Destiny Unleashed (17 page)

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Authors: Sherryl Woods

BOOK: Destiny Unleashed
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Melanie’s gaze narrowed. “So you could use us against her?”

Destiny scowled. “Melanie!”

“Sorry,” Melanie apologized, without much sincerity.

William chuckled. “Destiny, you can’t blame her for being suspicious. She is Richard’s wife, after all, and it’s plain what he thinks of me. Can’t really blame her for taking sides.” He met Melanie’s gaze. “But I do hope you’ll give me a fair chance for Destiny’s sake.”

Melanie’s expression softened a bit. “I can try.”

“That’s all I ask,” William told her. “It’s all I ask of any of you.”

“They’re usually quite open-minded,” Destiny claimed, giving them each a chiding look. “Right now they’ve been influenced by Richard, and he obviously doesn’t believe me when I tell him that the competition between our two companies has ended.”

“Except in one instance,” William reminded her. “I don’t want you to forget that I’ve given you fair warning on Fortnum Travel. I intend to have it.”

“Oh?” Melanie queried. “Will you throw all your resources on the line to get it?”

William gave her an admiring look. “Nice try, my dear, but I think I’ll keep my approach to myself for now.”

“So, William, why don’t you tell us how you and
Destiny met?” Kathleen suggested, clearly anxious to make peace. She’d apparently concluded that the past was a safer topic than the present.

William smiled. “Now, that’s a story that should appeal to you especially, since you run an art gallery, right, Destiny?”

Destiny’s expression turned nostalgic. “Yes, absolutely.”

“Do you want to tell them?” he asked, wondering what spin she would put on the evening that had forever changed his life.

“No, I believe you should,” she said at once.

William set his tea aside and reached for Destiny’s hand. It was icy enough to tell him that she was far more nervous about this meeting than she’d let on. “It was a lovely spring night in Paris and I had been lured to this very prestigious gallery on the Left Bank for a showing by a young American artist,” he began. “Violetta Grégorie, the gallery owner, was a dear friend and she was insistent that I would adore her latest discovery.” He winked at Destiny. “Naturally, I was just as determined to avoid falling into that particular trap, so I ducked into a corner to hide out. I explained my sad plight to a young woman also hiding from the other guests.”

Destiny grinned at him. “And then he had the audacity to insult my art.”

“Oh, no,” Kathleen said. “You didn’t.”

“I’m afraid so. I said it was…what was it, Destiny? I know you remember every word.”

“You said it was too saccharine,” she said tartly. “But you graciously conceded that you could see how it might appeal to a woman’s romantic sensibilities.”

“And yet you lived to tell the story,” Kathleen said. “You must have done some fancy footwork.”

“How could I with my foot planted squarely in my mouth?” William asked. “Fortunately, Destiny has a very forgiving nature.”

“Humph!” she said. “Not forgiving at all, just far too infatuated to let your bad artistic judgment interfere with getting to know the most fascinating man I’d ever met.”

William smiled at her, enjoying the sparks flashing in her eyes at the memory of that night even after all these years. “We spent the rest of the evening together, talking about art, our families, our travels. I fell head over heels for her on the spot and then I followed her back to Provence. We were inseparable from that moment on.”

“Love at first sight,” Kathleen said dreamily. “How romantic!”

“Yes, it was,” Destiny said quietly, her gaze locked with his, her hand in his much warmer now. “But some things were never meant to be.”

“We were,” he responded.

She shook her head. “Not us. Even if my brother and sister-in-law hadn’t died, it wouldn’t have lasted, William. You know that.”

“I know no such thing,” he said fiercely. “How can you possibly say that?”

“Because it’s true.” She regarded him with a sorrowful expression. “If it hadn’t been for fate intervening, I would have ended it.”

William couldn’t have been more shocked if she’d told him that the sky was green and the moon made
of tinfoil. But one look into her eyes told him she meant every word. How the hell had he missed that all those years ago?

Provence, 1982

From the moment she and William had returned from London, Destiny had felt they were living on borrowed time. It was a feeling she couldn’t seem to shake. She knew what she had to do. She simply wasn’t quite courageous enough to do it.

“Why so pensive?” William asked, joining her in the garden just before sunset.

Destiny had been weeding for the past hour, trying to find the words to explain to William why they had to break things off, why she couldn’t live with herself if she kept him from his family for a moment longer. She gazed up at him, her hands deep in the dark, warm earth she loved, and felt her heart swell at the sight of him.

He was lean and tanned from all their walks by the sea. Laugh lines were forming at the corners of his brilliant blue eyes. Even at thirty, there was so much character in his face. Anyone who met him knew he was a man of honor, integrity and abiding love. That’s why it was all the more impossible to keep him from doing what he knew was right, what they both knew was right.

“I love you,” she said, tears damp on her cheeks. She hoped he wouldn’t notice, that he’d attribute the moisture to the late afternoon heat.

He hunkered down beside her and took her filthy hands in his, studying her with a worried frown. “Darling, what’s wrong? You’re crying.”

“No, I’m not,” she insisted, swiping at the telltale dampness and, no doubt, leaving streaks of dirt in her wake.

He gave her a look of tolerant amusement. “Let’s not argue over that, since it’s hardly the point. Tell me what has you so upset.”

This was her opening, her chance to say that it was over between them. Of course, coming right on the heels of having said she loved him, she doubted he’d understand. Quite honestly, she wasn’t sure she understood it herself. She was not the least bit noble. In fact, she’d often been accused of being quite the opposite, of being a bit selfish and spoiled, always insistent on getting her own way. She was living in France, on her own, after all, having abandoned her own family and the obligations back home.

It was different for her, though. She wasn’t the only son, as William was. If her father had hoped she would play a role in the family business, he hadn’t been relying on it. He’d been perfectly content to pass on the reins to her brother. He’d died content, knowing the company would be in excellent hands. William’s father had no such reassurance.

“Destiny?” William said worriedly. “Talk to me. You know there’s nothing we can’t discuss.”

“I know.”

“Then what is it?” He studied her, as if trying to puzzle it out for himself. “Are you pregnant?”

“Good heavens, no!” she said. Even as the shocked disclaimer left her lips, though, she knew she would have given anything for the opposite to be true. Having William’s child would have ended this torment. There would be no question of her letting him go,
then. He would never have allowed it and she wouldn’t have argued.

But there was no baby. There was no reason at all for not ending it between them right this second, except for her own cowardice, her own reluctance to put an end to the most important relationship of her life.

She touched his cheek. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” she apologized. “Having your child would be amazing, but I’m not pregnant.”

“Maybe we should consider doing something about that,” he suggested. “But in the proper order. Marry me, Destiny.”


“Marry me. You know I love you with all my heart. We’ll have a good life together, complete with a houseful of gorgeous, suntanned babies who’ll romp in this garden and play havoc with your flowers.”

Once again, her eyes turned watery as she envisioned the idyllic scene he’d described. Oh, how she wanted just that, but it couldn’t be. One look at his hopeful expression, though, and she couldn’t tell him no.

“Oh, darling, nothing would make me happier, but are you sure? There are so many things to think about.”

“What’s more important than the fact that we love each other?”

She regarded him sadly. “There’s your family to consider.”

“They don’t matter.”

“Yes, they do. Inevitably, it would become a problem. You’d resent me for coming between you.”

“How could I, when they’re the ones who are being
impossible? You’ve done more than your share to make things right with them and they rebuffed you. You endured that tedious visit with a smile on your face every moment.”

“I know how it would work out between us eventually,” she insisted, then sighed because she knew she couldn’t counter his proposal with a rejection that would sever all ties. Not tonight. “Let’s go on as we are.”

“It’s not enough. You deserve more.”

“I have everything I need,” she said. “Honestly, William. I never expected any more than this. What we have has been a gift. Let’s not spoil it by asking for more.”

Eventually he nodded. “For now, I’ll let you have your way, as always. But the topic’s far from done.”

But it was, Destiny thought wearily. She might not have gotten out the words, but her mind was made up. She would let him go…as soon as she found the strength.


estiny had forgotten all about the fateful decision she’d made all those years ago until just recently. It had been a few more months before the tragedy in Virginia had intervened, taking the decision of whether to stay with William or leave him out of her hands.

At that point, separation had been inevitable, but she’d been so grief-stricken at the time, had needed William so desperately, that she’d turned things completely upside down. She’d blamed him for not being at her side, when she herself had believed it was right to end their relationship only a few weeks earlier.

Perhaps on some subconscious level, she’d used her brother’s death as the excuse to do what she knew she had to do without ever being responsible for the decision. Considering that possibility put an entirely new spin on what had happened. Perhaps William had never abandoned her at all but had been inadvertently driven away, responding to signals she hadn’t even realized she was sending. It was something she needed to consider. Perhaps she’d been struggling all these years to forgive something that hadn’t in fact required forgiveness from him, but rather an apology from her.


The concern in Melanie’s voice caught her attention
and brought her back from the long-ago past. Destiny faced her, faced all of them with a smile firmly plastered on her face.

“Sorry,” she apologized. “How rude of me. William, would you like more tea?”

“Love some,” he said, regarding her curiously.

As she handed it to him, he murmured, “I think there are some things we need to discuss privately.”

“Another time,” she said firmly.

“Of course, but I won’t forget.”

She gave him a wry look. “Believe me, I’m aware of that. You always did have a memory like an elephant.”

He laughed. “It made it hard for you to put me off, didn’t it? I always brought the topic you were intent on avoiding around again.”

“Yes. It was a most annoying habit.”

“Better than most men, who can’t remember so much as a birthday,” he countered.

“Amen to that,” Kathleen said, proving that most likely all three women had been listening intently to every word of Destiny’s exchange with William. “Ben can’t recall anything five seconds after I’ve told him.”

“Neither can Richard,” Melanie agreed. “Unless it has to do with business. Then he can recall every detail of the fine print in a contract.”

“Mack must be the best of the lot, then,” Beth said. “He usually remembers things I’d prefer he forget.”

Destiny noticed that William seemed fascinated by the talk of her nephews.

“I’m anxious to meet your husbands,” he told the women.

Melanie regarded him with obvious surprise. “Really? I would have thought you’d prefer to avoid them at all costs. Richard, especially.”

William laughed. “Because of the adversarial business relationship we’ve had in recent years?” He waved it off. “With that one notable exception, it’s a thing of the past. Destiny’s seen to that.”

Kathleen regarded him with curiosity. “You didn’t stir up all of that merely to bring Destiny rushing over here to save the day, did you?”

Destiny waited to see if he’d own up to it. It was one thing to confide in her. It was quite another to admit the tactic to virtual strangers, especially to these women he was so obviously trying to win over.

He gave them a rueful grin. “I’ve already told Destiny as much, so I might as well admit it to you. It seemed my best bet at the time,” he conceded. “Of course, I hadn’t counted on it making an enemy out of Richard. That does complicate matters. He’ll never believe that my efforts to get Fortnum Travel are based on a promise to an old friend and have nothing to do with Carlton Industries. I’d do the same if any company were trying a hostile takeover of Fortnum.”

“What exactly does it complicate?” Melanie asked suspiciously. “Your negotiations for Fortnum?”

“No,” William said at once. He glanced at Destiny, heat in his eyes. “I think that’s something I should be discussing with Destiny before I get into it with the rest of you.”

Destiny blushed. Because she didn’t want any of them to know how easily he rattled her with his casual hints about the future, she reached for her teacup,
only to have it tremble in her hand, splashing tea over the side.

“Are you okay?” Beth asked worriedly.

“Fine,” Destiny said. “Just a bit clumsy.”

“Perhaps I should be going,” William said. He gave her nieces a warm smile. “I hope we can get together again before you go home. Would you like to go to the theater one night? Perhaps tomorrow? I’m sure I can get tickets and we’ll find someplace wonderful to have supper after.”

The three women looked to Destiny for some sort of signal. Though she wasn’t anxious for another repeat of this nerve-racking evening, she smiled brightly. “The theater would be lovely, William. I know Melanie, Beth and Kathleen were looking forward to seeing a show while they were here. In fact, I haven’t been myself since my return.”

“Then I’ll arrange it and call you,” he said. “Ladies, I’ll see all of you tomorrow.”

Destiny walked him to the door.

“I think that went rather well, don’t you?” he asked, clearly pleased.

“I suppose it depends on what they’re after,” Destiny said, thinking that he’d revealed precious few business secrets.

“Surely you don’t think I gave them any evidence to take home that I’m a cad and a bounder, who should be banished forever from your life.”

She smiled. “Hardly that. You were charming, the perfect gentleman.”

He frowned at the description. “Is there some flaw in that that I’m missing?”

“Only that they may spin this into some sort of love affair,” she said. “They’re romantics at heart.”

His gaze narrowed. “Would they be getting it entirely wrong, Destiny?”

“Of course they would,” she snapped. “We agreed—”

” he corrected. “There was no such agreement, Destiny. I think my intentions have been clear from the beginning.”

“Were they really?” she inquired tartly. “Would that be the intention to steal Carlton Industries’ business? That’s the one I seem to recall.”

He frowned at her. “There’s no need to keep reminding me of that. It’s over. You put a stop to it.”

She laughed, despite her annoyance. “Only because it was a ploy in the first place. It’s not as if I launched some sort of retaliation that scared you into submission.”

“Oh, really? You did launch a rather effective campaign against H&S Books. Destiny, you have a clever business mind. Please don’t think otherwise, just because I never meant to be a serious competitor. Don’t diminish your accomplishments since coming here. You’ve taken a firm grip on things. In fact, I’ve heard quite a bit of talk in the business community about how well you’re getting things in hand.”

She regarded him with surprise. “People are really saying that. And you believe it?”

“Yes, I do. If running this operation is something you really want to do, then don’t let anyone tell you you’re not up to the task, not even that nephew whose opinion you respect so much.”

Impulsively, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

“Thank you. You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that. Richard’s constant skepticism is draining.”

He touched her cheek. “Admiration for you comes easily, my dear. Now, I’d better get going if I’m to snag five excellent seats for tomorrow night. I want your young friends to be impressed.”

“I suspect you’ve already accomplished that,” she told him.

When he was gone, she leaned against the door for a moment and closed her eyes. The truth was, he’d impressed her, too, and that scared her to death.

She gathered her composure at last and went back into the living room. All three women immediately fell silent.

Destiny regarded them impatiently. “Oh, go ahead with whatever you were saying. I can take it.”

“I like him,” Kathleen said, her tone gentle.

“So do I,” Beth said.

Melanie was uncharacteristically quiet. Destiny studied her. “And you? What did you think of William?”

Melanie’s torn expression gave her away.

“Are you afraid that admitting you liked him will be disloyal to Richard?” Destiny asked.

“It’s not that entirely,” Melanie said, looking dreadfully unhappy. “He’s so smooth and polished and charming. What if it’s an act, meant to take us all in?”

“That’s Richard talking,” Destiny said impatiently.

“Then you trust him?” Melanie asked. “Deep down, you really trust him?”

Did she? Destiny couldn’t help wondering if she
was as vulnerable and gullible as her nephew feared she was. “I want to,” she finally admitted with candor. “I want to more than anything.”

“Then do it,” Beth advised. “Isn’t that what you told each of us at one time or another, to trust our hearts? What’s the worst that can happen?”

“I’ll discover I’m a silly old woman?” Destiny suggested.

“Never that,” Melanie said fiercely. “Whatever you do, even if it turns out to have been a mistake, it won’t be because you’re a silly old woman. You’re the most intelligent woman we know. It won’t be about you at all. It will be about William not being the man you believe him to be. The fault will be his.”

“That will be small comfort, if he hurts the company,” Destiny pointed out. “Richard would never forgive me if I put the family business in jeopardy, which is precisely what he thinks I’ll be doing if I get involved with William again.”

“Then you’ll go forward cautiously,” Beth said. “You didn’t make mistakes when it came to us. Your instincts about us being the perfect matches for your nephews were right on track. Trust them now.”

“Maybe it’s easier to see clearly when it’s not your own heart that’s involved,” Destiny said.

“I don’t believe that for a minute,” Kathleen said. “Not where you’re concerned. Besides, I’d say the three of us have good instincts and we see what you see.”

“Which is?” Destiny asked.

“A man who’s been totally and thoroughly besotted by you for years,” Kathleen said at once. “Right, girls?”

“Right,” Beth said at once. She patted her heart in a dramatic gesture. “The way he looks at you…oh, my!”

Melanie was slower to answer, but eventually she nodded, as well. “That’s the way it seemed to me. And he does appear to be trying to be candid about his intentions where Fortnum Travel is concerned. He’s not hiding that or sneaking behind your back. Just don’t rush into anything,” she pleaded. “Take your time. Be sure, not only of his feelings, but your own.”

If only she had all the time in the world to do that, Destiny thought. Leave it to the young to imagine that life went on forever. She’d already wasted more than twenty years of hers. If William was still the man she thought he was, if he still loved her as deeply as he once had, how could she waste another minute of whatever time they had left?

Still, Melanie was right. She needed to proceed cautiously. Now was not the time for soul-searching, though. She forced herself to beam at her guests.

“What would you like to do tonight?” she asked them. “It’s your first night in London. We can’t spend it sitting around here like a bunch of old fogies. Would you like dinner? A club? Shall I call for a driver and have him take us on a moonlight tour of the major sights?”

“A tour, definitely,” Kathleen said eagerly. “Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Big Ben. I want to see all of it.” She looked at Melanie and Beth. “Is that okay?”

“Well, I certainly can’t eat another bite,” Beth said. “We probably should make it a walking tour.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Destiny said decisively. “Let me put on my walking shoes and get a warm coat and I’ll show you everything.”

She was halfway across the room when she was met by Melanie, who suddenly threw her arms around her. “We love you. I hope you know that. We honestly didn’t come here just to make trouble for you.”

Tears pricked Destiny’s eyes. “I know, darlings. And I couldn’t love the three of you more if you were my own. I’m delighted you’re here.”

“Even if we came as spies?” Melanie asked.

“Even more because you cared enough to spy,” she reassured her. “Now, stop worrying. Let’s have ourselves a night out and forget all about the frustrating men in our lives.”

“Deal,” Melanie said eagerly.

She stood watching as the three women, suddenly chattering like magpies, cleared away the debris from their tea. Her family, she thought happily. All because of a choice she’d made years ago to be a mother to the men who’d eventually become their husbands. Her life was rich. She shouldn’t let herself forget that. Not for a minute.


William thought he’d passed muster. There hadn’t been a single second, though, when he’d been unaware that he was being assessed. He was actually relieved that Richard Carlton had sent the three women to see how he measured up. They were far more likely to give him a fair chance and more likely yet to be on Destiny’s side when it came to a matter of the heart. He’d predict smooth sailing if it weren’t
for the Fortnum matter. That was going to stick in Richard’s craw no matter how William handled it.

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