Dirty Angel-BarbaraElsborg (25 page)

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Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: Dirty Angel-BarbaraElsborg
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“What?” Brody tensed behind him. “Are you serious?”


“Jesus. I can’t believe I didn’t make it worse when I hit you with my car.”

“I’m tough.” Aden twisted round so he lay on his front with his knees bent. He reached to kiss Brody and instead of the hard, rough kiss he’d intended, he found himself teasing Brody’s lips with feather-soft sweeps of his tongue. Brody grasped the back of Aden’s head and held in him place as if he was worried Aden would run.
I should want to, but I don’t.
How could he leave now he’d seen for himself what Matt was like?

He nibbled Brody’s upper lip and leaned harder into him, flicking his tongue in and out of Brody’s mouth, maintaining an erection no longer a worry. Aden’s cock was steel hard against Brody’s leg and Brody’s rigid dick lay sandwiched between them. Then they were kissing each other harder, sharing air, Brody moaning into Aden’s mouth, Aden moaning into Brody’s.

Aden became aware he was grinding against Brody, sloshing water over the side of the bath, but he couldn’t stop. Their tongues twisted together and Brody clutched him so tight, Aden’s heart raced even faster. Maybe this was what had been missing in his life. He hadn’t been willing to take a chance. He’d waited too long and now all he had was three weeks of joy, of fun, of Brody. Aden couldn’t be mended in so short a time, couldn’t turn his life around, but he already felt a better man because he wanted to try.

“The bath’s not big enough,” Brody gasped as they unlocked mouths.

He was right though Aden didn’t want to move but Brody lifted Aden’s head and stared into his eyes. “We need to get out.”

Aden hauled a dripping Brody from the tub and pulled him down onto the floor, lying over him, pressed against him shoulders to toes.

“Condoms. Lube. Under the sink,” Brody gasped.

“Too far.”

Brody let out a strangled laugh. “It’s no more than a yard.”

“Much too far.”

Aden slithered down Brody’s warm, wet body, wrapped his mouth around his cock and hummed. Brody tasted of the bath, of precome, of Brody. Aden squeezed around the base of Brody’s cock and sucked hard at the head.

“Oh fuck,” Brody blurted. “Twist round. Let me do you too. I might last a few more minutes that way.”

They lay on their sides in a tangle of wet towels, their mouths and hands around each other’s cocks and Aden fell into another world. The muscles in his thighs and backside clenched as Brody worked his magic. Aden tried to concentrate on the cock in his mouth, teasing the slit, licking down the length, swallowing as much as he could then contracting the muscles of his throat, but Brody was…better at his than him.

Brody made a happy sound and Aden felt it all the way through to his balls, shudders flooding his body. The taste of Brody melted over his tongue. He kept his mouth moving, but shifted his hands to Brody’s backside, cupping the cheeks and squeezing as he filled his mouth with satiny smooth, hard cock. His fingers slipped into the crack of Brody’s butt and Brody arched against him, making unintelligible sounds. Aden wasn’t going to try and speak.

He felt Brody’s cock pulse against his tongue, then Brody was coming, spurting long, hot jets of salty come into Aden’s mouth. Brody had pulled back from Aden’s cock as he came, but as Aden finished swallowing, Brody took Aden’s dick back in his mouth. Aden leaned up to watch and the sight of his cock slipping through Brody’s fingers, and the way the dark swollen head emerged and disappeared between his lips made his chest hurt. Somehow Brody did everything perfectly, everything Aden wanted without him having to say a thing. The perfect touch, the right pressure with his mouth, the right—

“Oh fuck,” Aden moaned.

The tingle set up low in his belly, flashed to his balls, then he was coming, his stomach tensing, air captured in his throat as he emptied himself into Brody’s mouth. Each wrenching spasm seemed better than the last, until it
the last and then he wanted to do it all over again.

Brody shifted so that he lay with his head next to him and Aden slipped his hand to the back of Brody’s neck and kissed him.

“Christ, you are good at that,” Aden whispered. “
good. You should put it on your résumé. Right after degree in veterinary science. Maybe before.”

Brody chuckled. He dragged dry towels from a pile and tossed one onto Aden.

Aden sat up and rubbed his hair. His gaze drifted to the bite marks on Brody’s chest, not ones he’d made
. Maybe he could never be what Brody wanted, even if they’d had longer than three weeks. How deep
was Brody’s desire to be hurt? Biting in rough play was one thing. Biting to draw blood something else entirely. Maybe it was Brody’s way of making himself feel. Aden did everything he could to avoid feeling. Had done everything he could. But something had changed.

Brody was on his feet, toweling himself dry and Aden pushed up at his side.

“Would you like to go out tonight?” Brody spoke without facing him.

A question to which Aden had always said no.

When Aden didn’t answer, Brody turned to look at him. “On a date?”

I don’t date.

“You could try to sound more excited.”

“A date. Exactly what is a date?”

“Where you do something other than fuck.”

“But we can fuck as well?”

Brody laughed. “Depends.”

Aden sighed. “So where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise. I didn’t think I’d be able to get tickets this late but I took a risk and bought two.”

“Whereabouts is it location-wise?”

“I know you said you had to keep under the radar. It
in the city but we’ll be going in when it’s dark. Want to risk it?”

“If anyone recognizes me, I can talk in a foreign language.”

“What else can you speak?”

Aden shrugged. “Nothing. I’ll make it up. You make it up too, okay?”

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“Yes, I’d love to pound your arse when we get back.”

Brody laughed.


Chapter Fourteen



Brody decided to drive into London. He’d packed the boot with what they needed without Aden seeing, though Brody worried Aden wouldn’t be impressed with his plan.

Aden slung himself into the passenger seat and smiled at Brody. The guy’s smile was enough to get Brody’s pulse jumping.

“Oh fuck,” Brody moaned. “One look at you and I’m wondering why I’m driving you all the way into London when there’s plenty to do here without even getting out of bed.”

“I want to go on this date now. I’m intrigued.”

“Don’t get too excited. How are your aches and pains?”

“I’m fine. How about your biggest one? What are you going to do about Matt?”

Brody steered around the potholes on the drive. “I don’t want to think about him.”

“I know, but you should. Now he’s found you, you think he’s going to walk away? Something tells me he won’t.”

“You’re right.” Brody pulled onto the main road. “I guess I ought to talk to him.”

“Don’t. But if you do, not on your own.”

Brody bristled. “I’m not a fucking baby.”

“Don’t get stroppy. I know you’re not a kid but you are to him. You’re the boy he wanted and got. The boy he’s kept in place all this time. A relationship spanning thirteen years and it might have been off and on, but he thinks he can just step back into your life because that’s what you’ve let him do before.”

“Not this time.”

Brody didn’t want to see Matt or talk to him. But was that because he was afraid of getting trawled back into the world he’d stepped out of? He truly wanted to be done with him.

“The last time I left him I promised myself we were done.”

“When he nearly killed you. What the fuck were you doing?”

Brody tightened his grip on the wheel. “He strangled me to make me come harder. Well, that was the idea. But he went too far.”


Matt had closed his hand around Brody’s throat, added his other hand and told him if he struggled, he’d choke, if he kept still, he’d be fine.

“You agreed to it?” Aden asked.

“He didn’t do it without telling me. I knew the biology of it. Restrict the oxygen supply and the cerebral cortex stops inhibiting areas of the brain that encourage sensation. But being half-strangled freaked me out and when I tried to get him to let go, he didn’t.”

“Did you struggle? Have a sign if you couldn’t speak?”

“I told him while I could still speak. Then speaking became impossible. No, we didn’t have a sign. Yes, that was stupid. I had the marks from his fingers on my neck for days. I had to bandage it up and pretend I’d had a rope wrapped around it when I was handling a horse.”

“He could have killed you.”

“I know.”

Aden slid his hand onto Brody’s thigh and squeezed before he let go.

“He once said he wanted to die while he was fucking me,” Brody whispered. “He told me he wanted me to die at the same time so we’d be found decomposing together—
each other, our bodies enmeshed forever.”

“Shit. That’s not sexy. That’s fucking sick.”

Brody had thought that too, but he understood it was Matt telling him how much he adored him. “He loves me.”

“No, he doesn’t. He’s obsessed with possessing you. There’s a difference.” Aden snorted. “Christ, as if I know anything about love, but it’s commonsense. If he loved you, he’d let you go. But this guy is fucked in the head. I hope the high was worth it.”

“I came harder than I ever have in my life.” Brody regretted the snap in his voice, but too late to take it back.

It was a moment before Aden spoke. “Doesn’t make it right. If you wanted that sort of intensity, inhaling nitrate at the moment of climax does the same thing, except safely. Relatively speaking.”

“You’d be an expert in that, would you?”

Aden shrugged. “I’ve tried most things that are bad for you. Not always voluntarily.”

Brody gave him a quick glance.

“I’ve known a lot of abusers.”

Brody thought back to the early days with Matt. He had
liked what Matt did. And when he’d thought maybe he hadn’t, Matt convinced him otherwise.

“The care system was shit,” Aden said. “Probably better now than it was, but it’s not a good place for any kid. Once it was clear I was gay, I was like catnip. Since I left care, I’ve not been fucked very often. Those I did allow access to my arse were all aggressive guys. I knew when I met them that I wasn’t going to be allowed anywhere near their backside with my cock. I chose not to walk away.”

“You wanted to be hurt?”

“Probably on some level. I knew what was going through their heads because it had been through mine. Aggressive sex is a release for something. Stress, or maybe some psychological twist that’s fucked a guy up. Maybe their father raped them, or their brother, or some boys tormented them, humiliated them. They hurt to try and make themselves feel better. They don’t care about the guy they’re fucking. I’ve been like that. I
like that.”

“You’re not,” Brody whispered.

“We’ve known each other for a week. I’m not good news.”

You are to me.

“If you’re into being on the receiving end of pain, you need limits,” Aden said. “I know I told you this before but you need to understand it. Discuss at what point a line would be crossed. If the guy is worth being with, you draw that line together. I’ve not really been involved in BDSM, but I know that

Aden was talking as if they were already done and they hadn’t even started yet.

“Matt never drew any lines.”

“Because he was older, thought he was wiser. He left you not expecting that consideration from other guys when you should have.”

Brody bristled. “I never had sex without protection.”

“So you said, but you were lucky you went with guys who’d even cooperate with that, and you weren’t always lucky, were you?”

“No. The night before I hit you with my car, I was at a club. I’d just been fucked in the bathroom and when I was leaving, the same guy and two of his mates dragged me into an alley. They didn’t listen to no.”

Aden slid his arm over Brody’s shoulder and stroked his neck. “Sorry that happened to you.”

“You’re not going to say it served me right?”

“Course I’m fucking not.” He paused. “Did the teacher listen to ‘no’?”

“Not always.” Not often. “He never raped me.”

“Technically he did. You were underage for two years, plus he was in a position of authority. He’d have been sacked, never worked as a teacher again. Maybe gone to prison even though it was consensual because the court wouldn’t see it like that.”

“He knew he was hurting me, but there was a time when I was into it as much as him.”

“Sure about that?” Aden slid his fingers into Brody’s hair.

“No.” Brody gave a shaky sigh.

“Because wouldn’t you still be with him if you were into it
much? Being rough is fine as long as you both like it. He abused you. He
you. I know because it happened to me. Lesser scale. Over a much shorter time, but the same. The more you let it happen, and the more you keep it all inside, the greater the control you give up. In the end, the less satisfied you are. I really don’t think you should speak to him. Definitely not unless someone is with you. Me. Des. If Matt comes near you, take out a restraining order. He’s dangerous.”

Brody thought back to what Aden had told him earlier, that Matt had tried to drown him. He hadn’t wanted to believe it, but he remembered Matt’s hands around his neck, how close Matt had come to strangling him. Brody reran the scenario as Aden had painted it. The door left unlocked because Aden had expected Brody. When Matt found it was Aden, a normal response would have been to back off, get dressed and wait for Brody to return. But there was all that water on the floor… Why would Matt have left if he’d not done anything to Aden?

But to try and kill him? Maybe Aden was lying or exaggerating to get Brody to take him seriously. Whatever the truth, Brody had to end it. He didn’t need Aden telling him Matt was bad news. He knew he was.

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