Devil's Demise (26 page)

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Authors: Lee Cockburn

BOOK: Devil's Demise
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Taylor followed Kay into the ladies’ and walked up really close behind her, pulling her round by her waist, their faces so close they were nearly touching. Their hearts raced and they were about to kiss when the door behind them swung open. Instantly, the space between them widened and their conversation became forced. The woman went into a cubicle and Taylor pushed her key into Kay’s hand, smiling.

“I’ll not be in until later. I hope you’ll wait up for me,” she whispered in her ear. Both went back to the office a little warmer than when they left and the gentle hum of conversation was comforting after what she’d been through in the wood earlier. Fingers tapped on computer keys, and war stories of the previous night being regurgitated with animation and excitement, and for once no one had to exaggerate; no one could have dreamt of being involved in something so horrific and each and every one of them could have died at the hands of this psychotic killer tonight.


He looked around the quiet dark street before coming out of the front door and back to the car. He heaved Susan out, her body floppy and awkward to lift but his strength made light work of it and he launched her roughly over his shoulder and moved swiftly into the house, closing the door and locking it again behind them. He went into the living room and threw her down on the couch, tiny dots of blood spraying lightly onto the sofa, virtually invisible to the naked eye. He looked around the house at all the nice furnishings.
A touch of class; a bit of a pad going on here
, he thought to himself. There were personal photos in the hallway along with some nice colourful artwork above them, nothing tacky. He stroked a picture with his large thick fingers, and licked his chapped lips.
You’re stunning. I’ll enjoy you tonight to and I bet it’s been a while since you

ve had what I’m going to give you

He went back through to the living room and pulled Susan up again; this time he just carried her, mindlessly bumping her off the doors as he went, almost deliberately hurting her to wake her up a bit. He looked around for something to tie her hands and found a silk sheet in a cupboard. Taking out his blood stained knife, he ripped through the soft material, the sound pleasing to his ears; luxury sheets for her restraint amused him. He was ruthless as he pulled the material cruelly tight on her wrists, so tight she felt it burn her skin but instinct halted the noise that stopped dead in her throat. Her heart raced into action, every sense skipping into survival mode. She could feel him so close to her that she wanted to recoil away from him but she just lay there limp and still looking believably unconscious. The last thing she wanted was for him to know she was awake, his attention was something she had to avoid for as long as possible. She knew him a little, enough to know he wanted her awake for his finale. He wanted to look into her eyes as he ended her life and he wouldn’t make a mistake this time.

Kay smiled over at Taylor as she left to head off to Taylor’s house. Taylor mouthed, “See you later,” and she watched Kay’s lithe body glide out of the room. Taylor was now more motivated to type faster. She was looking forward to a bath and some wine and the comfort of another close beside her, her motivation not necessarily sexual but a need to feel close to someone and to feel safe in her own home after the long night.

Kay drove through the quiet streets, her thumb gently tapping
on the steering wheel to the sound of the stereo. She was glad Taylor was back and looked forward to her touch and love. She pulled into Taylor’s street and parked as close to the house as she could. Her slender leg stretched out from the car, her ankle smooth above her designer high heeled shoes that were not quite stilettos. Out into the cool night air she went, taking time to take a deep breath, smiling at how good life could feel. Her heels gently clacked up the street in a seductively feminine way, classy and not a hint of anything else.

He stood still behind the door of the living room and heard the key turn in the lock. His heart quickened to an almost uncontrollable pace, his body tense like a coiled spring, his erection almost a hindrance. He heard her walk straight through to the kitchen, instead of where he thought and hoped she would go. This made him really angry. He was about to go after her when he heard her turn on her heels and come back through, her steps letting him know her direction and pace. She returned with a large glass of wine and threw herself casually down on the sofa, leaning her head back and stroking the sofa to feel the soft texture on her fingertips. Her eyes opened wide as her hand stroked over a sticky substance on the fabric. Fear crawled through her as she looked down at the redness on her hand. Suddenly, her head was yanked back with formidable force, every strand of her hair pulled painfully backwards. She thought her neck was going to break. His face was bristly and rough against hers, his scent vile and unwashed, and his breath putrid and offensive.

He licked the side of her face and said, “You taste very nice, whore. Good enough to eat, and I will eat you, literally.” He then bit down hard on her shoulder and she screamed out in pain. He ground his teeth into her and blood oozed out into his mouth as he moved his head back and forth like a dog ragging a small animal. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her pain-filled cries filled Susan’s ears, anger, terrorising her to the core.
Leave her alone you evil bastard
. He pulled Kay’s hair hard once again, dragging her onto her front on the floor, her skirt askew with the struggle and movement. John gripped her inner thighs and stroked up to her panties and back down again. Kay felt sick as his hands rasped at her skin violating her beautiful body with his unwanted touch. He bent over her and rubbed himself hard up against her, biting down on her firmly clenched buttocks, scarring
her with his hideous tooth print, branding her as his property. He owned her. Again she screamed out in pain, struggling so violently that even John was taken aback. Pushing up with her knees, she thrust her backside firmly upwards slamming hard into his nose. She’d drawn blood and he winced as his eyes began to water. His rage intensified and he punched the back of her head full force, sending her face slamming into the floor, the deep pile rug the only cushion stopping her head from hitting the hard wood flooring full on. The blow was enough to break Kay’s nose and send her teeth through her lip. She moaned with a little less spirit, now badly injured and shocked at the unbelievable situation she was in. It was at that moment she realised who her assailant. As she rolled onto her side to get her breath back she looked up at his face. It was the face that covered every wall of the briefing room - John Brennan.
Oh my god! Oh shit, oh shit! Taylor come home, please come home. Hear me, please hear me
. As she went to drop her gaze, he was ready with his hands raised to strike her again.

“Who do you think you are looking at? I’ll tell you when you can fucking look, breathe, scream or die. I’m in charge, you fucking dyke bitch.” The sting of his hand burnt her face as the back of it struck her with the speed of a whip and the force of an anvil. This time she didn’t raise her head back up. She deliberately kept quiet and dared not move. Her stomach churned with fear and her head felt like it was going to explode with the ferocity of his assault.

Susan struggled so violently the silk cut deep into her, rubbing her skin away and leaving weeping burns beneath. The material only gave a little and not quite enough to get a hand free. Susan’s face was still badly swollen and bruised from his previous assault when he’d captured her.
Where am I? Whose house is this I’m in?
Susan looked around her. The only light was from the hall; he’d left the light off to subdue her senses. Susan looked at the photos in the room and had to do a double take as she looked straight at Taylor’s face. She was in uniform and was receiving an award. She looked strong and courageous, her uniform enhancing her physique and presence.
When are you coming home? You won’t take any of his shit, will you? Well you look like you won’t. Don’t let us down. Where are you? Hurry up?

Taylor was still typing away on her keyboard. Marcus had just
finished, and Taylor wasn’t too far behind him. Marcus couldn’t wait to hold his son, cuddle his wife and tell them how much he loved them. He had really believed his life was in danger tonight. They had all lost a close friend and seen another humiliated by a madman, who was now on the run with his prize captive. Taylor stood up and gestured for Marcus to come over. Open armed and with a warm smile, Taylor held him tight and whispered, “You take care, you, and look after yours. You know we can’t stop hunting him. It’s our duty. Oh, and I love you - in a sisterly way of course.”

Their bodies parted and she gently shoved his shoulder and told him to get back to his family, where he belonged. Taylor loved Marcus and his perfect life. She even wished she could experience the love of a child. Their warmth for each other was apparent and the years they had worked and socialised together had created an unbreakable bond; the many traumatic situations they had shared would bring anyone closer together. He looked back at her and said, “I love you back, you big womanising goddess.” Taylor faked a shocked look at his comment and waved as he moved to the door. She also sent her statement off and went through to Findlay’s office. Her face was not a happy one as she had to ask if there was anything else he wanted her to do prior to finishing up. He deliberately made her wait asserting his power over her. He knew she was raging and disappointed at being stood down from the operation but he wasn’t bothered. He was just covering his own back without a care for anyone else, even though they’d all put in a load of work and lost friends and colleagues tonight.

“I suppose you’re good to go then. Oh, and I’m sorry you’re off the case. We just needed a fresh team, new eyes so to speak, no hard feelings eh?” She could feel his insincerity.
You condescending fat prick. We worked our fucking fingers to the bone and this is what we get. I fucking hope you get demoted you useless twat,
Taylor thought to herself before he dismissed her like a school child from a head master’s office. Taylor turned quickly on her heels to exit the office as quickly as she could.

“Anything nice planned for the evening?” he called after her.

Not that I’m going to tell you about, you slimy creep
. “No sir, just a quiet night in.”
With the sexiest woman in the office, that you can’t keep your piggy little eyes off and probably have wet dreams over.
“Nothing to write home about, just a well needed rest, boss”. And she left, refusing to be drawn into more probing chat about her life.

Taylor practically marched out of the office as fast as her feet could carry her. She went to the locker room and quickly stripped off her clothes and had a much needed shower, the spray strong and hot massaging her head. She moaned in relief as she pushed her fingers through her hair, then stood motionless as the realisation of the night finally hit home. Tears filled her eyes as she thought of Steve and the other officer who had fallen in the line of duty, slain like animals, no chance to defend themselves. Her mind then floated onto Fran. How she had been assaulted cut deeply into her heart. Taylor knew that Fran meant something to her and she had crossed a very dangerous line. She put her head right back and soaked her face, shook herself back to the present and got out of the shower and hurried to get dressed.

Faded jeans, trainers and a cotton top, fitted of course, and a unisex fragrance sprayed all over her to please Kay, rather than the aroma she had shared with her earlier in the office. Her heart also longed for Kay. She was puzzled over the possibility of having true feelings for two women, not just the urge to sleep with them. She actually cared for them both. Taylor bounced down the stairs and almost ran out of the building. The car park was still dark and there was no-one about, an eerie silence hanging over the night. Tingles crawled up the back of her neck that made her hurry to her car. The events of the night had affected her more than she had thought. She wasn’t as confident as she had been the other night; he had taken that from everyone who had been in the forest. Once in the car, she looked in the rear seats immediately just to make sure she was alone.
Get a grip woman! He’s really got under your skin tonight, hasn’t he?


Susan continued to struggle in the dark to no avail, fear and sadness taking over her senses. She felt desperate and about to lose control. She wanted to take back some sort of control of her life, or at least how and when she would die. She took several deep breaths and clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as the pain made her head go fuzzy.

Kay lay still on the rug. There was no movement from her at all, John was furious and stamped down on her ankle. The snap was deafening and Kay couldn’t keep up the pretence up any longer. She screamed out in agony as he broke her bone.

He slapped her face and said, “I knew you were faking it. Do you think I’m fucking stupid, you slut? Fucking bitch, bitch, bitch.” He hit her and punched her with every word. He was losing it too, full of rage and apprehension of being detected. He was a man on the edge with nothing to lose apart from his life.

Taylor sped through the night, a trained driver well aware of her surroundings. She was excited about the evening ahead but also fearful of the gut wrenching infidelity she hoped wouldn’t be too obvious to Kay, whom she knew she didn’t want to lose. She arrived in her familiar street, a fond homecoming, unaware of the danger within her precious haven, and drove a little more carefully up to the house. She pulled into her driveway, totally unaware of the extra guests that awaited her inside.

Kay’s ears were ringing from the sustained and brutal assault but still pricked up as she heard the familiar sound of tyres on the gravel outside and the hum of Taylor’s engine purring before the ignition was switched off.

Susan also sat bolt upright, her heart pounding with expectation and hope.
Help us, Taylor.

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