Discovered (12 page)

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Authors: Kim Black

BOOK: Discovered
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I opened the door to find Diana standing at my door with two cups of coffee and a plastic bag labeled ‘Regina’s Pastries.’ There was no doubt it contained my favorite pastries from the best bakery in all of the US, or at least that was
opinion. My mouth watered at the sight of the bag and the sweet smell of Hazelnut Coffee. Diana knew me all too well.

“Hey! I know it’s early but I wanted
to make sure you were doing ok, because I haven’t heard from you. I brought coffee!” she said as she brushed past me and made her way into my kitchen. “I remembered how hard it was on you after Adam. You never left the house! So I decided to check up on you.”

“Hey D
… um… this
isn’t the best time,” I whispered, following her into the kitchen as I nervously glanced at my bedroom door. “I’m kind of in the middle of something really important.”

“Uh, what’s wrong Em?” she asked, following my gaze to the bedroom
, her brows wrinkled in confusion.

I shifted from one foot to another
uncomfortably, trying to figure out how to tell her that the married man that I swore I would never speak to again was now in my bedroom, in my bed, damn near naked, after a long night of good old fashioned hot and steamy sex.
Slut much? I know!

Ewwwe… please do not tell me that you shagged some
man just because of that Julien guy.” She said as she looked at me with horror on her face. “Oh Em, he really isn’t even worth it sweety,” she said while grabbing both of my hands, her concern evident in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes, “Really Diana, you know I wouldn’t do that!” I retorted, still sneaking a glance from the corner of my
eyes at my closed bedroom door, wondering what Julien was doing all alone in

“Oh, well… thank God,” she sighed
before dropping her hold on my hands. She placed the coffees on the white kitchen island, sat on the stool, and reached into her bag of treats, pulling out a white chocolate éclair, which was my absolute favorite.

“Well…” I said, as I tried to stall the inevitable. “Julien’s here… in my room,” my eyes falling to the ground like a child caught by her parents who’d been out of town
and came home early to find some horny teenage boy deflowering their daughter. It was silly that at that moment I felt a little ashamed. I mean, I am a grown woman and I shouldn’t have to explain myself to anyone, married or not but… I was in fact… ashamed.

hat! I thought you said he was married,” she shouted, her eyes wide with disapproval.

“Shhh… yes he is married but it
’s not a real marriage, I’ll explain later.” I whispered while pulling her away from the kitchen, urging her into the living room, a few feet farther away from my room and hopefully far from Julien’s range of hearing.

“Not a real marriage? Oh, he’s playing you sweety. Can’t you see that?” she babbled
as she stared at me with saddened eyes and disappointment etched all over her face.

I didn’t really expect Diana to understand the situation, especially since I didn’t quite fully understand it myself. Diana was the good girl of the group. She was always the voice of reason and encouraged me every time I found myself in a hard spot.
She was safe and very different from Suzie. While Suzie was full of life and lived a
Carpe Diem
lifestyle, Diana was responsible and planned every aspect of her life. The three of us were completely different but loved each other something fierce.

“Can you just keep your voice down,” I urged
, but just as I said that, Julien appeared in the foyer. He was fully dressed in his sexy blue pin striped suit and matching tie, the same suit I had ordered him out of a little over twelve hours ago.
God he’s sexy!

“Hello,” he began, as he walked over to Diana, extending his
hand to her. “I believe we met briefly the other night. Nice to meet you,” he said while flashing the sexiest smile I think I’d ever seen.

No, you met Suzie, we
speak,” Diana retorted, taking his hand. She gave him a look of pure disgust which caused me to roll my eyes at her.
Having friends that care is so annoying sometimes but I had to admit that if the shoe was on the other foot, I would have behaved just the same.

, I’m leaving. I can see that you have some things to discuss…” He turned to face me and continued, “So Emily, can I call you later so we can finish our discussion?” He sounded very business-like but I guessed that he was doing that for my benefit, not wanting me to feel embarrassed that my friend was here while he was leaving my house at six thirty in the morning.

“Yeah, call me after work,” I said as I
followed him to the door. It was weird but I was sad that he was leaving, even though I knew that Diana wouldn’t leave until I explained everything to her. Still, a part of me wished he would stay.
The man is a multi-billionaire Em, with a huge corporation to run. He can’t stay in your bed all day!

When we
made it to the door, he turned around slightly and kissed my cheek softly, “Please don’t disappear again,
Mon amour

“I’m sorry about that. I should have let you explain that day.”

“No apologizes necessary just don’t t run away again!” He had a raw power in his tone and when he continued by saying, “I’ll call you later
Ma belle
,” and planted a kiss on my forehead, it sent a shudder down my spine.

I nodded and he rewarded me with his sexy smile before walking away. I stood there watching him as he headed to his black Bentley, trying to convince myself that I was just missing the sex with him but as he drove away, I realized that I just missed him.

By the time I turned around, I found Diana standing in the middle of my
living room with her arms folded across her chest. “Start explaining Em or I’m calling Suzie,” she threatened, knowing that Suzie was the last person I would want to speak to. Knowing Suzie, she would have punched Julien in the face on sight. The thought made me chuckle and shake my head.
Damn friends…

“Fine! But can I at least get a sip of my coffee first
and an éclair?” I asked, gesturing to the lonely cup of Joe gracing my white wood kitchen island, my stomach growling as if on cue.

She nodded her consent and I grabbed the cup off
of the table and took a much needed sip, the first of many for the day I was sure. I pulled out two éclairs and stuffed them both into my mouth. The beautiful treat was nearly better than sex with Julien,
. I moaned with enjoyment.

“Start talking Em,
” Diana screeched.

I lifted my hand and pointed to my mouth, indicating that my mouth was full and to give me a minute. When I finished the
éclairs, I took another swig of my coffee and walked right past Diana and headed to my bedroom, knowing she would follow. And she did.

“So?” she asked as she entered my bedroom.
She stood at the foot of my bed with her fisted hands placed firmly on her hips.

I placed the coffee on my night stand and sat on the side of the bed
. “His wife’s name is Charlette and she came by and explained everything. Apparently they got married because their parents pretty much pressured them into it. She claims that it’s only an arrangement, not a real marriage. Anyway, Julien came by my job to explain; apparently his wife hadn’t told him that she would speak to me. I’m not sure what happened, but after I spoke to Adam, I kind of just ended up inviting Julien over.”

, what? Adam? When did you speak to Adam?” Diana demanded, her voice going up a whole octave at the mention of Adam, as I knew she would be mad. What friend would want to watch their best friend go through all of that heartache all over again?

“He was waiting for me outside the restaurant,” I started, staring at my hands as I recalled the pained look on his face both before I slapped him and especially after. “He wants me back D
., he said there was more to the story and seemed so damn sincere…” I sighed. “I don’t know what to do or what to believe.”

stood there with a horrified look plastered on her face. She looked sick even as I went on to tell her everything he said and how I slapped him. When I finished, I looked up to find Diana had shed silent tears, making me stand to my feet and run over to her to offer comfort.

“Hey don’t c
ry… one conversation doesn’t change anything. Just because he said there is more to the story doesn’t quite mean that I will get back with him. Plus I have this thing with Julien and it’s amazing, terrifying and yet wonderful. I have to see that through,” I said while hugging her.

, I wasn’t exactly sure I wanted to see it through with Julien. What I wanted was sex… just sex, nothing more! A confused woman should never commit to anything or get pulled into a web of crazy when she herself had her own cob webs to deal with but I knew that reassuring Diana would ease her worrying and it did. Her stiffened body began to relax, allowing me to continue.

You don’t have to worry about me. As soon as I speak to Adam and hear what he has to say, I’ll be able to fully move on with no regr….”

cut me off, “Speak to Adam? Em you can’t!” she urged as she pulled away from me, her crystal blue eyes were wide and showing nothing but fear.

I stared at her, confused as to why
she seemed
scared at the prospect of me speaking to Adam. She was behaving as if the man had been abusive to me. It didn’t make sense. She mirrored her ghostlike look she’d had when she came by my house a little over a year ago to tell me of Adam’s affairs.
Was she reliving the moment?
As hard as it was for me to hear the sordid details from her that day, I imagined it wasn’t easy for her to be the one to tell me, but she was as loyal as they come and felt it was her duty to tell me about Adam, even if it nearly killed me.

., I know you think I can’t handle speaking to him, but I can. Don’t worry, ok?”

She nodded her head but didn’t seem convinced.
I gave her another hug, “Ok, enough worrying… I’ve got to get ready for work.”

I pulled away and ga
ve her a smile but she, although she tried, couldn’t reciprocate.

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