Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (26 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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Looking back to Rya, he brought up his free hand and gently stroked her jaw. “You are in agreement with playing with Nico?”

“I’m not in agreement with any of this, but yes, I don’t mind if Catrin’s husband touches me. I trust her and she wouldn’t marry and love an asshole.”

Catrin giggled, then cleared her throat when Alex shot her a hard look. “Yes. I will be off. Don’t worry, Rya, they will take good care of you. It was very nice meeting you and if things were different, I would love to play with you as well. You have the most beautiful pussy.”

Flushing, Rya gave the other woman a teasing smile as Alex relaxed his hold on her braid. She’d downed three glasses of champagne and was feeling pretty good. Putting a little bit of dominance in her voice and in her demeanor, she caught Catrin’s gaze. “I bet you have a very pretty pussy as well. You want to show it to me, don’t you, Catrin. You want to spread your legs and let me touch you, slip my fingers inside of you, and stroke your stiff clit. I’d take my time learning you, understanding what you need, then I’d make you climax until you beg me to stop.”

Catrin’s gaze went hot and she said something in a soft torrent of Russian that made Alex laugh. He responded in Russian, then she left with one last longing look at Rya. Alone again with Alex, Rya’s nerves returned and she went to take a step away, but he wouldn’t let her.

With a soft, calming touch Alex returned to stroking her face and neck with his gloved hand. “Such a sexy little tease. Are you ready?”

“No.” She swallowed hard. “I’m fucking terrified and pissed.”


“Oh, I don’t know. The Russian mob may or may not want to put a hit on me, I’m about to trust a man I hardly know to play with me in front of a bunch of strangers, and somewhere right now the guy I’m falling for is probably fucking some bitch. What could possibly be wrong?”

Alex grabbed her braid again and jerked her head back so she was looking at him. “First, do not worry about anyone harming you. I will not let that happen. Second, I regret that you do indeed not know me but I can assure you that I will bring you nothing but pleasure. Third, those women with Dimitri are not bitches. They are friends who are helping him protect his woman. Understood?”

She tried to fight her tears, but failed. “Yeah, fine, great. Whatever.”

He studied her, his eyes growing darker by the moment. “I have something that would help you get through this.”


“An aphrodisiac.”

That made her blink in surprise. “There’s no such thing.”

“Oh, little Rya, I assure you that there is.” He took a small vial out of the pocket of his leather pants.

Eyeing it, she shook her head. “I don’t do drugs.”

“It is not a drug. It is an herbal extract that will help your desire. You are correct that it is not a true aphrodisiac, it will not make desire appear where there is none, but it will immensely heighten your arousal.”

Despite herself, she was curious. “How?”

He traced the cool glass down her cheek and over her chest until he circled her left nipple. “It will make things very, very intense for you.”

That didn’t sound so bad. In fact, she could use intense right now, something to get her out of her own head. This was going to happen whether she liked it or not so she might as well get some pleasure from it. Originally her idea had been to get drunk, but even she knew that drunk BDSM was a really bad idea.

“But it won’t make me high or anything, right?”

“No. It has no affect on your ability to think.”

She searched his face and saw the truth of his words. “Okay.”

He released her braid. “We are going to have so much fun.”

A confusing pulse of lust went through her at his guttural tone and she watched as he unscrewed the top. He tipped the bottle and a thick, almost honey-like substance dripped onto the index finger of his other gloved hand. Watching her intently, he spread the glistening substance on her mouth. It smelled faintly like vanilla and when he stroked some on her tongue it had a sweet, pleasant taste. She nipped at his leather covered finger, then sucked the oil off. Her lips were warming and it felt good to gently bite him. When he made a rough, moaning noise she released him and licked her lips before looking down and admiring his cock pressing against his leather pants. Saints have mercy, the Novikov men were almost unfairly sexual. They reduced her to a mess of hormones with no effort.

Next, he applied it to her nipples, and by the time he finished, her mouth was tingling. She licked her lips and gave a soft, pleased gasp at how sensitive they were. She shifted as her sex clenched down and a rush of wetness slicked her labia.

Kneeling before her, Alex looked at the little satin panties covering her sex. Without preamble, he tore her panties away and tossed them to the side, his gaze focused on the juncture of her thighs. Desire crushed her resistance and she shifted, pressing her legs together to try to sooth the building ache.

“You have such a beautiful cunt,” he murmured. “And the outfit Catrin picked out for you makes your already plump pussy pout like a mouth begging for my kiss. Is wonderfully dirty.”

“Please,” she whispered.

She held her breath, wondering if he would lick her there, and found herself wanting it. The oil he’d spread on her nipples was sensitizing them and they began to ache, to tingle like they’d been clamped. She stared down at Alex, his focus on her sex making her wetter. Thoughts of Dimitri began to intrude but she banished them, struggling to live in the moment. Alex leaned forward and gently brushed his lips over her mound, then she felt his warm, moist breath on her skin making her moan softly.

He took an audible breath, then let out a little rumbling sound that was incredibly sexy. The tip of his tongue gently brushed her clit and she sucked in a harsh breath, arousal making her legs weak. Making a soft, soothing noise he began to kiss the curls over her sex, and steal an occasional lick at her clit. Before long she buried her hands in his hair and he slowly backed her up until they hit the edge of the sofa.

“Brace yourself,” he said in a low voice before he began to eat her sex in a ravenous manner.

Rya cried out and held onto the back of the sofa, sagging slightly before Alex stood with a low growl. He picked her up and set her on the sofa, hauling her butt to the very edge before kneeling between her thighs again. Then he looked up at her and began to slowly, ever so slowly, lick her sex. She wanted to look away from his eyes, from the intimacy of watching him enjoy her body, but she couldn’t. He wouldn’t let her.

With the tightening of her orgasm, she grabbed his head and pressed his face to her needy flesh. He had the balls to chuckle, but she forgave him for being an asshole when he began to suck her clit. For a moment he lifted his face from between her legs, “I want to eat your come. Give it to me.”

Any argument she might have had at his commanding tone died a quick death when he began to play with her pussy, thrusting two fingers into her and hooking them so they rubbed her g-spot. A hard shiver raced through her legs and she fisted her hands in his hair, riding his mouth, his fingers, then screamed out her orgasm. He growled against her and she gave a startled yelp when he nipped her clit. It felt good though, especially when he began to gently caress her pussy with his lips, avoiding her clit and making her feel decadent with pleasure.

He finally lifted his face from her and gave her a slow, sexy smile. “Was good?”

Giggling, she nodded and stretched, still feeling very aroused. Her nipples tingled intensely now, and her lips were so sensitive. She couldn’t stop touching them. Each caress made her nerves sing. “Was excellent.”

He took the little vial and spilled it over the top of her sex, the sensation of the liquid slowly spreading over her labia unbearably arousing. When she fidgeted his gaze flashed up to hers and she sucked in a breath at the strength and control she saw there. All their personal bullshit aside, he was a Master and she was a submissive and the need to please him stirred from deep within.

“Stay still,” he said in a firm, no nonsense tone and she nodded.

He capped the vial and placed it back in his pocket before he began to massage the oil into the lips of her sex with his strong fingers, the sight of the black leather against the pink of her pussy doing strange things to her insides. The oil seemed to react quicker on her sex and she let out a little shuddering moan as he pinched her labia, forcing her clit to pop out. He leaned forward and his hot breath on her exposed bundle of nerves felt amazingly good, but she needed more. Wanted more. Had to have some relief for the fire building in her body.

Alex’s mouth hovered her sex while he rolled her outer labia and massaged her clit. “You feel it now. The heat growing inside, the need to come.”


Standing quickly, he gripped her jaw. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir.”

His gaze darkened and he gave her a cold, cruel smile. “Are you ready to play with me, little Rya? To see the pleasure I can offer you?”

She swallowed hard, then nodded. “Please.”

The muscles of his jaw worked as he stiffened. “You are so tempting, such a soft, delicious treat. I almost hate my brother for denying me the pleasure of sinking my cock into your little pussy. But I will tell you this. When I fuck my girl tonight it will be your tight
that I’m thinking about.”

He released her abruptly and she had to try to keep from squirming, from pressing her thighs together to alleviate the burning ache growing in her body. She felt like she’d endured hours of orgasm denial and this arousal had a similar feel to it, an almost desperate edge. When Alex brushed the tips of his fingers over her turgid nipples she cried out.

“I’m going to blindfold you and put the earplugs in now. Are you ready?”

All she could do was rub against his light strokes and whimper. With a rather evil smile he lightened his touch further until she was leaning into him, silently begging him to touch her, to caress her, to make the burning need go away. Passion sensitized her skin and her thinking mind slowly shut down, leaving her libido in control. Alex had lied to her, this was an aphrodisiac that fucked with her head. It didn’t make her high, but it made her go into something akin to a human version of heat.

She was growing desperate to be fucked.

He held her breasts in his hands and squeezed, making her groan. “So tempting.”

Stepping back he took a black silk blindfold from his pocket and quickly secured it around her head. Much like the one Dimitri had used on her, this one completely blocked her sight and left her in darkness. When Alex resumed playing with her nipples she gasped as the already intense sensation seemed to double, making her shift and squirm in an effort to soothe the ache.

“What is your safeword?”

“Cookie,” she said with a moan that would have been funny if she wasn’t horny enough to hump a pillow.

“Excellent. I will not stop until I hear that word. Tonight I will be flogging you, and finger fucking you, and eating your sweet cunt. Is this all right?”

“Please,” she whimpered as his thigh pressed between her legs, making her straddle the hard, leather covered surface of his thigh.

He leaned down, the scent of him filling her as he whispered in her ear, “You want to press your clit against my thigh, don’t you. I can feel how hot your pussy is, how slick with your arousal. But you will not orgasm. You are only allowed to orgasm when I pull twice on your braid. Understood?”

She nodded and moaned while rocking herself on his leg, the feeling too good to stop.

A moment later he put one of the earplugs in, then whispered in her other ear, “Do not hesitate to use your safeword. The oil will make you more…willing to endure pain for your pleasure than usual and I would hate to damage such beautiful skin and gentle heart.”

He placed the other earplug in and she was suddenly alone in her body, with only the sound of her moans, her harsh breaths, and the pounding of her heart keeping her company. Deprived of her sight and hearing, everything intensified and she grasped onto Alex, running her hands over his body. While he wasn’t as built as Dimitri, he was still a solid man and she was turned on enough to enjoy every second of touching him. Shit, she had no idea what that oil was but it was like hours, no
of foreplay in a bottle.

He cupped her chin and she felt the faintest brush of his goatee against her lips, then his mouth moving softly over hers. She licked her lower lip and he did it again, letting his lips drag over hers, coaxing her into an easy, decadent kiss. Being blind and deaf she strained with her other senses and she took a small taste of Alex before he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, tempting her tongue into his mouth then sucking on it. She’d never had anyone do that for her before and it felt really good. Especially considering the way the oil made her mouth tingle like it was another sexual hot spot on her body. Abruptly Alex pulled away, and when she put her hand out to find him, she touched his chest and could feel his heart slamming against her palm.

Alex grasped her hand and led her through the house, stopping to carry her down the stairs. He set her down and her feet touched cool, wood floors. With her hand in his, he slowly guided her through the house. As she imagined the people watching them she got a perverse thrill at the idea of them staring at her, their eyes on her hard nipples and seeing the wet proof of her desire slicking her inner thighs. After what seemed like hours, but was probably only minutes, Alex stopped. She took a deep breath, scenting perfume, sweat and sex, the familiar smells of pleasure that she associated with BDSM.

Before she could draw another breath, Alex took her hands and gently pulled her forward, then placed her hands on something. Holding her wrists, he let her explore the smooth surface. It felt like maybe wood and it had one small hole, then to the right of that a large hole, then to the right of that another small hole. He traced her fingers up and around the shape and as he brought her hands back down to the holes again she realized it was the stockade she’d glimpsed earlier in the lower level playroom. Her breath sped up as she realized Alex was going to put her in the stockade and have his wicked way with her.

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