Devil's Gold (53 page)

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Authors: Julie Korzenko

BOOK: Devil's Gold
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Cassidy glanced up and thought she caught Jake staring at her. His eyes shifted and focused on Colonel Price.

“As you know, we have begun an investigation into ZEBRA. Valerie Baxter has returned to Atlanta and is in the middle of an ass-deep analysis of the corporation, its structure, and employees.” Colonel Price glanced at Cassidy and grinned. “Of course, we have one or two members here that don't require that intense level of study.”

Cassidy sighed and offered him a polite smile. Nothing seemed to excite her these days. She'd attempted to invigorate her interest in the fauna of Principe, but even the success of actually witnessing a giant sunbird elicited only a slight rise in her normally exuberant quest for wildlife.

Colonel Price moved to the front of his desk and sat on the corner. “Everything that has transpired over the past three weeks was, in reality, just the beginning of our mission. The only aspect that we've managed to conclude is the gray wolf and Yellowstone. Dr. Lowell, would you care to update the squad on that area?”

Cassidy nodded and rose to her feet. She walked toward Colonel Price and turned to face the remaining members of the Black Stripe squadron, acutely aware that Jake was no more than three feet to her left. “Liv Somers has concluded that the northwest quadrant of Yellowstone did, in fact, suffer a drastic loss of gray wolves. There are eight packs that were infected with CPV-19. Those wolves didn't survive. With the aid of Dr. Fiske's research and the CDC, along with many man hours by the park rangers and a …” Cassidy paused, frowning. “White Stripe?” Colonel Price nodded, and she continued. “And a White Stripe pod, they have confirmed that the remaining packs are clean of infection.”

Colonel Price bent forward and glanced at her. “Any chance of a reoccurrence?”

Cassidy shrugged. “According to the CDC, the virus has played itself out. If there is a future outbreak, we have the resources to contain and eradicate it.”

“Excellent.” Colonel Price beamed at her, then nodded his head toward Jake. “Anderson? What's going on in the delta?”

Jake stepped forward and moved past Cassidy to stand at the side of his superior officer. “We've completed negotiations with the Nigerian government. They've agreed to allow us back within the realm of the Niger Delta. Dr. Lowell will be leading the response team. I have assigned most of you to her pod as I'm not fully comfortable that the threat from the Kill-and-Go has been eliminated.”

Cassidy nodded and glanced at the men and women who were to be her backup for the implementation of ecological rehabilitation. “This is an eight-week rotation. If there are any that feel the time spent here would be a hardship, please don't hesitate to request reassignment. We have a tremendous amount of work ahead with very little reward.”

Colonel Price clapped his hands once. “I think that's it. Dr. Lowell, your ride will be here within the hour. Quit picking at your nails, and get the hell out of here.”

Cassidy sighed and felt the instant heat of embarrassment flush her face. She hadn't realized she'd been fidgeting. “Yes, sir.” She mock-saluted the colonel and headed out of the tent.

She resisted the urge to glance over her shoulder. Refused to allow herself one last look at her heart.

“You can do this, Lowell. It's the right thing. No attachment. No pain.” Cassidy bent her head and swiped in frustration at the tears. “It's the right thing.”

“Don't you think you should go after her, Anderson?” The room had emptied and it was only Jake and the Colonel within its shady interior.

“She needs space.”

Colonel Price squeezed Jake's shoulder. “Not too much, okay? I'd hate to have to put up with this solemn and grumpy soldier forever.”

Jake grinned. “Have no fear, Colonel. When the time is right, she won't be able to resist me.” He frowned and hoped this was the truth. Cassidy needed to clear her head and once she did, she'd realize they were meant for one another. He understood her hesitation regarding his line of work and with the aid of Colonel Price was making progress in correcting her concerns. Jake turned toward the Colonel. “I think.”

Colonel Price grinned. “Good. Then you won't have a problem working with her again?”

Jake narrowed his eyes. He had started the necessary paperwork to cross over to the civilian side and garner White Stripe status, but he hadn't expected results this quickly. In all honesty, he didn't know if he was ready. “What have you done?”

“Nothing that wasn't asked for.” The colonel reached into his pocket and retrieved a small pin. It was an identical match to the tattoo Jake sported.

“What's this?”

“It's for your new partner.”

Realization dawned, and the weight gripping his chest disappeared. “Cassidy?”

Colonel Price nodded. “Go get her, son.”

Cassidy dropped her duffel bag on the dirt outside her tent. She checked Sher watch, then scouted the airspace above camp for her ride back to the Niger Delta. Nothing.

Glancing across the courtyard, Cassidy recognized Jake's figure. He strode toward her, his shoulder's straight and body prepared to attack. “Hoo boy, what did I do to deserve this?” She muttered beneath her breath.

“Dr. Lowell,” he barked at her.

Cassidy swallowed and answered, keeping any inflection of want or need out of her voice. “Captain Anderson.”

His snarky grin slid into place, and he held his hand out in her direction. “I believe you forgot something.”

She narrowed her eyes, not trusting one iota of his attitude. “And what would that be?” Jake flipped his hand over and opened his palm. Cassidy stepped forward and peered at the pin resting against his skin. She picked it up and scrutinized the Black Stripe emblem, her heart immediately acknowledging everything the tiny metal decoration represented. “I forgot a pin?”

“No, Cassidy.” Jake leaned down and tipped her chin up, staring into her eyes, his gaze deadly serious and full of emotion. “You forgot me.”

She sighed, her eyes welling with tears. Shaking her head, Cassidy snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him down to steal one of his mind-blowing kisses that would now belong to her forever. “Not possible. You're unforgettable.”

His chest rumbled with laughter as he whispered against her lips. “Told you so.”

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