Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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Chapter 34

McCallister rolled his pen back and forth across his desk. He had been studying the Grantham case all night. He didn’t quite know what to make of it. His cast of characters had a typical strangeness to it – fabulously wealthy, handsome, arrogant, man. Mousy, stay-at-home mom, Brownie troop leader, school and community volunteer. Lovely daughters, very wealthy suburban setting. All the ingredients of a so-called “perfect” life, yet the seemingly happy wife was suddenly found burned to death with possible indications of attempted suicide. Bullshit. The big question was why. Why would such a woman, living amongst such luxury, want to kill herself? Admittedly, her exterior joviality might have been masking a deep, inner turmoil. If that was true, what caused the turmoil? Was it her husband? Was her marriage crumbling, or was it something internal within her? Or had Mrs. Grantham found out about her husband’s affair with Reese Vogel? And how would a fire happen to break out just as she was attempting suicide?

As McCallister studied the material, he pondered these questions. Sergeant Hoffman had warned him against investigating deeper into the Grantham case, but something just wasn’t quite right there. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he was sure Grantham was lying. Now that he had uncovered another piece of the puzzle, Reese Vogel, he knew he was onto something. Whether or not Mrs. Grantham’s death was an accident, he couldn’t be sure, but he knew adding Reese to the mix made the situation much more suspicious.

The phone vibrated, shocking him.

“McCallister,” he answered.

“Yeah, it’s Wilson. He’s on the move. Just got on a private jet.”

“What? Where is he going?” McCallister shot up in his seat.

“Grantham and Vogel. I asked at the airfield and they said New York to Athens.”

“Hmmm.” McCallister jabbed his pen on his desk. “Contact our people in New York and Europe and see what can be done to keep an eye on them.”

“Will do, sir. What do you think he’s up to?”

Leaning back in his chair, McCallister lit a cigarette. “Not really sure, Dave. But I am definitely interested in finding out.”

McCallister hung up and drew heavily on his cigarette. For a man so young, he was quite jaded. He had spent several years working undercover in narcotics then had moved onto homicide. He had worked too many cases of spousal murder to not know all the hallmarks. And this one had murder written all over it.


With the beautiful, cloudless azure-blue sky overhead, the sun streamed down upon her bronze trim body. Reese, clad in a hot pink bikini, shook the sand from her long blonde hair and pulled her Chanel sunglasses on. The gorgeous green-blue ocean lay out before her as she sat casually in her chaise lounge at the exclusive Greek Island resort. She peered over her sunglasses to see Harrison swimming in the cool water. Calm waves lapped the creamy white sand.

Reese laid back and removed her bikini top so she wouldn’t get strap marks. The soft sound of the waves and the salty scent of the sea lured her to sleep. Suddenly, she awoke with a start! She looked up to see Harrison standing over her, grinning, dripping water all over her. “Hey!” she yelled in protest.

Harrison laughed as he shook his head, getting more cold water on her. His hair was sleek and dark when wet. His chest was well-muscled and darkly tanned. “You look like a goddess lying there like that.”

Wiping his face with a huge blue towel, he looked in her bag for a pair of sunglasses. “The water’s great. You should come in.”

Harrison flopped down in the chair next to her.

Reese pulled her blonde hair up into a ponytail. “Maybe later. Trying to even out my tan.”

Harrison smiled as he gazed at her bare breasts. “You’re tan enough, baby. It’s a good thing this is a private resort, or you would be driving all the men crazy.”

Reese rolled her eyes and grinned at him. “Of course.”

As she laid there, watching the beautiful ocean, she felt a certain peace settle over her she hadn’t felt since the whole fiasco with Ava had begun. She looked over at Harrison, and she was certain he felt the same way. A small smile played upon his full, sensual lips.

Reese got up and grabbed a bottle of coconut oil. Pouring some into her hands, she began running her hands over his tanned, strong body.

“Oh, God, that feels so good.” Harrison moaned at her touch. The scent of the coconut oil and the feel of her soft hands almost drove him over the edge. She poured oil onto his muscular chest and straddled his waist. Sliding her breasts on his slick chest, she ground herself into his lap. She could feel his immense hardness. His heartbeat quickened as his lips began to seek hers. Reaching up, Harrison grabbed her roughly by her long ponytail as he pulled her up and flipped her onto her knees. He forced her onto all fours down upon the hot white sand. With water and oil dripping off his chest onto her back, he forced himself inside her tight wetness. “Mmmm,” Reese moaned with pleasure.

Soon, burning pain was added to the pleasure when the heat of the sand grew hotter on her knees as he pushed her down further. Harrison continued pounding in and out of her, and rippling orgasms shot through her like electric shocks.

He continued to hold her by the ponytail, wrapping it tightly in his hand and pulling her head back as he thrust forward. As the pain increased, she cried out. He pulled a bit harder and reached around to massage her wet clit. Without warning, the most intense orgasm hit her like a hurricane, causing her to collapse in the sand. “Oh, my God, oh, my God… that feels so amazing.” Her entire body shook from the aftershocks, but Harrison wasn’t finished with her. He then pulled her up and bent her over the chaise and finished that way. As he came, he gave an animalistic cry and thrust so deeply into her that she saw stars.

Both spent, they fell upon the sand to embrace. Reese could taste the salty sweetness of the coconut oil and the saltwater on his lips. As they began to breathe normally, Harrison swept Reese, still completely nude, into his arms. Carrying her to the ocean, Reese began to fight him. “No! It’s cold!”

“I love you, Reese.” Harrison smiled wickedly as he tossed her into the water. Seconds later, she came up sputtering with her blonde hair plastered around her face.

“You asshole!” She playfully yelled at him. Shivering cold, she trudged out of the ocean and ran up the beach to her towel. Wrapping it around her, she went inside their villa.

Harrison laughed loudly. He hadn’t had a good laugh in a long time.

Chapter 35

Tucked deeply back in the mountains of the Swiss Alps, Ava curled up in her private Swiss chalet with her newest companion. Ava’s long black hair hung lushly over her smooth, graceful shoulders as she lay back on a red velvet chaise. Her companion, Stefano, was on his knees with his head buried between her legs. She ran her long nails through his smooth black hair, moaning with pleasure as his tongue swirled all over. Her firm thighs gripped his head as she shook from an intense orgasm. He reached up to caress her firm breasts, but Ava shoved his hands away. She was getting tired of being groped by eager young men. She longed for a real lover; someone who looked at lovemaking as an art and her body as the perfect canvas. A man, or woman for that matter, who would play her as a delicate instrument, treating her body like a fine piece of music, taking her body from a soft hum into a deafening crescendo.

Closing her long legs abruptly, Ava rolled over. “What’s wrong, Ava?” He began rubbing her back.

“Stefano, please, it’s not you. I am bored here. I am thinking about leaving.” Ava stood up and pulled on a pair of Brazilian-cut scarlet panties and a black bra.

Stefano, not used to being brushed off like this by a woman, was perplexed. He was an incredibly handsome man, or so he had been told repeatedly. Being very tall, six-foot-five-inches, broad shouldered, very muscular, and well equipped, Stefano had dozens of girls chasing him every night. This woman, Ava, was proving not to be just any girl.

When he had glimpsed her at a nightclub in Milan, he had immediately known he had to meet her. She’d had long black hair that had shimmered in the light as she danced. Her body had moved to her own rhythm. When he had caught her eye, he had seen she had stunning blue eyes heavily made up and full red lips. She was tall, about five-foot-eight-inches, very fit and slender with medium-sized breasts. She was exotic, darkly-tanned and had gorgeous long legs. Her gaze had captivated him, and he had known he must meet her. Upon approaching her, he’d assumed she would immediately fall into his bed without effort, but Ava had not been so easily impressed with his amazing good looks. She had, however, found him attractive, and they had been enjoying a short fling for the past few months.

After leaving Milan, Ava had taken him to the Swiss Alps to a tiny luxurious chalet in the mountains. In great orgies of shopping, she had bought him and herself anything and everything they had desired. They had bathed in a huge bathtub of Dom Perignon and enjoyed many decadent delights.

Ava partook of many illicit things, but she was not an addict. He had never seen her intoxicated. She always seemed to know just how much to enjoy before she lost control. Stefano found that irresistible about her. Ava could be very cold and extremely secretive, which confounded him. She was obviously American by her accent, but she had a number of valid passports from several countries with several aliases. She never discussed anything of importance with him. Despite the fact he considered her his girlfriend, she treated him with utter indifference as if he were a piece of furniture; something to look at and use, but easily replaceable.

Stefano, being Italian, was a deeply passionate and romantic man, but all of his attempts to prove to Ava he was worthy of her love had been in vain. Lately, he had felt as though she’d picked him up in Milan as another souvenir.

“Ava, darling, why won’t you talk to me? Where is it you want to go?”

Stefano watched her slip into a tight red dress.

“I don’t know. I’m bored of this place. I’m thinking I would like to go to Stockholm for a bit before the winter hits.”

Stefano looked horrified. “Why Stockholm?”

Ava gave him a bemused smile and chuckled. “They have the most beautiful blondes there; don’t you know?”

Stefano looked down at the fur coverlet. “For how long?”

Ava shrugged, putting long dangling diamonds in her earlobes. “Probably a month or two, then it’s on to Mexico for a bit”.


“Yes, I have to visit a few friends there.” Ava applied a deep-red lipstick to her full pout.

“May I accompany you, Ava? Surely a beautiful woman like you–”

Ava snapped and flew at him. “–Oh, because I’m a woman, I can’t travel alone? I need help? I need someone to protect me? Please. You are a little bitch, Stefano. A little toy I like to play with. That’s all.”

Stefano was hurt. He pulled away from her. “So, that’s it?”

“That’s what? We had a nice time. Nice. Not spectacular. Just a little fun was all. I don’t need you. If it’s money you are concerned with, I will buy you a ticket back to Milan.”

Stefano grabbed her shoulders. “No, that’s not it, Ava. You won’t be safe in Mexico. There are gangs there…”

Ava whirled away from him. “You think I need protection, asshole? Here…” She pulled a loaded 9mm Glock from her purse.

Stefano paled. “I see. Well then, ciao, baby.” He grabbed his clothes and stuffed them in a bag.

Reaching into her Birkin bag, she clutched several one-hundred-dollar bills and tossed them at him. “Bye, babe.”

Red with humiliation, he grabbed the cash and his bag and left the chalet.

Fuck that bitch
, he thought, walking out into the cold air. At least it was warmer out here than in there with her.

Chapter 36

Nervously, Reese gripped Harrison’s hand as the plane circled the runway. They were flying on a private plane to meet Harrison’s parents to tell them he was marrying her. Based on what Harrison had told her about them, she didn’t know if they would like her. Her background was nothing like his.

“Harrison, how are they going to take our engagement, do you think?”

Harrison smiled at her. “Baby, you have completely bewitched me. You have made me so happy. That’s all that should matter to them.”

Reese looked down. “But I’m not ‘old money’ like you and Lisa. My family is far from poor, but what I grew up with is nothing compared to your family financially.”

Harrison shook his head. “I love you, Reese. That’s all that matters. It will probably shock them a bit, but I think they will see how much better suited you are for me than Lisa ever was.”

Reese kissed him long and hard. “I can’t wait to see where you grew up!”

Harrison swallowed hard and nodded. “We’re almost there!” Privately, Harrison had his doubts as well. His parents could be cold and arrogant. They were always concerned with what “high society” thought of them and how they appeared to everyone. He recalled a time he had brought home a beautiful girl in high school to meet his parents. She had been a lot like Reese – a beautiful girl with a great figure. However, according to his parents, she’d been “common”. He shuddered when he thought of how shabbily they had treated the girl, humiliating her so much she had never returned. From that time forward, Harrison had never introduced any girl to his parents unless he had been certain she would meet their “upper class” criteria. He prayed that this time would be different. His parents had approved of Lisa because of her background, but they had frequently remarked to him how unhappy he seemed with her. So perhaps the fact that Reese was so irresistibly charming might make a difference to them.

As the limo pulled up in front of a huge apartment building with a green awning, Reese gaped at Manhattan’s exclusive Upper East Side.

“Harrison, this is magnificent! Wow!” She was amazed walking through the opulent building.

Harrison smiled and guided her to his parents’ luxurious penthouse apartment.

Reese looked down quickly at her dress. It was wonderfully appropriate Harrison had reassured her numerous times. Barely grazing the tops of her knees, it was a royal-blue dress with a conservative neckline, which was scooped but not plunging. It was a Versace with which she wore four-inch silver strapped Louboutins. Her soft blonde hair was pulled back into a chignon, and she wore delicate diamond studs in her ears. On her ring finger was the huge Harry Winston diamond engagement ring. As they stood in front of his parents’ door, she glanced down quickly at the ring, admiring it.

Harrison squeezed her arm. “You will be fine, baby.”

Suddenly, the door creaked open. A tall older gentleman wearing a polo shirt and slacks greeted them.

Reese quickly extended her hand. “Mr. Grantham, it’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled.

Amused, the man took her hand.

“Reese, this isn’t my father. This is Aubrey, our butler.”

Reese blushed deeply and looked down.

“It’s fine, miss. You are just as lovely as Harrison described you.” He quickly kissed her hand.

Reese smiled.

“Hi, Aubrey, how are you?” The two men quickly embraced.

“Harrison, you look as handsome as ever. This young lady must be doing something right!” Reese beamed and decided immediately that she quite liked Aubrey.

“Harrison! How are you?” A shrill, female voice called out. A petite older woman dressed quite fashionably ran to meet them.

“Mother! This is Reese.” Harrison went to embrace his mother. Rose scrutinized Reese.

“Nice to meet you, dear. Harrison has spoken so highly of you.” She quickly kissed Reese on the cheek.

“So nice to meet you, Mrs. Grantham.”

“Call me Rose. Now, let’s see if we can find this old man I am married to.” Rose led them into the parlor.

“Wow, this is a beautiful place, Rose. Are those original paintings?” Reese admired the impressionist paintings, which appeared to be Monet.

“Indeed, Reese. I am a collector of fine art. I have many priceless pieces throughout this place as well as our home in the Hamptons.” Rose gestured to the walls.

Reese admired the beautiful room, which was decorated in different shades of blue and white. An enormous crystal chandelier dangled above them with hand-painted murals decorating the ceiling.

Reese sat on the sofa close to Harrison. She gazed at Rose, admiring her fine complexion and youthful appearance. She had her dark hair stylishly cut short. Her nails were perfectly manicured with several gems adorning her fingers. She was petite and trim, very fit for a woman her age.

“So, Reese, while we wait for my husband, tell me about yourself. Harrison tells me that you are from California and you went to Northwestern.”

Reese smiled warmly. “Yes. I grew up in a few different places. We moved a few times due to my father’s job. My parents are currently living in Laguna Beach. I did attend Northwestern for marketing and business.”

“How nice!” Rose said with enthusiasm. “Did you join any sororities?”

Reese cleared her throat. “Yes. I was a Tri-Delta.”

Rose’s perfectly trimmed eyebrows shot up. “So was I!”

Harrison beamed. “Look how much you two have in common.”

Rose gave a light little laugh. “Yes, looks like.”

What was that? Reese detected an artificial tone to her laugh. It made Reese very uncomfortable.

“So, Rose, where did you go to school?”

Rose stopped to gesture for Aubrey to set the silver tea set down in front of them.

“Would you care for some tea, Reese?”

Reese nodded. Aubrey poured her a cup and handed it to her. Harrison took one as well.

Rose sipped her tea. “Now, where were we?”

“Where you went to school, mother…” Harrison prompted. He caught Reese’s eye and winked.

“Oh, yes, dear. I attended Cornell here in New York.”

Reese sipped her tea. It had a slight mint flavor to it that she rather liked; however, she would have preferred a latte.

“Not a latte, baby?” Harrison smiled at her, reading her mind.

“What? Oh, no, it’s very good.” She smiled.

“Dear, would you rather have something else? Aubrey can get you a latte or espresso. Whatever you like.”

“Oh, no. It’s just fine.” She nodded politely to Rose.

As they chatted briefly, waiting for Harrison’s father to arrive, Rose glanced down and noticed Reese’s beautiful diamond catching the light.

“Dear, let me see your hand. That ring is absolutely exquisite.” She reached out to inspect the diamond on Reese’s perfectly manicured finger.

“Harry Winston?” She asked, her brows raised.

Reese and Harrison nodded together.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, her lips pressed tightly together. “Harrison, may I see you a moment in the study?”

She smoothed her hair as she stood up. Harrison squeezed Reese’s hand. “Just a second, baby.”

Reese nodded.

“Aubrey can get you anything you like, dear. Make yourself comfortable.” She walked out of the room with Harrison at her heels.

What did she say wrong? She wondered. Was it the ring? Did Harrison not tell them about it? Reese felt distinctly out of place and definitely out of her league here. Comfortable? She could never be comfortable in such a cold, formal environment. She tried to imagine Harrison growing up as a child here. No wonder he couldn’t stand aloof, emotionally-distant women. No wonder he craved Reese’s warm, sensual nature.

As Rose walked into the study, Harrison shut the door.

“Harrison! Is that an engagement ring that girl is wearing?” She demanded, her face red.

“Why yes, it is, mother. Why? Isn’t the diamond big enough for you?” Harrison narrowed his eyes at her.

Rose rolled her eyes back at him. “The ring is exquisite. That is not the issue.”

Harrison stood, glaring at her. “Then what is?”

Rose hissed, “She’s not one of us. She’s a little–”

Harrison growled, “–Watch it, mother.”

“A tart. She’s from Laguna Beach for God’s sake. West Coast.” Rose crinkled her nose in disgust.

Harrison lit into her. “So what? She is not a ‘tart’. She is a beautiful, intelligent, talented woman… how dare you. Quit being such a snob, mother. It’s quite unbecoming.”

Rose blanched. “Don’t you speak to me in that insolent tone, Harrison. I am your mother.”

“I know only too well, mother dear.” Harrison’s voice was thick with sarcasm.

“Do you realize that your wife has been dead less than a year? How long have you been seeing this girl?” Rose grabbed a tissue off the desk.

“For about five months. I love her. She’s everything I have ever wanted in a woman.” Harrison stated firmly.

Rose sniffed. “Well, I know you and Lisa didn’t have the perfect marriage, but Lisa is–was one of us. She knew what was expected of her. This Reese girl hasn’t been to prep school and didn’t even attend an Ivy League school. I’m quite sure she doesn’t know how to behave in high society.”

Harrison groaned and rolled his eyes. “Mother, I have listened to your society crap my entire life. I went ahead and married the girl you and dad wanted me to. I spent the last eleven years of my life miserable because I was with someone I didn’t love. I married Lisa to please you and dad. Now, Lisa’s gone and I am going to marry the woman I love, regardless if she’s ‘high society’ or ‘old money’, whether you like it or not.”

Rose staggered backward. “Well, Harrison, I guess we can’t stop you, but I don’t know if I can give you my blessing.”

Harrison fumed. “Why the hell not?”

Rose looked uncomfortable. “Well, for one, look at her. She’s beautiful and–”

“–And what, mother?”

“Quite buxom, don’t you think?”

Harrison sighed deeply. “Yes, she is. I adore the way she looks. She is the most perfect woman in the world to me. She used to model if you must know.”

Rose paled more and closed her eyes. “I could definitely see that. She looks… cheap… she lacks nobility.”

Harrison stood up and faced his mother directly. “Take it back, mother. You don’t know her.”

Rose swallowed hard. “All I am saying, Harrison, is to think of your family, our reputation. You know we are still written about in the society columns.”

Harrison shook his head. He cleared his throat. “Mother, I have thought of the family. I thought all the time about the family when I was dating in college. I skipped dates with girls I thought were amazing, fun and beautiful because they weren’t “high society” to go out with girls you and dad would approve of – the boring, stuck-up, skinny little bitches like Lisa.”

Rose’s mouth fell. “Close your mouth, mother. I wanted to rebel, to go to a state school and fuck big-breasted waitresses like Mike, but I thought of the family and went to Harvard and dated girls like Lisa. And I hated every minute of it!”

Rose seemed on the verge of passing out.

“I love you, mother, but I am sick of your arrogant attitude, which I have dealt with my entire life! Now I am a thirty-seven-year-old man, and I can do exactly as I wish.”

Rose sighed deeply. “Harrison, I cannot believe you are speaking to me like this. Is this woman responsible for your insolent behavior?”

Harrison turned to stare at her. “No, mother, Reese is responsible for me becoming happy. For me being the man I always wanted to be. I haven’t always made the wisest choices, but being with Reese is the best decision of my life. She completes me. If you can’t understand that, I feel sorry for you.”

Rose bit her lip. “No, Harrison, I do understand you. Your father and I, as you know, have never been in love. I know that he has had marital indiscretions, and the tabloids used to love to print stories on him when he was younger. I bit my tongue and stayed with him because that’s what people like us do. I expect you also had your extramarital dalliances while you were married to Lisa. I kept my wedding vows sacred, and I have never forsaken them. I believe Lisa was like me in that respect. However, there are women you marry and women you sleep with. Do you understand me?” She grabbed his wrist.

Harrison shook his head. “I still feel sorry for you, mother. You don’t know what it’s like to be in love with someone. To crave that person and only that person. She sustains me, mother; she gives me sustenance. I cannot live without her. Do you know what that kind of passion feels like?”

Rose looked down sadly. “No, Harrison, I don’t. Perhaps part of me envies what you just described. However, if you insist on marrying this woman, I cannot support you in that decision.”

Sighing, Harrison stood to leave. “Fine, mother. We will be gone in a few days. I only wanted to give you the news in person.”

Rose stopped him. “Harrison, I love you. You are my son.”

Harrison wrested his arm from her. “Then respect my decisions. Accept Reese. She is a beautiful, loving, caring woman. Give her a chance. She isn’t trash just because she isn’t a Grantham or a Batten…”

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