Disciplined (7 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Disciplined
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He lifted her chin up and guided her pussy-coated finger to her lips. Obediently she parted her lips and licked cunt from her finger. Enjoying the taste of her slippery liquids, she sucked her finger, her slurping sounds audible in the quiet night.

The taste of her sex was tart when licked from her finger, but it was oh-so-sweet when her juices commingled with his manly flesh.

The desire to drop to her knees and suck his dick was dizzying; she twisted and groaned as her hot pussy dripped with desire.

“You’re beautiful, Yoyin.” His voice, thick with sensuality, caressed her ear. “Spread your legs for me. I want to fill you with love.”

“I don’t want love,” she blurted. “I want you to forcefully invade my cunt. Hurt me.”

“Never!” Disgust coated his tone.


“No,” he insisted. “Now spread your legs for me or ask your servants to order your plane,” he challenged.

Quickly, she separated her legs as he requested and allowed him to gently bend her over, pushing until her upper torso and head dangled perilously over the balcony railing.

Fear engulfed her. Afraid of tumbling to her death, her arms flailed. “Pull me up!” The words came out in terrified little squeaks.

“You must trust me.” He held her firmly by her thighs, bringing her ass and the open slit of her ripened fruit flush against his iron member. “I won’t hurt you, and I won’t let you fall,” he assured her as he eased his erection between her rosy pussy lips.

Her very life was in a stranger’s hands. Yet, the sense of danger served as an unusual aphrodisiac. He entered her wet and ready cunt. “Oh!” she cried. “Oh yes.” Her pussy clenched around his cock. Her body moved in small, involuntary undulations. Afraid of falling, she willed herself still. Moving even the tiniest muscle could cause a slip-up that could send her plummeting to a horrific death. “Ah!” she sighed, remaining still as if she were paralyzed. Possessing an unusual calm, she allowed the stranger to have his way with her. He punished her hot pussy with long, tender strokes.

“You’re very tight, but I won’t hurt you,” he assured her as he slid in another inch of dick.

“It’s so warm and moist, I could stay inside you forever,” he murmured as he eased his bulging erection deeper inside her moist walls. With slow, painstaking strokes, he glided in and out. Her pussy slurped and puckered in protest. This gentle fucking was driving her wild. And making her ferocious and angry. Yoyin wanted to shout at him, implore him to lash into her with his hardness, but the only sound she risked making was soft moans and gentle sighs.

Blood rushed to her head as he unhurriedly pushed his heated flesh inside her, giving her deliberate slow, rhythmic strokes. She screamed inside her head, mentally beseeching him to use his giant organ as a weapon of destruction. She craved brutality and desperately wanted her pussy pounded until the flesh was raw and swollen.

Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be able to tolerate such loving and tender strokes, but hanging in the balance and being only seconds away from a bone-crushing fatality, she bit her lip and endured the agony of an excruciatingly slow and amazingly sensual fuck.

His iron shaft increased its speed and length as it stretched inside her, pressing against her G-spot. Her cunt vibrated in response to the unexpected stimulation. She felt faint. A loud groan emanated from her lover’s throat, and at that exact moment, a rumbling sounded in the distance. Despite the blindfold that cut off her vision, Yoyin saw a flicker of fire. The light flashed so brightly that it seemed to cut through the satin fabric of her eye mask. The very heavens were ablaze as Yoyin, overly sensitive, teetered on the edge of a powerful release. The flaming sky and her lover’s roar were nearly concurrent. The volcanic eruption that occurred in the distance reverberated among the mountains
and coincided with the explosion of semen that splashed inside her shuddering walls.

“I love you!”
The words made her knees buckle. But the stranger hadn’t spoken. The only sound he emitted was a roar that accompanied her scream as they both released in passion. “I love you!” he insisted. She could feel herself becoming lightheaded. It was too much. The powerful orgasm and hearing him speak to her with his mind frightened and overwhelmed her. Feeling faint, she swayed. And then she collapsed in his arms.


ying in bed with Kina at her side, Yoyin bolted upright at the shock of cool water touching her loins. Palila, positioned at the foot of the bed, cleaned her semen-filled vagina with a cool towel. Soothingly, Kina swept strands of hair from Yoyin’s face.

Yoyin’s eyes shot to the satin blindfold on the bedside table. The red flower, taken from her hair, was placed next to the blindfold.

“What happened?”

“You fainted, madam. The
pua aloalo
was too strong for your system.”

Yoyin gawked at the woman and then shot a scornful glance at the flower. “That’s ridiculous. That flower didn’t cause me to pass out. My lover is responsible. He slaughtered me with his sex. Oh, he was magnificent.” Her eyes bounced around the room and then darted toward a long hall. “Where is he?” She smiled, envisioning her mystery man, his handsome face revealed, reclining on a mattress on the floor inside a crudely furnished room reserved for servants or other people of low status. She shivered, imagining the brute stroking his enormous manhood as he waited for her to recover and join him.

And join him, she would. She’d run to him and wallow with him in substandard conditions. How thrilling to allow the savage to degrade her. “Ah.” The sensual utterance escaped her lips. “Is he waiting for me in the servants’ quarters?”

“No, madam. He’s left the villa.” Palila spoke softly, her eyes filled with pity.

“He’s gone?” Yoyin screeched.

Palila nodded. “Yes.”

“Who gave him permission to leave? I’m not finished. I want more!” Yoyin’s voice escalated a higher pitch. Angrily, she jerked her body and slammed her opened legs closed, toppling the basin and sending soapy water splashing to the floor. “You’re such a clumsy oaf,” Yoyin exploded, accusing the petite and delicately beautiful Palila.

Unaffected by the undeserving criticism, Palila stood, her expression stoic and unflinching. “I’ll clean it at once.” Palila gave a quick head nod and exited the bedroom.

Yoyin glared at her departing shapely figure and rolled her eyes. She snatched her head toward Kina. “Who permitted him to leave?”

“Mr. Merrick granted permission, madam.” Kina cleared her throat. “Mr. Merrick has also arranged for your flight to leave in the morning.”

“Why would he be so presumptuous as to make return travel arrangements for me?” Yoyin asked sharply. “I want more time with my new plaything,” she said, child-like and sulking.

“It was at your insistence that I contacted Mr. Merrick and asked him to arrange your flight to Honolulu. Don’t you remember, madam?” Kina cut an eye at the red flower. “Perhaps the
pua aloalo
has affected your memory.”

Yoyin looked aghast. “How dare you suggest that there’s something wrong with my mind?” Yoyin stretched out a long arm and
smacked the flower off the ornately designed table, sending it sailing. The flower landed in the puddle of spilled water. “Where is that impudent servant? I want her to clean my bedchamber immediately.”

Palila returned with a several dry cloths and a plastic bag. She knelt to the floor and picked up the red flower. With a look of reverence, she handed the
pua aloalo
and the plastic bag to Kina.

Kina placed the flower inside the plastic bag and set it on the nightstand. “I’ll discard it properly and return it to the earth,” Kina assured Palila.

Yoyin sighed heavily. “What’s the big deal about that bloody flower?”

“It’s our national flower.”


“As our ancestors did, we too value and respect the Pua Aloalo. It is revered for its beauty and its many powers.”

Yoyin sucked her teeth and then laughed derisively. “Powers! What powers?” She shook her head, twisting her lips spitefully. “Rubbish! Every word you speak is pure rubbish.”

Kina looked down at Palila. The two women exchanged a meaningful glance, then Palila resumed wiping the floor until it glimmered with its original shine.

Kina grasped Yoyin’s hand. “I’m sorry, madam, but you must leave Ka-le’a in the morning. Mr. Merrick will join you on the tarmac to personally bid you a fond farewell.”

“Get that bastard on the phone. I want to have a word with him. Now!”

“It’s after midnight. Mr. Merrick cannot be disturbed.” Kina pursed her lips. “Palila and I have taken the liberty of packing your luggage. We’ll accompany you to Honolulu if you’d like.”

“Fuck you! Get out of my room. I don’t want your bloody
companionship,” Yoyin spat. Refusing to look at her companions for another second, she pulled the duvet over her head and stayed beneath the covers until she heard their retreating footsteps.
Barefoot bitches!

She tried to ignore the stab of hunger, but decided she couldn’t. Though it was three in the morning, she picked up the phone and pushed the button for the chef’s assistant.

“Greetings, madam,” Louis said pleasantly. He was lively and alert as if it were three in the afternoon.

“I’m hungry,” Yoyin stated.

“Would madam prefer a light breakfast or a heavier meal?”

Yoyin knitted her brows in thought. She’d been prepared to make a fuss and was thrown off kilter by Louis’ accommodating tone. “I don’t know what I prefer,” she said in a cross tone. “You’re the cook. Whip up something—I’m sure you have a specialty. Now, hurry! I’m famished.”

As she waited for her food, it occurred to her that though she was angry, she wasn’t experiencing the emptiness that usually followed a sexual encounter. She tilted her head to the side.
How odd.

Two knocks sounded on her bedroom door interrupted her musing. “Enter,” Yoyin said, boredom shaping her tone.

Louis entered, rolling a serving cart replete with ample storage space for wine bottles, stemware, and accessories. His spun-gold curly hair looked a bit tousled, his boyish face matured by the weary look in his eyes and the stubble on his unshaven chin. Yoyin felt an uncommon stab of compassion, realizing she’d awakened Louis and that he’d jumped out of bed to prepare her meal.
So what! That’s what he’s paid to do,
she reminded herself, frowning. Still, her heart softened.
He’s such an agreeable and cheerful chap. It’s a pity…Hey, what’s going on with me? Since when do I give a bloody crap about anyone’s feelings?

“You’re hired to serve me during this dreadful adventure,” she rationalized aloud.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “Did I offend you?”

She shrugged. “You took an awfully long time to bring my food.”

“I apologize, madam,” Louis said before rattling off what he was serving her and how it had been prepared.

There wasn’t a chance in hell she’d let him know that the salmon soufflé and sautéed vegetables looked and smelled absolutely scrumptious. Yoyin wrinkled her nose in distaste and then yawned at the end of his spiel. “Sounds very unappetizing. Take it away.” She waved her hand. “Go back to the kitchen and get me a bowl of cereal—something healthy with bran and several types of grain. And skim milk.”

“Right away.” Louis gave a tired smile, which filled Yoyin with uncharacteristic feelings of compassion.

Mustering inner steel, she added, “Make sure my cereal is topped with fresh strawberries.”

“Of course.” Louis reached for the cart.

“Leave it,” she said sharply.

The moment Louis closed the door; Yoyin pulled the cart closer, grabbed the heated plate, found a fork, and dug in. By the time Louis returned with her requested cereal, she had almost finished the soufflé. “Put it down,” she ordered him, closing her eyes dreamily as she chewed a mouthful of vegetables.

“Are you enjoying the meal?” Louis asked.

She stopped chewing and gave him a pointed look. “Whether or not I enjoy something is not your business.” She dropped the fork onto the ceramic plate, which created a loud clatter in the quiet villa. “Take it away. I’ve lost my appetite.”

“Forgive me, madam.” Louis covered the plate and prepared to leave Yoyin’s bedchamber.

“Louis,” she said softly.

He turned. “Yes?”

“Are you aware that I’m leaving the island in a few hours?”

“I am.”

She touched her chest. “Can you believe the gall of that Merrick guy?”

“It’s my understanding that madam requested to leave.”

“But I changed my mind. I told those servant girls to inform Merrick. They refused, claiming he can’t be disturbed after midnight.” Yoyin sighed. “Can you do something about this…misunderstanding?” A hint of a plea threaded through her question.

“Your travel arrangements have already been made.”

“So! Merrick’s the head honcho here—can’t he undo the damage?”

Fidgeting, Louis shifted from foot to foot. “It’s not likely.”

“What’s the big deal about canceling a bloody flight?”

Louis looked at her with sympathy. “Actually, madam, I’m quite sorry to inform you…” He looked toward the floor, swallowed and then raised his head. “Your presence is no longer welcome here.”

Yoyin choked. “You’re kidding. I’m not welcome here? You can’t be serious.” She patted her chest, eyes blinking rapidly in disbelief. “My presence is valued and highly regarded all over the world. Do you know who I am?” Green eyes aflame, she went on. “I’m the second in line to one of the largest fortunes in the world—the entire world!”

“We’re all aware of your status, madam. And perhaps it’s your sense of entitlement that has led you to disrespect our island, our customs, and our people.”

“Your island!” she scoffed. “You’re Caucasian. You’re not a native.”

“I was born and raised here.”

“Who cares? I’m not interested in your family history. Now, tell me, in what way did I disrespect your primitive customs?”

“We take great pride in our gloriously beautiful island. No other island can compare to Ka-le’a…”

She blew him off with a hand flip. “What’s so special about this…?” Trying to gather an arsenal of insulting words, she sneeringly looked toward the ceiling in thought, but could only come up with a few jumbled phrases. “This remote…this dinky, little swamp of a place?”

“If you find Ka-le’a so abhorrent, why do you want to stay?”

The room swayed slightly. Vertigo. The same dizzziness that occurred on the balcony. Louis rushed to her side. “Are you okay?”

Uncertainty shone in her wide eyes. “I’m not sure. I’m a little dizzy.”

Louis began pouring water from a pitcher on the cart. “Drink this, madam. It’s from our springs,” he informed, suggesting that the water had some sort of medicinal qualities.

Yoyin rolled her eyes at the implication but guzzled the water just the same, hoping to clear her mind and halt the onslaught of feelings, textures, sounds, smells, and flashes of light that had occurred while naked with the stranger. She relived the powerful climax that was synchronous to the mysterious volcanic eruption. That orgasm was the best and the most powerful she’d ever experienced. It was quite unbelievable, but she’d actually lost consciousness. Now, that was a bloody intense orgasm. Oh God, she could use another tryst with the stranger—one for the road. Given a chance, she was certain she could persuade the tall mystery man to dispense with the soft touches and gentle penile thrusts. She was certain she could convince him to give her the violent plundering she so desperately needed to feel fulfilled—to keep the emptiness at bay.

“I don’t want to leave,” Yoyin said with earnest. “Can you please speak to Merrick? Would you plead my case?”

“May I sit?” Yoyin gestured toward a nearby chair, which he pulled close to the bed. “What is the case you wish me to plead?”

Yoyin shrugged. “I don’t know. Make up something.”

Louis blushed. “I’m afraid I’m not a very good liar.”

“I noticed you weren’t so pious when you were slathering my cunt with cream and sauces.”

“I was doing my job—fulfilling your fantasy.”

“Why stop, now?” she asked petulantly. “I want another fantasy night with that tall, chiseled chap, but I refuse to wear a blindfold. I want to see his face.”

“Madam, you’ve shown nothing but disdain for everything and everyone from the moment you arrived on the island,” Louis said, his tone gentle. “How can you expect Mr. Merrick to grant your wish?”

Yoyin flung her hair over her shoulder and gave a smug smile. “How do you expect me to behave? I’m an heiress.”

“An ill-mannered, haughty heiress,” he said with a slight smile. “You must be respectful of our people and our customs.”

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. Now, hurry. Get him on the phone and cancel that plane.”

“Consider it done.” Louis bowed his head and rolled the cart out the door.

Smiling as she snuggled under the duvet, Yoyin fell fast asleep.

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