Discovered (16 page)

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Authors: Kim Black

BOOK: Discovered
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When I woke up that morning, I hadn’t remembered where I was. I stared at the ceiling for a full minute confused before the events of the night before hit me. It was then that I felt the warmth of Charlette’s body next to me. Everything was still blurry but one thing was for sure. I didn’t belong with Charlette. How could I have allowed myself to sleep with Charlette? This was all wrong.

She stirred in her sleep, groaning softly as she adjusted
, causing me to hold my breath, afraid that if I exhaled she would wake. I needed to get out of her place; and needed to think of a way out of this mess.

After a few moments Charlette began to snore softly and I was reassured that she was fast asleep. I gently shifted myself to the edge of her bed, wondering why such a petit
e woman would need such a monstrous bed. Thoughts of all I would have done just a few months ago in a bed like this. The amount of women that I would have entertained on it would finally top my fathers sordid sexual past.

I pushed the thought out of my head and focused on lifting myself off
of the bed, determined to make it to the door and away from the nightmare that was Charlette. I looked around for my clothes but suddenly remembered the stripping of clothes in the limo the night before, and cursed myself for being such a weak fool.
, Idiot!

Had it been Emily on that bed, I would have written a note explaining my departure
, but Charlette was no Emily. It was cruel, I know, but I could not afford to lead her on more than I had the night before. I still couldn’t explain what came over me, but what happened when we reached her home further confirmed what I already knew. I was in love with Emily!

Though my body responded to Charlette’s kiss last night, nothing I did gave me the satisfaction and fulfillment that being with Emily did. Each time I pounded into Charlette, I felt emptier and emptier. I hadn’t meant to get so rough with her
, but no matter how much I tried, it was to no avail.

Thoughts of Emily flooded my mind and no matter how much I tried to shake them off, I just couldn’t.
What was this spell she had over me?
I didn’t understand how one woman could ruin me for all others. My body was no longer my own, it belonged to her. She was its master; it yearned for her and her alone.

Though Charlette was an attractive woman underneath all that crazy, my body had already chose
n its eternal mate. When Charlette’s moans turned in to screams of a mixture of pleasure and pain after hours of savagely screwing each other, I finally gave up. I was beginning to hurt her and I knew I had to stop. I didn’t care much for the woman but I surely didn’t want to cause her pain.

I had never faked a climax before last night and hopefully it would be the last. Charlette hadn’t noticed as she cradled my body against hers as she came down from her own release. When I withdrew myself from her she flinched from the pain and I was glad I had stopped when I did. Her body had paid a grueling price; all because she was the wrong woman,
for me
. It wasn’t right! I wasn’t right!

She held me there until she drifted off to sleep and God help me; all I could think about was Emily. How in the world was I going to explain this to her? We weren’t mutually exclusive
, but nonetheless a woman like Emily wouldn’t be happy to hear of my
recent extracurricular activities
with Charlette; my
, whom had successfully convinced her of our platonic arrangement of a marriage.

I grabbed a robe from her bathroom and could help but think of my Emily and how she left my home the night after we met. Placing the white fluffy material around my body, I felt sick to my stomach that after hurting her that night, I could hurt her again. As I shot a text to my
assistant, asking her to pick me up at Charlette’s, I made a promise to myself that if Emily was to ever forgive me for my indiscretions I would never hurt her again. It was clear to me now that there was no one else for me. Though Charlette seemed to have developed some feelings for me, I would have no choice but to divorce her. It would hurt her at first, but later she would understand.

, by the time I made my way out of the maze Charlette called a house
Sylvie was waiting for me. The ride home was quiet and it gave me a chance to think about how I would deal with the women in my life. I wasn’t sure if telling Emily about last night was the best course of action. Though I didn’t want to lie her, I wondered if telling would only hurt her;
hurt us.

When I arrived
home, I informed Sylvie that I would be working from home and to forward all calls to my home office. It was already afternoon and I needed to finish working on all of the arrangements for the new hotel or my father would have my head. Tonight I would ask Emily to meet me for dinner, hopefully by then I would decide on what the next step was.
Should I tell her or should I let well enough alone and just proceed with the divorce?


When morning came I found myself alone. I wasn’t surprised given the night that Jules and I had spent together. He needed to sort through his feelings. Going from cordial enemies to married lovers in one night would make anyone’s head spin.

I had often dreamt of the night Jules and I would finally cons
ummate our marriage but nothing could have prepared me for last night. He was purely animalistic. Tugging and pulling on me as he commanded my body into submission. Though I had hoped for a more sensual experience, the way my body sung to the music of his thrusts made me come alive. Each time he thrust into me, I yelped in pleasure and pain. But I welcomed it all.

I did until this morning. My body was sore all over. Purple bruises lined my thighs where Jules had grabbed me in his hungry possession of me. I didn’t want to get out of bed, wanting to lie in the bed all day, enjoying his musky scent on the silky sheets.

After an hour, I forced myself up. I was in dire need of a hot bath. Lifting my body from the California
king size bed, I slipped my slippers on and made my way to the bathroom. As I slipped into the almost room sized hot tub, my thoughts drifted to Jules.

Last night hadn’t gone exactly how I
’d planned. I would have never guessed that Jules rude behavior would have worked out so much in my favor but as we stood in front of my limo, I could help but to kiss his soft, luscious lips. When he deepened our kiss, I felt his growing erection pressed firmly onto my stomach. We just couldn’t get enough, never breaking away as we climbed into the limo. The two of us were in great need, pulling and tugging on each other’s clothes.

By the time we got to my estate, we were practically naked. I
wore just a Victoria’s Secret black lace bra and thong set and Jules had on just his sexy boxers. His rock hard chiseled chest pressed against mine as we made our way to the door, never parting from each other’s lips. The way he kissed me definitely made me weak. It was as if he couldn’t breathe without me. After hours of hot, heated, animalistic raw love, we drifted to sleep.

I knew Jules hadn’t planned on last night happening. But there was one thing for sure; he couldn’t deny that there was fire between us. A fire
that surely Ms. Emily; could never give him.

After my bath, I felt better
, but it would take days to recover from Jules assault on my fragile body. I’d welcomed his demanding love making and looked forward to the many mornings I’d be waking up aching in the future.

Chapter Ten

“When it rains, it pours - figuratively and literally.”

John Cornyn ~


It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that I needed to clear my mind. After departing from Diana, I couldn’t stand the idea of going home to my empty house; knowing that going there would open the door to the flood gates I had been trying to keep at bay since Diana’s confession. No, I need a distraction. I needed to be free of all of the drama that is my life and lose myself in something else or rather
else. And so, I went to where my heart seemed happiest, Julien.

As I stood in front of his massive double doors, I questioned if I was making a mistake. It was selfish to use Julien for comfort every time my life was in turmoil. Not to mention that Julien had questions that I had
no answers for. But, I needed him. I needed to feel his strong hands around me; for him to send me to the heavens as he often did each time we came together.

I didn’t knock. Walking through the home I had only been in once, I was surprised that I remembered each detail. The crystal chandelier took my breath away with the day
’s light. The large windows made the space look even bigger. The sunlight that poured in made the place even more stunning. This was definitely Julien’s home; it suited him.

When I reach
ed the top of the double stairs I slowly made my way to the bedroom. Memories of all that took place in that room bombarded my mind. The pleasures I’d experienced with Julien would forever be etched into my mind. There was no doubt that no other man could ever take me to the places that he could. When I was with Julien, I was in heaven, reaching high into the sky, praying to never come down. The man was
in every way and just thinking about him moistened my panties.

As I turned the knob to open his bedroom door, Julien’s sexy French voice whispered behind me.

Mon amour
, what are you doing here?”

I spun around to find him standing in the middle of the hallway with nothing
on but a towel. His manhood was firmly erected; standing tall and proud against the white towel that hung off his sexy hips. His slip and slide bare, strong and defined chest heaved up and down as he stared at me somewhat confused. I watched as his eyes darkened, a sign that he was thoroughly aroused. The Frenchman’s beast was coming to life without as much as a word from me, let alone anything else. It was wonderful to have that kind of effect on someone.

“I need
ed… to see you,” I whispered softly while pouting my lips. I slowly made my way to him; watching as he stood there, unable to move an inch. His eyes fixated on my chest. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

When I reached his strong
, solid and masculine body, I pressed my chest against his causing him to groan softly.

“I missed you so much
Julien. Don’t you… miss me?” I asked as I traced his beautiful puckered lips with the tip of my finger before lifting my head and taking his lips with mine. At the connecting of our lips, a heated pressure overtook my body. His hands cupped both of my breasts as he broke away from our kiss; nipping and sucking at my neck while his fingers teased my erect nipples.

“I miss you night and day
Ma belle
,” he whispered when he reached my ear; his hot breath teasing my skin, causing me to shiver in such excitement, I nearly came right then and there.

He broke away from our kiss
, which caused me to whimper in disappointment. With one swift move he had me lifted and over his shoulder as we marched forward. The gesture caused me to yelp in excitement. I loved the caveman beast in him.

I assumed he would lead us into his bedroom again but this time he walked right into his office
which was surprisingly traditional. I had expected the décor to be contemporary like the rest of the home but I guess what it came down to his work room, Julien opted for the standard.

It was glorious of course with a dark wooden
wall to wall book shelf behind his desk, a stunning area rug, a pin cushion leather desk chair and dark wood paneled ceilings. It was perfect.

After he pushed the door shut with his legs, he quickly went to his desk
which was the centerpiece of the room, pushed everything off of it with his free arm, and placed me on it. It was then that I saw his completely modern entertainment center, with a huge flat screen TV which was muted on the news, and the sleek shelving. I frowned as it ruined the look and feel of the place. I wanted to ask him about it but decided against it. I wasn’t here to talk about furniture or décor. I was here because Julien had awakened a fire inside of me and it was only him that could put that fire out.

took a step back. I took in his sexy body; wanting to lick every inch of him. I could see a hesitation within him. I wasn’t sure why he seemed so… unsure. But, I needed him badly. Almost more than I needed anything else. That was the thing with Julien. His freaking passion and lust consumed me each time I was in his presence. No, there was no time for hesitation… There was only time for ecstasy!

I had never had sex in an office before but the thought of all Julien and I could do in a room like this made me wet
and a little bold. As Julien stood before me, I inched my way to the edge of the desk and slowly removed my blouse, making sure to spread my legs wide enough for him to see my exposed swollen and glistening mound beneath my short denim skirt. I wiggled free from the confinements of the shirt, allowing it to drop to the desk. When I saw him gulp, I smiled in satisfaction and gave myself a silent high-five for ditching the panties in the car and for picking out a very sexy see-through red lace bra.

His eyes skimmed all over my body. Going from my rounded chest and flat stomach until it reached what he undoubtedly
wanted most.

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