Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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Chapter 22

A sleek black car pulled off onto a rough, gravel road that backed up to the lake. A thin, shapely figure in black emerged from the car. Opening the trunk, she pulled out a bag. Placing the bag on the ground next to her, she removed a phone from her jacket. Checking her email one more time, she stopped short, stunned by what she saw.

[email protected]

[email protected]


11:00 p.m. tomorrow night. 623 N. Fairbanks.

What the fuck was this? Ava knew exactly who this was.
No fucking way
, she thought. She told them NEVER to contact her again. God, for a Harvard grad this guy was an unbelievable moron. Her blood began to boil. So this little bastard wanted to break the rules, huh? He wasn’t the first one to try. She curled her fingers, feeling her sharp fingernails digging into her palms. She smiled. She knew how to deal with this kind of disobedience. Smashing the phone, she threw it into the bag. Carefully, she inched her way down the embankment to the water where she tossed the heavy bag into it. Standing there, she watched it slowly sink into the abyss.

She smiled broadly. Day sixty. Spider watches the fly get further and further entangled in her web just waiting for the right moment to pounce.


“A thirty-six-year-old man was found dead today in a wealthy North Shore neighborhood. Police say he was stabbed multiple times. He was found dead last night in his home. He has been identified as Darrell Wyndham of Glencoe, Illinois. Sources tell us that Mr. Wyndham was employed as an investment manager by Goldberg Brothers Investments of Chicago. Authorities request that anyone with any information regarding this crime please contact your local police department.”

Harrison and Reese sat together watching the 5:00 p.m. news the following day.

Reese switched the TV channel. “I wonder who found him. They aren’t telling us shit about what happened.” She threw the remote down in disgust.

“They aren’t going to tell you much on TV. They don’t want to hinder the investigation.”

Reese pursed her lips. “I know. It’s just so scary and frustrating.”

Harrison took her into his arms. “It’s okay, baby. We had nothing to do with his death. It’s a shame he’s gone. Very tragic.”

Reese nodded her head. “I’m just still so upset about what happened. Every time I close my eyes, I see him lying there brutally stabbed and left to bleed to death. It’s just sickening.” She shivered at the very recent memory.

“It was the worst thing I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot, Reese. If Ava did that, there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do.”

“I’m terrified, Harrison. She may be extremely angry we contacted her.”

“If she gets it. We don’t know. She may not even show up. I pray she does and I can call this whole thing off.”

Reese slid her arms around him. “Harrison, I don’t want this to drive us apart. I’m afraid it will. We know that Darrell has been murdered, and we have to keep that secret. We have contracted for Ava to kill your wife. I don’t know what we were thinking.”

Harrison held her tight. “No, Reese, you are wrong. These events actually bring us closer as we are bound by secrecy to stay together. We live or die… together. Remember that. I love you. It took me a long time to realize that, and I know it sounds counterfeit coming from a guy like me.”

“A guy like you?”

“Yes… arrogant, narcissistic, capable of conspiring to commit murder. I still have the capacity to feel though. I don’t want her dead. I never did. I just wanted to be with you without losing everything else. Then Darrell gave us this card, we met Ava and I didn’t think it through. I didn’t realize how awful this would be.” Harrison buried his face in her hair. “All I know is I don’t want her butchered like Darrell. I keep seeing him too, lying there viciously slaughtered. I can’t stand thinking about Lisa that way.” Tears began to spill down his face and fall onto Reese’s hair.

Reese pressed her breasts to his chest. “Harrison, I am so sorry. I can’t express how sorry I am. I never meant for it to come to this. I didn’t mean to fall in love with you. I thought we would have fun together and then we’d be over. I didn’t think we would ever have a chance to be together.” She ran her hands up his strong, well-toned arms.

“I didn’t think we would either,” Harrison admitted. “You were… are beautiful, and I thought we could have a good time together and I would stay with my family, but I fell for you, Reese, hard. I can’t be without you. I love my kids, but I want to be with you. If only I could’ve found a different way to do it.” Harrison walked away from her running his hands through his hair.

Chapter 23

Donning a shoulder-length dark-brown wig, Ava applied her makeup. Zipping up a leather bustier, she shimmied into a micro miniskirt. Ava then slid into a pair of new six-inch Louboutin heels. Picking up a red card, she decided she could simply make her delivery to her client in person as she slipped it into her cleavage.

Meanwhile, Reese and Harrison sat huddled together at a back booth waiting for Ava.

“Do you think she’ll come?” Reese whispered, fiddling with the clasp on her bracelet.

Harrison looked around. “I don’t know. She said never to contact her again, so I don’t know what to expect, but I have to try.”

Nervously, Reese smoothed her long blonde hair. She pulled at her sleeveless cleavage-baring dress.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Harrison asked, sliding his hand up her thigh.

“I’m scared of her,” Reese admitted.

“After seeing Darrell like that yesterday, I am too,” Harrison replied with unease.

As they sipped their drinks, they noticed the crowd begin to part slightly.

Like Moses walking through the parted Red Sea, a tall, beautiful woman strode over to them.

Through clenched teeth, she hissed at them. “What the fuck do you think you two are doing?”

Initially, they were puzzled. This woman was beautiful, but they didn’t recognize her at first glance as Ava.

Instead of long black hair, she had shoulder-length softly-curled brown hair. Her makeup was still dramatic, but stylish. Her eyes were green this time. She wore a black leather bustier, which displayed deep cleavage, making her look bigger-busted than the first time they had met her. The same pendant was around her neck, but it was empty this time. Her skirt was very short with a slit on the thigh. Her designer heels were expensive and very high. Easily, they understood why the crowd had parted for such a dramatic-looking woman. Her beauty was exotic and dangerous.

Reese was still wildly attracted to her, feeling herself getting excited by looking at her. However, that excitement turned to fear, and she began shaking as Ava bent over their table. As she bent over to look him directly in the eye, Harrison felt himself get quite excited by Ava. He too felt a small degree of fear as her eyes flashed with an animalistic anger at him. Her hatred of him was palpable.

Ava sat across from them. “Do you understand rules, Mr. Grantham? Do you?” She demanded.

“Of course, I do… I just…”

She curled her fingers around his hand on the table, digging her long nails in until they drew blood.

Harrison winced, but didn’t move his hand. “I want this called off. NOW.” His voice didn’t waver, nor did his gaze flinch.

Reese was impressed. This was the Harrison she knew.

“Motherfucker, I told you I call the shots. Do you think I am afraid of you because I am a woman? Fuck you.” She spat directly in his face.

Harrison snatched his hand from hers and wiped his face.

“It’s my life, not yours, bitch.” His anger was rising, and his face turned red.

“Correction, asshole. It
your life until you met me and contracted my services. It is nonrefundable, non-negotiable. Period.” Ava’s green eyes flashed with anger.

“Look, if it’s about the money, keep the first payment. I don’t care. I want out and I want this stopped. If you don’t…”

“What?” Ava grabbed his bleeding hand. “What will you do? Go to the police and tell them you wanted your wife dead, but now you changed your mind? Ok. Do that, Mr. Attorney. Let’s see how the law takes to that. You stupid fuck. It’s done.”

“Ava, I am asking you to stop.” Harrison pleaded with her.

Still holding Harrison’s hand, she held it up to her mouth, sucking the blood off of it. Ava licked her lips.

“Mmmm, tastes good.”

Reese stared at her with her mouth agape. She thought of the vial around Ava’s neck. Harrison sat motionless.

“Honey, I told you to close your mouth.” Turning to Harrison, “Mr. Grantham, she must give amazing head; she’s always ready for it. Or maybe she likes girls. Wouldn’t I love to know?” She gave a sly grin to Reese; her lips still stained with Harrison’s blood.

A rarity for him, Harrison struggled to find words. “Ava, please, all I want is for you to call this off. That’s it. We walk away, you keep the money I already paid you.”

Ava sat back in her chair, smoothing her hair. She appeared to be deep in thought as she templed her fingers underneath her chin.

Finally, she gave a deep sigh. “What don’t you understand, handsome? It’s a done deal. I told you to think about this before we agreed. I told you there was no going back. Period. Now, you have already wasted a great deal of my time.” Ava stood up to leave. Harrison reached out to seize her spider-tattooed hand.

Ava gave him such a piercing look that it sent chills down his spine. She violently jerked her hand away. “Don’t ever touch me again.”

Reese suddenly found her voice. “Did you kill Darrell Wyndham?”

Harrison shot her a stern look of warning. “Reese!”

Ava fixed her venomous eyes on Reese. “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t know anyone by that name.”

Tapping into an unknown source of strength, Reese stood up and faced Ava, inches away from her. “Yes, you do. Darrell Wyndham. His wife was Julia Wyndham. We got your card from him.”

Slowly, Ava looked Reese up and down. A slow, vicious smile played on her full lips. “You know what I would like to do to you, Barbie?”

Reese swallowed and stood her ground. “Answer the question, Ava.”

Ava grazed her long fingernails lightly up Reese’s arm, sending chills through her. She rested her fingers lightly on Reese’s full breasts.

“I want to wrap you up in silk.”

Ava’s eyes continued to devour Reese. She caressed her breasts, then brought her lips to her mouth. Unconsciously, Reese began to feel wet with arousal. Despite her hatred of Ava, she felt her nipples harden at the other woman’s touch.

“Then eat you…” Ava’s tongue flickered out like a snake, licking Reese’s full red lips.

Harrison stood nailed to the floor watching the two women. In spite of his own dislike of Ava, he was incredibly aroused at the scene unfolding before him. It was as though everyone and everything else in the room had melted away and it was just the three of them. Harrison watched, entranced.

Ava boldly slipped her hand up Reese’s skirt. With great adroitness, her finger slid into Reese’s soaking wetness.

“Seems like someone here likes girls too. If you ever get tired of him, Barbie, let me know.” She smiled arrogantly. With that, she removed her fingers from Reese.

Ava brought her hand to her face and inhaled Reese’s scent. “I bet you taste amazing, Barbie.”

Reese felt her mouth go dry as she too was entranced by Ava. Realizing what was happening, she pushed her hands against Ava’s breasts. “Get the fuck away from me, bitch!” She yelled it so loud people turned to stare.

Ava laughed. “I’m only playing with you, Barbie. That’s what you are, isn’t it? A Barbie doll? A little sex toy for men to play with. Boo hoo. Too bad for me.” She licked her lips.

Reese glared at her. “Did you kill Darrell?”

Ava’s laughter stopped, and she looked down at the rings on her hands. Then slowly she looked back up. “I told you, I ask the questions.”

Harrison hissed, “I want this stopped. I will send Lisa away if I have to.”

Ava seized his face with her hands. “If you violate our agreement in any way, I will not only find her and kill her, but I or one of my associates will kill your entire family, including Barbie here. Don’t think I can’t do it. So my advice to you, Mr. Grantham, is to let me finish my job.”

Reese was shaking so hard the ice clinked in her glass. Harrison went pale.

“I know everything about you, Harrison Neil Grantham. Your parents, Rose and Harlan Grantham, reside at 741 Park Avenue in New York. Your brother, Michael Grantham, resides at 300 Astor St. in your subdivision. He has a wife, Jessica, and an infant daughter, Ivy. Your wife’s parents, Clarence and Jillian Batten, reside at 5000 Central Park West, New York, New York. You cannot run anywhere that I can’t locate you.”

Harrison was so pale he looked on the verge of passing out.

Ava shoved him aside. “Let me do my job, Mr. Grantham. Your life will be so much easier.”

Turning back to him, she reached her beautifully manicured hand into her cleavage. She retrieved a red card.

Placing it on the table, she casually slinked away. Her exquisite heels clicking as she did so.

Harrison picked up the card; his hands shaking.

“Seventy-two hours.”

His eyes met Reese’s as she swallowed a lump in her throat. She nodded grimly.

Seventy-two hours. The clock was ticking.

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