Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (47 page)

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Pausing halfway in, he panted as he watched her beautiful golden eyes open up. Then she smiled at him and it was like the sun warming his skin. He took the gag off and she licked her lips before saying, “Thank you, Master.”

“We are not done yet,
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“Thank God,” she whispered, then began to undo her wrists, “because I need to touch you, Dimitri. I need to love you. Please, Master, let me love you.”

“Anything you need, Rya. You know that. Come here. I am yours.”

She crawled into his arms and gently pushed him back before straddling his hips. He moaned deep in his throat as she ground herself against him without any shame, creating one of the most sensual images he’d ever had the privilege of seeing. Watching his woman pleasure herself with his body was the ultimate voyeurism. She placed her small hands on his chest and he watched with absolute pleasure as Rya began to rub herself on him, chasing her release. He was tempted to help her, but decided to sit back and let his submissive entertain him.

Rya tossed her hair over her shoulder and smiled down at him. “Have I told you how much I love your cock?”

“You might have. A time or two.”

“Well I do.” She shuddered and he thought she might climax, but she managed to hold herself back. “So good.”

“Fuck yourself with it. Take my cock and shove it in that pretty cunt.”

She grasped him in her delicate fist and held him to her entrance before slowly descending on him. As she came down she arched her back until her head was almost between his knees. He sat up on his elbows to watch as she took him and the sight of her pussy spread by his shaft made him groan. Beautiful. Perfect.

But he wanted to fuck, not play.

“Up, Rya.”

She lifted herself back up with her stomach muscles and smiled at him. “Perfect.”

Hearing her echo his thoughts made him smile even as he said, “Fuck me. Now.”

Shifting her hips, she began to ride him and he watched her breasts bounce with her movements, loving the way she whispered his name. Her exquisitely soft, oiled cunt gripped him with her every move and he began to softly stroke her body, to ease her enough so that she would enjoy the buildup. Responding like she’d been made for him, Rya purred low in her throat and arched her back, then dug her fingers into the muscles at the top of his abdomen as she swayed. He thumbed her nipples, then leaned up and took one in his mouth. She must have enjoyed the new angle because she came with a harsh cry, slowing her movements until she barely stirred against him.

He savored the feeling of being connected to her for as long as he could before the urge to fuck wiped away all thoughts of nice and gentle.

Lifting her by her hips, he lay fully back and fucked himself with her wet body, loving how her gaze sought his before she lay against him, her breasts cushioned on his chest while she nibbled and sucked at his neck. “Mmmm, you feel so good inside of me, Master. So thick and hard. You make me come so much.”

Her dirty talk made his balls draw up tight and as he went over he bit the other side of her neck, leaving a big mark there as well. His little Rya jerked against him as she climaxed in his arms, her pussy milking him for his seed. He wished that right now he was getting her pregnant, that they were making a baby together. The need to see her swollen with his child, to hold her while she nursed their baby filled him and he held her close, their bodies slippery with sweat.

After a long time, during which he was pretty sure she slept at least a little bit, she stirred against him and stretched with his hard cock still hard inside of her. “I need a shower, our bed needs new sheets, and I’m hungry.”

He laughed and moved her off of him, both of them wincing at the motion. Evidently, he’d been a little too arduous with his woman’s body. “Go, get in the shower. I will have the bedding changed while we clean.”

She smiled at him and rolled off the bed, her fine ass swaying as she walked. He wanted to grab her and throw her back on the bed. If her pussy was sore maybe he would fuck her ass. Looking back over her shoulder at him, she winked. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

As soon as the water turned on he called the housekeeper and requested new sheets, then called the kitchen and asked that Maks be sent up with their meal. Pausing to grab something from the drawer next to the bed, he made his way across their room to the master bath. Normally, he would have had a maid bring their meal up, but by having Maks do it Dimitri was signaling to the other man his forgiveness.

Steam filled the bathroom and when he opened the smoked glass door of the immense shower he found Rya standing beneath the main showerhead with her face tilted upwards. The turquoise green marble with its hints of deep bronze brought out the olive tones in her skin and with her hair wet like this it fell all the way to the top rise of her perfect ass. He filled his hands with her breasts as he stood beneath the spray. When she opened her eyes and smiled at him he couldn’t think of a time in his life when he’d been happier than at this moment.

He placed a gentle kiss on her swollen lips and smiled. “Let me wash you.”

Used to his need, almost a compulsion really, to care for her, she closed her eyes and let him go about his routine, first washing and conditioning her hair before washing her body. Though he took the opportunity to enjoy her, he didn’t make the cleansing overtly sexual. He wanted to give her all kinds of pleasure, to let her know on every level that he loved her. Rya was his sunshine and he would do everything he could to keep her in his life forever.

Kneeling before her, he began to soap up her hand. “Rya?”

She brushed the water off her face before looking down at him with sleepy, content eyes. “Yes?”

Taking a deep breath, he held up the ring he’d been hiding in the soap dish while he washed her. It was an antique three carat yellow diamond surrounded by two rows of rose cut white diamonds and flanked on either side by perfectly matched white diamond baguettes. On the day he’d returned to the United States to bring her home he’d bought the ring and had been waiting ever since, letting Rya get used to him and hopefully grow to love Russia enough to say yes. He didn’t want her to feel trapped here, ever, but he couldn’t wait any longer.

“Rya, will you marry me?”

Her hands shook as she cupped her fingers over her lips. “What?”

Nerves tried to make him move off his knees, but he steeled himself. “I wish to marry you, Rya. To make you my wife. To let the world know that my heart belongs to you and you belong to me.”


The hesitation in her voice was like a fist to his heart. “You do not want me?”

“No, no I want you. I just…it’s been a long day. I can barely stand let alone think.”

“What is there to think of? You love me, you marry me.”

She slowly shook her head. “I do love you, but we need to talk about what my future with you would be like, especially now that you’re the leader of the Novikov Bratva.”

“I will give the responsibility to Alex if you want me to.” The little muffled pained noise she made worried him and he stood, holding her close. “Shhh, is no time limit. Think about it.”

Shaking her head, she clung to him. “I want to say yes, but I’m scared.”

“I’m sorry I failed in protecting you,
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“That’s not what I’m worried about. What if you die and I’m left alone? How am I supposed to live without you? You’re my heart, Dimitri.”

, please marry me. I would die without you as well.”

She leaned back in his arms and studied his face. Such sorrow filled her gaze that he feared she was going to leave him, but when she smiled all the jagged holes in his heart filled with her light. “Yes, Dimitri Novikov, I will marry you. But, I want a big wedding with my friends and family here.”

He would have given her a wedding on the moon at this point if that is what she wanted. Before she could change her mind he slipped the yellow diamond onto her ring finger and let out a harsh sigh. “Mine.”

She began to giggle, then outright laugh. “Mine? How about I love you.”

“Is what mine means. You are mine, I never wanted anything more. You are the love of my life, Rya, and I am unbelievably blessed to have you.”

Standing up on her tiptoes, he obligingly tilted his head down so he could kiss her. “Rya Marie Novikov, my wife.”

Kissing him lightly, she bounced back on her toes, making her breasts move in a most distracting manner. “I have to go call my Mom. And Tawny, and my cousins, and…”

He picked her up and positioned her so that her pussy ground against his abdominals. “Later.”

She tilted her head back beneath the shower, the water making her gorgeous body gleam. As he shifted her so he could slip gently into her sex, she shivered lightly and whispered, “Later. Love me, Dimitri.”

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Peter Clery strained to keep his expression blank as he stared at the dying monster before him. If he had a camera, he would take pictures of the mighty Jorg Novikov laid low by old age and illness, then sell them to all those people who prayed for his death and make millions. Even as his body literally rotted around him, Jorg’s cold, grey eyes still projected enormous power.

The last of Jorg’s henchmen left the room, leaving Peter alone with the bastard. He took one step forward from his position before the fireplace. He kept his gaze fastened on Jorg’s face and did not glance at the framed portrait of the beautiful little three-and-a-half-year-old girl once again placed on the nightstand next to Jorg. That picture had vanished when Dimitri still lived here, but served as an effective muzzle on Peter, keeping him from telling Dimitri what he was really doing here.

“I’ve done what you asked and brought Dimitri to you,” Peter said in a low voice. “Now where is she?”

Jorg chuckled, the sound raising the hair on Peter’s arms. “Well done, Peter. Ever my loyal hound. You always were the best at finding a way to make the impossible happen.”

Anger tightened Peter’s stomach and he reminded himself that the bastard was the only one who could give him the information he needed, so he swallowed his wounded pride and decided to humor the old man because Peter needed the information the old man had before he died or changed his mind. A secret so astonishing Peter had scarcely believed it could be true until he’d seen a tantalizing hint of proof in the pictures of a little girl who shouldn’t exist.

With a shaking, age-spotted hand Jorg reached beneath the edge of his pillow and pulled out a thick manila envelope. “Here.”

Expecting some kind of trick, Peter was surprised when he went through the envelope and it contained exactly what he needed. “Thank you.”

“Don’t you want to know why?”

Actually, he did, but more than that, he wanted to go find his last living relatives. “Our business here is finished.”

“It is not done until
say it is done!”

The medical monitors went crazy for a moment as Jorg surged upright in his bed.

Peter would have been happy to see the old fuck die right now, but he didn’t need or want the complications of being present when that happened. “Why did you do it, Jorg? You know he loved her more than anything in the world.”

Collapsing back against the pillows, Jorg clawed for his oxygen mask and brought it to his face, taking deep breaths and closing his eyes. Peter was almost sure he was asleep before Jorg said in a low voice, distorted by the mask, “Find her. Bring her to Russia.”

“No fucking way.”

“You will do this, or I will have the lovely April taken from you.”

Peter struggled to contain his rage, a picture of his adopted daughter’s smiling face flashing through his mind. There was no question Jorg would do as he said, or that his orders would be carried out—even after his death. Hating the evil bastard with every fiber of his being, Peter nodded.

“I will bring her back to Russia.”

“Both of them.”

“Both of them.”

Peter pulled a picture out of the envelope, eagerly scanning the woman’s features. It had been taken while she was unaware, crouching down next to her daughter as they fed ducks at some pond, their deep auburn hair so like his own blazing in the sunlight. She was looking away from the camera, but his heart stopped as he scanned the delicate features of a face he thought he’d never see again. A grown woman, she still looked like an elfin princess, but the past four years had matured her, the last of the baby fat melting away and revealing the high cheekbones and tilted eyes that were the genetic stamp of the Clery family.

God she looked like his sister.

An ache lanced through his heart and he traced his fingertip over the picture, as if he could somehow touch them both by doing this. He’d failed her, in the worst way possible, and even now he had a hard time believing that his deepest wish had come true. It was both a miracle and a curse. He wouldn’t fail her this time so that meant he had to somehow save her from the machinations of the monster lying in bed before him.

“What are your plans for her in Russia?”

“She is a very smart woman, a forensic accountant. You will hire her to go through the financial records of the Pobeda Corporation. There is true fraud there and much corruption. It is where Alex will have to start his work when he becomes CEO. Make her an offer she cannot refuse, but she cannot know it’s you who makes that offer. Do not let her know who you are until she is in Russia.”

Looking up from the picture, Peter sneered at Jorg. “I’m flying to America as soon as I leave here to see her.”

Jorg actually chuckled. “That would be a mistake. She hates you, Peter.”


“You never told her who you really are, what you really do. Your betrayal, your lies, hurt her just as much as Alex’s and she wants nothing to do with you. She fears you, and my son. She will run fast and far the moment she gets wind of you.”

The urge to choke Jorg, to end his miserable life filled Peter. “What did you do?”

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