
Read Devotion Online

Authors: Marianne Evans

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Devotion
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Table of Contents

Title Page



Praise for Marianne Evans

Other Titles by Marianne Evans





































Thank You

Are You Devoted?






Marianne Evans



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.






All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Pelican Ventures, LLC except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


eBook editions are licensed for your personal enjoyment only. eBooks may not be re-sold, copied or given away to other people. If you would like to share an eBook edition, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.


Contact Information: [email protected]


All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.


Cover Art by
Nicola Martinez


Harbourlight Books, a division of Pelican Ventures, LLC
PO Box 1738 *Aztec, NM * 87410


Harbourlight Books sail and mast logo is a trademark of Pelican Ventures, LLC


Publishing History

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012933480

First Harbourlight Edition, 2012

Paperback Edition ISBN 978-1-61116-164-9

Electronic Edition ISBN 978-1-61116-163-2

Published in the United States of America



There are three people, without whom this story would never have come to be:


Nicola Martinez
. Nicola, you never fail to leave me amazed by your level of talent, commitment, and the deep affection you hold for your authors. It’s an honor to work with you. I’m so blessed by your publishing savvy, support, and friendship. My wish is that every author in the world could work with an editor as wonderful as you. Your actions are always prayerful, anointed, and serve to remind me that there’s a reason why our paths have crossed. I’m forever grateful for everything you do, and the beautiful person that you are.


JoAnn Carter
. JoAnn, a long-ago e-mail tripped the wires for this story and ignited a holy flame in my heart about exploring the beauty that is Christian marriage—marriage that’s a covenant, not a contract to be entered into then easily dissolved. You asked me to look at the idea of long-term love affairs, and the power of love and passion over time. I only pray I hit the mark in the pages of Devotion.


Steve Evans
. You’re my “DH”—and I couldn’t be more blessed. God caused our lives to connect, and from there, remain forever entwined. You’re an example to me of Christian love, selfless giving, and a heart that knows no boundaries. I can only hope to return half of the joy you’ve given me in our years together. Thank you for always supporting me and for taking me on a life/love adventure that I know will continue until our Lord calls us home. Plain and simple? I love you.


Praise for Marianne Evans


This is a heartwarming as well as heart wrenching romance. Readers will empathize with the heroine's struggle with her feelings of unimportance to God. Her final acceptance of the hero's love as well as God's comfort is remarkable. ~4 Stars from RT Book reviews, Susan Mobley on
Hearts Communion


Hearts Crossing
- Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence Finalist


Hearts Surrender
- Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year nominee


[Marianne Evans] stories evoke a powerful response. She writes with a level of heart and Christian substance that puts me in mind of Karen Kingsbury. ~Rochelle Sanders, reader on
Hearts Key


…the Christian message enhances the lovely romance that develops. An affecting love story. ~ 4-Stars from RT Book Reviews, Susan Mobley on
Hearts Surrender


I love inspirational stories that show characters’ struggles with real life issues and how they connect with God…a novel of outstanding fiction. I highly recommend. ~ 5-Stars from author Joanne Troppello on
Hearts Communion


Riveting, with an amazing storyline…I absolutely could not put it down. ~ 5-Stars, Book of the Week from The Romance Studio, Brenda Talley on
A Face in the Clouds


Other Titles by Marianne Evans


Woodland Church Series


Hearts Crossing

Hearts Surrender

Hearts Communion

Hearts Key



Sal’s Place Series

(Coming Soon)


Search and Rescue

Beautiful Music

By Appointment Only







“I don’t mean to push you.” Kellen Rossiter lifted the collar of his dress shirt and slid his tie into place, adjusting its fall. He stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, knowing his words weren’t entirely true.

“I know that.” His wife stood next to him at the double vanity. Dressed for bed, Juliet wore a floaty nightgown of dark green satin. She moisturized her arms, then her face. Kellen paused to watch her, captivated by the graceful, automatic motions, the soul-deep beauty she carried with a complete lack of awareness. The image of her left him to ache inside.

“I miss you when you’re not there.” He refitted the shirt collar then double-checked the knot on his patterned silk tie. “I like hearing your thoughts and impressions, but mostly I just enjoy being with you.”

Her shoulders sagged. Through the mirror, she tagged him with an apologetic glance. He had known the look was coming; she was ready for bed, after all. Plus, he knew the regret came from her heart. That’s why his statement about missing her, enjoying her, had lacked any form of condemnation. Just longing. He
miss her companionship and the feel of her at his side.

With increasing frequency.

“We used to have fun scouting talent at the local clubs, talking about anything and everything while we listened to music. Plus, this is supposedly a great new place, and we haven’t had a ‘date night’ in quite a while.” He paused again, just long enough to look at her once more. Gentle refusal still lived in her eyes, so Kellen braced himself for her ‘no thanks.’

“Sweetheart, you’ll be working. I get in the way when you’re shaking and moving.” She smiled at him, sincerely. Her eyes were so soft, a beautiful shade of deep green. “Next time, OK? I’m seriously tapped out, or I’d let you tempt me.” She moved close and tucked in tight, resting her head on his chest. Kellen wrapped his arms around her, ignoring the bite of disappointment, the urge for recriminations, like:
We have no children, Juliet, nothing that ties us down. I know you’re busy with a hundred different activities that help our church, our city, and I know that fills you up, but what about us? Where do we fit together?

The thoughts launched, but with practiced ease, he shot each one down. He was being selfish. She was tired. The winter season was giving way to spring around Nashville, and she had spent the entire afternoon and evening volunteering at a soup kitchen and warming center sponsored by Trinity Christian Church, where he and Juliet were active parishioners.

“Tell you what.” Juliet leaned back in his arms. The curve of her lips, that promising sparkle in her eyes, almost cured his sadness. “I’ll wait up for you.”

Kellen nodded. He dotted her nose with a kiss; his hands slid against the glossy fabric of her nightgown. The color highlighted her ivory skin, and turned spectacular eyes to absolutely dazzling.

He made a vow to himself, then and there, that he’d get home early.




Irritation riled him as he drove north on I-65. He didn’t need to do this. It would be a typical late night/early morning spent at a club, this time listening to a jazz singer. Then, if he sensed any kind of potential, he’d have to host an introductory meeting. He wasn’t supposed to be taking on new clients. His roster of represented musicians was exclusive, and full to overflowing. He would have much preferred an evening at home with Juliet. At least, that’s what he told himself as intimate moments came along less and less often of late. Still, Kellen couldn’t resist that tickle in his gut, the excitement stirred by the prospect of discovering something—someone—extraordinary.

According to Associated Talent’s Weiss McDonald, tonight’s mission to Nashville’s newest hot spot,
, would be a slam-dunk. Beyond that, Kellen’s boss had offered nothing about who, or what, Kellen would be scouting.

“I refuse to taint your perceptions with any of my own.” Weiss had said, seeming euphoric. “Go. See. Report back in the morning.”

A sharp ache gnawed at his heart as Kellen navigated the narrow descent to an underground parking structure. Something didn’t feel right about this. He should have stayed home with Juliet.

Leaving the car, he made his way into the office building that housed Iridescence. A swift elevator ride later, the doors parted to reveal a white marble lobby, a translucent podium decorated by a deep purple vase full of vibrant colored calla lilies.

he thought.
Definitely upscale and luxurious.

He was led to a table near the window where wall-to-wall glass revealed a Nashville skyline bursting with lights and a carpet of added illumination that went on for miles. To his left was a large, raised dais presently curtained off by black velvet. In passing, he saw a face he recognized—Jack Collins—the owner of the club. Jack’s eyes went wide when he looked Kellen’s way. Kellen chuckled under his breath, sitting down.

A waitress stepped up promptly. “Good evening, and welcome to Iridescence. Can I get you something to drink?”

She was young, a gorgeous blonde whom Kellen took in, and dismissed, just as quickly, though he offered a kind smile. “Tonic and lime would be great, thanks.”

“Right away.” Her smile and attention lingered. Kellen’s didn’t. Of far greater interest was Jack Collins who worked his way to Kellen’s table.

“Rossiter. Good to see you.” Jack touched the arm of the waitress to get her attention. “Mindy, his tab is on me.”

Further impressed, the waitress gave Kellen a second long look, which again he registered, then ignored. His focus homed in on Jack, and when the owner sat down in the chair opposite, Kellen leaned forward. “What am I in for?”

Jack’s smile took off like a fast ride. The man’s eyes flashed like a kid with a secret. “Seriously. Weiss didn’t cue you in?”

Kellen lifted a shoulder. “Mumbled some new-age nonsense about not wanting to mess with my perceptions or some such ridiculous thing. So tell me. What’s the deal?”

Jack sat back and kicked out his legs, flattening his hands against his stomach. He was a sharp man, hip and artful—with an eye for what would appeal to high-end customers. “Nope. I’m glad he didn’t tell you about her.”


Jack straightened and settled his forearms on the table. “Chloe.”

For whatever reason, Kellen’s mind drew pictures of a platinum blonde with buxom curves and slinky lines. He sank on the inside. “I’m here to see a woman named

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