Disciplined (3 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Disciplined
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he ten-hour flight to the main island had been made tolerable with the assistance of Sebastian and Niklas, who made sure the flight attendants were kept busy catering to her every whim. But when she’d boarded the charter flight and had been told the two men couldn’t accompany her on the charter plane, Yoyin became enraged and then frustrated to the point of tears.

Accustomed to luxury private jets or the spacious comfort of first-class commercial flights, Yoyin found the service on the dreadfully cramped and truly hideous charter plane deplorable and an abomination. Even worse, two other women were sharing the flight with her: an arrogant and dark Amazonian woman and a meek blonde. The blonde was wearing a skirt and jacket that were so chintzy that Yoyin couldn’t bear to look at her.

When she’d boarded the plane, wiping tears from her eyes, the blonde had turned around, giving her a sympathetic smile, and for one frightening moment, Yoyin had thought the mousy creature was going to get up, take one of the seats closer to her, and attempt to strike up a conversation. Yoyin bristled. She wouldn’t dream of lowering herself to make eye contact with the woman, much less part her lips to speak to someone so drab and shabbily attired.

The other woman on the flight wasn’t Yoyin’s cup of tea either. When the other passenger strutted down the narrow aisle to use the restroom, Yoyin became instantly agitated and made it a point to suck her teeth audibly. The woman, extremely tall and dark chocolate, was fit with a curvaceous body. The arrogant Amazon was bloody distracting in her black stilettos, hip-hugging short skirt, and cream-colored silk blouse that revealed too much cleavage. Her big boobies gave Yoyin a quick stab of breast envy, but she quickly quelled that by giving the hussy a sneering look of disapproval.

Finally, the plane landed. Yoyin stood, impatient to get off the rickety plane and begin her island sexathon. The jittery blonde hurried behind her closely. Too closely—on her heels. Yoyin quickened her steps, keeping a comfortable distance between herself and the blonde who was obviously trying to latch onto her.

Yoyin descended the stairs of the plane and was welcomed on the tarmac by a cluster of chatty smiling men and beautiful women with disgustingly tiny waistlines. All were clad in cheesy flower-print island garb and holding brightly colored garlands of fresh flowers. It was a revolting sight.

Sunglasses hid her scowl, but her pouty lips, pressed together in displeasure, made it clear that she was deeply offended by the throng of lei greeters and had no intention of engaging in such an idiotic custom. She looked around as if expecting Sebastian and Niklas to instantly manifest and communicate to these island morons that no one—absolutely no one—was to approach her and attempt to slip a silly lei around her bejeweled neck. The diamond choker that graced her delicate, long neck was to be envied and admired, not concealed by a cluster of stupid flowers.

Amid the throng, she noticed a mature man with thick, steely gray hair wearing a white suit. A petite woman in white stood
smiling at his side. The man had an air of proprietorship that didn’t sit well with Yoyin. He turned in her direction, giving her a significant look with his piercing brown eyes.
She hoped the pompous prick didn’t try to get on her good side by sending a smile her way or annoy her with unnecessary chatter.
God forbid!
The very thought caused her to avert her gaze. She couldn’t bear the audacity of people who thought themselves important enough to address her without her precise permission. Though he was deeply tanned, he didn’t appear to be a native Hawaiian. A bit curious, she cut an eye at the man, trying to make out his nationality. Before she could figure it out or the reason for his presence on the tarmac, he turned and smiled at the drab blonde.
Good! Be on your way, you overconfident louse!

As if by magic, two incredibly gorgeous, sun-burnished men, wearing tight-fitting tank tops that flaunted their well-muscled torsos, parted the crowd and stepped forward, revealing floral-print shorts. Thankfully, neither man was carrying a bundle of leis.

“Hello, Ms. Ayikade,” said one of the handsome island hunks. Her beauty, expensive attire and jewelry, and her metallic silver Jimmy Choos made her easily recognizable. Sebastian had insisted that he knew nothing about the invitation, but someone had slipped it inside a shoe box, so obviously her penchant for expensive, sexy shoes was a known fact.

She nodded and perused the duo. Both had long manes of inky black hair. Their faces and muscular bodies were so hot that she forgave them their crude, floral shorts.

“Welcome to Ka-le’a, my name is Michael.” He grasped her hand and kissed it. “This is Greg.” He nodded toward the equally gorgeous man beside him.

Yoyin scowled at the pair, annoyed that such exotic-looking men didn’t have suitable Hawaiian names and didn’t possess even
a hint of a native dialect. She’d paid a small fortune for this island getaway and was swindled by their terribly ordinary names and their perfect English accents.

“Aloha,” Greg said with a devilish smile dancing in his eyes. He repeated the hand-kissing gesture; only his lips were slightly parted and his seductive kiss lingered on the top of her hand.

“Your host selected Greg and me as your escorts during your stay here at our beautiful island,” Michael said, slightly bowing his head.

Yoyin’s eyes were drawn to their crotches. Judging by the bulges tenting their shorts, both Michael and Greg were generously endowed. She felt her irritation dissipate as hot yearning surged through her body. The thought of starting her erotic adventure by sampling Michael’s and Greg’s male equipment fired her lust.

“We’ll get your bags,” Michael said. She saw their hard-muscled buttocks outlined by their atrocious shorts when the men turned to retrieve her two Louis Vuitton trunks. Each easily hoisted a trunk on his shoulder and held it in place using just one hand, as if her heavily laden luggage were as light as feathers. With their free hands, they reached for her arms. Taking prancing steps, Yoyin headed toward the car.

Yoyin relaxed her pursed lips. Things were finally starting to shape up to a more desirable scenario. Inside the car, seated between the buff escorts, she brazenly traced the swelling inside their pants, both hands gliding along the length of their shafts.

“Is everything to your satisfaction, Ms. Ayikade?” Greg asked, his glance going to her bold hands.

“Very,” she agreed, totally satisfied with the size of their equipment.

“Great.” Michael nodded his head.

Although perplexed that he made no further comment, she assumed he was flattered by the attention she was giving him and his partner. Wanton images of her and two men, naked and engaging in a lewd ménage, flooded her thoughts.

Yoyin surveyed the back of the Town Car and wrinkled her nose.

“It won’t work. There’s not enough space. We’ll have to wait until we get to the resort.”

Michael smiled amiably. Perceiving his smile as encouragement, she continued stroking their erections. She noticed Greg’s gleaming eyes run the length of her, settling briefly on her ears, her neck, wrists, fingers, ankles, and toes—every inch of her that flaunted glimmering and expensive jewelry.

“Oh, there’s much more. I have lots of sparkly things.” Yoyin gave him a sly smile.

“Where? In your luggage?” Greg asked, his deep voice sending hot waves of desire straight to her velvety center.

“Yes. There and…other places…” She smiled coyly, opening her thighs and exposing her bared vagina. Both men received a hot visual of the other places she held her treasures.

She couldn’t stop her broad smile. She was actually starting to have a very good time. Yoyin lowered her lashes dreamily. Once the two hotties located her treasures—with their tongues, of course—she’d reward them with the gift of double penetration. She gave a sharp intake of breath. The imagery of a rigid cock sliding in her tight asshole and the other savagely drove inside her cunt made her extremely hot.

Impulsively, she undid the string that tightened Greg’s shorts. Before she could slip her hand beneath the waistband, his strong hand clamped tightly around her wrist.

Her gaze shot upward, green eyes blazing.

Greg shook his head.

“How…how dare you?” she sputtered, appalled as she witnessed his determined hand tighten and retie the drawstring, adamantly denying her access to his private parts.

“I’m uncomfortable.” She glared at Michael. “Change places with me.”

“Of course,” Michael responded as he promptly exchanged places with Yoyin. “Enjoy the view,” he added pleasantly.

Deciding her two escorts were either neutered or gay, she shifted her attention and gazed out the window. The hedonistic sexathon the invitation had promised was nothing more than a hoax. Seething, she yanked her head toward the escorts and glared at their bulging crotches.
She was certain of it and rolled her eyes excessively and their phony bulges. Was this a joke? She’d been promised three nights of unending, decadent pleasure. The fun should have started, shouldn’t it have? She cut her eyes again at her escorts.
Worthless, fucking eunuchs!

Irritation increased with each passing second. Yoyin folded her arms. She wouldn’t stand for it. The moment she arrived at the resort, she would insist upon exchanging these two escorts with real men who had real dicks. Furthermore, she would demand that she, and she alone, hand-pick the replacements. If her mysterious host didn’t promptly indulge her wish, well…she’d tell him to take his lofty invitation and shove it.

“We’re here,” Michael said as the car glided through the open gate and cruised along smooth asphalt. They passed lush tropical gardens, a rock-trimmed waterfall, and a charming gazebo. As she arrived at the front of the mansion, a long stretch of beautiful white sand and blue ocean appealed to her. “This is your villa.”

“It’s very secluded,” she complained as the driver came to a stop. “Are those other two staying here? You know…that antsy blonde and the Queen of the Nile,” she sarcastically referred to the two women who had accompanied her on the charter plane.

“No idea,” Greg said. “We’re here for you. We want to make sure that your stay exceeds your expectations.”

“If that’s the case, I want you to get in touch with my host immediately. Tell him I don’t like these accommodations.” She gestured toward the stunning mansion. “Too far away from the excitement.” With her nose wrinkled in dissatisfaction, Yoyin looked from Michael to Greg. “I don’t like you two either. Tell him I prefer more sexually adventurous escorts. In fact, get the mysterious host on the phone; I want to personally inform him of my long list of complaints.”

“As you wish, Ms. Ayikade,” Greg said evenly, his tone betraying no emotion. “Now, come inside and get settled. I’ll contact him at once.”

Greg opened the door for Yoyin and escorted her inside the opulent dwelling while Michael and the driver retrieved her luggage from the trunk of the car.

Inside the large room, the full staff was lined up. Among the group, she noticed a chef, a butler, and two maids, their faces lit with welcoming smiles.

Greg waved toward the staff. “I’d like to introduce you to…”

Yoyin shot Greg a warning expression. “Take me to my quarters,” she interrupted, refusing to acknowledge the staff.

“Yes, of course.” He led Yoyin up an elaborate staircase and to the master suite, several elegant adjacent rooms with state-of-the-art amenities.

Moments later, Michael entered her personal quarters carry
ing a trunk on each shoulder. Despite her conviction that he and Greg were asexual, she gave him a sultry gaze. With two heavy trunks hoisted on his shoulders, he was a mouth-watering sight.

“Relax, while we unpack your things,” Greg suggested. “The chef has prepared a delectable lunch.”

“Screw the chef and his stupid lunch. Get the host on the phone. I’m not impressed by any of this.” She gestured with great flourish. “This mansion is vulgar and ostentatious. Tacky!” She scrunched up her plump lips in disdain. “I came to this Godawful island, expecting multiple sex partners whom I’d personally select. The service and accommodations here are crass and crude!” Her tummy made a soft growl. “Dammit, now I’m hungry,” she admitted angrily. “Go tell that chef to serve my lunch immediately.”

“Right away.” Quickly, Michael exited.

“I’m exhausted. I’m famished. And I’m stuck in this godforsaken jungle,” Yoyin complained.

“You’re in paradise, Ms. Ayikade,” Greg said good-naturedly.

“This is not my idea of paradise,” she scoffed. “Look, I’m tired and need a nap.” She began stripping out of her clothing—something she’d never have to do for herself if Sebastian and Niklas were on hand. She waited for Greg to show an interest in the glimmering body jewelry that adorned her nipples and navel, but he appeared oblivious. She had looked forward to their treasure hunt, but there was no point in exposing her hidden jewels to a fucking eunuch!

“Let the host know that I want him to arrange a return flight at once. I’m not staying here.” She shook her head adamantly as she climbed up onto the big, cushiony bed.

“I’ll let him know.” At the sound of approaching footsteps, Greg smiled. “Ah, your lunch is here.”

Michael and Greg watched, their eyes filled with expectation as Yoyin sat up in bed, breasts exposed and nipple rings on display as she devoured a tasty lunch of roast duck with red curry sauce, honey-glazed walnut shrimp, rice, shark fin soup, and sautéed broccoli.

“This is barely palatable,” she complained, shaking her head regretfully, yet chewing enthusiastically. She sank her fork into another tender piece of the meat, closing her eyes as she savored the taste. “I’m starving,” she explained with a shrug.

“We understand,” Michael indulged.

After cleaning her plate of every morsel, Yoyin stretched and yawned. “I need a quick snooze.” She gave a wide yawn. “Make sure you take care of my return travel arrangements,” she instructed as she snuggled beneath the soft duvet.

“I’ll take care of it.”

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