DevilishlyHot (27 page)

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You’ve done it before. Do it again.
So many humans. So little life. So much death.
“Bitch! I’ll cut you open—”
The vamp would. In that instant, Keenan could see everything the vamp had planned for Nicole. Her death would be ten times more brutal now. The future had already altered for her.
Because I hesitated.
“I’ll rip your heart out—”
Yes, in the end, he’d do that, too.
She’d die with her eyes open, with fear and blood choking her.
“I’ll shred that pretty face—”
Her coffin would be closed.
A fire began to burn inside Keenan. Burning hotter, brighter with every slow second that passed.
Why her?
She’d ... soothed him before. When he’d heard her voice, it had seemed to flow through him. And when she’d laughed ...
He’d liked the sound of her laughter. Sweet, free.
“Help ... me ...”
Her broken voice.
Keenan squared his shoulders. What did she see when she looked at him? A monster just like the vamp? Or a savior?
“No one fuckin’ cares about you ...” The vamp yanked the glass out of his neck. More blood sprayed on Nicole. “You’ll die alone and no one will even notice you’re gone.”
I will notice.
Because she wouldn’t be there for him to watch anymore. She’d be far beyond Keenan’s reach. He didn’t know paradise, only death.
She tried to push off the ground, but couldn’t move. The blood loss had gotten to her and made her the perfect prey.
The vamp’s claws were up. “I’m gonna start with that face.”
Nicole shook her head and swiped out with the glass. The wounds didn’t stop the vampire. Nothing was going to stop him. No one. Nicole would scream and suffer and then finally—
And Keenan would watch. Every moment.
His hand lifted, rising in that last, final touch. His touch could steal life and rip the soul right of a body.
He reached out—and locked his fingers around the vampire’s shoulder.
The vampire jerked and shuddered as if an electric charge had blasted through him. Keenan didn’t try to soften his power. He wanted the vampire to hurt. Wanted him to suffer.
And that was wrong. Angels weren’t supposed to want vengeance. They weren’t supposed to get angry. They weren’t supposed to care.
Killing the vampire was wrong. Against orders. But ...
She will suffer no more.


BRAVA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2011 Kathy Love
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
Brava and the B logo are Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
ISBN: 978-0-7582-7447-2

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