Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and Bulimia (56 page)

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Authors: Debra L. Safer,Christy F. Telch,Eunice Y. Chen

Tags: #Psychology, #Psychopathology, #Eating Disorders, #Psychotherapy, #General, #Medical, #Psychiatry, #Nursing, #Psychiatric, #Social Science, #Social Work

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“a” indicates an appendix; “f” indicates a fgure; “n” indicates a footnote; “t” indicates a table.

Absences from sessions. See
Missed sessions
Abstinence. See
Commitment to abstinence;

Dialectical abstinence

Abstinence rates, 14–15

Acceptance and change balance, strategies,

Accepting Reality skills, 155–169

Awareness Exercises in, 161–162

Burning Your Bridges in, 167–168, 178a
case illustration, 201–202

versus Crisis Survival skills, 155–156

function of, 155–156

Half-Smiling exercise, 159–161

illustrative example, 156–157

“Observing Your Breath” in, 157–159

and Radical Acceptance, 162–167

review of, 184

Acting Opposite to the Current Emotion skill,

bingeing/purging replacement, 145

experiential exercise, 145–146

homework practice, 146

repetition as key, 142–143

review of, 183

Adaptive skills. See
Skills training

Adolescent clients, modifcations, 215–218
Adult Pleasant Events Schedule, 138, 154a
adolescent modifcations, 217

Affect regulation. See also

dysregulation model

in binge-eating disorder, 8–9

in bulimia nervosa, 12–13

Aftereffects of emotions, identifcation, 124,


Alcohol abuse. See
Substance abuse/


Alternate Rebellion Homework Sheet, 119a
Alternate Rebellion skill, 110–111, 119a
case illustrations, 198–199, 211

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