Dirty Rotten Liar (16 page)

BOOK: Dirty Rotten Liar
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He read her lips and caught the words,
Fuck you!
coming out of her mouth.
Oh hell yeah,
Barron thought as she grilled him with the serial killer look on her face. His lil cuz was about to be a headache, Barron knew. Chicks like Pilar didn't get sat down every day of the week, and pissed off wasn't even the word for the look that Pilar had just shot him.
Hell nah. The look in her gray eyes didn't just tell him she was mad. That look told him she wanted her some
ilar laid back on her float and grilled Barron's fine ass as his eyes roamed all over her. At any other time she would have been dying to give him a nice hot go, but the sight of him creeping out of Mink's room with sticky cum in his drawers was burned into her memory, and so was the memory of those pictures that had up and disappeared.
Fuck you!
she mouthed, and then hit him with an evil blast from her eyes that was so cold he took a few steps backward and then broke out and disappeared into the crowd.
Pilar fumed for a few minutes and then she paddled with her hands over to the shallow edge. Sliding her long legs around, she stood up on the sandy lake bottom and got out of the water.
Her eyes searched for Barron again but he had skyed up and disappeared.
, Pilar thought. That fucker must have thought she was one of those easily faded white girls he was used to banging! He didn't know who he was fucking with this time, she fumed as she pushed her way through the crowd and stormed inside the house. But he was about to find out!
Pilar's firm body glistened with droplets of lake water, and her bare feet slapped on the stone tiles as she stomped up the steps and left a trail of wet prints behind her as she headed toward her private guest suite.
She had just gotten to the top of the stairs and was turning the corner when she saw Dy-Nasty rushing down the hall toward her with one arm swinging wildly and the other hand gripping her crotch.
Pilar sneered and roasted that dizzy bitch in her hot glare as they stalked past each other like two snakes slithering in the grass.
“What's wrong?” she snapped, letting her gaze drop down between Dy-Nasty's thick thighs. “Crabs biting that ass?”
Dy-Nasty cracked up laughing as she cupped her pussy even tighter and waved her other hand in the air.
“You so fuckin' funny, Pilar!” she said, shaking her head just as hard as she was shaking her ass. “You's one funny fuckin' bitch. For real!”
Pilar rolled her eyes and stormed down the hall to her room. She walked in just as her fiancé Ray was pulling the sheets and blankets up on the bed, and he jumped in surprise when she yanked open the door.
“Pilar!” he blurted.
He was standing there in nothing but a pair of humungous checkered swim trunks and he looked like ten cans of chunky soup. Pilar busted the guilty look on his face and sneered at his lazy ass.
“Don't tell me your big ass was up in here sleeping,” she hissed. “Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air, Ray? Splash around in the lake for a while and get some
,” she said sarcastically. “Or better yet, try taking a walk! Do something besides laying up on your ass or watching television all day!”
To her surprise Ray swelled up on her. “You don't have to talk to me like that, Pilar!” he said, glaring at her from his chubby face.
Pilar smirked as she eyed his man-titties and his jiggly stretch-marked stomach. His swim trunks were a size 3XL and they were still tight around his waist and bunched up between his stocky thighs.
“What are you gonna do about it, Ray?” she asked, taunting him as she stepped up in his face. “I can say whatever the hell I want to say.”
Ray sighed. “I'm tired of you disrespecting me, Pilar,” he said without backing down. “And I'm not taking this kinda shit from you no more!”
“Oh, is that right?” Pilar said, feeling herself as all the rage she was choking on because of Barron rose up in her and she got ready to throw it down on Ray.
“So what the hell are you gonna do about it, Ray? Leave? Are you fuckin' gonna
? Well, get gone, then! I've been telling you to do that for the longest time. You finally ready to take the hint?”
“YEAH, BITCH!” Ray whirled around and blasted on her, barking in her grill so hard that he covered her entire face in a spray of spit. “Hell yeah! I'm leaving, you stuck-up
! I'm
! That's what you wanted and now that's what the fuck you got! I'm leaving! I'm fuckin'
He whirled around and snatched his pants up from the floor, and Pilar stood there with her mouth open, straight stunned.
This fool had never opened up on her like that before. He had never so much as raised his fuckin' voice to her and she couldn't believe it. She just couldn't believe it!
“Ray!” she said, grabbing hold of his meaty arm as he stood on one leg and tried to stick his foot inside the leg of his pants. He stumbled forward and she grabbed his shoulder and twirled herself around him until they were face-to-face again.
“Uh-uh,” Pilar said, peering at him with her gray eyes squinted up like a cat. “Hold the hell up. Come here, Ray!” Pilar yanked on his arm and got up on him so close that for a minute it looked like she was about to tongue him down. But then she stuck her nose right up under Ray's bottom lip and took two long sniffs. The first one was bad enough, but the second one damn near knocked her out.
!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
This fat muthafucka had
on his breath!
Pilar was going off like a whole pack of firecrackers as she wilded out and tossed her suite up.
“What the fuck is this?” she screamed as she snatched the sheets back and saw the outline of a drying puddle smack in the middle of her bed.
She stared at Ray and then caught a quick flashback of Dy-Nasty coming down the hall gripping her stank pussy like it was sore. And then an even uglier flashback hit her that fucked her up
even more.
The fuck noises she had heard one night at the mansion when she was walking down the hall to Fallon's room came flooding back to her! At the time she had thought Bunni was in there trying to hit on Fallon's young ass, but now Pilar realized those noises had been coming from
Grunting. Gasping and groaning.
“Yeah! Suck my clit! Eat this pussy, goddammit! Fuck me with that long-ass tongue and lick up
my cum!”
“You nasty
!” Pilar exploded as realization hit her and hit her hard. She lunged at Ray with her hands stretched out and started slicing into him like she had razor blades stuck to her fingers.
“You low-down fat bastard!” she screamed in disgust, clawing into his face and shredding his skin. “You ate her nasty pussy! You munched that dirty bitch
Ray yelped and tried to cover his face. Pilar went for his neck and hands and got to shredding those shits too. He grabbed her wrists and yanked her arms up in the air. Pilar shrieked and head-butted him smack in the mouth like she had on a helmet. They both hollered when Ray's top teeth cut through his lip and her forehead too, and blood trickled down his chin and over the ridge of her nose.
“You dirty bastard!” Pilar wailed, gripping her bloody head as she brought her knee up hard into his fluffy crotch and then stomped her heel down on Ray's big toe.
!” Ray cried out and clutched his tiny nuts. Pilar reached up and clutched the back of his neck and tried to bite a hunk outta his nose. Ray hollered and let his dick go and grabbed his face. Pilar went to work on his ass. She kneed him in the gut and then pushed her face into his chest and sank her teeth deep into the softness of his right titty.
“Owwwww!” Ray bitch-screamed and shoved her hard with both hands .
Pilar went flying through the air and landed right in the wet cum spot in the middle of her bed.
She felt the slimy dampness under her hand and jumped up like she had an electric prod shoved up her ass.
She hit the floor running and grabbed a half-empty bottle of wine from the small bar near the sofa. She swung that bottle like a baseball bat and hollered in satisfaction when it cracked Ray right upside his skull.
“You fuckin' bastard!” she shrieked as the skin on his head split like a grape and bright blood trickled down his face and dripped off his chin.
Ray clutched his head and moaned and sank halfway down to his knees.
“I hope your fuckin'
falls off, you shit-eating bitch!” She stood over him and raged as she looked around for something else to bash his head in with. “I hope it falls off just like your little-ass dick fell off, you nasty
“I'm sorry, Pilar,” Ray muttered as he got up on his feet and staggered toward the door. He was crying too. Not only was his head busted, Pilar had scratched his mug down to the white meat, and his face burned like a muthafucka as tears seeped into the bloody welts that streaked every which'a way across his jiggly cheeks. “I'm sorry.”
eet me in the pool house in five minutes.
Jock sat on a lawn chair looking bored as fuck as he came down off his high. The joint was packed out. The “Welcome Back from the Dead” party for his pops was getting bigger by the minute, and so was Jock's funky attitude. With Viceroy back on the scene a nigga couldn't even get lifted as much as he wanted to. He couldn't run up on none of these fine honeys walking around wagging their asses in itsy-bitsy bikini bottoms, and he damn sure couldn't kick back in the grass and puff no chronic or no yay.
Jock yanked the brim of his fitted down over his forehead and stared at the huge house next door where a big party was going on too. The Dominions were one of the few black families who owned waterfront property in Horseshoe Bay, and even though Jock had spent a lot of summers out here at the lake, he had never really fucked with the neighbors too much.
Except for the blond chick named Lisa who lived next door and who had been giving him the sweet eye for the past summer or two. Jock checked Lisa and her white friends out as they swam and paddled and Jet Skied in the Bay. Every now and then Lisa would peek over and wave at him all friendly, like white people do, and then go back to screaming and splashing in the water with her silly little girlfriends.
Blondie looked good as shit, Jock thought as he eyed her firm, creamy ass-cheeks. Her little blue bikini string was clenched between two sweet lumps of pale meat, and for a white girl she was nice and hunked up back there.
Jock slid down in his chair and opened his legs wider as his dick got hard. He tuned out the loud music and all the half-drunk conversations going on back and forth, till the only thing in his world was the sexy blond-haired white girl, her smooth white ass, and her nice jiggly tits.
Jock's bottom lip sagged as he fucked the girl with his eyes. He was sitting there fantasizing like a mutha about bending her over, twisting her up, and all the other freaky shit he wanted to do to her when outta nowhere she dove under the water and then burst up dripping wet and stared dead at him.
Jock jumped in his seat. He was busted. Her eyes were locked on his like she was reading his damn mind. And when she licked her lips and held her hand up in the air, waving him over, he straightened up in his chair a little bit and then aimed his thumb at his own chest like,
Baby is you talking to me?
Lisa nodded her head, and then angled it twice toward her pool house, like she was tryna tell him to slide over and meet her at her crib. Jock angled his head that way once just to be sure, and when she nodded vigorously and started walking toward the sandy shore, he jumped up and beat feet through the crowd of partiers so he could get his black ass over there and get at her.
The last thing Jock was thinking about was putting on a helmet as he plunged into that tight piece of hot white trim. He was on a whole nother high as he cupped her juicy ass in his palms and stroked her so deep he battered her pubic bone.
The little snow bunny in his arms was burning on fire. She had dragged him inside the outdoor changing room and jumped his chocolate bones. Without hesitating, she had dropped down to her knees and yanked Jock's shorts down with her. He had almost screamed like a bitch as she went to work sucking his dick like it came in thirty-one delicious flavors.
For the last ten minutes Jock had been digging her out with his long hard shovel. Her pussy felt like a hot velvet suction cup as they squeezed each other's asses and fucked standing up.
But all of a sudden shit changed in a hurry.
“Shhh!” the white girl hissed through her teeth as she stopped humping and gripped his shoulders tight. She pressed her finger to her lips. “Somebody's coming!”
Jock froze in mid-stroke.
And then he heard what she had heard. Footsteps. Heavy footsteps. Coming toward the changing area.
He pushed against her hips and his cream-coated dick slid outta her in a big wet plop. He looked around, his eyes desperately scanning the fenced-in area for someplace he could hide.
But there was only one door. One way in and one way out.
Jock's eyes skimmed over the top of the wooden fence. Even if the stakes weren't shaved to a point, there was only about six inches of clearance room between the tips and the roof. Not enough space for even his long athletic body to get through. He looked down and saw it was the same thing with the gap under the bottom of the fence. Six to eight inches. He wouldn't even be able to get his big head through that!
The footsteps were closer. Right outside the swinging door. He could hear them talking.
“You're just going to have to buckle down and study harder this year, son.”
“I know, Dad. I will. I promise.”
Jock bent over and yanked up his swim trunks and stuffed his limp dick back inside. He stared at Lisa. She was scared shitless. Her green eyes looked panicked like fuck.
“It's my father!” she whispered. Her bare feet sank into the soft sand as she stood on one foot and scrambled to get her other leg back through her blue bikini bottoms. She covered her pink breasts with the cups of her bikini top and Jock's fingers fumbled as he tried to help her retie the strings on each end.
He had just gotten that bad boy tied when the door opened and Lisa's father and two of her brothers walked in.
“Lisa!” her tanned older brother shouted. And then his eyes met Jock's and they turned to stone. “You dirty son of a bitch!” he snarled, and barreled straight toward Jock with his thick wrestler's arms stretched open wide.
“What the hell is going on here?” Lisa's father shouted as he watched his ass-naked daughter hop on one foot with her bikini bottoms dangling from her left ankle.
By now both boys had jumped on Jock and knocked him flat on his narrow ass. The older one sat on his chest pounding him as the younger one tried to bury Jock's head in the sand with his bare feet.
“Did he rape you?” the girl's father roared as he stared at his daughter's naked coochie and thighs and the thin stream of cum that was running down her pale legs. “Did this nigger
!” the young girl wailed as she gave up trying to get into her bottoms and sank her naked ass down in the sand and covered her crotch with her hands. “Daddy,
” she begged as tears of shame fell from her eyes. “Nothing happened! We didn't do anything! I swear to you, nothing happened!”
Rage washed over the older man as he eyed his little girl's skimpy blue bottoms hanging from her ankle. Her bikini top had been tied too tight, and it was hiked up so high that one of her juicy breasts was hanging out of the bottom.
He glanced over at his furious sons as they put a hurting on the black boy whose cum had been running down his baby girl's thigh. He was a grown man and he knew he should probably stop his boys before they killed the little nigger they were beating down in the sand. Yeah, that would have been the righteous adult thing to do, but he just didn't have it in him as he rushed over to the scuffle pile and jumped in swinging.
Hoards of partygoers smiled and waved as Selah walked over and sat down under the pavilion next to her man. She had gone inside the house to place a quick call to Rodney Ruddman. He had made Selah promise to call him during Viceroy's BBQ so they could play their sexy phone game, but when she got upstairs in her master suite and dialed his number, she had chickened out from shame and slammed the phone down before he could answer it.
Besides, here lately Rodney had been getting just a little bit too possessive. He'd been making noises about how she should leave Viceroy and move into his penthouse apartment with him, as if that crazy shit would ever happen.
Selah was dick-whipped but she wasn't no fool. Getting her backside banged a few days a week was one thing, but shaking up the foundation of her family was definitely out of the question. As good as Ruddman made her feel in bed, Selah knew their little secret trysts would eventually have to come to an end. She figured if she could get with him two, maybe three more times it might satisfy her love jones enough that she could safely walk away.
She glanced at Viceroy and sighed when she saw the look on his face. Selah had understood all the medical stuff the doctors told her about Viceroy's brain injury and how it could affect things like his emotions, his memory, and his reasoning skills, but that didn't make his mood swings or his growing demands for sex any easier to put up with.
“I want some head when I get to Austin, baby,” he'd told her over the phone first thing that morning. “I don't give a damn about no barbeque. I'm a man and I need my dick sucked, Selah. I need you to wet it up for me real good, you hear?”
Selah had almost gagged. Wasn't nothing sexy about a dead snake! There was no way in hell she was sucking that man's limp, rubbery dick! Not when she could slobber on Rodney Ruddman's nice stiff pole whenever she wanted to.
The thought of sucking Ruddman off made her heart rate speed up. That man was like a drug, and she felt like a junkie who was dying to get clean, but just didn't have the willpower to leave the good stuff alone.
Not that Rodney would have let her leave him anyway. As brilliant as he was, he had begun to mistake hot sex for true love, and in the heat of one of their spectacular fuck fests he had
her promise to leave Viceroy so they could be together all the time. And with that rock-hard dick pounding up inside of her so deliciously, Selah had thrown her head back, climaxed all over that wood between her legs, and agreed.
Of course she hadn't meant it. She had no intention of leaving her husband for Ruddman. Hell, she would have said any damn thing just to keep that good feeling going in the sheets, and a man as smart as Rodney should have known that.
She took a deep breath and plastered a fake smile on her face and hoped she looked like she was having a good time. As the wife of a billionaire Selah knew she had a role to play, and she was cool with that. But Viceroy had been fronting and playing himself a role all damn day too. Skinning and grinning and coming off real smooth and silky when he was around his business associates and employees, but snapping like a bastard on wheels as soon as he caught her or one of the kids alone by themselves.
Especially Barron. That boy was really catching hell from his daddy. Viceroy acted like none of the hard work Barron had done while he was laying up there in a coma was worth shit now that he was awake. Poor Bump. Selah had watched him try to stay as far away from his father as he could all day long, but with so many industry people running around expecting them to look like one big happy family, either him or Selah was stuck sitting up under Viceroy just to make the lie they had gone back to living look like the truth.
“Yo,” Viceroy leaned over and muttered in her ear as they watched the teenagers dancing and kicking up sand to the loud music that was blasting around the water's edge. “What's up with that button on Fallon's shirt?”
Selah sighed as she watched her youngest daughter twerk her hips to the beat in her rainbow-swirled bikini. There was a small gay pride button pinned to Fallon's bikini top that had caught her father's eye.
“Well, what the hell is it? What does that shit say?”
Selah swallowed hard. “It looks like one of those tolerance buttons, Viceroy,” she finally said. “It's no big deal. It just means people who are a little different can count on Fallon to accept them and support them just the way they are.”
Viceroy snorted like,
Nigga, please!
“But that's a rainbow on her, right? That's them gay people's mess ain't it?”
Selah shrugged and nodded.
“So you sitting here telling me that them lil fruity faggots with the colorful skirts can count on my daughter to support them, huh?”
Selah sucked her breath in sharply. “They're not called
, Viceroy! That's just wrong! And just so you know, Fallon is almost eighteen and she can make her own decisions about who she supports! The world isn't as simple as it was back when we were her age. Kids are exposed to more options now. They accept more and they know more.”
Viceroy bucked. “
damn kids accept what the hell I tell 'em to accept!” He leaned toward Selah, and then with a deadly look on his face and his cold-blooded eyes plastered hard on Fallon, he leaned in even closer and hit his wife with his wrath full-blast.
“So tell me, Big Mama. What in the hell was you out there doing when our baby girl was pledging her support to some damn freaks of nature?” he snapped with his lips almost touching her ear. “Tell me what kind of
allows her only daughter to walk around wearing a button like
and embarrassing the shit outta her entire family?”
“What in the hell are you talking about?” Selah blurted and pulled away from him. “I'm not
Fallon to do anything!”
“Well did you tell her to take that shit off? Did you knock her on her ass when she told you she was supporting them tulip freaks?” A sneer of fury slid across Viceroy's face as he shook his head and grilled Selah with a look of rage in his eyes.
“You know, my poor mama worked three jobs, Selah.
fuckin' jobs! She scrubbed floors, she scrubbed shitters, and she washed other people's funky drawers! But never
did she fall down on the job that was the most important thing her goddamn life: raising me and Suge.”
Viceroy shook his head. “Now, if Frances Mae Dominion can scrub her damn fingers to the bone and still manage to raise two hardheaded boys to grow up and be some damn body, then the
you shoulda been able to do was raise Jock and Fallon half-assed right!”

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