Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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“You just said you would never divorce me.”

“That’s right, I won’t if I have a choice, but if you continue to have affairs or put on a cheap little show like you did tonight, I will destroy you. Do take me seriously, Harrison, for your own good.”

Harrison rubbed his jaw painfully. He nodded. Lisa grabbed his leg, digging her sharp nails into it. “Do I make myself clear? Never again.”

“Yes, Lisa. You know I would never do anything to hurt my girls or disrespect our families.”

Lisa nodded curtly. Touching his jaw lightly, she remarked, “Your jaw looks really bad, Harrison. Let’s go by the ER first.”


The next morning, Reese was still shaken by Harrison’s actions the night before. She had spent most of the night tending to Noah’s broken nose and sitting with him in the ER. Though Noah was going to be fine with reconstructive surgery, she felt so responsible for him being hurt. She was also very worried about Harrison’s injuries. She thought about texting him but didn’t know if that was wise. He had proclaimed his love for her and kissed her in front of everyone, but she didn’t know what that really meant.

Rolling over on her bed, she looked at her phone. There was a text from Noah.

Hi beautiful. I am doing better this AM. Be over tomorrow around 3. Hope you can stand looking at me all swollen. Sorry that things got out of hand last night. Don’t know why that jerk Grantham went crazy.

On the way to the ER, Noah had asked her how she knew Harrison. She just told him they knew each other briefly a few years ago. Reese didn’t tell him how serious they had been. Playing it off as Harrison being intoxicated, she eased Noah into believing it was nothing. Reese felt so bad for Noah because she had been so ready to just run off with Harrison into the night.

Hi handsome. Glad to hear you feel better. You always look good to me so don’t worry :) Grantham was just drunk. See you later.

Deciding to take a shower, Reese crawled out of bed. Her phone rang.
It must be Noah
, she thought.

“Noah, I’m getting into the shower,” She said as she answered.

A deep, familiar voice replied. “Why are you telling Noah that?”

Harrison? She looked down at her phone. Yes, it was his number.

“Harrison! How are you? I was worried about you. I didn’t know if I should call.” Reese sighed with relief at hearing his voice.

“Reese, I am so sorry about last night. I never meant for all that to happen. I just went crazy seeing you with that fucking idiot.”

“Harrison, I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe you kissed me in front of everyone! What did your wife say?”

Harrison sighed. “Long story, baby. Look, I meant everything I said last night. I love you. I need to see you. Can I come over? Where do you live now?”

Reese felt her heart leap into her throat. Just talking to him brought all her old feelings back. Maybe this time it was real. She couldn’t deny how much she still loved him despite her anger at his actions.

“I have plans later, but I can make time for you. I will text you my address.”

“I can’t wait to see you, Reese. I will be there in an hour. Is that ok?”

“Sure. I will see you then.”

“Bye, baby. I love you.”

Reese’s heart was thumping so hard. She felt her hopes rise high. Then she remembered Noah. What would she tell him if she and Harrison got back together? And did she want to be Harrison’s mistress again? How could she trust him? She jumped in the shower and began to get ready to see Harrison alone for the first time in nearly six months.

With his jaw still swollen, but not broken, Harrison drove to see Reese. He felt so alive, so happy just knowing he was about to hold her again. This was real. He couldn’t deny it any longer. Reese was his trophy; the woman he had always wanted. He would have her at any cost.

Reese heard Harrison knock. She was dressed in a beautiful green dress he had bought her last year. Her hair was slightly pulled back and she wore his favorite perfume.

“Hi, baby!” At once, Harrison pulled her tight into his arms, kissing her with passionate abandon. She could feel his arousal as their lips met.

“Let me look at you, baby.” She pulled away briefly to examine his swollen jaw.

Touching his face, she asked, “Does it hurt?”

Harrison shook his head, still smiling at her broadly and holding her close. “You look absolutely gorgeous. I’ve missed you so much.” He buried his face in her hair.

“Thank you. I’ve missed you too. You can’t imagine how much,” she whispered, holding him close to her heart.

Silence fell over them as they held each for a moment, feeling each other’s heartbeats, knowing they were finally together again.

“Harrison…” she began. “What is this? I am so glad, no ecstatic, that you are here, but what does it mean? Do you want me to be your mistress again? I can’t do that again, Harrison. It was too hard. With Noah, I have a man I can introduce to my family. With you, I have to stay in the shadows, hidden, and keep our secret from my family, from everyone.”

He pulled back from her. Taking her hands, he led her to the couch.

“Reese, I love you. I can’t live without you. I know I was an idiot before, but I don’t want you as a mistress again. I want you as my wife.”

Reese jerked back. “What? Are you getting divorced?”

Harrison cleared his throat. “No, not exactly. But I know I can’t go on like this. I want you. You are the woman I have always dreamed of being with. You complete me, Reese.” With that, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. Bending down on one knee, he gazed up at her with so much love in his eyes that Reese’s heart melted.

“Reese Amanda Vogel, will you be my wife? My beautiful bride, always?”

Her hands shaking, she took the box from him and opened it. It was the most exquisite diamond ring she had ever seen. A gorgeous Harry Winston princess-cut solitaire.

She sucked in her breath. “Oh, my God, Harrison. This must have cost a fortune.”

Harrison smiled at her. “It’s a Harry Winston, four carats, but the money means nothing. You are priceless to me.”

Reese’s heart soared. “Oh, Harrison, I love it. It’s absolutely the most perfect ring ever.” Harrison removed the promise ring from Noah and sat it gently on the table. Then he slipped his ring onto her finger.

Reese sat there in shock. These were the words she had always fantasized Harrison speaking to her. Still, now that the moment was here, she didn’t know what to think. She admired the glorious diamond on her hand, and she longed to be Harrison’s wife more than anything.

“Harrison, I love you beyond reason. I always have. But how can I be your wife if you won’t be divorced?”

Harrison got up and sat beside her. He swallowed hard. “Well, that’s the hard part. I am ready to do anything to make you my wife.”

Reese nodded. “How can we do that without a divorce?”

Harrison ran his hands through his hair. “Lisa and I had a talk last night. She saw me kiss you. We openly discussed divorce and she refused to allow me to leave. She said if she ever caught me with another woman again, she would destroy me.”

Reese narrowed her eyes. “So what does that mean?”

“It means that if you and I are to be together, she has to be gone.”

Reese cocked her head to one side considering what he meant.

Harrison’s eyes met hers. “Do you still have that card?” Her breath caught in her throat.

“Are you serious? You mean that card Darrell gave me months ago? Ava?”

“Completely. I am ready to take care of this. I know I sound cold-hearted, but it’s the only way.”

Slowly, Reese got up. “Let me check.”

She went to her bedroom, to her jewelry armoire, and retrieved the small red card. Silently, she handed it to him.

Harrison took the card slowly as if it might burn him. Looking down at it, “Ava,” he read aloud. “I can’t believe I am considering this.”

“Harrison, are you sure? This is beyond… anything… I ever dreamed.”

Harrison slowly rose from the sofa. Staring at the card, he nodded. “Lisa is the coldest, most bitter person I have ever known. I love you, Reese. I can’t have you as long as she is around. This needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. I hate that it has come to this, but there isn’t any other way.”

Reese’s mouth went dry. Slowly she nodded. “I love you, Harrison. I will do whatever it takes to be together. So how do we find this Ava person?”

“I guess we email her at this address.”

Reese nodded. “I remember Darrell said just simply list Ava in the subject line; that’s all.”

Harrison’s eyes narrowed. “I thought you said he didn’t give any details.”

“Other than that, he didn’t.”

Harrison stood up. “Where is your laptop?”

Reese pointed to the other room.

Harrison sat down to type the email. “I’m setting up a new email account, ok? Not giving her our names. We don’t know who she is. She could be anybody.”

[email protected]

[email protected]

Subject: Ava

“Sexy blonde goddess? What made you think of that?” Reese smiled at him.

Harrison rolled his eyes. “What do you think?” He gestured to her.

As they parted that night, Harrison handed her the ring Noah had given her. “Get rid of this.”

Reese nodded, feeling badly for Noah, but sure of her love for Harrison.


The next morning, Reese texted Noah. She hated to do this to him. He was such a nice guy, but Harrison was the love of her life.

Can you come over now? I need to talk to you

Sure, what’s wrong?

I just need to see you now.

I will be there asap.

Sensing something was wrong, Noah rushed over. “Reese, are you okay?” His nose was still quite swollen and his eyes were blackened.

Swallowing hard, Reese silently handed him his ring back. “I’m so sorry, Noah. You are a great guy, but I can’t keep this.”

Noah was puzzled. “What? What happened?” Then he spotted the huge diamond on Reese’s hand. “Where the hell did that come from? What the hell is going on, Reese?”

Noah’s face reddened with anger.

Reese’s eyes began swimming with tears. “I’m sorry, Noah, but someone else, my ex-boyfriend, has come back into my life and–”

Noah cut her off, grabbing her hand. “–Who? You never said you were seeing anyone else!”

Reese swallowed again and tried to compose herself. “I wasn’t. We had broken up and he came back last night.”

“WHO?” Noah screamed at her. His eyes blazed as he threw his ring on the table.

Reese had never seen Noah angry. She didn’t know how to respond, and she began to feel fear rising in the pit of her stomach.

“I just can’t be with you anymore, Noah. That’s all. I’m so sorry.” Reese looked down.

“Why can’t you tell me his name? I want to know his fucking name, Reese.” Noah shook her by the shoulders.

“What does it matter?” Reese sputtered as he shook her.

“I want to know, Reese. You have been lying to me.” Noah was furious.

“No one… it’s not important.” She desperately tried to wiggle from his grasp. His fingers dug into her shoulders, bruising her soft flesh.

“Please let me go,” she pleaded with him.

“You know what? You’re a lying little slut, Reese. You’re right. It doesn’t matter. I don’t want a fucking little bitch that lies to me.” He pushed her away and grabbed his ring from the table.

“I hope you and what’s his name are happy, you lying slut.” With that, he stormed out of her house, slamming her door. Reese rubbed her bruised shoulders. She shuddered and sighed with relief. She texted Harrison to tell him Noah was gone.

Now that that was over, they just had to wait to hear from Ava. Waiting to hear from an assassin was definitely nerve wrecking.


Almost a week passed before anything happened. Reese had begun to feel a bit uneasy with Harrison. If he was so ready to dispose of his wife, would he one day feel that way about her? Also, he had money in Swiss bank accounts. Besides being illegal, that meant he was hiding money and God knows how many other secrets from her. Reese didn’t like it, but she herself had been the first to bring up getting rid of Lisa. Looking in the mirror, she felt terribly disappointed about the devil she had allowed herself to become. Her grandfather was a minister. She certainly hadn’t been raised to become an adulteress, let alone a murderer. Was Harrison’s love going to be the death of her?

Reese pulled her hair back into a ponytail and slipped on a pair of jeans. Settling in with her laptop, she started to check her email. There it was.

[email protected]

[email protected]

RE: Ava

11:00 p.m. tonight. 227 N. Michigan Ave.

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