Dirty Little Freaks (8 page)

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Authors: Jaden Wilkes

BOOK: Dirty Little Freaks
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I walk to the bathroom, wash my hands and splash some cold water on my face. I examine myself in the mirror and like the way I look, my lips are plump from the blowjob and my face glows with the sexual energy that’s been streaking through my body since the bathroom at the club. Any resolve I might have fades as I think about the things he’s already done to me, his hard body, his thick cock, the mohawk and beautiful tats. The last of it leaves my body when my clit starts throbbing in anticipation of the things he will do to me.

I jog on the spot like a prizefighter and take a couple of quick jabs with my fist. I catch my shitty upper cut in the mirror and realize that dude's Hulk Chick would have fucking creamed me. Hush saved my life. I psyche myself up to go face him as I realize there’s no way I’m getting out of this one, so I accept my fate and go back to my room.

Hush is stretched out on my bed in all his glory, his unbelievable body waiting for me, to consume me and drag me through depravity. I pose with my arms out and say "Ta-daa," then realize I forgot the drinks. Dammit. I hope he doesn't notice. To distract him I tear off my bra and reach for my skirt. He sits up and says, “Hold on, slow down...I want to enjoy the show.”

“Oh, I think we can fast forward through this part,” I plead. After walking through the apartment, I’ve lost my sexual heat and my nerve. I hate getting naked in front of anyone.

“No, babe, come here and let me help you with that,” he replies, his voice husky. I can see his cock growing harder as I walk towards him.

“So you like this,” I say and slow down, getting back into the mood of our earlier encounter. I sway my hips and watch him watching me, his interest and obvious growing passion encourages me, and my typical self-consciousness falls away like my discarded bra.

Hush reaches for me and pulls me closer, he hooks his finger into the top of my skirt and helps me slide it slowly over my hips, it falls to the floor. My torn tights follow and I bend down to pull them off my feet while he slides my thong down with a growing urgency. He slaps my ass as I’m bent over and says, “Turn around for me.”

“Bend over?” I ask, a little confused at what he has in store.

“Yes, bend over,” he replies and smacks my ass again.

I comply, turn my back to him and bend over, holding my ankles. I don’t know exactly what to expect, but I brace myself for anything. I’m up for anything if he is. He spreads my ass cheeks wide and buries his face in my crack. I move my feet wider to open myself to him. His tongue works my pussy; he jams it into my hole and wiggles it around in a circle. He licks my clit up and down, long, slow draws of his tongue across my sensitive bump. I moan and my pussy contracts, quivers, I’m a heartbeat away from gushing. Hush pulls back and I hear him spit, he wiggles a finger into my ass and starts fucking it with vigor. I feel him add his thumb to my pussy and he holds me like a six-pack…and I really fucking like it.

I lean back against him, pressing my cunt and ass against his hand. I don’t bother to stifle my cry, fuck it, I’m cumming and I want the world to know it. I pant and say his name, moan and thrash my head like I’m having a fit. I feel my pussy and anus clench tight around his fingers, and he stops movement, I hear him jerking his cock with his fingers inside of me. “You are so fucking sexy like this,” he rasps and I respond by finishing, a gush of fluid on his hand. I almost drop, but he supports me, his hold on me is still firm. As I relax, feeling my muscles slow down their twitching, I pull myself off of him. My brain is running a thousand miles a minute, but I am struck without the power of speech. My knees feel weak. I stand and slowly turn around. He’s got a huge grin on his face, his legs are wide apart and he’s still seated on the edge of my bed.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, stepping towards him.

“I would have bet that would have you crying ‘fencepost’,” he replies, still smiling.

“Oh, you don’t know me, then,” I reply and push him back onto the bed. His cock stands at attention and I work my way up the bed towards him on my hands and knees. “You don’t know me at all.” I say and straddle his hips, sliding my sopping wet pussy down his shaft, as his grin disappears and his intensity returns.

“I want to,” he says and grabs my waist with two hands. “I want to very badly” he continues and thrusts himself up inside of me, stabbing me with his hard cock and his desperate intentions.

“I want you to,” I tell him, not knowing where this is coming from. I want to know him, I want him to know me, I want to explore this togetherness, this possibility. His thrusting picks up speed and I grab his pecs to balance myself, or I feel like I’ll tip over. His pecs feel good, damn good, how does he keep himself this ripped without living in a gym? I stare at his tattoos as he’s thrusting, the moving muscle makes them undulate, the tribal patterns and mythical beasts move and quiver with each thrust. It makes everything feel otherworldly, this entire night has been like that. What the fuck did Sarai give me? I wonder and thank my lucky stars I didn’t go home with Hulk Chick’s boyfriend.

I’m going to cum again, and I can feel that he is close. He grips my waist hard, almost painfully, and says “Wait for me, I want to finish together.” I nod and lean forward, look into his eyes. His Disney prince, movie star eyes. God this man is perfect. Even his limp mohawk splayed across my comforter looks perfect, he’s a fucking rock God and I am worshipping his cock.

“I will,” I tell him. “I can’t wait long though, your cock is ripping me apart, shredding everything I thought I knew and sending me over the edge,” I blurt, I’m fucking poetic when I’m inspired by such hotness.

“Oh, babe, I’m there,” he gasps and thrusts upwards one last time, gripping my waist and pulling me down. I can feel the head of his cock hit my cervix hard, it sends a shockwave of impact through my pelvis and pushes me far into my orgasm. I feel full, complete, and I hang onto his body like I’m going to fly away if I don’t. Fireworks explode in my mind, and electric waves of pleasure shoot along my limbs. I am on fire, pure liquid ecstasy. I pant and moan and grind my pelvis against him, I can feel his cock twitch and my pussy tighten around it. His load explodes inside of me, a warm viscosity spreading in my pussy and mixing with my own gushing fluid.

I drop onto his chest, his cock slowly goes limp inside of me and my cunt slows down its frantic clenching and twitches. I fit on top of him perfectly, our sweaty bodies melding together with the top of my head just under his chin. He blows some of my hair out of his face and wraps his arms around me. I float in a little ocean of bliss, and somewhere deep inside of me, the cynical, aloof part of me is screaming to retreat. This is abnormal behaviour for me, most of the time I’d be half dressed by now and shaking his hand on my way out. I don’t want to stop touching Hush though, I want to stay wrapped up in his arms, feeling his heart pound through his gorgeous muscled body, and fall into the rhythm of his breath as it slows and becomes steady. I think he’s falling asleep.

“Hey,” I say and smack his arm, jolting him awake.

“Oh shit, sorry babe, I drifted off there,” he says, his voice already thick with fatigue. “What time is it anyways?”

“You’re such a lightweight,” I smile at him. “It’s only...hang on, let me get my phone.” I jump off the bed and reach for my purse. Holy shit, it’s 4:38 now. “Uh, it’s not that bad,” I tell him. “It’s almost five.”

“Fuck, are you kidding?” he says and sits straight up in bed. “Where’s Diesel?”

“Uh, I assume he’s with Eva,” I reply. “What’s the hurry, do you turn into a fucking pumpkin or something?”

“I, uh, I have to be somewhere,” he tells me, but I know he’s lying about something.

My walls immediately go up, the drawbridge withdraws and the gates slam shut. He’s lying to me about something. Does he have a girlfriend?

“Uh huh,” I say and open my dresser drawer to find my cozy pyjamas. Looks like this is taking a turn for the worse, I might as well cuddle up with my extra pillow and forget this ever happened.

He stands up and walks to my side. “Listen,” he says, “we have rehearsal at ten. If we show up late one more time, the studio is going to stop renting us the space. It’s important.” He pulls me into his embrace before I can grab anything, so our naked bodies end up melded together again. I release a deep sigh and rest my head on his chest.

“Ok…it’s ok. I have a tendency to overreact,” I say, letting myself open up a teeny tiny bit, once I go into emotional lock down, it takes a lot to drag me out. “It’s a bad habit of mine.”

“Have you been hurt before?” he asks and rubs his hand up and down my back. I shiver and can’t help the heat building in my pussy. His touch is magic to me, it’s fucking insane.

“I don’t get hurt,” I tell him, “I keep myself closed off so I don’t have to go through shit like that.”

“Ah, I see, you keep your walls high,” he smiles and holds me against him. He kisses the top of my head and says “Don’t worry, babe, I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

I want to believe him, I really do. I want to let myself go with him and feel everything my body is aching to feel. But I can’t, somewhere inside, that part of me that grew up with an alcoholic mother, who can spot a lie at a thousand yards...well, that part of me won’t shut the fuck up. Something’s not right here, and I know it.

But I don’t care, not right now. I’ll keep my guard up, but I can’t say no to this man. I need to have more of him, inside of me, on me. I need to wake up next to him, to smell like him, to wear his over sized tee shirt while we make scrambled eggs in the morning. I am craving living out one of my Plenty of Fish relationship fantasies, and I can’t help myself.

I snuggle into the embrace, inhale the scent of him, of us, and say, “I believe you.”

Chapter Four
Chai Tea and Playing it Cool


I breeze into work a few minutes early the shift after I met Hush. I am still walking a foot off the ground. Pathetic, right? I basically slept all day yesterday, I woke up occasionally to think about Hush and rub one off before going back to sleep. At around five I heard my phone buzz and rolled over to grab it, my heart doing a little jump. I was rewarded with a text from Hush. He was all like “hey babe, I can still smell you on my fingers, when’s the next time? xoxox”

I hate that he could make or break my day. I didn’t reply though, I remember Eva’s success with men, how ignoring them seems to work. Then again, I always ignore men afterwards and they don’t chase me at all. I decided I’d send him a message from work, where I was safe from the desperation of begging him over to fuck me right then and there.

“Hey Jag,” I say to my surprised boss. “What? Can’t a girl come in early for a change?” I smile; the look on his face is worth me being here ahead of time. If I am being honest, I might admit that I came in early because I’m dying to text Hush the moment my shift starts. But I’m not generally honest to myself, so I’ll just pretend traffic was good and there was nobody on the bus today.

“Holy shit, I don’t think you’ve ever been on time, let alone early,” Jag exclaims when he sees me, then he narrows his eyes suspiciously and adds, “You know I can’t give you a raise, right?”

“Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear!” I laugh in reply, “And no, I’m not angling for a raise. Traffic was good today, that’s all.”

He gives me another sidelong glance and shakes his head. He doesn’t believe me, but he doesn’t care. He grabs his stuff and makes to leave. He pauses at the door, looks back at me and says, “You're not high, are you? If you are, you’d better not let anyone rip you off.”

“I’m not high, I swear,” I say, mentally shoving him out the door so I can text in peace. “And you know me, even if I were as high as a fucking kite, I’m not letting anyone rip me off. Now go home, your wife is probably waiting for you right now.”

He sighs, looks at his watch and says, “I don’t like this, you seem weird, but there’s nobody else to cover you…just don’t mess up.” The buzzer sounds as he opens the door and leaves at last.

I love the night shift, Jag hates it, so it works out well. I’m working ten to six tonight, it’s more than the legal eight hours, and he doesn’t pay me overtime, but I’m cool with that. He basically gives me free rein to do what I want, and as long as the register doesn’t come up short, he asks no questions.

Usually I study while I’m on shift, my other secret kept from Eva. She thinks I hate school as much as she does, but I’m starting to rethink things as I get a little older. As much as I appreciate this job, I don’t want to be mopping up jizz when I’m a grandma. If I have kids I mean, I’m still not convinced I’m a breeder.

Education is a scary prospect though, given my history. I never did graduate from high school, but if I want to go into anything at all I’ll need it, so I’ve been studying for my GED. That’s right, I know I’m pathetic, studying for my GED in the middle of a sex shop, hiding it from Eva and running from my feelings for Hush. I’m an enigma wrapped in a mystery all bundled up in a box of fucking fail. In spite of my near photographic memory, I’m sure I’ll fail, but I’ll find out soon enough. I take the test in four weeks.

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