, he does care about her. He probably thinks that she’s on a date and sounds a tad jealous. “I’m out with my best friend, Harper, girl’s night. You don't mind if she comes with me, do you? She's my ride.”

“, that's fine,” he stammers, sounding relieved.

“Okay, see you soon, Vance,” Melina murmurs.

“Bye, Melina.”

“Bye.” Melina hangs up and looks across the table at a very excited Harper.

“Let the pounding begin,” Harper says with a shit eating grin.

Melina and Harper stand on Vance's porch about an hour later. Melina rings the doorbell. The house seems quiet tonight. She hears a muffled, “I got it,” right before the door opens. Vance stands there in just a pair of dark tan cargo shorts. His hair is a mess and his eyes are guarded.

“Wow, is this him? You really weren’t exaggerating when you said he was gorgeous,” Harper says, looking shocked as she stares up at him. Harper looks miniature next to Vance's 6'4” frame. “Good lord, man. What the hell are you so worried about...”

“Harper,” Melina scolds.

Harper winces. “Sorry, I tend to ramble,” she mutters, giving him a pat on the chest as she enters the house without an invitation.

Melina sighs and shakes her head as she follows. Vance looks slightly amused, which is good. They all head into the living room, which is to the left of the foyer. Surprisingly, it is empty. Melina looks over her shoulder at Vance and finds him watching her cautiously.

“So where is this Dayne character you were telling me about on the ride over?” Harper asks, hands planted on her tiny hips.

Vance's eyes snap to Melina's and widen slightly. Oh, holy fuck.

Harper is Harper? As in Harper? What the fuck is happening? She looks the same, she sounds the same, she even fucking smells the same.  Vance’s life is like the worst case of déjà vu anyone could experience, but it’s starting to go beyond that. It’s the fucking twilight zone and there’s no escaping. What’s next? he wonders. Is his brother gonna start banging Ryder. Shit.


“Dayne? Really?” he asks, sounding uncertain.

“Perfect for each other.” Melina smirks.

Vance looks unsure. “I don't know. Dayne is, well, Dayne.”

“Trust me,” Melina says.

Vance looks at her for a moment before walking over to the bottom of the steps. “Dayne! Melina has someone for you to meet!” he yells.

Dayne's voice came from upstairs. “Melina's here? About damn time...”

Heavy footsteps start down the stairs. “I was getting tired of you moping around like a pussy,” he mutters, shoulder bumping Vance when he hits the bottom step.

Melina smiles and glances over at Harper, startled to see her utterly frozen. Her eyes are glued to Dayne, all of her cockiness and attitude gone. Wow, Melina is shocked to see her friend have this strong of a reaction to a guy. Nothing and no one intimidates Harper, but she has apparently been entranced before even talking to him. This is going to be interesting.

Dayne turns toward Melina and smiles as he walks over to her. “Melina, thank god. I thought I was going to have to kick his ass,” he grunts and gives her a hug.

“You might still have to,” Melina teases, sending a glance Vance's way. He smirks. “But listen, can you keep my friend company while I talk to Vance?” she asks, motioning to Harper, who is standing slightly behind her.

Dayne's eyes flick behind her to look at Harper. Melina hears Dayne's breath catch. “Uh, yeah...yeah I can do that,” he murmurs and moves around Melina to go stand in front of Harper.

Dayne takes her hand and kisses the back of it as he murmurs something about how nice it is to meet her. Melina smiles and starts toward Vance, who is still standing by the stairs. She stops in front of him and laces her fingers in his as she looks up at him.

“Shall we go upstairs?” Melina asks.

Vance just nods and leads her up the stairs to his room in silence. He is very subdued and reserved and he seems nervous. Once in his room, he shuts the door and locks it. Vance then takes her over to the bed and sits down on the end, pulling her down next to him. He stares down at their intertwined hands for the longest time before finally speaking.

“I'm sorry, Melina. I've been such an idiot,” he says quietly, running his thumb over her knuckles.

“I don't understand why.”

Vance shrugs and rakes a hand through his hair. Melina guesses that he's been doing that a lot lately with how it’s sticking straight up. He lifts his eyes to search hers. Melina can see that he is still unsure and it pisses her off. She takes her hand back and stands, pacing a couple of feet away from him.

“Why did you call me, Vance?” Melina snaps when she turns around to face him.

Vance's brows furrow and his mouth thins. “Because I want to be with you, Melina. I don't want to lose you.”

“Then fucking act like it, dammit! I want to be with you, too, but not if you’re going to be doubting our relationship every step of the way,” Melina says fiercely.

Vance sighs heavily and drops his head into his hands, elbows resting on his knees. “I get lost in my own head. I've never been this way with any other woman,” he mumbles.

“Let me in that thick skull of yours and help you find your way out,” she steps a little closer, just enough to poke him in the temple.

Vance lifts his face, just a trace of a smile playing across his sexy lips. “I’d really like that.”

Melina steps between his knees, forcing him to sit up straight. He tips his head back to look up at her and rests his hands on her hips. She cups his face, her fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. Her heart flutters a little. She is so falling for this guy.

Melina leans in, brushing her lips lightly against his. Vance's hands tighten on her hips, his breath hissing out across her lips. “I care about you, Vance. I want to be with you, and I want this to work. Tell me what’s going on. Please don't push me away again,” Melina whispers, her lips brushing his.

Vance's eyes slide closed and he sighs, almost sounding relieved. He nods. Vance grabs her hand and pulls her gently so that she sits on the edge of the bed next to him.

“Several months before we met, I was on a call for a bank robbery, and I got shot…”

Melina’s hands fly to her mouth as she gasps in shock. Worry – and some other emotion he can’t exactly pinpoint – fills her eyes.

“Do you really want to know the rest? It’s not pretty,” he asks.

Melina just nods affirmatively, her hands now crossed over her heart.

Vance takes a deep breath and continues, “I took two bullets to the chest…”

“Were you wearing your vest?” she interrupts.

Vance chuckles. “Yes, baby. Are you going to let me finish?” He smiles warmly, loving how worried she is for him. He leans in and brushes a soft kiss across her temple.

“Sorry, go on,” she tells him, her hand now holding his.

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