Different (5 page)

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Authors: Tony Butler

BOOK: Different
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Jay got slowly to her feet and shook her head. “No, I don't,” she said. “It's horrible and scary, like something out a horror film, I know now why you were scared when you thought I was having sex. It was in case I'm like that other girl, the one who laid an egg, but I'm not. I have monthly periods just like all the other girls. I'm no different to any of them."

"I'm afraid you are, love,” Tom said. “You're very different and it's time you were allowed to remember."

"What do you mean allowed to remember? And why didn't you go to the police?"

"We couldn't go to the police without telling them about you, they'd have taken you into their care. What do you think that American, Russell, would do if he found out there was a survivor, a witness?"

"We told all our neighbours you were our granddaughter, one of your Uncle Peter's children. Do you remember Uncle Peter?"

"Yes, he came to my fifth birthday party. I remember meeting my cousin Scott, I liked him."

"That's right; Peter flew the family over from the States. Before he arrived I used my training in physiology and hypnotised you in order to block out some of your memories, so you'd act the same as any other girl. But now it's time to remove the block. It's time for you to remember, Jay."

"Not now Tom,” Anna said, “or she'll be late meeting Mary and the others. Besides, she's got a lot to think about.” She pressed the pack of condoms into Jay's hand. “Just in case,” she said.

Jay nodded and put them into her pocket. “I don't think I'll need them, though,” she said. “I feel like some kind of freak."

"No!” Tom said angrily. “You're a wonderful, beautiful girl, different perhaps, but not a freak. You go and enjoy your film and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Do I have any parents? And what did the scientists do to me?"

"I don't know about your parents, but from what I gathered from my dream they were adding reptile genes to yours. They wanted to see if it was possible for humans to re-grow a missing limb."

"Like that girl,” Jay said, “and the boy who killed himself.” She took a deep breath and tried not to let her fear show. What if she was some kind of freak? One thing was for sure. She couldn't risk having sex with David or anyone else. It wasn't fair. Why her? Why couldn't she just be the same as everyone else?

Chapter 5

Mary was nervous when she joined Alex, Carl and Julie Thomas outside the Miner's Arms. To her dismay, Alex had his arm around Julie and it was Carl's huge hand that took Mary's.

Alex smiled at her unpleasantly. “You know the score, Mary. We're going back to Carl's place and have some fun, right?"

"Yes,” she said, wishing she'd gotten there before Julie and then perhaps Alex would have picked her instead.

They made their way towards Carl's parent's house. Alex, with one arm around Julie's shoulders, had already slid his free hand up inside her jumper and was groping her breasts.
At least Carl's not doing that to me in public
; Mary thought and tried not to think about what he would be doing to her later.

Carl wasn't exactly ugly, but he could never be described as handsome, not like Alex. Carl's hair was a lank mousy brown and flopped down over his forehead giving him a threatening look. Alex's blonde hair was flicked back to reveal his intelligent, movie star good looks.

All too soon, they turned up a path that led to one of the small townhouse. Carl unlocked the door and led her inside, with Alex and Julie following behind. The living room was surprisingly clean and tidy; Carl released her hand and walked into the kitchen. He returned with a couple of cans of beer and two open bottles of Alcho-pop. He passed her one and gave the other to Julie. Alex took his beer, popping the top of the can; he took a couple of swallows.

"What time's your mum get back?” he asked.

"About, half-seven,” Carl explained. “She works nights at Tesco.”

"So we've got all night,” Alex said. “C'mon Julie. Is it ok if we use your mum's bed, Carl?"

"Yes, but the girls don't have to do anything they don't want to. I deleted the disc before I came out."

Mary looked at him in surprise.

Alex looked as though he was about to throw a punch at Carl. “You did fucking what?"

"Deleted the disc,” Carl said. “I decided I wasn't so desperate for sex that I was prepared to blackmail a girl into it.” He shrugged. “The photo's are gone, Alex."

"Have you gone crazy, or what?” Alex released Julie but she surprised him by taking his hand.

"I'm still up for it if you are, Alex,” she said. “I was looking forward to getting it on with you."

He relaxed and smiled, “In that case let's go.” He winked at Mary. “You can have some fun with Carl, if you've got the bottle for it.” He slid an arm around Julie's waist and led her out of the room and Mary heard them going upstairs.

Mary took a sip of her drink. It was sweet and she could hardly taste the Vodka.
I can just walk out and go home,
she thought.
I don't even have to let Carl touch me.
Then she remembered her dad was going over to Miss Hollighead's and wouldn't be home until late. He thought Mary was spending the night at Jay's place, and anyway, now that Carl couldn't make her do anything she didn't want to, she wouldn't mind doing a bit of snogging and stuff.

"Let's go up to my room,” Carl said, as though reading her thoughts. When she hesitated he shrugged. “It's up to you, Mary. I won't try and attack you or anything."

She decided to trust him and followed him upstairs. Carl held the door of his bedroom open for her and she walked past him into the room. In front of her was his bed. There was a computer set-up on a table by the window but she was fixated on the bed. Mary wondered what it would feel like having someone undressing her and kissing her all over before making love to her. She took a bigger swallow of her drink and when Carl came and stood behind her, sliding his hands around her ribs and cupping her breasts, she didn't object. Her emotions were in turmoil, and she didn't know whether she wanted things to go any further or not.

He nuzzled her ear, her neck and she could feel his hardness pressing against her. Carl unbuttoned her blouse and she put her drink down and undid the sleeves so he could take it off. He turned her around to face him and pressed his mouth against her while fumbling with the catch of her bra. Kissing him wasn't half as bad as she'd expected, she was enjoying the way he was kissing her, while he struggled to open her bra.

He couldn't manage it and despite everything, she started to snigger and broke off the kiss. When she looked up at him, he was smiling too.

"I haven't had much practice at opening bras,” he said. “To be honest I've never opened one before."

"You what?” She stared at him in surprise.

He shrugged. “I haven't had many girlfriends, well none at all really. Let's face it with a face like mine; you girls don't give me a second look. You don't think I haven't heard what you call me when I walk past with Alex. Beauty and the Beast, Frankenstein's monster or Quasimodo?"

Mary couldn't meet his eyes, so she started to unfasten her bra for him, but he reached out a hand and stopped her.

"No, you don't have to do that,” he said. “Look, why don't we put on some music or watch a video and get to know each other a little better. Ok, so I fancy you like mad and I'm as horny as hell, but I'd rather wait until you're sure you want to go all the way."

She nodded and then looked him in the eye. “Look, I don't really mind if you want to do some heavy petting and stuff, but this ring I'm wearing...” She raised her hand so he could see the silver ring on her middle finger. “...is a promise that I wouldn't go all the way until I get married. It's something some of us girls from the chapel decided to do."

He looked at her uncertainly. “You mean you actually want to snog me?"

"Yes. I got it wrong about you, Carl. I'm sorry about that, really. You seem like a nice guy when you're not with Alex.” In fact when he held his head half-cocked and smiled, like he was doing now, he was quite good looking.

Mary unfastened her bra, took it off and walked into his arms. They kissed and she opened her mouth to accept the probing of his tongue. She felt slightly light headed, and was acutely aware of the feel of his shirt against her breasts. His hand closed over her buttocks, squeezing them through the material of her skirt and all of a sudden she wanted him. Wanted him to take her. She pulled away slightly and tugged his shirt out from the waistband of his jeans and unbuttoned it. His hands were exploring her breasts and when she dropped his shirt to the floor, he pulled her closer still. He was using his hands to explore the bare flesh of her back and then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed.

He gently set her down and then straightened up. “Let's respect your silver ring,” he said. “While I visit the bathroom, you get undressed and get under the sheet. We'll keep the sheet between us while we make out, and that way we'll both keep our virginity."

She'd be safe and the thought of exploring each other's body with only a thin sheet between the two of them excited her. “Hurry up, though,” she said, laying back on the pillows and pulling up the sheet to cover her breasts.

* * * *

Jay met David outside the cinema, he looked at her curiously.

"Are you all right, Jay? You look a bit pale."

"I've got a bit of a cold,” she said, hoping he wouldn't realise she'd been crying. The shock of what her grandparents had told her and the possible consequences of her having sex had only sunk in after she'd left the house. She couldn't risk letting anyone get to close to her. Now that she knew she wasn't normal.

"We can always do something else instead of going to see the film, if you don't feel up to it?"

She shook her head, “Thanks, David. But no, the cinema will be ok.” The prospect of sitting in the dark where she could think appealed to her, besides she knew he had been looking forward to seeing the movie and she didn't want to spoil his evening.

He nodded and taking Jay's arm led her into the foyer of the cinema and bought the tickets. They sat down in a row of seats that were near the back of the auditorium and he draped an arm over her shoulders. She didn't mind. It made her feel safe and secure.

Jay wasn't really watching the film; she was too deeply engrossed in her own dark thoughts. Granddad would be removing his hypnotic block tomorrow and she was fearful of what she would discover about herself. She glanced at David and smiled, he was completely entranced by the movie and she'd just decided to start watching it herself when something bounced off David's shoulder and fell with a metallic clatter to the floor. He turned and looked behind him and Jay turned too, just in time to see someone toss another empty beer can at David.

He swatted it away and turned towards them. “Pack it in, you morons. We're trying to watch the film.” he said and was met with guffaws of laughter from the group boys sitting on the back row. There were about six of them and Jay could see the red glowing tips of their cigarettes.

She reached up and caught hold of David's sleeve. “Ignore them, David,” she said, “they're just looking for trouble."

"Yes, they'll find it if they don't pack it in,” David muttered.

"Hey, Darlin',” one of the gang called out. “You're wasting your time with him, he's gay. Hasn't he told you?"

"Perhaps he thought you were a boy,” another one laughed. “Why don't you come back here and get it on with us?"

Even in the semi-darkness, Jay could see that the barbs had struck home. The colour had drained from David's face; he scrambled to his feet and hurried towards the exit. Jay caught up with him as he reached the doors and followed him into the foyer.

"Wait, David,” she said. “Being gay's nothing to be ashamed of. We're still friends aren't we?"

He turned towards her and seemed unable to find the words he was searching for. “I should have told you.” He sounded as though he was on the verge of tears. “I thought ... I thought you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me if you or Mary found out."

Jay shook her head and then stood in front of him and looked up into his face. “We've know each other and been friends for as long as I can remember, you idiot. Okay, so I fancied you and I admit it.” She grinned “Just my luck to pick on a boy who's gay, but on the other hand, no other girl's going to steal you away from me, are they? You're my friend, David. My very best boyfriend and I won't let anything spoil that, no matter what."

He hugged her to him and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you too, Jay.”

"Friends forever,” she said.

Arm in arm they strolled out of the cinema and walked towards the McDonalds on High Street. Jay was relieved David had overcome his initial embarrassment and that they were still friends.
Ok, so he can't be my lover but he can be my brother and that's good enough for me

Suddenly, some boys ran out of a side-passage on her right and fanning out, they stood in a line facing her and David, blocking the pavement. It was the gang from the cinema and all of them had the hoods of their sweatshirts pulled up to avoid being identified by the CCTV security cameras fastened to the buildings.

David released her arm and then stood half in front of Jay, as though to protect her. “We're not looking for any trouble,” he said.

"No, but we are!” The biggest of the boys moved towards them. “Morons, are we?” He lashed out a foot, aiming at David's groin, but David sidestepped as his attackers foot flashed harmlessly past. But then the others fell upon David punching and kicking him to the ground. A foot slammed into his head, he cried out in pain and tried to curl up into ball to protect himself.

"Kill the bastard!” One of them yelled and the intensity of their kicking increased. A few pedestrians, afraid to interfere, stood watching helplessly like her.

Then from somewhere within Jay a fury awoke.

She launched herself at them. Grabbing the nearest attacker by the scruff of his neck, she hauled him backwards so hard that when she let go, his backward momentum was so great it sent him crashing through the plate glass window of a shop.

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