Destiny's Shift (22 page)

Read Destiny's Shift Online

Authors: Carly Fall,Allison Itterly

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Destiny's Shift
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certain wasn’t too far away.

Jovan, it is me. I am near, Jovan. We are coming for you.

How fucking fab that would be. He knew this had to be a figment of his

imagination, as Noah would never allow Liberty to go on a mission. At least he hoped

not. Liberty was small and fragile.

His mind traveled back to the first time he had laid eyes on her in that strip club.

She hadn’t belonged there, and it was so apparent to him that there was something

different about her. He was happy he had the chance to know her and to pleasure her

body. He had been with many women throughout the years, but little Liberty was perfect

for him in so many ways.

He was certain that she could very well be the only person on Earth who

understood what he went through before she had taught him to harness his gift, and he

wondered if she had ever suffered as he had, or if she was taught early on how to manage.

Man, all that submissive subservient bullshit she had going on when they first met

had really irritated him. He was glad that she was now more certain of herself and that

she had become a strong female. She would make an excellent mate to someone one day.

That didn’t sit well, but it was the truth. So far the good doctor had stuck a needle

in his eye and drilled a hole in his head. He wasn’t long for this world. There was no way

he was going to make it out of this alive.

And sexually, they seemed to fit together perfectly, despite the size differences.

He knew they had only shared one sexual experience, but it had been the most satisfying

for him of any he had.

If things were different, he would mate her.

The thought jolted him, but as he tossed it over, it settled within him and felt very


Jovan, please open yourself. Allow your . . . shield to drop and focus on my


He looked around the truck. There was an armed guard who looked bored out of

his mind. He wondered where that fucking doctor was.

What if it was Liberty contacting him? Hell, he’d been able to throw out thoughts,

and she had better control of her gift. So logic stood that she would be tossing thoughts

like softballs if she chose to do so.

Besides, what did he have to lose? He might hear the thoughts of one guy, maybe

whoever was driving this heap of steel, and how horrible could that be? Maybe it would

give him a little more information on where he was going and what the plan was.

Taking a deep breath, he let down his shield.

The guard was thinking about leaving his wife and how much he hated the

military. Damn, were there any happy humans?

Jovan, I must know if you can hear me.

Yes, I hear you.
He felt a little stupid having a conversation with himself.

Oh, thank goodness. Jovan, we are close. I’m here to be the link to you. To tell

you what is going on and when it is going to happen. Noah wants to know about your


Okay. This was sounding way, way too close to being a real operation, and if

Noah had brought Liberty along, both he and Noah were going to end up in next

Thursday by pounding each other out over her.

He already knows about us, Jovan.

Oh, hell. This had to be his imagination.

No! Now focus, Warrior!

A little kindle of hope fired up at the snappy tone, and he reached out.

Liberty? Are you for real?


So this isn’t my imagination.

No. Please describe the inside of the truck, Jovan.

He looked around
. It’s like a moving truck. It looks like the walls are wooden, but

reinforced with steel beams. There’s a lock on the door on the inside, so I’m locked in

with an armed guard who is thinking about leaving his wife and how much he hates the


After a moment of silence, he heard,
Very good, Jovan

What exactly did that mean? A Boy Scout badge?

I’m not certain what a Boy Scout badge is, but Noah is happy with what you have

told me.

Jovan shut his eyes as he felt worry tear through him. This was real. Liberty was

close. And she shouldn’t be. She should be in one of the silos or the mansion, not on

some lonely highway headed to who-knows-where.

Especially trying to rescue the likes of him.

Chapter 43

Liberty let out a long breath as Jovan let down his shield and communicated with


He was alive.

Through the rain, she saw the taillights of the truck he was in a few miles ahead.

Her and Noah followed in a Hummer with the lights out. It was a bit frightening traveling

in this fashion, but they weren’t going very fast, and she trusted Noah’s judgment.

They rode in silence waiting to hear from Blake.

After it had been decided that she would accompany Noah and Blake on the trip,

they had left the mansion with Noah and Liberty in one Hummer and Blake in the other.

They had then parked a few miles away from Area 2, and it became a game of waiting

and patience, which she was discovering she lacked.

“Are you certain that the program Talin designed will work?” she had asked.

Noah had looked over at her. “For the third time, Liberty, yes. I have never seen

anything that Talin designs not work.”

She nodded, put her feet up on the dashboard, and picked at her nails. Noah took

out his cell phone from his jeans pocket and placed it on the console between them.

“Liberty, as your brother, it is my duty to protect you, and I feel as though I’ve


“Why is that?” She looked over at him as he stared out the front window, his

profile strong and handsome, and she felt a well of pride of being able to call him her


“I should have warned you about males who are looking to take advantage of

someone like you.”

“Like who? Who wants to take advantage of me?”

He turned to her and met her eyes. “Like Jovan.”

She didn’t believe Jovan had taken advantage of her. She believed they had

experienced something wonderful together, and she hoped that it would happen again.

“Jovan did not take advantage of me, Noah.”

Noah sighed and looked out the front window again. “Liberty, Jovan has been

alone for a long time. He has kept himself distanced from everyone, and I don’t see that

changing. He’s not one to get close to others. You can’t expect anything out of him on a

relationship front.”

Thinking about what her and Jovan had been through, he had far exceeded any

expectations she had of anyone. She had been lonely, afraid, and wary of everyone,

looking for anyone to trust, but finding no one. He had literally come to her rescue when

he didn’t have to and taken her in. He had been kind and insisted that they were equals in

social stature, something that no one had ever even hinted at. He had encouraged her to

grow, to be strong, and for that, she would be eternally grateful.

She had been so proud when she realized that she was the only one who could

help Jovan get a “lasso on his gift,” as he liked to say. As they worked together, she

became stronger in the knowledge that she was helping another person instead of serving.

She was helping an equal.

The sexual attraction had taken her by surprise, but it had turned out to be a nice

dividend. She wanted more of the sex from Jovan; she wanted him to teach her about her

body and his. The first joining had been so pleasurable, as had the experience he gave her

with his mouth. If they had more time together, she felt it could only get better.

She cared deeply about the male, and he had far exceeded her expectations.

Noah was wrong. The others might not be able to expect anything from Jovan, but

she could. They were bound together by their gifts, and she expected that bond would

only flourish.

“I do believe you are wrong, brother.”

Noah sighed. “Liberty, don’t get too attached or you are in for a world of

heartache, okay?”

She didn’t have time to think about that as the phone began to vibrate. Noah

picked it up and dialed. “It’s a go, Blake. You’re on.”

A few minutes later, an old, gray truck pulled out from the dirt road where Area 2

was housed. It rumbled down the road, and a few minutes later, Blake’s Hummer pulled

out from behind them and sped down the road. The plan was once they figured out the

direction of the truck, Blake would run ahead and find a good place for the ambush. It

wasn’t like there were a lot of options down Highway 19 for turn-offs or highway

changes. The road was a desolate stretch of pavement that led directly into Mexico.

As the last rays of the sun said goodbye over the horizon, Noah turned on the

ignition and the Hummer rumbled to life.

“Here we go,” Noah had said.

Presently, Liberty closed her eyes and concentrated on reaching Jovan. She had

never attempted anything like this before, and she prayed she would be able to make a

difference in his rescue.

When she connected, the link between them was so strong, it was almost as if

they had become one. She could feel his pain, and it brought tears to her eyes. She

reminded herself that he would be able to feel her sadness for him, and clamped down on

it. She needed to focus on him.

She couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like having this intense

emotional link with him while having the sex with him.

I can’t believe you’re thinking about sex, Liberty.

Heat warmed her cheeks. She had to be cautious with her thoughts.

I’m sorry, Jovan. I need to be more focused.

There was a long silence where she felt or heard nothing.

You’re right. We both do.

She let the connection rest, firm and in place, but she couldn’t help wonder if he

was thinking of the same thing.

I am.

Those two words sent shivers through her body, and she had to fight to control the

physical response.

Noah picked his phone when it vibrated and looked at the text that had just come

in. “We’ve got a ways to go, Liberty. It looks like about ten minutes, so if you want to

rest for a few minutes go ahead.”

“Thank you, Noah. I will.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated on Jovan.

If we were in bed right now, what would you like me to do to you?

She thought for a moment.
I would not like you in bed with me, Jovan.

Really? Okay. It’s probably best for us to get off this train of thought—

I would like you in the shower bathing with me.

It was a strange sensation telling someone else what she wanted, instead of

anticipating the needs of others. In servitude, she had to constantly be one step ahead of

those who she served, predicting their wants and desires.

She had been in charge of making sure the daily meeting of the Royal Council

was set to take place. It was never a set number either, so every day was different. Some

days all twenty members would show up, other days it would be just be a few. Her duties

included setting up the food and making sure that everything was in place for the opening

ceremonies where each member of the Royal Council walked down a long runner colored

his SR44 color. He would then pledge his allegiance to the other members of the Royal

Council and to SR44 as a whole.

The runners needed to coordinated on who was showing up and where they were

to be seated for the meeting. She also needed to be on hand to fetch anything else that

was needed during the conference. Her time was never hers; her desires were never

considered. And now she was telling another—a member of the Six Saviors—what she


She smiled, and suddenly, her mind was flooded with images Jovan projected,

streaming together as if she were watching a TV show.

She stood with her back against Jovan as he soaped up her hair, working his way

down, taking a few moments to knead her shoulders. His hands traveled to her breasts,

where the white lather became thick as he massaged her breasts, gently touching her

nipples, and then grasping them between his forefinger and thumb and softly pulling and


Heat pooled between her legs, and her breathing became jilted.

His hands moved to her stomach, where he took his time teasing her, dipping

lower and lower with every pass of his hand to her “lady parts,” as Beverly had called


When he reached the small patch of curls, he stopped the circular motion and just

let his hand rest there as he wrapped his big arm over her shoulders and drew her closer

to him.

She could feel the heat of him against her back and the warmth of his hands on

her body even though she was only reading his thoughts, and she wished the cooling

system of the car was turned on.

His hand traveled downward, his finger slipping into her folds, rubbing her slick

flesh slowly, back and forth, taking his time at her swollen nub, lazily circling it with

mild pressure as he massaged her breast with his other hand, his lips suckling her neck

and the side of her face.

He turned her around, his thick shaft against her stomach as he kissed her deeply.

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