Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (20 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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The way Alex said that, like it was an order, irritated Dimitri. “No. I will be back tomorrow.”

“Have you lost your mind? Do not fucking lie to me and tell me that you are staying to see the sights like some tourist. You are staying for that girl, that Rya.”

He clenched his phone. “How do you know her name?”

“Please, Dimitri, spare me. I came back early last night with Ilyena and a few of the submissives were quite put off that you disappeared with some American girl.”

Dimitri’s heart raced and he turned back to look at the still dimly lit bedroom where Rya slumbered among the sheets. “How bad is it?”

“It is not beyond repair, but you need to return to the lodge, with that girl, today.”

The sheets on the bed were lowered enough to show the curve of Rya’s lower back with her two diamond piercings in the dimples above her ass. He wanted to kiss those dimples, to put his thumbs over them while he fucked her. No, he needed just one more day with her to make their parting bearable, one more day to fill himself with her light. “We are staying another day.”

Alex swore long and loud while Dimitri stood there and imagined all the ways he would have his little Rya today. “Do you not care about her at all? Think about what this could mean for her safety.”

“Alex, if you could have one more day with Jessica, would you take it?”


His brother’s pained whisper made Dimitri feel like a giant ass, but he pressed on. “I have…feelings for Rya, things I have never felt for a woman before. I need one more day with her, Alex.”

For a long time his brother was silent. “Do not get her killed, Dimitri. If you really feel something for her, walk away.”

“I will, but not today.”

“Stubborn bastard.” He sighed. “I will do my best to cover you, but you must come back tomorrow. Promise me. I know how tempting it is to try and hide away with your woman, to think that if you go far enough underground no one will find you, but we both know that is not true.”

The sorrow in his brother’s voice hurt Dimitri. “I understand, and thank you. I know this is not easy for you.”

“No, it is not, but I will do my best to take care of things.”

“Thank you.”

“Go, make your memories, and know that I deeply envy you. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

After he hung up with Alex he placed a quick call to his friend and bodyguard, Luka, who was staying in the hotel. He’d kept out of sight while Dimitri was with Rya yesterday, but he was always near enough that if things went bad, Dimitri wasn’t left to defend Rya on his own. Now he had plans for Luka that were more pleasure than work.

Luka answered with a yawn, “Good morning, boss.”

“Good morning. Your lazy ass should be out of bed by now.”

“Yeah, yeah. Not all of us have an amazingly beautiful woman in their bed. I swear you are the luckiest bastard in the universe.”

Dimitri and Luka had known each other since childhood so his friend got away with remarks that he would never tolerate from other men and Dimitri granted him favors he wouldn’t normally allow anyone. “So what do you think of her?”

Luka whistled, “She is exquisite. I see why you want to keep her to yourself.”

“Actually, I need your help with something.”


He outlined his plan to his friend and after he hung up he stretched out before returning to the bedroom. While Rya continued to sleep he ordered and ate breakfast, showered, dressed, and got a good chunk of his business done before she began to stir. He watched with a small smile as Rya sat up and blinked, then stretched, then flopped back into the bed and groaned. A few seconds later she sat up quickly and looked around the room. When her golden eyes found him sitting at the desk on the other side of the room they lit up with joy.


She held out her arms to him and he was up and moving across the room before he knew it, letting her sleep-warmed body snuggle into him as he held her. “Good morning,
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“Morning,” she mumbled against his chest, her little hands petting him. “Do we have time for a quickie before we have to catch our plane?”

“Actually, I wonder if you might want to stay another day with me?”

Apprehension momentarily tightened his muscles, he should know better than to assume that Rya would want to stay, but the idea that she wouldn’t want more time with him honestly hadn’t even occurred to him up until this moment.

Rya let out a squeal of delight. “Of course! But isn’t your brother waiting for you? Will you get in any trouble?”

He laughed, everything inside of him loosening up instantly as he held her in his arms, basking in her obvious joy. “No, no trouble. Eat, then shower and put your riding clothes on.”

“We’re not staying here?”

“No. Is surprise.”

Instead of questioning him she merely smiled and rubbed her nose against his. “Do you think maybe I can tempt you into a different kind of ride before we leave?”

The press of her pelvis against his left no doubt what she was offering and he smiled and nodded. “


Rya let out a long, happy sigh as her spa attendant worked some kind of deliciously warm massage oil into her lower calves. After the ride on the back of the bike from Sedona to Phoenix, and Dimitri’s ardent devotion to her pleasure, she was a little sore. She’d spent the last few hours getting a variety of treatments at the high end spa in Phoenix, Arizona that was attached to the luxury hotel where they were staying. It was super luxurious and she’d never experienced anything like the care she’d received here. Her attendants had been utterly devoted to her comfort, and she had fun sampling different types of wine while getting a pedicure. Evidently, Dimitri had gone all out because she had everything and anything she desired while the staff kissed her ass with such skill that she didn’t even mind it. Dimitri was full of surprises, and as much as she loved the pampering she was currently receiving, she also wished that Dimitri was here but she couldn’t imagine him sitting through a mud bath or a seaweed wrap.

Right now, she was in a lovely, serene private room in the spa painted a creamy peach being massaged by a rather handsome masseuse. The man, Luka, had dark brown hair and amazing hazel green eyes along with a body that was all hard muscle and tanned skin. She noticed that he had tattoos on his knuckles, and when he started massaging her, she found herself lost in his magic touch. Wearing the khaki pants and white polo shirt with the hotel’s emblem on it, he was certainly a nice piece of eye candy, but he wasn’t Dimitri, though they did have similar accents.

She wanted to ask Luka if he was Russian, but then again she really didn’t want to draw any attention to Dimitri. Yes, it was slightly paranoid of her, but she knew what a risk Dimitri was taking by just being with her and she didn’t want to do anything to put either of them in danger. Trying to turn her mind from those negative thoughts, she focused instead on the ride down here on the back of Dimitri’s bike and how easy it had been to talk to him. They’d stopped by any roadside attraction that caught her eye and she’d bought Dimitri a black leather wrist cuff embossed with Navajo silver, turquoise, and red coral. It was such a masculine piece and the moment she saw it she knew it would be perfect for her Master.

While it wasn’t the fortune in diamonds he’d showered her with, Dimitri had immediately put the cuff on with a pleased smile that made her all tingly inside.

Luka gently folded the towel covering her bottom up until it exposed the lower half of her buttocks. She sighed in delight as his oiled hands rubbed her thighs and practically melted into the table as he worked out a knot with his thumbs. After all the riding she did yesterday and today she needed this and she had to admit, it was slightly arousing to feel Luka’s big, calloused hands on her, rubbing out all the tension. That was the nice thing about a professional masseuse. She could relax and enjoy the inherent sensuality of being touched without having to worry about him crossing the line.

The energy in the room shifted and right before she felt Dimitri’s lips on her cheek she smelled his unique cologne. “Are you enjoying yourself, little Rya?”

Slowly opening her eyes, she smiled up at him while Luka moved down to her left calf, manipulating her limp body with ease. “Mmmm-hmmm.”

He laughed and squatted down next to her. While she’d been pampered at the spa Dimitri had changed into a black t-shirt that lovingly hugged his thick shoulders and broad chest. She languidly reached out and traced her fingers over his face, enjoying the warmth that suffused his gaze as she touched him.

The men said something to each other in Russian and she leaned up enough to look from Luka, who was now rubbing her ankle, to Dimitri. “Do you two know each other?”

A smile that she could only classify as mischievous curved Dimitri’s lips. “
. He is friend of mine.”

“That just happens to work at the spa?”

He laughed. “No, he is my present to you.”

“Ummmm, what?”

His gaze darkened and her body took notice of the subtle shift in his stance that made him more…threatening. No, not threatening, more dominant. She watched as he rubbed the cuff she’d given him. “You are exhibitionist, yes?”

She flushed, all too aware of the caressing quality that Luka’s touch had taken on. “Why?”

“I want to watch Luka pleasure you.”

While she couldn’t lie and say the thought of Dimitri watching her play with someone wasn’t hot as hell, she didn’t know Luka and was unsure as to what Dimitri wanted from her. “Pleasure me how?”

“I want to watch him eat your beautiful pussy, to make you come with his fingers, to watch you enjoy yourself.”

The sinful temptations he offered her had Rya pressing her thighs together, all too aware of how exposed her private parts were to Luka. “Why?”

“Because…because it arouses me.”

She glanced at Luka, watching them closely and motioned Dimitri forward so she could whisper in his ear, “You won’t get jealous? I’ll be honest with you, I want you, not him.”

“No, I will not be jealous. I have known Luka many years, he is old friend and he has experience being third. He will not overstep his bounds, but he will give you pleasure. Will you do this for me, Rya?”

She couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, this isn’t exactly a chore. But promise me you won’t let him do anything that would make you feel bad.”

“Nothing bad will happen. You are mine,
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, and I would not give the privilege of touching you to a man who does not deserve it. Luka knows his boundaries and we have shared women in the past. Sometimes he invites, sometimes I invite, but we always give the woman we share great pleasure.”

Jealousy burned in her at the thought of faceless women being screwed by Dimitri. “I don’t like the thought of you touching other women, so I’d rather not hear about that again, but I trust you. If you think I will enjoy this I’m willing to try.”

He stood and gently pressed her head down so once again she was resting her face on the fluffy, folded towel beneath her head. “I am going to sit and watch. Relax, Rya, and give me your pleasure.”

“You won’t be joining us?”

She tried to keep the hurt from her voice, but evidently she didn’t do that good of a job because Dimitri made a soothing noise. “I will. You think too much. Trust me,
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. Let Luka care for you. He is good Master, enjoys pleasuring women and is very good at it.”

“Yes, Master.”

Dimitri lowered the lights until the room was bathed in a mellow amber glow and she let out a deep breath, trying to focus only on Luka’s talented hands. Right now he was massaging oil into her lower back and she let out a soft moan as he expertly manipulated her. Damn, she had no idea what Luka did for Dimitri in his official capacity within the Novikov Bratva, but the man had a god given talent for massage. The men said something to each other in Russian while Luka gently ran his fingers over her subdermal implants, then he placed a gentle kiss on each diamond, sending tingles through her body.

The knowledge that Dimitri was watching them gave her pleasure a naughty edge and she arched her back slightly when Luka removed the towel so he could massage her ass. His pleased murmur made her bold and she arched further, spreading her thighs slightly. Arousal burned through her and she groaned deep in her throat and bit her lip as he began to squeeze her buttocks. Luka handled her with the self-assured touch of an experienced Dominant and she gave herself over to his manipulations. Soon his fingers began to brush over her pussy as he massaged her inner thighs and she moaned with abandon while her sex swelled beneath his glancing caress. The feathered touches were driving her crazy and she arched her back in a blatant invitation to the provocative Russian man.

Dimitri’s deep voice washed over her as he said, “No orgasm until I allow it.”

Her whimper was lost within the men’s combined laughter and Luka tapped her hip. “Roll over to back.”

She did as he ordered and gave him a lazy smile when he growled and stared at her body. Feeling reckless, aroused, and in a playful mood she arched and yawned, stretching out in a way that made Luka’s jaw clench. Teasing men was fun. Luka was in his late thirties and when he smiled at her she looked at him from beneath her lashes, loving the hint of trouble in his gaze. He said something to Dimitri and her Master replied. She wanted to look over at Dimitri, to see if he was enjoying this, but she couldn’t without twisting around.

Luka began to massage her arms, then her upper chest, and by the time he got to her left breast she was hungry for his touch, aching for him to play with her erect nipples. He poured some oil over her breast and both men made a pained sound as the oil dripped off of her hard peak. With a gentle touch Luka began to massage her left breast, bringing blood flow that sensitized her until she was panting and very, very turned on. At the first scrape of his finger over her nipple she cried out and Luka smiled.

“Such pretty tits, and sensitive,” he whispered, “Dimitri is lucky man.”

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