Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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That was it.

Hands shaking, Reese called Harrison.

“She emailed back!”

“Who?” Harrison sounded irritated.

“You know who. I can’t say.
. Spider lady.” Reese referred to the spider on the card.

“Oh, I get it. What did it say?”

“11:00 p.m. tonight and an address”.

“Is the address here in Chicago? How did she know where we were?” Harrison, ever the lawyer, had to ask a million questions.

“I don’t know. Maybe she has one of those things that tracks the IP address.”

“That makes me uncomfortable, Reese. This is serious. I don’t like talking about it.”

“Well, I think we should just go and see what she’s like.”

“Fine. I will be over at 9:00 p.m.”

“How will you get out that late?” Reese worried Lisa would be suspicious.

“I will figure something out. Don’t worry. I am in court now though. I can’t talk.” With that, he hung up.

Reese was still shaken. Was noon too early to start drinking?

Chapter 14

At 9:00 p.m. precisely, Harrison arrived in his Aston Martin to pick her up. She threw open the door. Harrison was carrying a medium-sized unmarked box with him. He sat it down quietly on an end table.

As Reese flung herself into his arms, he pulled away from her. He quickly strode to her bar and poured himself a glass of scotch. Downing that, he turned to her.

“Harrison? Have you changed your mind?”

He shook his head. “No way. I have been listening to her threaten me all week long about you, Reese. I can’t take it anymore.”

Reese smiled. “I am ready, too. I want you all to myself.” They fell into each other’s arms, kissing passionately.

“What’s in the box?” She reached down to retrieve it from the table.

“You’ll see, baby. It’s something I have wanted to try for a long time. Go into the bedroom, strip naked, lie on the bed and wait for me. It’s a surprise.”

Her curiosity piqued, she obediently bounced off to the bedroom. She wondered what it was.

A few seconds later, Harrison sauntered into the bedroom carrying the package. Reese was laying nude on the bed as he had instructed her.

“Harrison, what is it you brought?” She began to sit up.

“Lay back down.” His voice was firm. She laid back and waited for further instruction.

Harrison dimmed the lights as low as possible. Removing his jacket, he opened the package.

Reese peered over at him from the bed. He was pulling something long and black out of the box.

“Close your eyes, baby.” Reese was wet with anticipation. Her breasts quivered as she waited to see what he was doing.

Then she felt a soft, satin mask slipped over her face. His lips gently brushed hers.

“Harrison…” she began.

“Just wait, baby. Trust me,” he whispered softly. “Get on your hands and knees now.” His hands roamed her body as he assisted her in turning over. Completely nude on her hands and knees on the bed with a mask covering her eyes, Reese waited obediently to see what he had in mind. Extremely aroused, she felt a trickling sensation between her legs. Her wetness was sliding down to the inside of her thighs.

Suddenly, she felt herself pushed hard to the bed and her hands jerked up behind her. Harrison was binding her hands! She gave a small cry of surprise, and he quickly smacked her soft flesh with a hard object that felt like a whip. He was whipping her with something hard but soft. It was a leather whip she thought. He struck her directly on her ass hard with the whip. She cried out. The pain was sharp and stinging.

“Trust me, Reese… I won’t hurt you… Feel the pain and go beyond it.”

Reese felt the pain as he continued to strike her. It was intense, and at first she felt like she couldn’t stand it. She bit her lip and tears wet her blindfold. Then she felt something incredible. As the whip bit into her soft flesh, the pain evolved into a deeper sensation of pleasure. It started as a tingling feeling in her stomach and rippled into waves of pleasure vibrating throughout her nether regions. Every blow seemed to bring her closer and closer to the brink. Initially, she had hated the feeling of the whip on her skin, but now it was profoundly stimulating. Every time he struck her, she arched her back, aching for more. Her core was dissolving as her arousal dripped down her thighs. As she hovered on the brink of climax, he stopped.

“Don’t stop… more, Harrison,” she whispered hoarsely. Her head was still shoved down into the pillow with her eyes covered by the blindfold, which was wet with her tears.

“Not yet, baby. I have more for you.” His lips traveled slowly up and down her thighs, tasting her arousal on his tongue. He ran his tongue up her thighs stopping just as he reached the apex of her legs.

Reese leaned back slightly on her knees trying to capture his tongue. She ached to feel him caress her core.

“Harrison,” she whispered. He didn’t respond. He was incredibly stimulated seeing her on her knees with her hands bound behind her back. He quickly peeled off his clothes and knelt behind her.

Blindfolded and helpless, Reese couldn’t fathom what he would do next. The anticipation was driving her crazy. It made her mad with desire as her entire body remained tense while waiting to feel the next blow, caress or lick.

He began running his hands over her sore ass. Feeling the welts rising on her skin, he lightly ran his finger down each one. Bending down, he drew his tongue over the welts, licking and kissing them. Reese moaned with pleasure as his touch drove away the stinging pain. Abruptly, he plunged his face into her, licking and sucking her folds, softly devouring her as she squealed with pleasure.

Just as she felt the first pulsations of orgasm, he quickly drew his tongue away. Reese tried to sit up, but found it difficult as her wrists were bound behind her. Her arms ached from being pulled back.

“Harrison… please…”

She felt his hands on her ass. He was kneeling behind her. “Beg me, Reese. Beg me to fuck you.”

Her breathing was heavy, her breasts hung lushly and her nipples were pressed against the mattress. Reese was more than ready to have him inside her.

“Please, Harrison, fuck me. Fuck me now.”

Harrison felt himself swelling larger and larger. He ached to bury himself deep inside her, but he wasn’t quite ready yet. Reaching around to squeeze her breasts, he was surprised at how much they had swelled with arousal. Her breasts felt absolutely huge in his hands as he squeezed them hard. Reese moaned deeply. “Please, now baby… I can’t take it…”

He untied her wrists. “Touch yourself, Reese.”

Reese hesitated. She had never done that in front of anyone.

“Do it now, Reese.” His voice was stern.

Tentatively, she reached her fingers back to gently caress her pulsating core. The second she felt her dripping wet lips, she came. She cried out.

“That’s it, baby. I love it. Keep doing it. I want to see your fingers deep inside.”

Reese continued to rub herself back and forth, then plunged her fingers deep inside. All of her previous inhibitions melted away, and she slid her fingers in and out of her tight wetness. Wave after wave of orgasm washed over her. Harrison had knelt further down to closely watch her core pulsate with orgasm. He had never been so turned on before. As he watched her push her fingers deep inside herself, writing with pleasure on the bed, he finally could no longer prolong the delectable agony. Harrison reached up and jerked her fingers out. He sucked on them and then pushed her down roughly on the bed. He pulled her back towards him and plunged himself deep inside her. Thrusting in and out furiously, Harrison cried out as he came deeply inside her.

“Oh, my God.” Reese writhed with pleasure. “I love it.”

Flipping her over, his hungry mouth sought hers. Over and over they kissed, devouring each other. “That was so amazing,” she said, breathless. “I can’t stand it… Oh, Harrison…”

Harrison cradled her in his arms, tracing the welts he had made with the whip gently. “Baby, you know I would never hurt you, right? I wanted to play a game. I’m a bit of a dominant, and I have always wanted to do this.”

“I loved it. It was everything I have ever wanted. I didn’t even know how much I craved a strong, steady hand.” Reese breathed into his air while laying her head on his chest.

“That’s what I am… a strong, steady hand to guide you and move you, but you are truly the master here. You have the power to grant me pleasures and take them away because you
my pleasure, Reese, my ecstasy. If you deny me, I have nothing. I am dominant, but not abusive. I will be stern with you at times, but not brutal. Understand?” He gazed down into her big blue eyes and smoothed her blonde hair.

Reese nodded, tracing her fingernails along his muscular chest. “I do. I love it. You are everything I want. Feeling that whip on my skin sent me into total ecstasy. You gave me pleasures I have never known. I love you, baby.”

“This is what I’ve always wanted too, Reese. I am a dominant man. I need control. I’ve always struggled with that. Maybe it’s because my parents ran my life for years, and then Lisa took over where they left off. I don’t know. But I do know that I adore you, Reese. I always will. This is going to work out, baby.”

Reese held him tightly. “Every time that whip hit my skin, I felt like your essence was being driven into me.”

He kissed her deeply. Turning to glance at the clock, he noticed the time. “We have a date with an assassin, baby. Get dressed.”


11:00 p.m. Reese and Harrison located the bar where they were supposed to meet the mysterious Ava.

“How do we know who she is?” Harrison wondered. They were standing in the doorway looking through the throngs of patrons.

“I have no idea,” Reese shouted back, barely able to hear over the music.

Harrison threw his hands up to say “What the hell?” They walked through the crowd of people. Reese felt her breasts deliberately being brushed up against by strangers. She grabbed Harrison’s hand in order not to lose him in the craziness.

The nightclub was dark with lots of colored lights flashing, making it incredibly difficult to discern anyone’s face, much less a face they didn’t even know. They kept walking around peering into different women’s faces. Bodies wet with sweat keep dancing around them, bumping and grinding on them. Harrison held close to Reese as he saw so many men trying to rub against her.

“Hey, asshole, watch it!” Harrison pushed one guy back off of her when he began grinding into Reese from behind.

“Hey, man, chill. It’s just a party. No big deal.” The guy held his hands up in defense.

They kept walking in circles until they found an outside patio.

“Reese, this is ridiculous. How the fuck do we know what she looks like? I’m looking for someone I don’t even know!” Clearly frustrated, Harrison threw up his hands.

“Well, it’s only 11:15 p.m. Let’s make one more round. Try to look for–”

“–Someone who looks like a professional assassin? What does that look like? Look for Spiderwoman?”

“Why are you yelling at me? I don’t know.” Reese was frustrated too.

“Fine. Let’s go.” Harrison took her hand, and they went back in again to search the throngs of people.

“I’m going to get a drink. Want one?” Harrison asked.

“Sure. Vodka tonic.”

“Why don’t you go wait at that table in the corner?” Harrison directed her to a dimly lit booth in the back.


As she sat down, she noticed a strikingly beautiful woman sitting at the table next to her. She had long black lustrous hair. She wore very dark red lipstick and had dramatic black eyeliner rimming her startlingly light-colored eyes. The woman had remarkably long lean legs and she was wearing six-inch black Louboutin heels. She had on a tight black dress with a plunging neckline and a red corset laced around her middle.

Reese studied her as she waited for Harrison. The woman took a cigarette out of an exquisite cigarette case and lit it. Her long fingernails were blood-red and matched her lipstick. A very distinct-looking tattoo of a black spider was on her left hand. Small dangling, diamond earrings sparkled from her ears.

“Took you long enough to get here. I almost left.”

Reese heard a female voice. It was the dark-haired woman she had been studying. Reese opened her mouth.

“Ava?” Reese asked.

The woman blew her smoke directly into Reese’s face.

“Yes. I am Ava.”

“Oh, my God,” Reese whispered.


Harrison, hurry up!
She thought.

“Close your mouth, honey, unless you plan on giving your boyfriend a blowjob right now. While that might turn me on to watch, this is business, and we don’t need a lot of people staring at us.” Ava continued to take long drags of her cigarette.

“Um, Harrison, my boyfriend, he’s at the bar.”

“Really? I noticed the two of you as soon as you walked in. I watched you both idiotically stumble through the crowd.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Reese was annoyed.

Ava smiled. “It amused me to watch you both look so stupid.”

Reese showed her annoyance. “How did you know what we looked like, or that we even lived in Chicago?”

Ava’s eyes narrowed. “Get something straight, honey. I don’t answer questions. I ask them.”

Harrison sat the drinks down at their table. He didn’t realize that it was Ava at the next table.

“Hurry up, Reese. We have to find this Ava bitch before she leaves. She’s probably not even here.”

Reese sighed and pointed toward Ava.

“Oh, I’m sorry… Ava?” Harrison sat down.

“Genius. Tell me, handsome, why were you looking for a spider in the light? Don’t you know we prefer dark little corners, tight spaces?” Ava smirked at him.


This amused Reese as it was rare that anyone could make Harrison feel uncomfortable or one up him.

“When you went outside.” Ava gestured toward the patio.

“Oh, well, we–”

Ava waved her bejeweled hand again. Her nails were flawlessly manicured with several rings on each hand. “–Spare me, handsome, this tedious story. My time is money. I know what you want. Now, let me tell you my rules. Listen carefully, for I will only say it once. I will not tolerate impudent bullshit from anyone. I do not answer questions. I ask them. Now sit closer so I don’t have to raise my voice. I like to use my throat for something other than talking.”

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