Discovery (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Discovery (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance)
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Shane drove


He had the bike for it. Almost before I blinked the powerful machine was around the corner and accelerated faster than my Corolla could hope to go even at top speed.


That’s insane, how can he go that fast? I would be so worried about falling right off that thing!


I could almost see the moment that Shane checked his mirror and realized that I couldn’t keep up. His brake light came on and he slowed to a crawl until I managed to catch up to him. Once I did he kept himself to a mere five miles about the limit, but it was almost sad to see the powerful beast kept to such a slow speed.


He led me into a neighborhood that I’d never been to before. It was heavily industrial, without much to break up the bleak shipping yards and big warehouses. Any housing or regular shops were practically non-existent.


I guessed that we were there before his bike even turned into the entrance of the big warehouse – there were a dozen motorcycles parked out in front, away from the open receiving doors. The machines were classic, driving home the fact that although the office downtown seemed ordinary, the people behind the business were anything but.


The Corolla must have looked strange pulling in beside all of the motorcycles, but I didn’t see anywhere else to park. There wasn’t much I could do about it except suck it up and let my car stick out like a sore thumb.


“This is big!” I said once I got out and walked up to Shane. “A lot bigger than I was picturing.”


Shane spared a critical look at the building. “It’s big enough for what we use it for, but nothing special. I still think we should have expanded a little; we have to pass up on some business here and there because we don’t have the capacity, but that’s not my decision to make.”


Not his decision? I thought he was the boss!


“If it isn’t your decision, whose is it?” I asked.


I could tell I had put Shane in a spot that he hadn’t wanted to be. He brushed back his hair as he grimaced.


“Look, Jackie, I should tell you something. Probably should have told you before I offered you the job, but I didn’t think it really had any bearing on what you have to do.” He leaned back against his bike, sitting sideways on the seat as he looked as my face as though gauging the likelihood of me freaking out at his next words. “The business isn’t directly mine, I just manage it. The true owner is the Restless Motorcycle Club, which I’m a member of.”


I had already known that. I’d wondered how I was going to keep it from being completely obvious since I was such a terrible actress, but luckily it was still a shock hearing it straight from Shane and I was able to use that to my advantage. It seemed so much more real standing here right in front of the warehouse, with bikes all around. Shane was so much more in his element here; the office had never seemed to suit him.


“Wow,” I said. “What does that mean? Am I a criminal now?” It was a serious concern of mine once I had been blackmailed the day before. If a criminal element was running the business, was I complicit in that even if I didn’t do anything directly illegal?


Shane chuckled. “Oh no, Jackie, nothing like that. That’s why I didn’t even really want to tell you, because it shouldn’t be a big deal. I really did just hire you to help out with the shipping business. It’s a fully-fledged, legitimate business and it needs another set of hands to look after operations now that it’s growing on its own. I’ve tried to convince the club that we should go completely legit, but they won’t hear it. That’s not ‘outlaw’ enough for them.”


“That’s stupid,” I said. “Why would you want to give people a reason to go after you if you don’t have to?”

He gave me an odd look.


Oh, right, I shouldn’t really know that there’s anyone after them!


“I mean, I’m assuming you have someone after you. Isn’t that part of the territory? I don’t really know anything about motorcycle clubs except for the random hearsay here and there.”


“I guess that’s fair,” Shane said. “But enough of all that, how about I show you the inside of the warehouse. It’s turned into our de facto clubhouse as well, since it didn’t make sense to have too many different places to split our time between.”


He led me through a couple doors that had a magnetic card reader. The inside of the entrance didn’t let into the big open warehouse itself, but a small reception area that didn’t look like anyone ever spent any time inside.


“The clubhouse is through there,” Shane said, pointing through one set of doors with another card reader. “I don’t want to show you right now since there will be tons of the men in there and I’m a little afraid of how they’ll treat such an innocent young woman.”


And why did my insides give that excited little flip at the thought?
I was turning into a floozy!


We took a set of stairs behind another door, which opened into an office area that had an entire bank of windows along one wall that looked out over the warehouse floor.


Stacks of boxes and crates and pallets of things were carefully placed in marked out rows on the floor. A few forklifts were speeding around, carrying things and loading a couple of eighteen-wheelers that sat outside the loading doors.


“Whoa,” I said. “It’s huge! And there’s so much more stuff than I thought there would be!”


“As I said, we’ve done really well,” Shane said. “Only about fifteen percent of the stuff down there is related to official club business. That’s the side of things that you will never learn about, and you shouldn’t ever ask questions about if you know what’s good for you. The rest of the stuff are things that we are shipping for our clients.”


I heard the warning underneath the words, and wished that I wasn’t in a position where I might have to test the conviction behind them. There was the rock that was the mysterious organization that had threatened me, and the hard place that was Shane and the motorcycle club. I was caught squarely in between them.


“Let me show you the other rooms,” Shane said as he headed to the back of the office. “As I mentioned, you’ll be working here a fair bit so I want you to be familiar with everything.”


He opened a door for me and gestured me through. When I saw it, I stopped dead.


A desk was set against the far wall, and there was a small bed alongside the nearest. Something about the set up sent shivers through my body. “Is this…?” I started, trying to remember where I had seen something like this before.


My dream!


The thought sent a shiver through me, as I remembered exactly what had happened in that dream. I turned to look at Shane – and found that he was standing right behind me, close enough to sniff my hair.


I caught my balance by placing my hands on his chest. His strong, firm chest.


Uh oh.
I was thrown by the uncanny foreshadowing of my dream, caught up in the haze of being around Shane all day, sneaking glances, seeing his gorgeous face. Now he stood right in front of me in his bedroom, our lips separated by mere inches.


I looked into his eyes, down at his lips, and back up again.


Oh yes.



Our lips met, hungry for each other.


I gasped for breath soon afterward, and in the pause he looked at me with his passionate eyes. The look that said he wanted me, and that I had only one choice: submit.


We rushed back together, and this time our hands went everywhere. He tugged at the roots of my hair while his other hand slid down my back. My own wrapped around him, never tiring of the feeling of the hard muscles underneath the premium fabrics.


“Oh god,” I said as his lips left mine and traveled down my neck. “Yes, Shane.”


My hands helped his clothes fall from his body, seeking flesh. In seemingly no time at all, we were down to our underwear. I had worn my sexiest lingerie today – okay, the sexiest lingerie I could borrow from Stacey that fit my larger body. The way his eyes lit and he stared at my body on display for him made me glad I had gone to the trouble. The matching set of light pink bra and panties were luxuriously soft and silky, and they had contributed to my arousal all day by containing and rubbing against my most private parts every time I had moved.


Shane looked as stunning as usual, his hard body able to substitute as an underwear model if he had wanted to. The way his manhood filled his boxer briefs had my mouth watering. I hadn’t had a chance to taste him yesterday, a slight that I was keen to rectify.


“Jackie, you look incredible,” he said. “I want you to get on your knees for me.”


Those were the magic words. The throb-inducing, submissive-forming words. I sank to the rough carpet, déjà vu from my dream streaming in full force. I looked up at him with as innocent of an expression as I could muster. “Yes, sir.”


He groaned, and I could see a visible throb in his underwear at my subservience. “Take out my cock.”


There was nothing I wanted more in that moment. I reached inside his waistband and wrapped my hand around his thickness, and the meaty flesh felt so right in my grasp.


I slowly moved my hand up and down his shaft as he kicked off the underwear, but he hadn’t given any further instruction so I didn’t move any further than I already had. I licked my lips as I looked at his shaft, filling rapidly with blood until it was as hard as it could get. It was even more impressive having a chance to look at it up close than I had seen the day before.


“Use your mouth.”


I moaned as it touched my lips, the taste manly but clean. There was no way I had as much experience as the women he was used to sleeping with, but I tried to make up for it with enthusiasm, bobbing my head up and down on his shaft the way the porn stars did in the few pornos I had seen.


Despite my insecurity, I must have been doing something right. Shane groaned, and I looked up to catch him staring intently down at where I was working on his cock. I held his eyes as best I could, even when my own started to water.


Here is power.
I have never been with a man like Shane before. He embodied power, both as a result of his muscled body but also in the way that he carried himself and interacted with everyone around him, including myself. Here on my knees, I knew that I had more control over him than I ever could on my feet, and it was a heady feeling. I was the one directly giving him pleasure, and I could withhold it if I wanted to. My eyes were opened to a whole new world.


His cock throbbed in my mouth, and I could sense that he was close. I sped my pace, but he pulled his hips away so that his member left my lips.


“Come here,” he said roughly, his voice gravelly. He helped me to my feet, and pulled me against him. His lips captured mine for a moment, our tongues dancing before he pulled away again. “That was incredible. I wish I’d had the patience to experience that last night, I didn’t know what I was missing out on.”


Pride swelled inside of me, but even that was trumped with arousal. I could feel his cock pressed against my stomach, hard as steel, and I wanted it in me one way or another.


“Thank you, I love making you feel good.” Then, because I loved the way it sounded and it just felt right, I cheekily added, “Sir.”


Like I had flipped a switch the dominant, alpha side of Shane came back to the fore. “Stand at the foot of the bed.”


I obeyed, walking to the end of the bed and standing there, looking back at the biker.


“Look forward,” he said, following behind me.


His hands rose to my back, and unclipped my bra. I helped him slide it off my arms, baring my ample chest. He cupped the globes of flesh from behind, lifting them and making me moan as he quickly tweaked my nipples.


His attention lowered, and his hand on my back pushed me down until I was forced to place my hands on the bed to keep my balance. My ass was thrust backwards to him, and a quick peek backward showed that he knelt down behind me as his fingers hooked into my panties and started to slide them down.


Even though he had already seen me the day before and appeared to approve, I couldn’t help but feel exposed and on display as Shane looked at me from mere inches away and in much better lighting than the office.


My apprehension nearly crippled me, begging me to jump away and disobey him. Then his lips made contact with mine, and all thoughts of running away fled my mind.


“Oh Shane!”


His mouth sucked on my lips as his tongue played through my folds, tasting me and teasing me, heating me beyond belief. His skill was miles beyond anything I had felt before, and it was all I could do to keep on my feet as he played my body like a virtuoso flaunting his skill on the piano.


“Uh, right there, sir,” I said, reverting to the teasing nickname as though it was natural, grateful at his attention and thirsty for more. “I’m going to come if you keep that up!”


Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, his finger entered me and curled downward against my inner wall, stroking deeply and slowly as his tongue continued to gently stimulate my clit.


The combination was incredible, and it finally brought me to my knees as I collapsed forward onto the bed. It wasn’t a long drop, and Shane rode me all the way down, staying with me through my climax, extending it, intensifying it, and gently bringing me down off the peak.


My chests heaved, and the scent of my arousal was unavoidable as I rolled onto my back on the bed, drained but not yet satisfied.


Shane climbed on top of me, his strong body pinning me to the bed. It felt incredible to be at his mercy, completely under his control. I felt his manhood, still completely stiff, come to a rest against my stomach as he leaned down to kiss me.


My own juices were still on his lips and his cheeks, and to my surprise I found that I didn’t mind. I’d never let a man kiss me after going down on me before, but there was no way that I could deny Shane after he had made me feel like that.


“Wow,” I said, unable to think of anything else to say.


“I hope you aren’t too wiped out to continue,” he said in that sexy low rumble. “I had other plans for you than just that bit of fun.”


“Oh?” I asked. “You can’t tire me out that easily. Whatever you have in mind, I’m ready for it.”


He smiled and reached down to rub his cock against my lips, searching for entry.


“Wait!” I said. Shane looked at me questioningly. “What about a condom?”


He growled, and rolled off me without hesitation. “I had to have you so badly that I forgot.”


I missed him while he was gone, the feeling of his body on top of mine. Within moments he had returned, and we resumed exactly where we had left off.


“Ready?” he asked, and on my hesitant nod he sank into me.


It was heaven.


Maybe it was the foreplay, but it felt even better than the day before. My womanhood welcomed him in, and we meshed as though we belonged together. He reached deep within me, to the point where it felt as though nothing could possibly go any deeper. He touched parts of me that had never been reached before, and I wrapped my legs around his trim waist to pull him against me and still his hips so that I could adjust to the feeling.


“Shane, your cock feels amazing inside of me,” I said. “It’s perfect.”


He kissed me hard on the mouth. “You are incredible wrapped around me.”


I loosened my grip on him, and he started to shift his hips up and down to bring that sweet friction between us and take us higher.


“Oh fuck yes,” I said. “Please fuck me, sir. I need you to take control of me.”


The only response was a groan, and he grabbed my hands and brought them above my head, pinning them there with one hand while he held himself up with the other. The position flexed his muscles and I marveled at his powerful, built body and how I had come to be blessed enough to have it at my disposal.


There was no more thought, only action and reaction and sensory overload as Shane ravaged me. Unable to move my hands, I encouraged him with my legs and thighs, drawing him into me over and over again, building each other to new heights.


His dark eyes stared into mine before he captured my mouth again. I lost myself in the sensation, swimming in a sea of ice and fire.


“Yes, Shane, don’t stop!” I screamed out as everything came together to push me over the edge again. “Oh, fuck!”


With a grunt and a groan, Shane sped his hips, slamming into me for a few more strokes before burying himself and holding still, letting me feel the pulsing of his member as he reached his own apex.


He released my wrists and settled more fully on top of me. It was strangely comforting, like he was protecting, shielding and warming me with his own body. We lay like that for a long time, lost in the post-orgasmic bliss that overcame us.


His finger traced idly on my shoulder, barely touching, just enough to raise little bumps on my skin.


I have to say something, how do I connect with him?


I opened my mouth, but before I could speak Shane’ phone rang.

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