Destiny's Embrace (17 page)

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Authors: Beverly Jenkins

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Destiny's Embrace
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“So,” he continued. “That being said, would it be very forward of me to ask if I may call on you?”

She was moved by his very respectful approach. “No, it wouldn’t be. To be truthful, I’d enjoy getting to know you better.”

Over in the dark, on the other side of the dancers, Logan stood watching Mariah and Paul Dennis. Beside him, Andrew quipped, “I think you may have some competition.”

Logan ignored him.

“A girl can’t go wrong with a preacher man. Or at least so I’m told.”

Logan’s glower was hidden by the shadows.

“Are you really going to let him waltz off with the prize?”

“Would you shut the hell up.”

Alanza appeared out of the darkness on Logan’s other side. “They make a nice couple, don’t they?”

Since he couldn’t tell her to shut the hell up, too, he said nothing.

She added, “The reverend’s looking for a wife, and Mariah’s looking for a husband. Possibly a match made in heaven, don’t you think, Logan?” Not waiting for him to reply, she left his side as silently as she’d come.

“At least you know whose side Mama’s championing.”

The darkness couldn’t hide the malevolent look he shot his sibling, who responded with, “Shutting the hell up.”

Logan released a frustrated breath. He swore Mariah was intent upon driving him insane—not to mention Alanza. Their friendship was giving him the fit he’d envisioned. He wanted to go over there and punch the reverend in the nose for even speaking with Mariah, who now appeared to be laughing at whatever the man was sharing with her. Beating the tar out of a man of the cloth would undoubtedly get Logan his own room in hell, so he stood there and fumed.

Eli walked up holding a plate loaded down with food. “The good reverend and Mariah seem to be having a nice time.”

Logan shot him the same look he’d given his brother a moment before, then very calmly flipped the plate out of Eli’s hand and strode away.


Andrew laughed until he cried.

Logan had no idea what to do about Mariah, but she and Dennis had been talking close to an hour. Time was up. Approaching, he said to Dennis, “There’s a man looking for you, Paul. Tall, handlebars. Wants to make a donation to the church. I think he might be leaving, but he wanted to speak with you beforehand.”

“Really? Who is he?”

“Never met him before, but he said he knew you.” Logan wondered about the penalty for lying to a reverend, but decided it had to be less severe than beating one to a pulp.

“Okay.” He stood hastily. “Mariah, my apologies for rushing off this way, but donations are the church’s lifeblood.”

“Quite all right, Paul. I understand.”

Paul! Mariah!
Logan didn’t like hearing that they were now on a first-name basis.

“I will see you Sunday evening?” he said to her.

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it.”

“And Logan, thanks for finding me. I’ll see you in church.” After offering Mariah a respectful nod, he hurried away.

Logan asked her, “What’s happening Sunday evening? Is there a program at the church?”

“No, we’re having dinner.”

“Excuse me?”

“Dinner. You know. Sharing food.”


“Because he graciously extended the invitation and I accepted.”

He wondered if he’d ever become accustomed to how often she rendered him speechless. He finally found his tongue. “Dinner. Really?”

“He’s very nice.”

Some people walked by, and Logan nodded a greeting but he remained focused on Mariah and the way the firelight played over her beautiful face. “Are you ready to head back?”

“I believe so, but I’d like to thank Feather and her parents for their hospitality before we go.”

He agreed, and once that was accomplished he handed her into the buggy and drove them away.

“I had a good time, Logan. Thanks for bringing me.”

“You’re welcome.” He couldn’t shake his irritation over her having dinner with Paul Dennis.

“Now,” she asked, “did you lie to Paul about the man wanting to donate to the church?”

He froze and hazarded a glance her way. “And if I did?”

She fell back against the seat. “I knew it! Logan, how could you?”

He tried to come to his own defense. “You were sitting with him for nearly an hour.”


“That was long enough.”

“Are you my father now?”

He didn’t reply.

“You are not to meddle in my life, anymore. Do you hear me?”

His irritation fled in response to the joy he felt getting her all riled up. “Then I’m guessing you won’t let me draw us a hot bath so I can make love to you like I wanted to this afternoon.”

Mariah’s breath left her in a whoosh. “No,” she managed to say.

“You sure?”


“No, you’re not sure?”

“I mean, no, you can’t, and yes, I’m sure.”

“You sound confused,

“And stop calling me that.”

His chuckle was soft as the night surrounding them. “Remember that dream I told you I had about us.”

She did, and so, didn’t respond.

“It was a night just like this one. Moon was fat in the sky. Weather was warm.”

He looked over.

She hung on to her silence.

“Cat got your tongue.”

“Do you plan to bedevil me all the way back?”

“I enjoy bedeviling you, but what I’d rather do is ease you onto my lap and kiss you the way we did in my dream.”

“And suppose I’m not interested?”

“There is that, but I think you are.”

“You are such an arrogant—I can’t believe your hats fit your head.”

He laughed. “And you’ll never have this much fun with Paul Dennis.”

“He’s a nice man,” she protested.

“True, but you need passion,
, and you won’t get that from him. He’ll probably only make love to you in bed, at night, in the dark.”

“And what’s wrong with that?”

“Where’d you have your first orgasm?”

As the passionate encounter on the riverbank rose to fill her mind, she refused to answer.

“I rest my case.”

“This is a very self-serving conversation, don’t you think?”

“Of course. Goes with my so-called arrogance, and my not wanting you to be with someone who won’t make love to you properly.”

“So now, you’re an authority on how I should be loved?” Mariah had had just about enough of him. “Stop the buggy.”


“Because since you are such an authority I want you to show me what I need to judge a future husband by, and if he doesn’t measure up, I’d like to be able to teach him what he needs to know.”

Logan found himself speechless again. He studied her face in the moonlight. “You want me to make love to you so you can tutor another man?”

“You seem to think it’s what I need, so yes.”

“Do you realize what you’re asking?”

“Yes, Mr. Arrogance, I do. Shall I move to your lap?”

He didn’t know whether to laugh or be appalled. “Okay, how about we compromise. I’ll show you, but I’ll let you keep your innocence.”

“Whatever you think is best, maestro.”

He dropped the reins and the horse stopped. “Come here,” he said softly and moved her onto his lap.

He studied the small, angry face with its feline gold eyes. She was the most spirited and fearless woman he’d ever had the pleasure to hold in his arms, and because of that, the lure of her was irresistible. He brushed his lips over her sweet, ripe mouth and coaxed her to join him. At first she sat stonily, but the more he cajoled and enticed, the softer her lips became until they parted with an invitation of their own. His tongue slipped inside and then toyed with the parted corners of her mouth. She trembled in response, her eyes slid closed, and he knew the anger was gone. Buoyed by her willingness, he continued to tempt her with fleeting touches of his mouth and began undoing the buttons on her blouse. “I’ll give you a short lesson now, and more when we get home . . .”

And there in the shadowy interior of the buggy with the moon shining down, Mariah allowed him to open her blouse. She realized belatedly that in throwing down this gauntlet she’d let her anger override her good sense and now . . .
This was such a bad idea,
a small voice scolded inside, but his lips and the hot tongue flicking against the bared skin above her shift and corset melted the voice and her as well. His palms trailed across the front of her shift to move her blouse aside, and as they glanced over her nipples they bloomed to life and she let out a whispery moan.

“You want a man to go slow
, querida
. Real slow . . .” he voiced, while placing fervent kisses in the valley between her confined breasts. He burned a trail up her throat, lingering on the way to make certain the skin in between caught flame. And while his lips set her on fire, his hands did the same. Moving up and down the surface of her shift along her torso, he circled the flat of his palm over her breasts and wantonly teased the sheltered nipples. She didn’t protest when he freed the three buttons on the front of her shift to expose her corset. “Undo your corset for me.”

She held his burning eyes.

“Men like to watch.”

His heat-filled voice flared like lightning over her skin. She’d never done anything so brazen before, but she’d started this, and something inside gloried in the idea of inflaming him the way he’d inflamed her. So, she slowly undid the series of frogs that held her corset closed from top to waist. When she was done, he pushed the halves aside and greeted the exposed twins with licks and sucks and bites from his gentled teeth. The play sent her soaring. The drum of desire pulsed between her thighs. As if he could hear the cadence, he slid her skirt up her thighs and touched her through her drawers. The orgasm shattered her like shards of glass, and her tortured cries filled the dark buggy.

Logan knew that if he didn’t have this woman he would surely die, but he’d promised not to compromise her innocence. All he could think about was slowly impaling her on his erection and letting her ride him until sunrise, but her first time shouldn’t be out in the middle of the countryside, and he considered himself a man of his word. So he watched her ride her climax instead and contented himself with savoring how wet she was and the taste of her nipples in his mouth.

When Mariah’s body finally quieted and her eyes opened, he was above her smiling down softly. Her first orgasm, on the riverbank, would always be memorable, but there were no words to describe this latest interlude. She could feel the hard heat of him beneath her hips and wondered about the entire act. He’d only used his hands between her thighs and she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be fully loved.

“So?” he questioned quietly while worrying a slow finger over her damp nipples. “Was that enough?”


“No?” he echoed unable to keep the amusement out of his voice.

“I want to know it all.”

He ran a worshipping finger down her cheek. “Do you know what that means?”

“I believe so.”

“What about your innocence?”

“I’m supposed to be a widow, I don’t need it.”

Speechless once again, he laughed softly. “Okay. Let’s get you to the house and finish your education.”

Chapter 17

hen they arrived home, they kissed their way into the house. They stopped just inside the door because passion wouldn’t let them go any farther. Their mouths mated, hands roamed and flush bodies flared. Mariah assumed this second round wouldn’t be as fiery as the first, but she was wrong. Each and every kiss and caress stoked her desire so high she thought she’d die from the bliss. He began divesting her of her clothing; first her still opened blouse, shift and corset, then came her skirt, slips and drawers. She’d been raised to view nudity as immodest, yet she was standing in his front parlor wearing only her stockings, garters and high buttoned shoes while greedily relishing the magic of his expert hands. It was decadent, dizzying, and so very wonderful.

Logan hoisted her into his arms and never once letting his mouth leave hers carried her down the hall to his bedroom. Laying her down in the center of his big four-poster bed, he ran his eyes ardently over her in the moonlight pouring through the window, and made short work of his own clothing. Nude and ready, he sat beside her and ran a bold hand over the peaks and valleys, playing special attention to the dark treasure between her thighs. Her eyes slid shut, her hips lifted in response to the silent tutoring, and unable to resist, he bent and showed her how carnally exquisite he thought her to be. She splintered almost immediately, bucking, rising, and crying out hoarsely.

When he rose and met her feline gold eyes, not even the shadows could hide the passion glowing there.

To his surprise, she whispered, “May I touch you, too?” Rising to her knees, she reached out and wrapped her hand around him. “Or is that improper?”

His growl of pleasure mingled with his amusement. Who knew she’d be fearless in bed, too? He placed his hand around hers and showed her the rhythm that opened the male soul, and because she was such an adept pupil, he backed away lest the hold of her small, hot hand end him too soon. “Nothing is improper if it brings pleasure.”

He reached into his nightstand to retrieve one of the small sponges designed to keep his seed from finding root. He quietly explained its purpose and admittedly enjoyed slowly settling it into place. From her sinuous reaction, she enjoyed the insertion as well. He spent the next few moments restoking her fires and when she seemed ready, he positioned himself. Leaning down, he whispered, “This may hurt, but only this once.”

Logan was a big man. He was also very skilled in the art of love and he used those skills to the fullest. With slow strokes, he drew himself in and out, teasing her, filling her, until she began to feed herself on his rhythm. Lord knew, he wanted to storm her gates with everything he had, but the slow conquering, the kissing, the keeping her nipples ripe and hard, all added to his blistering need. When he finally pushed through, he held still for a throbbing moment to let her become accustomed to the size and feel of him. With her encasing him so tightly, not moving had to be one of the most difficult things he’d ever done, but he sucked in a shaky breath and held on.

For Mariah the pain was sharp, but just for a moment. He’d prepared her so well that all she could think about was how good he felt inside. And soon, his stroking became her focus and then her whole world, banishing the pain and replacing it with raw hunger. She slid her hands up and down his taut arms and instinctively locked her ankles around his waist. He increased both the force and the pace, making her want all he had to give. Growling, he raised her hips, and from somewhere deep in her soul the orgasm rose, white-hot. She heard herself cry out just seconds before her body broke apart. A heartbeat later, he shuddered with his own completion, and his low cry mingled with hers. Waves of sensation flooded her again and again, until finally, they both fell slowly back to earth.

Mariah was vaguely aware of him removing the sponge, but of little else. Her entire being was throbbing and pulsing. When he gently eased himself in against her back and wrapped her in his arms, she never wanted to move again.

As they lay there in the silence, Logan kissed the top of her hair and wondered what she was thinking. Foremost in his mind was making sure he hadn’t hurt her and where they’d go from here. “Are you okay?”

“I am.”

She slowly twisted around to face him. “You’re a very good teacher, Mr. Yates.”

“And you are an excellent pupil
, querida
. Did you enjoy your lesson?”

“I did. Very much.”

He traced her mouth, then kissed her softly. He wanted her again, but it was probably too soon. “So, what happens next for us?”

“We go on as before. You’ve given me what I asked for.”

The thought of her using what she’d experienced with him tonight to share passion with another man bothered him more than he cared to admit or face.

“How about that bath, now?” he asked as a way to escape his troubled thoughts.

“I’d like that.”

“Be right back.”

While he was gone, Mariah went over the evening again in her mind and smiled. She was glad she’d tossed down the gauntlet. Who knew
could be so exhilarating? Did her enjoyment make her abnormal? Having no experience with things of the flesh she wasn’t sure, but decided she didn’t much care. She had no regrets about anything they’d done together, nor the lessons learned. Touching him had been a wondrous thing. Even now she could feel how velvety hard he’d felt in her hand. She felt bold and not the least bit shamed. Coming to California changed her in many ways and nothing on earth could make her go back to being the Mariah of before.

She was concerned however that he’d think she’d offered her innocence as a means of extracting a proposal of marriage. There in the dark, she honestly admitted to having feelings for him that undoubtedly equated to love, but she wasn’t naïve enough to believe that admitting it to him would serve any purpose. Instead, she sealed their night together in a special place in her heart and left it there.

He returned and sat on the edge of the bed. “Regrets?”

“No,” she replied truthfully. “None.”

Silence rose between them.

Not sure what he might be thinking, she echoed his question. “Regrets?”


“I will always remember this night, Logan. And please, don’t let my ramblings from the sangria make you feel as if you need to marry me now.”

“Hadn’t crossed my mind.”

She scooted to where he sat. Emboldened by her the pleasure they’d shared, she raised up on her knees and cupped his face. “Good,” she whispered and kissed him sweetly.

He gathered her in against him and before long the kisses led to another vibrant lesson.

he tub was large enough to hold them both. The feel of his manhood against her back made her slide against it sensually.

“Stop that,” he said sucking in a breath. Logan was discovering that she liked to play, which aroused him even more, but she was going to be sore and he wasn’t going to be able to walk if he didn’t put a stop to her uninhibited shenanigans.


He laughed. She reclined between his thighs giving him access to the secrets hidden between her own.

“You’re going to be very sore,” he warned, circling her softness.

“I’m only going to have this one night, so I’d like to experience all that I can. Is that brazen of me?”


It was her turn to laugh then and her head dropped with embarrassment.

“But I’m enjoying you enjoying yourself.”

And Mariah was. His hand was making her hips rise in response to his call, and once again, she found herself filled with heat. “How many ways are there to do this?”


She swiveled her head around. “Truly?”

He nodded.

“Show me another.”

He laughed aloud. “You are outrageous.”

“And whose fault is that?”

He leaned down and kissed her passionately. “Mine, I suppose.” He reached down to the floor and picked up the small copper box that held the sponges and extracted one.

“How many of those do you have?” she asked sounding amused.

“Enough. Now kneel up for me.”

When she did, he slid it in slowly, then did the same with his arching manhood. As the slow rising and falling began, she gushed quietly, “Oh, Logan.”


“I like this very much.”

While maintaining the slow, lazy rhythm, he circled the brown aureole of her breast. “Do you?” He took the bud into his mouth.

Her flesh rippled around him. “I do.”

She rode languidly while he feasted and caressed. It didn’t take long for climax to stake its claim. Once they were able to move again, they rinsed off in the tepid water, padded back to his bedroom, and slept.

The following morning, Mariah opened her eyes. For just a moment, she was disoriented, then remembering where she was, looked around for the man who’d taken her to paradise so many times last night. He was beside her and propped up on one elbow watching her.

“Morning,” he said. “Was wondering how long you were going to sleep.”

She didn’t want to admit how good it was to see him. “Morning. What time is it?”

“Just past eight.”

He’d given her so much joy last night, and now, although she planned to go on with her life, nothing would ever be the same. Burying the small sadness and determined not to dwell upon how wonderful it would be to wake up each morning with him by her side, she sat up.

“Water’s heating if you want your bath.”

“I do, thank you.”

In the light of day, she found it hard to believe her scandalous behavior, but again, she had no regrets. Knowing fully what it meant to be a woman and to learn it from his tender and selfless ministrations; every woman should be as lucky, however, she needed to reestablish her distance because it was in her best interest to do so. “I’m going to spend the day making patterns for the curtains and looking through my sketches for costumes for Feather. What are your plans?”

“I’d thought I’d see if I can’t convince Andrew and Eli to help me with the bunkhouse, even though it’s Saturday. Or?”

The tone made her smile suspiciously. “Or what?”

“Convince you to spend the day with me down by the river.”

Shaking her head, she declined.

“May I ask why not?”

“It was to be just one night, Logan.”

“Now who’s the spoilsport?”

Because his jab was made in a teasing tone, she took it in the spirit in which it was given. Spending more time with him would be wonderful, but it would also make it harder to keep her heart from plunging further into love. So, no. Last night would have to suffice. She couldn’t afford another.

Logan wondered if this is how the women he’d treated so casually most of his life felt when he moved on and left them behind. Although he was man enough to accept her decision to not take last night any further, he really wanted to kick and scream like a little boy until he got his way. Add to that the knowledge that sometime in the future she’d be sharing her sensual little body with another man, and he was decidedly unhappy, but he kept it all masked. As he’d noted before, he’d never begged a woman for her affections in his life, even though this golden-eyed beauty had him on the brink of doing just that. What gave him hope, however, was that she was as hot for him as he was for her. He’d give her a few days to let desire rise and claim her and see what happened. “I heated up the water while you were sleeping so you can go on in if you like. I took mine earlier.”

“Thank you. And thanks again for last night.”

“My pleasure. I’ll see you outside for breakfast.” Even though it had been his hope to make leisurely love to her this morning, he left the bed without touching her. Nude, he walked to his dresser to get fresh clothes.

She asked him, “Do you mind if I borrow your robe to wear to my room to get my things?”

“Not at all.” He saw her eyes on his erection and told her, “It’s hard for a man to disguise his feelings—especially after waking up beside a beautiful woman.” And hard he was.

She took his robe from the end of the bed and quickly slipped it on. The desire in her eyes was plain to see, so he stood there and waited.

“I—I’ll meet you outside,” she said and beat a hasty retreat.

Smiling, he watched her leave. After dressing himself, he went over to the bed to strip the sheets. He paused in mid motion at the sight of the small bloodstains. She’d given him her innocence. If that didn’t make her his and his alone, he didn’t know what did. Pulling the sheets off the bed, he said aloud, “This is not the end
, querida
. Not by any means.”

Breakfast was ready when she stepped outside her door, and just the sight of his welcoming smile was enough to knock large holes in the defenses she was determined to erect. His nudity earlier hadn’t helped either. Feasting her eyes on the part of his anatomy that had given her so much joy began the undermining. How she expected to maintain the distance she wanted when last night was all she could think about was beyond her, but she gathered her will and walked over to join him.

“Enjoy your bath?” he asked as he filled her plate with small helpings of potatoes, eggs, bacon, and sliced oranges.

“I did, thank you.” She took her plate and sat down in the grass. She’d half expected him to join her while she was in the tub. The thinking, saner parts of herself were glad he hadn’t, while the parts of herself aroused by his male display were disappointed. Integrating the two opposing forces was yet another conundrum she faced. Deciding for the moment to concentrate on eating, she did just that.

“Are you sore?”

Her eyes jumped to his and she stammered, “Um. A bit, but it isn’t a bother.”

“I’m asking out of concern, nothing more. We had a pretty spirited night, so the gentleman in me wanted to know.”

“I’m sure it will pass in a day or so.” Hoping she was right, she asked, “It will, won’t it?”

He nodded.

“Good.” She wasn’t in pain by any means, but the aftereffects of their spirited play were there. What was more of a concern was the lingering thirst for more. Were it up to her body, she’d be back in bed letting him fill her with his magnificent desire. She wondered how long it would take for that to fade, but didn’t dare ask.

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