Destiny's Shift (19 page)

Read Destiny's Shift Online

Authors: Carly Fall,Allison Itterly

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Destiny's Shift
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came to her mid-thigh, her eyes glowing their soft pink, and got into bed. She scooted

over, laid her head in the crook of his arm, and put her small hand on his chest.

He smiled at the contradiction of the t-shirt and the female wearing it.

“I feel worried for tomorrow, Jovan.”

So she had a little uncertainty rolling through her as well. He didn’t think it would

be a good idea for him to voice his feelings though.

“I think it will be fine. We’ll get the others out and get the hell out of here and on

with our lives.”

The silence stretched, and he could swear she was asleep, except he could still see

the light pink glow from her eyes.

“I want your words to be truthful, Jovan, but I’m afraid I have my doubts.”

He hugged her close. “Don’t jinx it, Liberty. Think positive thoughts, okay?”

She nodded, and her hand made absent circles on his stomach. “I just hope you

won’t be injured tomorrow.”

“Me too,” he said, chuckling.

A few minutes later, she turned her gaze up to him. “Jovan, I feel sleepy now, but

if it is okay with you, I would like to stay.”

He kissed her forehead, deciding he liked the sound of that. “Sounds good.”

Minutes later they were sound asleep.

Chapter 37

Liberty woke up to Jovan’s hand running up her hip, his lips on her neck, and the

soft patter of rain outside.

It felt wonderful.

She turned on her back and met his green stare. He said nothing but brought his

lips to hers, and the ache in her belly bloomed.

Threading her hands through his hair, she held him close.

His hand moved up her thigh and under her shirt, stopping at her breasts and

gently massaging them.

She ran her hands down his arms, marveling at the beauty of the male form,

tracing the lumps of hard flesh, and her core warmed further.

His touch went to her panties, and he gently massaged her through the soft fabric.

It was as though the world around her disappeared and all that mattered was the

behemoth of the man that hovered above her and what he was doing to her body. Her

blood hummed, her heart pounded, and she found her hips gyrating to his touch.

Lifting his lips from hers, he sat her up and slowly pulled off her shirt. She lay

back down on the pillows, and he grabbed the strings of her underwear and brought them

down her legs.

She looked him over as he sat before her on his knees, and her eyes fixed on his

hips and the large tent his boxers were making. Nervousness coursed through her and she

met his eyes.

“It’s okay, Liberty,” he said in a hoarse voice. “We’re going to be okay.”

She nodded and watched as he removed his boxers.

Oh my word.
was going

He lay down on top of her again, and she felt the long length against her belly.

He kissed her again, and her worry dissipated.

She longed to ask him what he felt, but couldn’t find her words. Instead, she

opened herself up to catch a glimpse of his feelings.

Sadness. A sort of finality. Longing. Desire.

Such a mix of emotions. She wondered what was causing such a conundrum.

She found his tongue with her own and loved his taste. It was raw, and just a little

sour, but delicious nonetheless.

He urged her legs apart with his own, and she yielded. She felt the tip of his sex

against hers, and her breath caught. Lifting himself up so that he loomed above her, he

said nothing, just looked down at her.

She noticed a sheen of sweat on his skin, and she ran her hands up and down his

arms, feeling uncertainty.

She simply nodded her head, and his hips thrust forward. A searing, red-hot pain

tore through her, and she gasped and closed her eyes. He didn’t move for what seemed

like an eternity, and as the discomfort finally eased, she met his eyes again.

And simply nodded.

His hips retreated and thrust forward again. A lesser pain rippled through her, but

behind it was a wave of pleasure. He came down to her, his lips meeting hers again.

As his hips moved, she allowed herself to be swept away in the moment. She ran

her hands through his hair, down his back, over his behind, marveling at the way his body

moved during the intimate act.

He moved at a faster pace, and the tidal wave she had experienced earlier began to


No words had yet to be spoken, and it seemed that there were none that needed to

be said.

The sheen of sweat over his body grew, as did his breathing. She opened herself

up even more, allowing the exploration of his feelings.

She felt a drive, an unmitigated wanting . . . and . . . love?

That inkling of a feeling quickly disappeared.

Shutting her gift down, she focused on the sensations going through her body.

Minutes later, the wave grew stronger, the coil within her core intense, and she

shattered apart from the inside. Jovan let out a groan. As he pumped into her harder and

faster, she felt as though she couldn’t be stretched any further, but she didn’t care. She

knew when he orgasmed; she felt the pulsing of his release within her. His breath

caressed her neck as she gently traced her fingers up and down his back.

He slid from her core and looked down at her. His eyes went from piercing green

to black as the morning rays of the sun made their way through the blinds.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

He gave her a small grin. “Yes.” His smile faded, and he gently brought his lips to


He got up from the bed, and Liberty turned to her side watching him dress for the

mission. Slipping on some dirt-colored camo pants, a dirt-colored t-shirt and combat

boots, he moved to another bag where he put on two leg holsters. She couldn’t see the

guns, but heard the metal sliding as he checked them and then he put them in his leg

holsters. He came to the bed and sat down, running his hand through his hair.

“Thanks,” he said quietly, looking at the floor. “Thanks for helping me make my

life a little more livable again.” He looked at her and took her hand. “You’re a very

special female, Liberty. You have a good heart and a strong spirit.”

Liberty breath caught in her throat. This sounded like some type of goodbye, and

this made her stomach hurt as fear coiled within her.

“Jovan, please be careful today.”

“I will.”

“Why does this sound like goodbye?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you.”

There was knock on the door. “Time to saddle up, Jovan. Let’s move.”

They stared at each other as they listened to Rayner knock on Blake’s door.

“Come on, Blake.”

“I gotta go,” he whispered.

He kissed her again and walked to the door, not looking back. As it clicked shut,

she listened to the rumbles of the three male voices in the hallway. They faded, and then

there was a deafening silence.

She turned onto her stomach and felt the remnants of their sex pool between her


Again she had used her gift to get a read on Jovan when he took her hand in his.

She didn’t sense any fear, but more of a loss, almost a sadness or a depression. Tears

clouded her vision as she realized that Jovan didn’t think he would be coming back.

Chapter 38

Blake stared out the window of the brown Hummer, rain pouring out of the sky as

though Mother Nature herself was crying as they flew down Highway 19 toward the

Mexican border. Rayner drove and Jovan occupied the front seat. The two of them looked

as though they were ready for war, while he looked like some fucking desk dweeb in his

gray slacks, blue polo shirt, and white doctor’s coat.

The hunt for doctors’ coats hadn’t gone well, and when he was the only one who

fit into one, it was decided that he would play the role of the physician. They agreed that

Jovan and Rayner could play the military escorts without too much acting.

Like zero.

There had been the worry that Blake would be recognized, so he visited the local

hipster clothing store and bought some glasses that didn’t have prescription lenses. Faith

and Liberty also decided that they would dye the stubble on his head blond, which he


That battle was quickly lost.

Because his hair had gone from black to blond, that meant his eyebrows needed to

as well. Faith had joked about the curtains matching the rug, and he had considered it

until he caught the gazes of Rayner and Jovan. The thought of two pretty women messing

around with his junk had a high appeal, but the beat down that was promised in Rayner

and Jovan’s stares caused him to draw the line at dying the carpet.


So now they were on their way to Area 2, and Blake was feeling confident in their

plan. They were going to get those aliens out of there.

He’d been giving a lot of thought of what he wanted out of the Six Saviors for his

Intel on getting their people back. He couldn’t go back to his old life, especially after they

pulled this off; he’d be a wanted man.

Looking at the back of Jovan’s head, he noted the guy looked like he had just

rolled out of bed. His long hair was a tangled mess, and Blake wondered why he didn’t

get it cut.

“I don’t like people touching me,” Jovan said, turning around in the seat to glare

at him.

Blake smiled and looked out at the passing landscape again. He wondered how

often the guy sat around and read people’s thoughts.

“Not very often. I actually hate it.”

“Well, then mind your own business and stay out of my head.”

Jovan flipped him the bird and said, “You’re not that interesting anyway.”

Blake chuckled. So after this mission, he wondered what he would do. He really

did like the Warriors, and they were hidden. He thought about what he could bring to the

table for them. Being a now ex-FBI guy, he could bring his knowledge of the agency and

how it worked. Besides that, he couldn’t think of a damn thing besides his good looks and

sterling personality.

He and Jovan seemed to get along the best out of all the Warriors. Rayner was

pretty wrapped up in Faith, but he seemed nice enough. Noah had been cool, and Hudson

wasn’t too bad once he was convinced that Blake was on his side. He never met Cohen,

and Talin was a mess, but seemed like an okay guy.

What would happen if he asked to stay with them? Be a part of their group, help

them catch Colonists, and now dodge the FBI? Not to mention The Platoon that had

landed and wanted the Six Saviors dead. Yeah, these guys had a lot on their plates, and

maybe they’d appreciate another set of hands and another broad body. He’d ask. If they

said no, he had no idea what he’d do. Maybe get a new identity and move to another


The thing was he felt like he belonged with these people. He was part SR44 after

all, just not a good part.

“You’re going to want to turn right up here, Rayner. By that rock.”

Rayner veered off the road, almost clipping the rock, and they bounced through

the desert.

After a few minutes, Rayner asked, “Are you sure this is the right way? I’m not

seeing anything but cacti and sagebrush.”

“Yep. Just head for those rocks up there.”

“Is that it?”



“Just pull up like we own the place.”

“That’s the way we roll.”

Jovan slipped a headset on. “Can you hear me, Talin?”

There was a brief pause as he waited for Talin’s response. Talin was tapped into

the government system and making all of Jovan’s commands happen. “Okay, we’re about

a quarter mile out. Kill the cameras on my go,” Jovan said into the headset.

A minute later, Jovan gave the go, and they pulled up to the pile of rocks. It was

only when you were right on top of the structure that you could tell it was fake.

“Okay, ladies,” Jovan said, “it’s show time.”

Jovan and Rayner got out of the Hummer, and Jovan opened the door for Blake.

“Don’t get used to this,” he mumbled as Blake stepped out.

They fell in line with Rayner and Jovan flanking Blake.

“Open the doors, Talin, on three,” Jovan said quietly.

Blake made a pass with his hand over a pad to the left, as if he were carrying a

key card. Jovan muttered “three” into the headset and the doors opened into a lobby area.

The walls were stark white, and the only piece of furniture in the small space was

a wooden desk with a guard sitting behind it who looked like he might die of boredom.

“Hey, doc,” he said, standing up. He was about thirty years old and terribly

average looking with brown hair, brown eyes, and crooked teeth. Blake took note of the

gun at his hip, and did a quick glance around the room for any other weapons.

“Soldier,” Blake said in his best I-am-a-far-superior-being-than-you voice, “I’m

here to transport our guests to a new facility.”

The soldiers frowned. “I didn’t get any paperwork about that.”

Blake rolled his eyes. “Of course you didn’t. We don’t issue paperwork on such

highly classified transports until the day it’s going to occur.”

The guard looked over Blake, then turned his gaze to Rayner and Jovan. Blake

noted Jovan’s hand resting on top of one of the guns strapped to his leg.

Blake pulled out a stack of papers from his pocket and slapped them on the desk.

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