Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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Chapter 53

May 21st. Their wedding day had finally arrived. Before Reese left her suite, she strolled out onto the terrace and kissed Harrison’s picture on her phone.
My love
, she thought. She was so excited for their wedding she could burst with happiness! She clapped her hands like a little girl. Dancing around the terrace, she hugged herself with joy. This was the day she had dreamed of for so long. Harrison Grantham was going to be her husband! They were going to ride in a velvet-lined, vintage carriage that had once carried kings and queens to their weddings pulled by magnificent white horses. People were expected to line the streets to watch their wedding procession from the church to the reception site. All of Chicago’s elite were talking about it. Tons of photographers would be there. This was everything Reese had always wanted.

Harrison, too, woke up that morning elated. The most beautiful woman in the world was about to become his bride. He had not seen Reese’s gown, but he knew she would look spectacular in it. He could hardly wait to dance with her in his arms and make mad, passionate love to her on the plane on the way to the Maldives. She was his dream come true. Nothing could stop their happiness now. He had placed a few calls to the PD and found out that Lisa’s case had not been re-opened. McCallister was bluffing. He had also heightened security due to Ava’s presence in Chicago. He didn’t want to take any chances. He felt sure they were safe, but he wanted this wedding to be perfect for Reese. Looking at his phone, he texted her one last message before he left to go to the church.

Today you are finally my bride. I adore you, my blonde goddess. Can’t wait to see you in your dress. The world will finally know you are mine forever. I love you. H.

As Reese and her bridal party departed from the hotel, Ava watched with her spider-like, cruel, glittering eyes. A sharp knock at the door drew her away from the window.

Clutching her 9mm in her hand, she cautiously peered through the hole. “Who is it?” she called.

“It’s Sylvia Jameson from Nine Designs. You requested a gown.”

Ava lowered her gun and placed it in her bag on an end table. “Sure.” She opened the door to a very slender tall young lady. She was dressed quite stylishly in a blue Stella McCartney dress. Her light-brown hair had blonde highlights and hung loosely around her shoulders. Ava found her quite attractive, but as she spoke with her further, she discovered she was quite dull.

Sylvia brought out a beautiful, sweeping gown in red, which was covered in rhinestones.
Absolutely stunning
, Ava thought.

“All the rhinestones are hand sewn. This is an original design. I’m sure it will fit you perfectly. In this dress, you will seem to be made of liquid fire.”

Ava stripped down right in front of Sylvia to her black lace bra and Brazilian-cut panties. She shimmied into the exquisite dress.

Admiring herself in the mirror, she let her long black hair hang loose down her back. The dress had a plunging neckline, which was cut low to show off a lot of cleavage. She looked breathtaking in the gown. Sylvia stared at her with her mouth agape.

Ava rolled her eyes. Another Barbie. “Close your mouth, honey, unless you want to go down on me…”

Sylvia raised her eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

Ava waved her hand. “Forget it. I was joking,” she said with a straight face.

Sylvia nodded, straightening the gown for Ava. “So what do you think? I have a pair of Louboutins that match this dress perfectly if you want.”

Ava agreed. “This is just what I wanted. Thank you.” She gave her a curt nod. Still wearing the gown, she fished several one-hundred-dollar bills out of her purse.

“For you,” she said, dropping the tip into her hand.

Sylvia’s eyes widened appreciatively. “Thank you, but the gown is–”

“–I know. I already took care of it with my card. You can leave now.” Ava walked her to the door.

Flustered, Sylvia gathered her things and left. Ava shut the door and went to the mirror to admire herself.

Well, Barbie, maybe you aren’t the fairest of them all
, Ava thought, spinning around in the extravagant red gown.

Chapter 54

Well, Tom, have you ever seen such a turnout for a wedding before here in Chicago?”

“No, Jessica, I surely haven’t. This is beyond anything Chicago has ever witnessed. To those of you just joining us, we are referring to the wedding of billionaire heir, Harrison Grantham, and former model, Reese Vogel. Grantham, as you will recall, tragically lost his wife last year.”

“Yes, Tom, I recall that. How tragic. She was so young. Grantham was left with two young girls to raise.

“Harrison Grantham is the son of billionaire, Harlan Grantham, of New York. The ceremony will take place at St. John’s Cathedral on Lakeview Road. From there, a horse-drawn carriage will transport the couple to the Lake Shore Grand Reception Hall for their lavish reception. Hundreds of people are expected to line the streets to catch a glimpse of what is being called the wedding of the decade in Chicago.”

“Yes, Tom, some people are even calling the Granthams American royalty. He is ‘old money’ and she is an unknown model.”

“Truly seems like a real life fairy tale, Jessica. Stay tuned. We have reporters attending the ceremony, as well as the reception, and will have a full report for you tonight at 9:00 p.m.”

Ugh. Disgusting
, Ava thought as she watched footage of the engagement party on TV. The more she saw Grantham, the more enraged she became. He was disgusting and crude. Barbie was nothing more than a pretty little doll to him.
A plaything to be bought with his billions
, she thought. Once she became inconvenient, he would get rid of her too, just like Lisa. The thought caused her hands to involuntarily clench, razor sharp nails digging into her palms. One of the clips they were displaying on TV showed Barbie and Grantham kissing.
How vulgar
, Ava thought and nearly retched. She had to pour herself several shots of scotch to erase that image from her head. Checking her phone, she started getting ready. Brushing her long black hair until it shone, she decided she wouldn’t wear a wig. She wanted everyone to finally see the real beauty she possessed. Her eyes would remain their natural pale blue. With her makeup applied, she slid into her breathtaking red gown. Donning a pair of ruby and diamond earrings, she admired herself in the mirror. Fabulous. Slipping her 9mm Glock into her red evening bag, she descended down the elevator to the garage, and the valet brought her red Ferrari Spider around.

Chapter 55

“Reese, you look so gorgeous!” Ashley exclaimed, watching two stylists work on Reese’s hair. Her hair had been softly curled, waved back from her face and caught high at the crown with a cluster of curls cascading down her back. With her makeup professionally applied, Reese looked every bit the part of Cinderella. Her full lips were tinted a glossy rose shade, and her blue eyes were lined in kohl with dramatic mascara. Small elegant diamonds glittered from her earlobes. Ashley stood back and admired her friend’s beauty without envy. Reese deserved all this happiness after her first disastrous marriage and all the heartache Harrison had put her through when they’d broken up last year.

Reese sat in the stylist’s chair feeling stunned at how beautiful she looked. Surely she had looked this good before as she had modeled for years, but it was the love shining in her eyes which made her stunningly beautiful. The hope and promise of a new life with Harrison made her light up as nothing else ever had. Her mother, sister and sister-in-law all flattered her with compliments.

After several pictures, Reese retired to her private suite to slip into her wedding lingerie and a white silk chemise she was wearing until it was time to don her phenomenally gorgeous gown. The diamonds on the gown made it extremely heavy and difficult to wear.

Her wedding veil in place on her head, she checked her phone. She had an hour until she needed to dress. Her nails were flawlessly painted a light, sheer pink color. She drummed her fingers on the dresser. Outside, one of Harrison’s hired guards, Omar, stood watch over her. She had been quite worried about Ava showing up, but with Omar standing there, she felt safe. Leaning back, Reese grabbed a glass of champagne and sipped it while she waited to dress. She couldn’t wait! Looking at her exquisite gown on the mannequin, she could scarcely wait to put it on. Reaching down, she slipped on her custom diamond heels.
Almost like glass slippers
, she thought, laughing.

A soft knock on her door and Ashley poked her head inside. “Reese, it’s almost time!”

Ashley threw open the door, carrying her own glass of champagne. She closed the door and whispered, “Who is that goon outside?”

Reese rolled her eyes. “It’s one of the guys Harrison hired to do security for the wedding. Lot of weirdos out there. Harrison wanted to be sure I was safe is all.” Reese wasn’t about to mention anything about Lisa, Darrell or Ava.

Ashley shrugged then looked at her. “Girl, you look gorgeous! That dress is to die for! It looks like something royalty would wear. You are so lucky. You got a real catch this time!” Ashley threw her arms enthusiastically around Reese.

Reese disentangled herself from her friend’s tight embrace. “I know! He’s just fabulous,” she said and sighed.

“Doesn’t he have another brother or something?” Ashley kidded.

Reese shook her head. “Nope, sorry.”

Ashley, wearing her beautiful rose-colored bridesmaid dress, sipped her champagne while admiring Reese’s gown.

“Oh, my God, are those glass slippers?” She swooped down to inspect Reese’s glittering heels.

“No. Diamond studded.” Reese smiled.

“Are you kidding? Wow. I’ve never seen diamond heels before! I guess that’s what you get when you marry a billionaire!” Ashley ran her hands over the elaborate shoes.

Reese giggled. “Yep, I really hit the jackpot with Harrison. He’s everything I ever wanted… handsome, debonair, sexy.”

“And tremendously rich. Don’t forget that!”

“How could I? I know most people probably think I’m quite the gold-digger being a blonde ex-bikini model marrying a very wealthy man, but it’s not about the money. It never was. In the beginning, I didn’t even know Harrison was heir to such a vast fortune. I thought he was just a very successful attorney. Only when I met Av–”

Reese caught herself before she said Ava.”

“What?” Ashley looked puzzled.

“Never mind. It was almost a year before I found out who Harrison really was. So his money is nice, but that’s not why I want him.”

Ashley patted her shoulder. “I know, Reese. Ever since I have known you, you have been looking for Mr. Right. The fact that your Mr. Right happens to be a billionaire is just a plus. I never thought you were a gold-digger. Not for a second. I just think you are so lucky!” Ashley jumped up and down and embraced Reese again.

“Whoa, Ash. Don’t want to mess up my hair!” Reese pulled Ashley’s arms from her neck.

“What? Oh, I’m sorry! Hey, who’s that groomsman with the dark wavy hair?”

Reese thought a moment. “Oh, the tall one with the goatee? He’s super cute, isn’t he? His name is Kevin Cox. He works with Harrison.”

“Is he an attorney too?”

Reese nodded. “Yes, and single.”

Ashley squealed. “Oh, he’s hot! Introduce me, please!” Ashley pleaded with Reese.

“Sure. Actually, he noticed you last night at the rehearsal dinner and asked Harrison about you. He said you were ‘very sexy’ as Harrison put it.”

Ashley jumped up and down, clapping her hands. “Oh, set us up, Reese, please! Sit us next to each other at the reception.”

“Definitely. I think you two would be a great match. Harrison plays golf with him often. We could all hang out together. It would be so much fun.” The two women giggled like schoolgirls as they sipped their champagne.

Checking her phone, Reese noticed she only had a few minutes left before she had to get dressed.

“Hey, Ash, give me a few minutes before I need to get dressed, okay?” Reese wanted a few minutes alone to reflect and gather her thoughts before the wedding. She was so excited, so happy. She just wanted to savor every minute she could.

Ashley kissed her on the cheek and left the room, shutting the door.

Gazing out the window, it was a perfect day… azure-blue sky, not a cloud in sight, bright sun streaming through the window and a soft breeze in the air whipped through the sheer curtains. Thinking of Harrison, she had a naughty idea. Giggling, she grabbed her phone and pulled down her panties. Slipping the phone between her legs, she snapped a quick picture. She texted it to Harrison. She had never done that before and wondered what his reaction would be. She insisted he not see her before the wedding, but she guessed that this probably didn’t count.

A few moments later, he responded.

That’s the hottest pic I have ever seen. Now I will have a hard time getting my pants zipped. Can’t wait to see u. Love u Reese Grantham.

Reese smiled. Looking out the window, it would be the last time she saw the sky as Reese Vogel. In less than two hours, she would face the world as Reese Grantham. She couldn’t wait!

Harrison was busy getting dressed in his custom tuxedo. Clean shaven with his hair styled to perfection, he looked at himself in the mirror. He flexed his muscles underneath his dress shirt. He thought of how much he loved Reese and how beautiful she was going to look on his arm.

He was startled by his door opening.

“Hey, man, just wanted to have one last drink with you before we head out!” Mike carried a bottle of scotch and two glasses with him.

“That sounds great. I could use one!” Mike set the glasses down and began filling them.

Holding their glasses up, Mike offered a toast. “To your beautiful new wife, Reese, and the beginning of a wonderful new life for your family!” They clinked glasses and downed the liquor.

“Thanks, man. Not long now.” Harrison turned back to the mirror, adjusting his shirt.

“Congratulations, brother, on getting to marry the girl you’ve always wanted. I know things with Lisa were rough.” Mike put his hand on Harrison’s shoulder.

Harrison nodded. “Yeah, it feels a little strange to be doing this so soon after her death, but Reese is the one, Mike. I can’t let her get away.”

Mike smiled. “I know you were always crazy for the curvy blondes, Harry. Listen, I didn’t just come here to toast you. I wanted to thank you.”

“Thank me for what?” Harrison appeared incredulous.

“For always being there for me as a kid. For taking the brunt of mom and dad’s ‘think of the family name’ spiel. You did it all. I fucked around with trashy girls, went to a crappy state school… I didn’t give a shit about the family name, but you did. You lived the life they wanted you to, and I saw how you suffered. I married a hot girl from nowhere, and you stayed and married the girl they wanted you to. It wasn’t fair. I knew it, but I never said anything. I liked Lisa a lot, Harry, but she wasn’t for you. I’m so sorry she’s gone… she was a great mother, but she was so cold to you. Jessica noticed and commented on that often, but I didn’t say anything.”

Harrison held his hand on his shoulder. “What could you have said? My marriage to Lisa was a disaster, but she gave me two beautiful children. I’m sorry she’s gone too, but Reese is like a bright light in the darkness to me. I can’t get enough of her. This is my second chance.”

Mike nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. I just wanted you to know I’m here for you. I’m so happy for you finding love again, and in such a beautiful girl.”

Harrison turned to face him. “Thanks, man. You and Jessica have been there for me and the girls through all this. I appreciate it so much. I’m honored to have you as my best man.”

Mike smiled. He was touched by Harrison’s words, but didn’t want to show it. “It’s all good, man. You’re my brother.” They embraced briefly.

Harrison grabbed the bottle of scotch. “One more toast.” He poured the liquor and handed Mike a glass.

“To you, brother. For all that you have done for me and my girls. Thank you so much.”

As they clinked glasses, Mike added, “To Reese, a fantastic girl, and a great new sister-in-law!”

“To Reese!” They both exclaimed. Harrison downed his scotch and resumed buttoning his cufflinks.

“Harry, it’s almost time to go. I will leave you to your preparations. I need to go check on dad. Make sure he’s holding up okay with mom’s constant bitching in his ear.”

Harrison rolled his eyes. “Yes. She yaps to anyone who will listen about Reese being so ‘West Coast’ and a former porn star. I told her that Reese only modeled bikinis and never did any porn! I swear I want to slap her sometimes.”

“She’s one of a kind. I know dad is sick of her shit and can’t wait to get back to New York so he can ditch her at her bridge club.”

Harrison sighed. “That’s exactly why I am marrying Reese. She is everything mom and Lisa were not. She’s fun-loving and spontaneous, not to mention sexy as hell.”

“Absolutely. Well, good luck. I will see you in a few.” Mike shut the door.

Harrison looked down at his phone and the last picture Reese had sent. He couldn’t wait until tonight when they could be alone again. His heart raced as he thought of her. He couldn’t wait to see her in her beautiful white gown and to see what was underneath it. He’d never dreamed that a girl who had once been his mistress was now going to be his wife. And he owed it all to one little spider. A deadly, venomous spider he hoped he would never see again.

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